Chapter 59 Zhuqing is actually like this
Although Cheng Rou had not gotten along with Zhuqing for a short time, she had never seen Zhuqing behave in such a strange way. She was so curious that she couldn't help but follow him to have a look.

Isn't Zhuqing usually a lonely girl who only knows how to practice?

Zhuqing came under a big tree outside the city and looked around, but did not see Su Chen.

But Zhuqing did not panic, but quickly arranged his face and hair, and said: "I know you are here, come out-"

"What's wrong, little kitten?" Su Chen's voice suddenly came from behind Zhu Qing.

Zhuqing felt the warmth behind her, turned around and hugged Su Chen.

"Ahem, you're holding me so tightly." Su Chen felt the touch coming from his body and said uncomfortably.

Upon hearing Su Chen's disgusting words, Zhuqing hugged her even tighter...

When the three women saw Zhuqing actually hugging a man, they were in disbelief and speechless.

Rongrong's big eyes were so cute, and the yogurt shake in his hand fell directly to the ground, forming a heart shape.

Xiao Wu was in the same situation. The candied haws on her hand fell off, and by chance, it stood directly on top of Rongrong's loving yogurt.

"Which one is more beautiful, me or Mrs. Jiujianxian?" Zhuqing suddenly said inexplicably.

"They are all beautiful." Su Chen replied nonchalantly.

"Oh, really? Can I take off your mask?" Zhu Qing, who couldn't see Su Chen's face, didn't believe it.

"No." Su Chen refused.

"Why? Even if you have scars on your face and become ugly, I will still...defeat you." Zhuqing's voice became softer and softer.

"I'm afraid you'll kiss me." Su Chen replied naturally.

"Hmph, that's impossible, what are you thinking about." Zhu Qing chopped off Su Chen's feet and left Su Chen's arms.

Su Chen smiled without saying a word.

Zhuqing's inner shyness disappeared and she regained her composure. She looked down at her legs and said, "Am I good-looking?"

Su Chen looked for Zhu Qing's eyes, and when his eyes moved downward, he saw - black silk, so terrifying!
Su Chen glanced around and couldn't look away for a long time.

When Zhuqing saw Su Chen's reaction, he was extremely happy and loved Xiaowu so much ε).

"What are you looking at!" Zhuqing was a little naughty and proud.

Su Chen thought for a while, then moved his hands down, finally resting on Zhuqing's feet, sliding them from bottom to top...

At this moment, Zhuqing's face turned extremely red again, and he retreated in panic like a kitten.
The women in the distance were shocked again. Zhuqing did not resist the boy's behavior, but enjoyed it before retreating.

Xiao Wu pinched Rongrong's face and said, "Rongrong, do you feel it?"

"Push harder, ah, now I have it." Rongrong said dully.

not dreaming...

"It's nice to meet you again. You've become a lot stronger. I'll see you again when I have time."

Su Chen's gentle and natural tone reached Zhu Qing's ears. By the time Zhu Qing reacted, Su Chen's figure had disappeared.

"Bad guy, just leave like this~"

Zhuqing had a smile on his lips, but he still stamped his feet in dissatisfaction.

This shows that Su Chen has been paying attention to me before suddenly appearing...

The girls were shocked when they saw the Jiu Sword Immortal believer who suddenly disappeared.

To be able to disappear silently from under their noses, one must be quite powerful.

When the three girls, Xiaowu, saw Zhuqing coming from the big tree, they didn't dodge. How could they be called peeking from such a long distance?
"Zhuqing, is he the one you like?" Xiao Wu said enviously. She also wanted to find Brother Su Chen.

"Yes." Zhuqing admitted directly without hiding anything.Zhuqing's expression now still has a trace of the sweet look of a girl in love that has not disappeared.

"I'm so envious. The person you like will come to you." Xiao Wu said innocently again.

"Thank you Xiao Wu, the people you like will come to you. You are so beautiful and delicate, even I like you very much." Zhuqing thought of the contribution of Xiao Wu's stockings, and began to praise Xiao Wu generously.

