Chapter 57

At the door of Shrek Academy, Rongrong had a smile on his face, as if he was enjoying the spring breeze. He didn't look sad when he was being educated before.

She was sitting on a big rock, swaying her feet. Under the moonlight, she looked intoxicated, which made people yearn for it.

Next to her, Oscar's eyes showed unwillingness to be lonely. Maybe he suffered a loss from Ning Rongrong.

In Rongrong's field of vision, Xiao Wu and the others who returned from attending classes at an unknown place in the evening appeared.

"Rongrong, why are you here? I brought you food." Xiao Wu shouted happily when she saw Rongrong.

If Xiao Wu's roommate really left and she felt lonely, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong would still have a lot of topics to talk about and happiness in these two days of getting along.

"Xiao Wu, thank you, I'm just hungry." Ning Rongrong took the snack and was very happy.

"Of course I'm waiting for you here. What are your classes? If that fat guy didn't come back, did he go to the brothel again?"

Rongrong saw Dai Yubai and Tang San walking at the back of the group, but Ma Hongjun was missing.

Xiao Wu approached Rongrong and secretly whispered in Rongrong's ear...

Tang San kept looking at Xiao Wu, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Ah, they were training in the Great Soul Arena, and Zhuqing and Rourou actually defeated them both. No wonder they look like their aunts are here." Ning Rongrong couldn't help but complain.

"Ning Rongrong, what did you say?" Dai Yubai was angry. Didn't this mean that he looked like a woman?
"Are you deaf? Isn't what I said the truth? Didn't you lose to Sister Rourou? Thanks to Oscar, you are said to be a master of love, and that's it? You are angry at a little girl. You don't know how to love, so you are still frustrated. "Ning Rongrong replied without any sign of weakness.

Dai Yubai's eyes flashed coldly, and he said with an evil smile: "This is not the Qibao Glazed Sect. I, Dai Yubai, am not afraid of you. Don't challenge my patience. Be careful, I will rape you first, then kill you, and then pick you up and kill you."

"I, Ning Rongrong, am so scared. Is this the senior of Shrek Academy?" Ning Rongrong deliberately crossed her arms, but with a smile on her face.

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, does it think I'm a sick cat?" Dai Yubai's soul power surged and hit Ning Rongrong directly, but was blocked by Xiao Wu beside Ning Rongrong, and the punch knocked the approaching Dai Yubai away.

Ning Rongrong was first surprised and then delighted, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Xiao Wu, you are so amazing."

"Hehe, it's okay. Let's go back to the dormitory and don't worry about them." Xiao Wu laughed and didn't care.


Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou were deep in thought, while Xiao Wu seemed to adjust her whole body's strength to concentrate on her fist at that moment, striking out with unprepared power...

Zhuqing and Chengrou also went back to the dormitory. They were also worried that Ning Rongrong would be bullied here, so they never left.

Because I always feel that this college is not friendly to girls.

Oscar hurried over to help Dai Yubai and took out a big sausage to help Dai Yubai recover from his injuries.

Dai Yubai: "What happened?????????"

Tang San, who had been watching Xiao Wu, fell into a daze again: How could this be possible, how could Xiao Wu be so strong, and how could she control her strength and body to such a terrifying level...

Previously, Xiao Wu and the others easily defeated Zhao Wuji, but the situation of the battle changed too quickly. Tang San also felt that they were lucky enough to defeat the careless Zhao Wuji, and never made any guesses about Xiao Wu's strength.

Tang San knew that Xiao Wu was a genius before and had the same innate soul power as him, but it didn't mean that Xiao Wu was stronger than him.

He had the Tang Sect's unique skills in his previous life, and he had always been confident in himself.

But it wasn't until now that Tang San realized that Xiao Wu's strength might not be weaker than him...

It’s no wonder that Tang San has just woken up now. In the final analysis, Xiao Wu has been studying her acting skills and learned how to make full use of her innocence and playfulness under the eyes of Tang Ritian and his son...

There was no talking all night, the girls were meditating and practicing.

