Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 64 The first encounter between Tianshui Team and Shrek

Chapter 64 The first encounter between Tianshui Team and Shrek

When Zhao Wuji heard this, he also became happy. Wouldn't it be nice to leave the Star Forest as soon as possible and go to a small town to stay for a few days.

"Okay, you guys, block its escape route." Zhao Wuji directed Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai.

"Yes, Teacher Zhao," the two said in unison, blocking the Man-Faced Demon Spider's retreat route from different directions.

Zhao Wuji smiled, and the seven soul rings on his body appeared, showing the grace of a strong soul saint.

With the cooperation of several people, Tang San even took out the treasure Zhuge Shenwu, and finally the Man-Faced Demon Spider was captured.

Tang San gave it the final blow and began to summon the blue silver grass, pulling the purple spirit ring on the ground and absorbing it.
In order to prevent an accident in obtaining the Man-Faced Demon Spider, Tang San used his secret weapon, the Zhuge Divine Crossbow, and the terrifying power of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow was also seen by the girls.

"What kind of weapon is that? It's too powerful." Rongrong was shocked. She had never seen such a powerful and concealed weapon.

I saw a few small holes through which light could pass through a large tree that required three people to hug each other.

"It's the Zhuge Divine Crossbow. Xiaosanzi made it himself. I've always wondered if Xiaosanzi is a child." Xiao Wu said suddenly, obviously knowing Tang San's hidden weapon.

The hidden weapons of the Tang Sect, especially some of the mechanical hidden weapons, are very powerful. They are the crystallization of wisdom developed through continuous improvement and development by countless generations of sages of the Tang Sect. How could a child make them?

Zhuqing Cheng Rounuo was thoughtful, they all witnessed the battle just now, and they also saw the power of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow that Tang San brought out.

However, this does not constitute a threat in the eyes of the two women. As long as they know the function and purpose of that weapon, it is easy for them to avoid it.

"The mistress is going to be in trouble, that Man-Faced Demon Spider is over 2000 years old." Xiao Wu gloated.

"Xiao Wu, your knowledge reserve is richer than mine. I can't even determine the age of that human-faced demon spider." Cheng Rou looked at Xiao Wu meaningfully.

"Hehe, it's okay. Read more." Xiao Wu explained with a smile.

"Then isn't Tang San useless? The third soul ring absorption period has far exceeded, Xiao Wu, don't you care at all?" Rongrong was curious, always feeling that the relationship between Tang San and Xiao Wu was not that simple.

Xiao Wu gave Rongrong a roll of her eyes to let her understand.

What a waste of care!Why does my aunt care about a child...


While Tang San was absorbing the spirit ring, he thought of the blows he had suffered in the past few days, of being easily defeated by Zhu Qing, and of Xiao Wu's love and disregard for him...

He was dissatisfied. He was obviously a reborn person with memories of his past life. How could he be unable to defeat the natives...

In this intense unwillingness, he actually absorbed the spirit ring of the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

Ning Rongrong watched in disbelief as Tang San successfully absorbed the ultimate spirit ring. Although he was covered in blood, he still succeeded. This was a miracle.

Tang San was already eating Oscar's recovery sausage. Rongrong looked surprised and said, "Aren't you all shocked? This is a spirit ring that exceeds the limit of absorption."

Cheng Rou looked indifferent. Her soul ring had a longer life than this.

Zhuqing glanced at it and stopped paying attention. Although she didn't know the specific age of her second soul ring, it must be more than 5000 years old.

Xiao Wu, you don't care, you don't care, you are surprised. Sister Xiao Wu's second soul ring is a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

When Su Chen saw that Tang San had absorbed the soul ring, he thought for a moment that it was better not to destroy the attached soul bone and let him absorb it, otherwise it would be too weak...

If Tang San's external soul bone hadn't been soaked in the Ice and Fire Eyes, it wouldn't be that good, and its appearance would be ugly, and Tang San especially liked to use the external soul bone to show off.

When the time comes, the person who defeats him will have a more powerful soul bone than him, and I don’t know if he will feel uncomfortable on the inside...

"With soul bones attached," Cheng Rou and Zhu Qing said one after another when they saw the eight spider legs growing out of Tang San's back.

"This young man is so lucky that he got this even after absorbing a thousand-year soul ring." Xiao Wu was speechless for a while.

"Well, you are indeed lucky." Zhuqing agreed.

After Tang San finished absorbing the attached soul bone, it was already dawn. "Xiao San, you have become Spider-Man." Ma Hongjun looked at the spider legs on Tang San's back with a look of surprise.

Tang San was speechless, you, a grass chicken, are worthy of talking about me.

"Let me see if I can put it away." Tang San said with difficulty.

Under Tang San's control, the external spirit bones were taken into the body, and everyone had completed the task of obtaining the spirit rings in the Star Dou Forest.

Everyone didn't want to stay, so they left this place and walked out of the forest.

When Meng Yiran's family arrived, only the body of the Man-Faced Spider was left.

Snake Woman was furious, but Duke Long carefully observed the year of the Man-Faced Demon Spider and shook his head without pursuing it...

"Yiran, what do you think of Tang San? According to what you said, he is extremely talented and definitely not a creature in the pond." Dragon Duke Meng Shu suddenly said.

Meng Yiran's face darkened, vaguely understanding the meaning of her grandfather's words.

"Grandpa, have you ever seen someone who ruined someone's clothes in a competition? I think he is just an old kid with evil intentions." Meng was still dissatisfied.

Mr. Long thought that his granddaughter was dissatisfied with the age gap between the two, and wanted to say something about the female senior holding gold bricks.

But now it seems that the granddaughter is very cold towards Tang San.

Duke Long shook his head helplessly and continued to search for a suitable soul ring for his granddaughter...

As for why Tang San didn't have the chance to teach Meng Yiran the hidden weapon, this was naturally Su Chen's deliberate obstruction.

Meng Yiran was considered a pretty beauty, so Su Chen would naturally not let Tang San take away Meng Yiran's kiss.

However, Su Chen felt that he should give Meng Yiran a small compensation if he had the chance...

Somewhere in the Star Forest, Shrek Academy finally met Tianshui Academy.

After everyone's hard work, Tianshui College finally found suitable soul rings for Xue Wu and Yu Hairou in a swampy area, and they all arrived at the Soul Sect smoothly.

And after absorbing the soul ring, his level directly exceeded level 40.

Bing'er's level is now level 43, Yue'er has absorbed the third soul ring, and the medicinal effect accumulated before the fairy grass has reached level 35.

Xue Wu has also reached level 41. Yu Hairou was already at level 39 before absorbing the fairy grass, and now she has reached level 44 after obtaining the soul ring.

Obviously, the strength of the seven girls of Team Tianshui has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Boss Dai, look, there are so many beauties."

Ma Hongjun, who had not shed his anger for several days, looked greedily at the Seventh Girl in Tianshui, his eyes almost falling to the ground.

Ma Hongjun has never seen such a big scene before. Seven beautiful girls with different charms, with different styles, some are petite, some are royal, some are calm...

Not to mention encountering this kind of scene in the Star Dou Forest, it’s particularly touching.
"I feel like I'm going to explode." Ma Hongjun said inexplicably.

Even Dai Yubai was staring at the blue girl at the front seriously, and the more he looked at him, the more excited he became.

If Zhuqing is not here now, Dai Yubai must have taken action.

Tang San couldn't help but look at it carefully and opened the Purple Demon Eyes.

With the help of the Purple Demon Eyes, Tang San was shocked to find that none of these people had lower soul power than himself.

how can that be……

(End of this chapter)

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