Chapter 61 Binger’s Psychedelic Opportunity

After Oscar finished speaking, Tang San was thoughtful about this.Maybe they are really mediocre, and they break away from their companions when trouble comes. After all, they are from the same academy. Did I misunderstand Xiao Wu?

Xiao Wu and others finished their meal and stopped paying attention to the battle between Tang San and others and Canghui Academy.

They were not interested at all and went straight upstairs to their respective guest rooms to start practicing.

On Shrek's side, the four boys easily defeated several people from Canghui Academy and successfully showed off their coolness in front of the girls from Canghui Academy.

However, Ye Zhiqiu, a teacher from Canghui College, came forward and had a verbal fight with a few people.

Ye Zhiqiu thought it was just a child who was ignorant and wanted their teacher to come forward and talk about it. Unexpectedly, Ma Hongjun spoke arrogantly again and called him a bastard.

How could he endure this, so he took action and taught Shrek and the others a lesson without mercy.

Especially Ma Hongjun, who was beaten by Ye Zhiqiu until he cried for his father and mother.

The four men also understood that the powerful Soul King was not something they could handle right now.

Later, the savior Zhao Wuji came and vented his losses on Sun and Sky Douluo, and forcefully poured it on Ye Zhiqiu.
"They are indeed mediocre. We were fighting outside and they didn't care at all. Now we are all gone." Oscar cursed when he saw that the four girls were gone from the first floor of the hotel.

"Yes, let's go up and argue with them and teach them a lesson." Ma Hongjun was very unhappy.

Thinking of the humiliation of being beaten by Ye Zhiqiu, Ma Hongjun became angry and seemed to have forgotten that he had suffered losses at the hands of several girls before.

Or in Ma Hongjun's view, women are just women.

"You have this kind of energy and energy, you might as well go back early to rest and recuperate. Tomorrow the Star Dou Forest will be the focus." After beating him up, Zhao Wuji returned to the restaurant and lectured several boys.

"Yes." Everyone thought it made sense. After all, tomorrow is the key. As for dealing with these women, there is always time.

Dai Yubai was also unhappy. Although he liked Zhuqing, he always ignored him and even looked down on him.

Tang San naturally wouldn't be angry because Xiao Wu didn't take action, he was just very unhappy with the other three women.

We are fighting outside, but you go back to your room to sleep after eating. After all, you are from the same academy.
Ma Hongjun cursed their eighteenth generation ancestors in his heart.He wanted to take advantage of tonight's darkness to go to this small town to look for flowers and flowers, but now that he had the remnants of panda eyes, how could he go there? He wanted to strip the four of them naked and do something with them.

The next day, the sun rose.

The girls noticed that the faces of Dai Yubai and others were bruised and bruised, and Xiao Wu Rongrong laughed without concealment.

I understand that several of them must have kicked the iron plate last night.

Dai Yubai gritted his teeth. He who had always been arrogant felt insulted again.

"Okay, why didn't you guys help yesterday?" Zhao Wuji looked at the women and asked. After all, he still wanted the students to be a team.

"Teacher Zhao, you are biased like this. The girls from Canghui Academy did not go to school yesterday. Why should we help? Are we telling others that Shrek Academy relies on girls?" Rongrong retorted, "And the four of them are not Monster?"

"Yes, girls need to help with this, aren't you shy?" Xiao Wu said in confusion.

"Xiao Bai, didn't the girls from Canghui Academy go to school yesterday?" Zhao Wuji asked.

"Yes, teacher." Dai Yubai replied weakly.

Zhao Wuji was right when he thought about it, "You two are all from the same college. Girls have their own reserve. Don't you understand this? Where have you learned how to pick up girls? You don't understand girls at all?"

"This..." Several boys didn't know whether they really understood or were pretending, and they all lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Under the leadership of Zhao Wuji, everyone headed to the Star Dou Forest
In the Great Star Dou Forest.

The Seven Girls of Tianshui have already stayed in the Star Forest for one night.

There is also a dean following them. These students are the dean's treasures. As the dean, she personally protects the students.It's not that easy for Tianshui and the girls to find a suitable soul ring, and more than one student wants to obtain a soul ring.

If you are unlucky, you may not be able to find a suitable soul ring in this vast and dangerous Star Dou Forest for a month.

The girls have only just found a suitable soul ring for Yue'er.

As the dean, she naturally wants to make these students feel the crisis and urgency of the soul master. She will not take action easily when the girls are looking for soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest.

These students did not disappoint her. Under Bing'er's leadership, everything was going on in an orderly manner.

Even, everyone has directly called Bing'er their eldest sister to show their recognition and respect for her.

At this time, a cold breath of frost began to appear in the air. The girls were shocked and knew that danger was approaching.

"It's the Frost Phoenix." Bing'er looked at the sky and exclaimed.

But such a flying spirit beast in the sky is difficult for them to catch, and the age of the spirit beast, through the pressure it releases, makes the girls understand that it is a ten thousand year spirit beast, which has exceeded the number of years that everyone can absorb it.

The girls did not want to waste time and energy to provoke this soul beast.

The seventh girl thought the bird wouldn't pay attention to them, but they didn't expect it to land 20 meters in front of them.

It seemed that this phoenix had been commanded by something. After landing, the soul beast's pressure was tight and restrained, and it showed a human and gentle look.

It made a cry of surrender toward Bing'er and the other girls, like a thousand birds worshiping, and Bing'er heard it inexplicably.

Seeing that the girl with long aqua hair didn't understand what she meant, the bird became anxious and even helped her to kneel on the ground and continued to make sounds to Bing'er.

Bing'er always felt that this soul beast was calling her, but she couldn't be sure.

"Teacher, this soul beast doesn't seem to have any malicious intent. Don't take action yet. I'll go over and take a look." Bing'er said to the teacher behind her.

"Well, if there is danger, I will save you as soon as possible." Dean Tan was also puzzled by this phenomenon. How could the noble Frost Phoenix do this.

Fengque saw Bing'er walking out of the crowd and walking towards her. She knew that today seemed to be stable and she had received full goods, and she was heading towards the path of cultivation.

The Frost Phoenix couldn't wait any longer. Bing'er was still 10 meters away from it, but the black thousand-year-old soul ring that exuded a terrifying aura had already appeared on its head.

Bing'er was puzzled, feeling that she seemed to be the target of the soul ring. Even if she had this special feeling, how could it be absorbed by a soul beast that she had not killed.

Bing'er was at a loss for a while.

At this time, Dean Tan also reacted incredulously, "How is it possible? Is this a sacrifice?"

"Bing'er, let go of your body and mind and absorb that soul ring." Dean Tan said loudly.

Bing'er thought about it for a while, and realized that the thing itself was bizarre. Without hesitation, she began to sit cross-legged and summoned her martial soul to absorb the soul ring.

The absorption process went smoothly. The power of the soul ring penetrated and flowed gently through Bing'er's body, without any resentment from the soul beast.

Seeing this, everyone began to protect Bing'er...

And after the Frost Phoenix that lost its soul ring was sacrificed to Bing'er, it turned into a burst of light and disappeared.

Everyone who was protecting Bing'er didn't know why.


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(End of this chapter)

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