Zhuqing has seen the face of Shrek Academy. This place cannot make her stronger at all, but will also affect her cultivation. Zhuqing is already thinking about when to leave Shrek...

After the past two days, although Cheng Rou was calm on the surface, she also had a lot of opinions about Shrek Academy in her heart.

Shrek Academy has recruited so many geniuses in the past 20 years. Logically speaking, the fourteen geniuses who graduated should have become talents long ago and should have become somewhat famous in the mainland.

After all, the requirement for graduation is to reach the soul sect at the age of 20. Those who graduate now should have a cultivation level above the soul king.The Soul King is also a powerful being on the mainland. With his strength, he can gain money and status.

But Shrek is still an unknown academy.

It can be seen that the geniuses who have graduated in the past are probably...

The college may have panicked...

What's even worse is that Shrek also used the name of Wuhun Palace to recruit students. The youngest Wuhun Palace elder?How shameless it is for someone who is so thick-skinned and has a quarrel with Wuhun Palace to take advantage of him like this.

This kind of Pheasant Academy should probably be banned, which is the best respect for those civilian soul masters.

Cheng Rou thought in her heart.

Xiao Wu was also thinking about how long Tang Hao would have to leave before coming back to Shrek to see his son.

She still couldn't leave unless she met Brother Su Chen and hugged his thigh...

And Rongrong doesn't want to leave yet, because she has a strong interest in these female geniuses. Being able to make friends with some powerful geniuses will be of great help to her auxiliary soul masters, and they are all girls...

The next morning, in the cafeteria, the girls once again tasted the simple food of Shrek Academy, and felt a little bit tasteful for some reason.

Is this the tuition fee of one hundred gold coins?I'm afraid the tuition fees are not for your retirement.

These foods are okay for ordinary people to eat, but they are soul masters. After high-intensity training, eating these foods will not keep up with the nutrition and repair of their bodies.
After Tang San finished practicing the Purple Demon Eyes on the roof, he also walked into the cafeteria.

Dai Yubai followed closely behind, still doubting his life.

One day, he was easily defeated by two girls who were younger than him and of a lower level than him, which deeply affected his self-esteem, even if it was due to his own carelessness.

And he was still defeated by the girl he wanted to pursue. How can he be a good person like this? In the future, he may have to focus on Zhuqing.Dai Yubai thought to himself.

Ma Hongjun, who looked satisfied, also walked into the cafeteria and said, "Boss Dai, if you don't go when I tell you to, look at me. I'm looking at you now, looking high-spirited."

The anger in Dai Yubai's heart was actually compared to Ma Hongjun.

"Have a good meal, and I'll go find the sisters in the evening." After Dai Yubai said this, he looked at Zhuqing and found that she neither complained nor showed any emotional change, or even looked at him.

Dai Yubai's heart tightened. The most terrifying thing was that there was no reaction...

The girls came to the square to gather, but the teacher was nowhere to be seen.After waiting for a long time, Flanders arrived.

Flanders felt relieved when he saw Ning Rongrong was there.

The two looked at each other for a few times, not knowing what each of them meant...

However, Flender was a little unhappy when he saw Oscar among the students, thinking that he was sleeping in. After communicating with Oscar's roommate Tang San, he asked Tang San to call Oscar.

Tang San had not taken a few steps when Oscar hurried over with excitement on his face.

Oscar also explained the reason to the dean, and Flanders was shocked. Oscar was only 14 years old, but he had already reached level 30, and it was also the most difficult type of martial spirit to cultivate.

"Okay, okay, I congratulate you on behalf of Shrek Academy." Flender's eyes lit up.

Dai Yubai also rushed over: "Congratulations, Xiao Ao, can a broken love help a soul master break through?"

Oscar was a little embarrassed. Is Dai Yubai here to congratulate him?Glancing in the direction of Ning Rongrong, Oscar couldn't help but feel disappointed when he found that Ning Rongrong had no reaction.

"I've never been in love, so why talk about falling out of love? Don't make fun of me." Oscar said awkwardly.

Then, Shrek Academy started today’s class, and everyone was asked to eat sausages conjured by Oscar.

Xiao Wu was the first to object.

(End of this chapter)

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