Chapter 63 Tang San has no bad intentions

Tang San was eager to go out to fight on his own, so naturally he had to reluctantly agree.

Tang San stood opposite Meng Yiran. Before, he only looked at her from a distance, but when Li Jin came in, he realized that Meng Yiran was still a very beautiful girl.

Her physical development is already perfect, and cannot be compared to those young girls in the academy.

After all, the dream at this moment is still 16 years old, and it is the prime of youth.

Tang San looked at Meng Yiran, taking a closer look at Meng Yiran's appearance, feeling a little moved in his heart.

Meng still has a pair of big brown eyes, decorated with long eyelashes, a well-proportioned figure, and a waist as light as a snake.

There was still a hint of anger on her face, but it didn't affect her beauty at all, and it even made Tang San feel a little more cute.

The battle started, but Tang San's movements didn't stop at all. He and Meng were already fighting fiercely and fiercely.
Meng Yiran thought that she was not bad. Even if she was not a genius, she was still a genius and could definitely defeat this boy who was a few years younger than her.

But Meng Yiran didn't know that Tang San's current age plus the age he originally traveled from time to time meant that his soul was already that of a 41-year-old uncle. Meng Yiran's knowledge and scheming were not comparable to that of a 16-year-old girl.

Not to mention that Tang San also had various secret skills from the Tang Sect, which no one from Douluo Continent had ever seen before.

Even though Meng Yiran's snake staff was strange and changeable, it had no advantage against the attack of the blue silver grass controlled by Tang San.

In the end, Meng still lost to Tang San in embarrassment. Not only was he tied up by blue silver grass, but he was also dressed in green and blue clothing. During the battle, he was tied up with thorny blue silver grass and was already riddled with holes. Some ingenuity revealed. It can be vaguely seen through the small hole.

And this vague sense of temptation made the three of them, Dai Yu, White Horse, Hongjun and Oscar, unable to take their eyes away, even if they didn't want to blink, there was a strong tendency for the evil fire to rise.

Ma Hongjun even drooled.

Dai Yubai couldn't help but whispered: "The martial arts of Xiaosan Lan Yincao's undressing are really good and convenient. If I control my opponent again, I might just admit defeat."

Xiao Wu was very curious, "Why do you make other people's clothes look like this when you are competing?"

Moreover, when Xiao Wu saw the looks of Dai Yubai and others, she seriously suspected that Tang Xiaosan was deliberately frivolous with Meng Yiran. He obviously had other ways to end the fight, but chose this insulting way to end the fight.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but think of the ambiguous battle between Tang Xiaosan and Xiao Huohuo in Notting City. Could it be that Tang Xiaosan
At this moment, Tang San's face was slightly red with a smile, his eyes were emitting purple light, who knew what he was looking at.

Seeing that she had lost, the snake woman could only leave with her unwilling and angry granddaughter.

Oscar also naturally won the ownership of the cockscomb. Under the majestic lock of Zhao Wuji's soul power, Oscar pierced the place where the cockscomb snake laid its eggs with his knife, ending the life of the cockscomb.

Oscar summoned the big sausage spirit shrouded in pink light and began to pull the phoenix-tailed crested snake spirit ring.
Half an hour later, Oscar finally absorbed the soul ring and proudly showed everyone his third soul skill, which turned out to be flying! ! !

Dai Yu and Baima Hongjun congratulated each other, and Zhao Wuji also smiled and urged everyone to leave the Star Forest.

After all, Zao Wuji was still afraid of meeting the unparalleled dragon and snake couple, but luckily just now it was only the snake woman.

He wasn't afraid of the Snake Woman, but the Unparalleled Dragon Snake couple was inseparable and must be nearby. He couldn't imagine the power of their martial soul fusion, and even Contra might not be able to block it.

But Tang San, who had been meditating for a long time, actually reached level [-] because of his battle with Meng Yiran. Zhao Wuji was naturally extremely happy when he found out, and was ready to continue looking for the soul ring for Tang San.

