Chapter 54 The Lost Ning Rongrong
Ning Rongrong's beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned, and she laughed in her heart: It's really a bunch of fallacies, and it's the best soul master. Your disciple was tied up when he went to the brothel during the day without paying. You must not know it, maybe you paid it. money.

What kind of battlefield can this be related to the battlefield?None of the teachers in the academy are above Soul King and Soul Emperor, but the academy is so poor. Isn't it because you teachers are afraid of death and are unwilling to accept imperial titles or join any forces, so that's why you are hiding here?Who would believe that I like to be free?You may be the fastest ones on the battlefield, and only Dai Mubai doesn't know why he believed your words and introduced us to us about the affairs of these colleges with a look of compliment.Okay, okay, you are right.

Ning Rongrong smiled beautifully, innocently and harmlessly, "Dean Flanders said it well, he is indeed a strong man in the legend. Should I die?"

Flanders was stunned, holding a letter in his hand. Didn't the letter say that she was lawless?

Without Ning Fengzhi's consent, how could I, Flanders, dare?

Flanders turned around and smiled sinisterly: "No need to die, pack your things and get out. Just because your father is not willing to educate you doesn't mean that I am not willing to give up. You are not my daughter. In my eyes, no one here is better than you." .”

Ning Rongrong was dissatisfied when he heard this. If nothing else, would I be worse than Flanders, your fat disciple?

After all, Ning Rongrong was the most gifted genius in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect in hundreds of years. She was also the only one who had the chance to become the Eight Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda according to her father. This would be such an arrogant and terrifying thing.

"Yes, I am worse than them, but not including them." Ning Rongrong pointed and said.

Flanders was stunned again. He still had something to say. Why did this man become half-cowarded again?

However, Flanders still said coldly: "You are impetuous and proud, and you think too highly of yourself. Even your father will not think that you are the best in the world. If you don't have an excellent partner, even an ordinary soul master can defeat him." kill.

As for your character, do you think you can find a partner who can support you?They are all stronger than you, and they all have the possibility to survive on the battlefield, but you are just cannon fodder. "

Xiao Wu almost didn't hold her breath. It would be easy to survive if she ran away without fighting.

Flanders pointed at Dai Yubai and said: "He is 15 years old, a level 37 battle soul master, born with double pupils, and has the appearance of a king.

The ratio of soul rings is also outstanding, with two hundred-year soul rings and one thousand-year soul ring.

He reached Soul Master at the age of 13. You ask yourself, can you do it at the age of 13? "

Ning Rongrong was speechless, why not? My aunt is only 12 years old this year, so 13 and a half years old can be considered 13 years old. She still can't advance to level [-] in more than a year?I'm afraid I won't be able to get promoted in a shitty school like yours.

"Tang San is 12 years old and level 29, but his overall strength can compete with Zhao Wuji. Although Zhao Wuji does not use his full strength, you should know whether his talent is higher than yours."

Flanders looked at Ma Hongjun gently and said: "He is about the same age as Tang San. He joined Shrek at the age of 11. He is a top mutant martial spirit. Although the martial spirit has flaws, there are several beast martial arts spirits in the mainland that can compare with him. Fuck him."

Flanders's eyes were filled with pride.

"Zhu Zhuqing, why did you come to Shrek Academy?" At this time, Flanders said to Zhuqing again.

Zhuqing was confused, why are you talking about me? I just want to see how Rongrong responds. I just came to Shrek Academy to practice in peace, and you can't make me stronger.

However, Zhuqing still said coldly: "Make yourself stronger."

Flanders said with satisfaction: "The school arranges courses, what will you do?"

Zhuqing said coldly again: "As long as it is a course that is useful and beneficial to me, I will not hesitate to implement it." Ning Rongrong followed up and said: "As long as it is a training that is useful to me, I will not hesitate to implement it."

Flender's eyes narrowed and he heard the meaning of this sentence. Ning Rongrong thought that his training was ineffective.

How could the training of my dignified Soul Saint be ineffective? I had recruited 62 monsters before, and the few who graduated were all strong.

"Oscar, it was under my training that he achieved such an achievement." Flanders said proudly to Ning Rongrong.

"What kind of talent does Oscar have?" Cheng Rou asked doubtfully.

Flanders looked at Cheng Rou. The registration information said that he came from a hidden family. Hidden families always have strong people, even titled Douluo, who are not easy to mess with.

"Even I am amazed by his talent. His talent is even higher than that of Dai Yubai.

He is an innate food-type martial soul with full soul power. His future achievements are limitless, and he may even replace your Seven Treasure Glazed Sect's position as an auxiliary soul master.

You don’t have to believe my words, but I clearly tell you that this is possible. "

Cheng Rou suppressed a smile. Although she was shocked by Oscar's talent, the auxiliary martial spirits with innate soul power were indeed more difficult to appear than other martial souls with innate soul power.

But there is no need to talk about the joke of replacing the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. If you can establish a small family, let's talk about replacing the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. However, if you become a small family and dare to say such things, it is estimated that it will not be long. After disappearing from the mainland, Ning Fengzhi was not as kind a person as he appeared to be.

However, if he continues to train in such an academy, will Oscar really have a future?
Oscar is 14 years old and is level 29. If there is no mimicry training environment, it will take a lot of time to improve his level in the future, not to mention that his martial spirit is the most difficult food-based martial spirit to cultivate.

At the age of 34, Qin Ming became the second youngest Soul Emperor in the mainland according to the records of the Wuhun Palace. Oscar was probably in his 30s if he wanted to become the Soul Emperor, let alone become a titled Douluo who was far away.

At least he must first join a big force that values ​​him and is willing to find the best configuration of soul rings for him. Such the best force is of course Wuhun Palace. After all, most of the titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace are typical examples of civilians who have successfully cultivated.As for the other major forces, they are all aristocratic sects. Oscar's identity as a commoner would probably make it difficult for him to stand out in the struggle between the aristocrats.

Of course, in the original work, the Shreks who took the grass jelly all became Soul Emperors around the age of 20.

This also directly confirmed the importance of fairy grass to them, directly shortened their more than ten years of hard training, and made them become the peerless geniuses of Douluo Continent.Later, because the fairy grass gave them a major change in their talents, they became the favorites in the Poseidon assessment.

This also reflects Douluo's fantasy sewer combat power.

Ning Rongrong was a little shocked. She herself was a top-notch ninth-level soul power, but that wretched Oscar actually had such a talent.

With such a talent, you still have to hang out at Shrek. Have you ever doubted the quality of Shrek's teaching?
There may be something wrong with Oscar's head. It's obviously Oscar's talent rather than his good teaching from Flanders.

"Rongrong, you are actually very good and hardworking. At least you were still meditating and practicing while I was sleeping." Xiao Wu stood up and comforted Ning Rongrong, who was still in a daze, "You are my partner. "


Please give me your praise and support from the veterans, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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