Chapter 56 Shrek Civil War ([-])
Two small children appeared on the soul fighting stage to participate in the battle. After the audience saw it, they started to look forward to it because of Xiao Wu's performance, and they cheered...

Seeing the ordinary boy Tang San on the other side of the ring, who looked courteous and humble, Zhuqing didn't waste any words, and directly possessed his martial spirit. His eyes began to change color, and he had a pair of cute cat ears on his head.

Zhu Qing looked at Tang San coldly, as if looking at prey caught in a net.

It wasn't until this moment that Tang San felt an inexplicable invisible pressure envelope him.

But Tang San immediately put this pressure behind him and thought clearly about his own advantages. The control system was already stronger than the agility and attack systems, and the level was higher than hers, so what was there to be afraid of?

Tang San didn't hesitate at all, he made the first move and directly released the Bluesilver Grass towards the arena.

Tang San believed that with the toughness of the blue silver grass, as long as Zhu Zhuqing was tied up, she would lose, and she could also share the touch through the blue silver grass, getting the best of both worlds.

Under Tang San's control, numerous Blue Silver Grass began to surround Zhuqing.

Facing the incoming Blue Silver Grass, Zhuqing nimbly dodged and disappeared quickly.

Tang San's expression changed slightly, and Zhu Zhuqing actually jumped lightly on his blue silver grass and rushed towards him.

Tang San was shocked by Zhu Qing's actions, and quickly used his Purple Demon Eyes, trying to see through Zhu Qing's next movements.

With the help of the Purple Demon Eyes, Tang San's eyes became confident.

In the blink of an eye, Zhuqing arrived.

Tang San used Ghost Shadow to move sideways to avoid Zhu Qing's first wave of attacks, and used the blue silver grass to directly bind Zhu Qing.

But this seems to have fallen into Zhuqing's trap.

Zhuqing once again used the Blue Silver Grass to change direction and attacked Tang San at a faster speed, pointing the sharp claws in his hands directly at Tang San's eyes.

A feeling of death came directly to him, Tang San couldn't react in time and could only watch helplessly, but fortunately the sharp claws stopped in front of his eyes.

The battle ended in a very short time, and Tang San was even stunned.

The blue silver entanglement of Tang San Bai Ling's Conquest of All Heavens has not yet been shouted out, and there is even no chance to use various Tang Sect's secret skills, which shows how humiliating the loss is.

He couldn't believe that this girl seemed to have read through his thoughts and calculated his next move.

And her ability to move around with objects is no worse than that of a ghost.

"I lost." Tang San finally couldn't say these words.

After the host announced the results, Zhuqing turned around and walked towards the passage without any nostalgia.

Tang San also stood up and walked towards another passage. He was thinking about the defeat of this battle and the shadow of death...

"You are much stronger than I thought, Zhuqing." Cheng Rou, who was already waiting for her at the entrance of the passage, said with a smile.

"Yes, Zhuqing, I didn't expect Tang Xiaosan to be defeated by you so easily." Xiao Wu also felt inexplicable joy.

"He underestimated me, that's why he lost so quickly." Zhuqing said with a less cold expression.

At the other entrance of the passage, Dai Yubai looked at Tang San who came out and said with admiration: "Xiao San, thank you. I didn't expect you to give me such great honor. Good brothers for life."

Dai Yubai naturally didn't believe that Tang San would lose so easily. He had competed with Tang San before, and this was a man he recognized.

Tang San glanced at Dai Yubai, feeling a little helpless, and found a quiet corner to sit down.

Although Zhuqing Chengrou was not interested in soul fighting, it was an academy course, so he had no choice but to participate.

Cheng Rou's one-on-one battle began.

"I didn't expect your opponent to be that disgusting guy Dai Yubai. Her beautiful eyes blinked and she looked at Dai Yubai not far away with some disgust.

"It's okay, it will be over soon." Cheng Rou responded confidently.

"Ah, he is level 37, several levels higher than you." Xiao Wu was surprised.

Cheng Rou smiled slightly, entered the soul fighting passage with a stunning back, and walked onto the ring.

"Sister Cheng Rou, I will be very gentle. If you lose, tell me in advance." Dai Yubai's eyes flashed with blue light, and he could finally have a good conversation with his junior sister. This will be an important step in development.

Cheng Rou ignored it and still smiled slightly.