Because of Cheng Rou, the 12-year-old Tang San's arrival at level 30 didn't seem to surprise the girls. Instead, a group of boys started to flatter Tang San.

Tang San was naturally happy to hear these compliments.

Mistress, we are monsters, and you are the monster among monsters.

Yes, I, Dai Yubai, am proud to have you as my brother... At this moment, Xiao Wu felt Er Ming's aura approaching. Xiao Wu understood that Er Ming must have sensed that she was back and wanted to pick her up.

Xiao Wu was happy, but also worried. What if Zhuqing and the others were accidentally injured by Er Ming? Er Ming was a big fool.

Xiao Wu thought for a while and tried hard to grasp the connection with Er Ming, hoping to contact him through a special connection so that he wouldn't have to come over...

Su Chen also noticed Xiao Wu's serious look and understood what Xiao Wu was thinking. Fortunately, he was here to help her...

Soon, the figure of Xiao Wu appeared in Er Ming's mind...

"Xiao Wu, why are you absent-minded? Do you miss a man? Eat your favorite carrot." Rongrong handed a carrot to Xiao Wu.

"No, thank you Rongrong." Xiao Wu comforted Er Ming for a while before making him stop moving. It also drained Xiao Wu's energy quite a bit, and the communication was not ended until just now.

Er Ming is such a fool. He wants to see me so much?But not now.Xiao Wu felt sorry.

She actually missed Da Ming and Er Ming who had lived together for a long time.

As night fell, Shrek and the others found an open space and began to set up tents.

Zhao Wuji thought about it and tried to make the team atmosphere of the men's and women's teams better, but he still failed.

This made Zhao Wuji look frustrated. He didn't understand why girls were so complicated. Aren't there many outstanding young men?All of them are geniuses among geniuses, why are you so resistant to getting along with them?
Zhao Wuji fell asleep with doubts
Everyone stayed in the Star Dou Forest for another day. Due to Zhao Wuji's conservative nature, one person did not dare to bring so many students into the inner area. He only searched for soul beasts in the outermost area.

Tang San didn't find a suitable spirit ring. He found some thousand-year-old spirit beasts, but Tang San thought they were not suitable, not to mention the hundred-year spirit beasts. Even though they were the desired spirit beasts, their age was too low.

"Xiao Wu, how long will it take? I haven't taken a shower for a day." Rongrong said with some discomfort.

"It's bad, I don't know. This mistress is very demanding. We can go take a shower without these boys, but which one of these boys dares to make people feel at ease." Xiao Wu said with dissatisfaction.

"Indeed, it's better to endure it and wash it after leaving the forest." Rongrong said helplessly, and looked at the boys in the distance with dissatisfaction. They were gathered together with sly looks on their faces.

"Boss Dai, why don't they find a place to take a bath? Look," Ma Hong said handsomely.

"Go away, you want to die, don't speak so loudly," Dai Yubai looked unhappy and lowered his voice, "How do I know when they take a bath? I want to see it too."

Several boys gathered together and waited patiently for the girls to take a bath in the small tanli, imagining the scene of spring.

At this time, the girls felt an evil aura approaching, moving on the big tree not far away.

The four women's eyes met and they became defensive.

Zhao Wuji and the four Shrek men also discovered this aura and set up their positions until their true form was revealed. It was a spider over 1.5 meters long.

But what everyone finds most horrifying is that there are white lines on the black lower abdomen of this spider, and these lines actually form a ferocious human face, with eight small eyes shining with purple-black evil light.

It is the Man-Faced Spider, known as the evil killer.

Tang San became excited when he saw this spirit beast. The Human-Faced Demon Spider, this spirit beast was the most suitable for his third spirit ring, and it was also the most difficult spirit beast to find. He didn't expect to meet it by such a coincidence.

"Teacher Zhao, this soul beast suits me very well."

(End of this chapter)

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