Chapter 55 Shrek Civil War ([-])

Xiao Wu's support made Rong Rong feel a little warm in his heart.

"Well, Xiao Wu, thank you."

"But I want to be alone."

Rongrong walked towards the dormitory in despair.

Ning Rongrong was still shocked when everyone's talents were directly highlighted. She always felt that Xiao Wu and the other girls were not easy.

From the moment she defeated Zhao Wuji, her inner pride began to falter a little bit.

As for the four boys, except for Tang San's strange battle with Zhao Wuji that day, she was really shocked.Those weird small weapons were so powerful that they actually threatened the powerful Soul Saint, causing Zhao Wuji to suffer a lot.

As for the other three boys, Ning Rongrong didn't really take it seriously. As the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, would she really think she was inferior?Does she really think she has never seen a genius?

Watching Ning Rongrong leave after suffering a loss, Dai Yubai praised the dean's spirit of not fearing power. Even if the masters of the two empires met the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, they were still polite.

However, what Dai Yubai didn't know was that if Flanders didn't have that letter in his arms, which could be used as a gold medal to avoid death, he wouldn't have dared to do this.

But the goal was achieved, even the master of Qibao Glazed Sect dared to scold him. Flanders must be more majestic in the eyes of these little guys.

When Flanders saw Ning Rongrong leaving, he didn't say anything. Instead, he secretly signaled to Dai Yubai to go find Oscar and ask Oscar to comfort Ning Rongrong.

Flanders then said to everyone with a serious face: "You have also seen the fate of Ning Rongrong and Oscar. This is what happens if you don't follow the school rules. If you want to stay here, you must abide by the college rules and do well every time. A lesson where my word is a command.

Now, let’s begin your first class.If you don't do well, don't blame me for punishing you. "

Su Chen, who came and went without a trace, stood aside in admiration.

Don't you just want to use these students to go to the Soul Arena to make money?You bet, and then give the money to your disciples to go to the brothel. If you lose money, you will be punished...

Flanders took the lead and led everyone to Soto City.

Cheng Rou entered Soto City and made some guesses: The training in the evening was about fighting souls, which happened to correspond to the college's style of encouraging gambling, otherwise there would be no place for classes.

Xiao Wu looked around at Soto City at night. It was full of fireworks and even more lively than during the day.

But when Xiao Wu turned around and saw Ma Hongjun's sneaky eyes, Xiao Wu became numb.

Ma Hongjun's eyes flicked from side to side, staring at all the female compatriots passing by on the street. From the age of 6 to 60, he did not let them go. His eyes even wandered around the most distinctive parts of women.

And when Ma Hongjun sees the plump target, he will swallow his saliva.
That's terrible. Is this really a student?Not a robber and pervert?Xiao Wu saw this scene clearly and was worried about what to do with Tu Zhi's purity.

Xiao Wu also signaled to Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou next to her, and the two women also saw this scene.

Ma Hongjun's attention was focused on the women on the street, and he didn't notice the gazes of the women at all, who had already discovered his behavior.

Seeing Ma Hongjun's appearance, the cold Zhuqing was once again disappointed with Shrek.

Cheng Rou felt that people like Ma Hongjun should be the same kind of people as the nobles who wanted to possess her, but at this time, Ma Hongjun did not have that kind of superior status, otherwise he would definitely be worse.


Sure enough, in a tea shop, Flender revealed that today's training venue was the Soto City Great Soul Arena.

"Dean, I thought the first class was to have tea in a teahouse."

Xiao Wu drank the cheapest tea ordered by Flanders and felt a little disappointed.

Cheng Rou already understood that the dean was no different from what she had guessed. Is it really good for the new students to be trained in the Soul Arena without teaching anything?
The battle in the Soul Arena is not up to Flender. No one will show mercy. If he is accidentally injured, what will happen to the future courses?
It's not likely that the academy would be willing to spend money to hire a healing spirit master to treat the injured.Isn't this because they want us to get the Silver Fighting Soul Badge early and then use us to bet?

No wonder the graduation rate is so low and the food provided to students is so poor that there is no nutrition for students in such a developmental stage.

Moreover, this kind of actual combat training will occasionally leave some hidden injuries. Without nutrition and recuperation, it will also affect the talent and progress of future cultivation.Shrek Academy indeed has a big problem...

After Flanders proudly introduced the importance and significance of the Soul Arena to soul masters, Xiao Wu also felt that there was indeed a problem with the academy's teaching.

Your Shrek teaching is to gain practical experience in the Soul Arena, so why should I, Xiao Wu, come to study with you at Shrek?

Zhuqing is also a little confused, is that all?

Zhuqing had participated in soul fighting under other identities before, and was no stranger to soul fighting, but he didn't expect that the college teacher would bring new students to class right after the semester started?

Zhuqing wants to leave Shrek Academy more and more. She feels that studying in Shrek Academy is meaningless. She can't practice well and has to be restrained.

Except that Xiao Wu and Cheng Rou made her curious and wanted to know more about them.

Soon, everyone paid 10 registration gold coins and filled out the form information.

At the same time, the staff also conducted a soul power level test on everyone. Cheng Rou naturally would not panic. Her martial soul could perfectly conceal her soul power level.

The staff did not neglect them because they were young, and quickly completed the registration for everyone.

Eight people were assigned to a soul-splitting arena, but due to different levels, the matched opponents were also different.

Xiao Wu also learned that new soul masters like them who joined the soul fight could get 10 gold coins if they won a game, and she was very happy.

If you have money, you can buy more beautiful clothes^-^.

Soon, under the loud introduction of a host, Xiao Wu appeared on the stage.

Standing on the soul fighting stage, Xiao Wu found that both her opponents and the audience watching the game were questioning her?

"Impossible. How old is this girl? Why did she come to participate in the soul fight?"

"Little girl, have you come to the wrong place? Go home quickly." Xiao Wu's opponent also started to joke, but he was actually very happy inside because he won this game and it was his fourth consecutive victory.

If you have more than five consecutive wins, then the points awarded for each win are no longer one point.

"Stop talking nonsense and light up your martial spirit quickly, otherwise you will lose."

Xiao Wu frowned and twisted her slender waist.

But Xiao Wu's opponent remained indifferent and even thought about how to make this little girl lose with dignity.

"I want to get gold soul coins to buy clothes." Xiao Wu said innocently and innocently.

After saying that, Xiao Wu tapped her toes and moved quickly, the distance between the two of them shortening rapidly.

Two soul rings appeared under Xiao Wu. At this moment, everyone finally knew that Xiao Wu was a true soul master. Before the man could react, he was taken away by Xiao Wu with a punch.

The audience was shocked and in disbelief.

The host also reacted from his surprise and said loudly: "War Soul Master Xiao Wu wins. Please ask Master Xiao Wu to come down and register the points."

Xiao Wu left quickly, feeling happy that the money came so easily.

And the next one turned out to be a duel between Zhuqing and Tang San, a civil war in the academy! !
Zhuqing did not look at Tang San because of this, but walked directly to the soul fighting passage and entered the arena.

"Brother, be gentle." Dai Yubai put his hand on Tang San's shoulder and said solemnly.

Tang San naturally understood what Dai Yubai meant, "Good brother, don't worry, I understand."


(End of this chapter)

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