Chapter 60 They are mediocre

Early the next morning, all the students gathered at the entrance of Shrek Academy to obtain the third soul ring for Oscar.

Of course, the girls just want to hang out.

Everyone also saw Zhao Wuji again, whom they had not seen since the test at the beginning of school.

At this moment, Zhao Wuji's face was bruised and purple, especially the two big panda eyes. Everyone was suppressing laughter and at the same time curious about who beat him like this.

Zhao Wuji felt the change in everyone's expressions and said rather displeasedly: "What are you looking at? You little bastards, are your skin starting to itch again?"

Hearing this, Xiao Wu became unhappy. Did Little Rabbit offend you? She whispered, "Why don't you say Little Bear is blind?"

"Xiao Wu, what did you say?!" Zhao Wuji glared with anger.

"I didn't say anything." Xiao Wu ran up behind Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou with an innocent look on her face.

Everyone began to embark on the journey to the Star Dou Forest.

However, the four girls felt helpless.

Sure enough, Shrek could only run, and he had to run when he went out to obtain soul rings.

This kind of running has no meaning for Cheng Rou, Zhu Qing, Xiao Wu and the others.

Starting from Shrek, it is about 500 kilometers away from the Star Forest.

Ning Rongrong could only keep up with her. In order to take care of Rongrong, the girls deliberately kept close to Rongrong.

Oscar's effect was reflected at this moment. From time to time, he would conjure up big sausages for Tang San and the other boys to eat. After eating, their physical strength would be restored, and the cycle would begin again.

Tang San also secretly marveled at the effect of Oscar's sausages, which kept him energetic all the time, as if he could have a few more.

Oscar, who is admired by all the boys, would occasionally look back and look at the girls, as if if you beg me again, I, Mr. Oscar, will reward you with sausages.
Several boys are also waiting for the moment when the girls will make a fool of themselves. They pretended to be noble and self-righteous yesterday and refused to eat sausages. They will probably beg to eat them later.

The four girls looked at the progress of the team led by the college teacher. Oscar replenished the sausages for the boys, and the boys took turns leading Oscar forward, allowing Oscar to recover his soul power, and they also understood that they would not stop and rest easily.

Zhuqing thought for a while, if this continued, Rongrong would definitely not be able to bear it if Xiao Wu or Cheng Rou were not mentioned.

Zhuqing said: "Follow me, relax yourselves, and don't control your soul power."

Although the three girls didn't know why Zhuqing said this, they still lined up and followed Zhuqing.

Slowly, they discovered that the flow of soul power in their bodies seemed to be beyond their control, but flowed with the rhythm of Zhuqing, gradually replacing excessive physical exertion.

And he was not satisfied with his speed at all, easily keeping up with the boys in front of him.

The girls also ran more and more easily. As this rhythm progressed, they found that the consumption of soul power was not much, as if the soul power was used in the most correct place.

Cheng Rou was shocked by the precise control of soul power to such an extent, and she even thought highly of Zhu Qing.

Xiao Wu was also surprised. The time spent being monitored by Sun and Sky Douluo was too boring, and she couldn't practice boldly, so she began to study her shortcomings in strength.

Relying on the transcendent spiritual power of the soul, Xiao Wu actually developed a method to control power.

Why did Zhuqing learn this method of controlling soul power?Xiao Wu also became more curious about Zhu Qing.

Not to mention Ning Rongrong, she felt like she was the one being led away by her teammates, so don't give away the win.

Although this feels good, Rongrong feels a sense of frustration deep in his heart...

A few hours passed quickly, and Tang San was ready to give up Ti Oscar and turn his back on Xiao Wu.

However, the women still followed closely, not only Tang San, but also the other boys were surprised.Are all girls violent now?Potential stock?So energetic?

Oscar was heartbroken and devastated because the expected scene of him begging for sausages did not appear. It turned out that girls didn’t need me.

Zao Wou-Ki also discovered the clue. The four girls could keep up without Oscar's sausage supplement?Is there any help or other reasons?
Ning Rongrong wanted to complain that these boys loved eating other people's sausages, but after thinking about it, it was not her own fault, so she would rather talk less to these boys.

As night fell, Shrek and his gang arrived at a small town a hundred kilometers away from the Star Forest.

Since the town here is a supply town for the Star Dou Forest, it is particularly lively. Spirit masters who are rarely seen in ordinary times can be seen everywhere here.

Because Bing'er and the others took the fairy grass, their soul power was greatly improved.

After consolidating their cultivation, the seven girls from Tianshui Academy came to Tiandou Forest under the leadership of their teacher and have been there for a day.

Su Chen had just come from the Star Forest to admire Bing'er's beauty, and now he began to admire the graceful figures of Zhuqing and the girls.

"Famous quotes should appear later." Su Chen smiled interestingly.

Under the leadership of Zhao Wuji, everyone arrived at a two-story hotel.

After Zhao Wuji opened a room for himself, he ignored everyone and went directly upstairs to rest.

Naturally, the women didn't know how to communicate with the men. Dai Yubai also wanted to treat everyone to a feast, but the four women were ignored.

Dai Yubai thought about Zhu Qing's indifferent attitude during this period, and felt helpless, so he could only sit with Tang San and the others.

Cheng Rou and others came to an empty table, ordered a few dishes, and talked happily.

Tang San and the others could only watch from a distance, with complicated hearts. They were obviously from the same academy, so why did they feel like strangers?

Then another group of people came in. Ma Hongjun had been looking around in the hotel for prey, and naturally he saw a pretty girl among the people who came in.

He began to stare at the girl lewdly and greedily, and started to make comments without concealing it.

"Boss Dai, that girl is pretty, she should be from Canghui Academy."

Dai Yubai also looked over. She was a good girl, already in her prime. The feminine charm she exuded was not comparable to that of girls like Xiao Wu.

"It's just a little Kuraru Academy, so arrogant."

The unabashed conversations and voices of Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun naturally reached the ears of several people in Canghui Academy.

Xiaowu and others also heard the conversation between Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun. Wasn't this because they had fallen in love with that girl, rebelled against her, and wanted to attract others' attention?
Oscar also whispered to Tang San: "We've got a good show to watch."

"What kind of show is this?" Tang San wondered, how could he watch a show after having a meal?
"This is also part of our training. The dean said that a soul master who dares not cause trouble is not a good soul master. A soul master who dares not cause trouble is a mediocre person." Oscar started to talk and began to instill the academic style into Tang San.

When Tang San heard this, he thought it made sense, couldn't help laughing, and even praised the dean.

Oscar's conversation was also heard by the four girls, who discovered that even Tang San was becoming more and more crazy. Maybe he was also this type of person.

Is it mediocre to dare not cause trouble?Don't you just want to mess with people who are weaker than yourself?If you dare to provoke people who are stronger than you, in the final analysis you are bullying the weak and those who are easy to bully.

The local conflict between Canghui Academy and Shrek Academy begins
The four women sighed. Fortunately, they didn't sit with these people and entered the hotel separately. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing.

"Tang San, have you seen that those four women may be just mediocre people? A little Canghui is afraid of becoming like this, so he turns his head and dare not look over. Now he won't join us in the academy battle." Looking at the other The four women at the table, Oscar said proudly.


ps: Please vote for spicy——

(End of this chapter)

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