"Zhuqing, I'm curious about how outstanding the person you like is." Cheng Rou asked seriously.

Cheng Rou thought about it, Zhuqing's strength was obviously weird, it couldn't be measured by level, and his talent was high.

And she has an outstanding appearance and figure, and she will probably be the most powerful person in the world when she grows up.

How could such a girl fall in love with an ordinary person so easily?

And it seems that when Zhuqing mentions the person he likes, Zhuqing will become a hot topic, and his voice and expression will start to become gentle.

"He is the best and most beautiful person I have ever seen, and he is the person who changed my destiny." Zhuqing praised him without hesitation.

Change destiny?This also made Xiao Wu and Cheng Rou think about it. They had met such people before.

"Zhuqing, I also like the Jiujianxian sect. They are so kind. There were several Jiujianxian believers who helped me on the way here." Rongrong also said.

"Yeah, Rongrong." Zhuqing also cast a kind look at Rongrong.


The three women realized that if they wanted to get along with Zhuqing, they must praise her man.

It's so terrifying, it turns out he is a maniac who protects and loves his husband...

The four girls went shopping on the street again and bought outdoor supplies.

After this visit, the four girls found that they had a deeper understanding of each other, especially Zhuqing.Now that I know how to create common topics with Zhuqing, my relationship has become even better and closer...

The girls also started chatting about some sensitive topics in Shrek Academy. Unexpectedly, after everyone expressed their opinions, their views on Shrek Academy and the boys turned out to be basically similar, which further promoted the relationship. Sisters on the united front.

Because Xiao Wu was greedy for gold coins, the three girls had no choice but to accompany Xiao Wu to the soul fighting arena and wait for Xiao Wu's participation in the soul fighting to end.

Because the Soul Arena stipulates that you can only participate in the same mode once a day, Xiao Wu thought that 10 gold coins were not enough, so she pulled Rongrong to form a group of Seven Treasures and Charming Rabbits to participate in a two-person soul battle.

It was Rongrong's first time to participate in this kind of soul battle, and he was very excited.

In a two-on-two soul fight, Xiao Wu Rongrong won easily, and Rongrong felt like he was being led flying by Xiao Wu to win.

What makes Rongrong even more excited is that because they are two little girls and their opponents are two strong men, the audience is very surprised by such a duo.

He even thought that Xiao Wu Rongrong was a trustee invited by the Soul Arena, and he was shouting to the two of them to go home for dinner. Have you finished your homework?Elementary school monk?The opponent also complained and asked the two of them to step down from the stage.

However, after Xiao Wu punched a strong man, the audience was shocked. The opponent admitted his mistake and the host stuttered.
Rongrong found that it felt very good to pretend to be a pig, eat a tiger and slap others in the face.
The four girls walked out of the Great Soul Fighting Arena and began to walk out of the city. At this time, a fat man with red hair who was hurrying on his way appeared in the four girls' field of vision.

"Hey, isn't that Fatty Ma? Are you rushing to the city so late to do something bad?" Xiao Wu said in disgust.

"Yes, I guess I will work as a honey gatherer for the hard-working bees." Rongrong understood.

"Ah, honey collector, Rongrong, you seem to understand what you are talking about." Xiao Wu was curious, is this the noble lady?
"Hey, last time I went shopping, I accidentally met Fatty Ma at a hard-working bee shop. I was curious at first what kind of shop it was, but it turned out to be..." Rongrong whispered, making a sound that only the three girls could hear. The sound of arrival.

"Hey, disgusting."

The four girls stopped thinking about Ma Hongjun and walked towards Shrek Academy.

Have a good rest and recharge yourself for tomorrow’s trip to the Star Forest.

ps: What are you asking for? Come and count your votes to support me.

It’s a fictional plot, don’t compare. I just want to write a different Douluo. There are many characters, and they need to be connected slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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