Dai Yubai said this, but he had already completed the possession of the martial soul and used his first soul skill, the White Tiger Body Shield.

Dai Yubai quickly attacked Cheng Rou, hoping to fight Cheng Rou in close combat and end the battle quickly with his own advantage.

However, Cheng Rou had seen through this a long time ago. She was still so calm and elegant, holding the sword in her hand, her movements were graceful, slow and seemingly very fast, and she directly struck several flying slashes.This kind of slashing attack was an additional characteristic of her martial soul when she reached level 30 and became a third-ringed soul master.

She was actually able to actively control the movement of the soul power in her body and execute external slashes.

Cheng Rou even used the soul power's movement route to create this soul skill.

Dai Yubai looked at the direct attack and seemed to have forgotten that he was a soul master, not a strong soul saint like Zhao Wuji.

Choosing to directly block with his arms, he was very confident in his defense (ε).

However, two blood stains spread from his arm, and a feeling of pain came.

"how is this possible."

Dai Yubai knelt directly on the ground with a look of disbelief.

When he was shocked and doubtful, Cheng Rou did not miss this opportunity and came with a sword, pointing at his head.

"I lost, thank you for showing mercy." Dai Yubai understood that he had lost, a complete defeat. How could he not keep an eye on his opponent during the battle.

Cheng Rou looked relaxed and didn't even use her soul ring. Dai Yubai wondered if this was a legendary self-created soul skill? ? ?

Dai Yubai walked towards the passage in despair. He didn't understand why there was such a genius. Even at the age of 12, his soul power level was high, and he could create his own soul skills.

He had never heard of such a person, but today he saw such a person.

The audience started calling Cheng Rou's name just like they had called Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing's names before...

"Boss Dai, you didn't even give up your points just to pick up girls, I admire you." Ma Hongjun walked over at this time with a flattering look on his face.

Dai Yubai ignored Ma Hongjun, glanced at Tang San, walked to Tang San's position and sat down like Tang San to think hard about the reason.

"I never thought that the battle between soul masters would end so easily. You are stronger than I thought." Zhu Qing looked at Cheng Rou, serious and excited.

It's a feeling of finding a kindred spirit.

"Yes, Sister Cheng Rou, you are so powerful." Xiao Wu was also shocked. She only gained such strength because of Brother Su Chen's help. Without Brother Su Chen's help, she would definitely not be able to defeat Dai Yubai.

"We are not bad, right?" Cheng Rou suddenly said to Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing inexplicably.


Outside the Great Soul Arena, Shrek and the others, who had finished the soul battle, were preparing to return to the academy, but they found that the dean who came with them was missing.

"The dean told me that I can go back to the academy after the soul battle is over. I don't have to wait for him." Dai Yubai explained to several people.

Ma Hongjun, who was on the side, rolled his eyes and said excitedly: "Well, the dean asked me to go to his side first. You can go first."

"Get out of here." Dai Yubai said angrily.

Ma Hongjun heard that Boss Dai's tone was wrong. He didn't usually act like this.

"Boss Dai, aren't you going? Didn't you say that women are not counted as human beings when calculating resources?" Ma Hongjun realized later.

As soon as several girls heard this, they felt that this was the greatest insult to their women.

The three girls no longer want to be with these male classmates.No longer staying, I left directly and started buying snacks on the dimly lit street.

When Dai Yubai saw this, he didn't even have time to defend himself. He glared at Ma Hongjun with anger in his eyes.

But Ma Hongjun didn't dare to get angry with Dai Yubai, so he could only leave in despair.

Tang San saw that Xiao Wu was still so far away from him, thinking that the relationship between the two would get closer after spending time together, and felt disappointed.

Tang San and Dai Yubai sighed at the same time, their beauty and self-esteem were lost today, alas╯﹏╰


ps, I recently saw some bad reviews for this book. Well, how should I put it? If you don’t like it, you don’t need to read AI. If it’s great, just write it yourself.

I also write books for the sake of my feelings. As for the income I get, it currently amounts to one meal a day.

You spend several hours typing every day to think of the plot and study the original work, and you finish it in a few minutes.

Well, we work hard but have no profit, so I don’t feel angry about it.Share it with those who need it, that's all.If you support it, you can vote, if you don't support it, you can watch it for free.

(End of this chapter)

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