Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 65 The first encounter between Tianshui Team and Shrek

Chapter 65 The first encounter between Tianshui Team and Shrek (2)

(Some corrections have been made to the first two chapters. Readers who read it before 3:13 on March 17.30 can read it again)
The Seven Girls of Tianshui also discovered Shrek's group, but what made them unhappy was that they saw Ma Hongjun and Oscar's eyes that wanted to eat people and see through their bodies.

They had never seen such a rude and lewd person.

They even had a stunningly beautiful female teammate, which they couldn't understand.

"Sisters, are you being held hostage? If you have any difficulties, please tell us. We are from Tianshui College and can help you." Yue'er stood up and said.

Zhao Wuji was puzzled: Why was he so unlucky? There was Contra following him, and Tianshui Academy couldn't afford to offend him.

Before the women could answer, Zhao Wuji directly kicked Ma Hongjun in the back, attracting everyone's attention.

Afterwards, Zao Wou-Ki even hit Oscar on the head with a chestnut.

Then he stood up and said: "Misunderstandings, all misunderstandings, these are students from my academy, there is something wrong with their brains!"

"Well, it turns out he is mentally retarded." Yue'er said to herself.

However, before Ma Hongjun could finish speaking, Zhao Wuji kicked Ma Hongjun again.

"Leave Yue'er." Bing'er said suddenly. She vaguely sensed that those girls were unusual, and she wanted to return to Tianshui City rather than waste time here.

"Yes, Yue'er, hurry up and go back and buy something good for brother Su Chen." Xue Wu also said.

As soon as she heard the word Su Chen, Yue'er softened.


Yue'er let out an angry voice and glared at several boys, venting her dissatisfaction.

But he immediately turned around and left with his teammates.

It wasn't until he saw the seven students walking away that Dean Tan followed him.

However, when Dean Tan left, his face, which was still beautiful and showed no trace of his age, looked at Zao Wuji without any expression, which put great pressure on Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji was even thinking about how to persuade this Contra strongman who seemed to be about to take action.

After all, he may not be afraid, but how can these students protect themselves?
However, the battle that Zhao Wuji expected did not happen. Dean Tan turned around and left after taking one look, and the invisible pressure against Zhao Wuji also dissipated.

Zao Wuji felt the pressure of disappearing and sighed deeply, secretly complaining in his heart that he was really a bitch, Gan.

"Teacher Zhao, what are you doing? You are a mediocre person who usually teaches us not to cause trouble. Why are we so afraid when we meet a few girls? We are monsters, and we are still afraid of a few girls?" Ma Hongjun said dissatisfied.

Ma Hongjun was only let go by Zhao Wuji now, and there were still two heavy shoe marks from Zhao Wuki on his butt.

Because Zhao Wuji was worried that Ma Hongjun would spit out some dirty words, Ma Hongjun was always locked tightly by Zhao Wuji's soul power.

"Don't take me with you if you want to die. Your behavior has just made the Contra behind them dissatisfied, and they even have murderous intentions towards you." Zhao Wuji looked angry.

"Ah, Teacher Zhao, don't scare me, I can't walk." Ma Hongjun's feet that had just stood firm bent down again, and traces of slight shaking could be seen between the legs of his trousers.

"I am also Teacher Zhao." Oscar also said fearfully. His eyes were not idle just now.

The powerful soul Douluo is the supreme being in the Douluo Continent. Who is not in a powerful position and controls the life, death and destiny of many people?

And just now, this kind of existence had murderous intent towards them. How could this not worry them?

"It's good to go." Tang San also said weakly. It was obvious that he had done something rude just now out of a guilty conscience.

Rongrong and Cheng Rou were also amazed. These people from Tianshui College were obviously not ordinary people.

Moreover, Contra himself led the team, which was enough to show how important and extraordinary these seven Tianshui students were.After Zhuqing and Xiaowu heard the word Su Chen, they no longer had time to pay attention to the despicable behavior of several boys.

Their hearts could not be calm for a long time, and they even began to be upset, and even their faces flushed with excitement.

Brother Su Chen!Could it be him?Is he somewhere in Tianshui?
Xiao Wu Zhuqing kept repeating this sentence in her mind.
Tang San didn't pay much attention to younger brother Su Chen.

After so many years, he had long forgotten the name Su Chen for a dead person...

"Let's go, Xiao Wu Zhuqing, what are you doing? Haven't you seen any beauties? Go back to school and Rongrong will give you a good look." Rongrong urged, thinking it was because they had never seen so many beauties. resulted in shock.

Tang San also looked at Xiao Wu and said, "Xiao Wu, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, Xiaosanzi, I will become stronger." Xiao Wu finished speaking and walked forward quickly.

When Tang San heard this, he felt a little excited, thinking that Xiao Wu might have been hit. After all, he was already level 30.

When Zhuqing heard Rongrong's call, he also reacted and started to keep up.

Cheng Rou was thinking about why Xiao Wu Zhuqing and the two were suddenly in a daze just now. They should not be such careless people, and their eyes were inexplicably more affectionate...

Shrek and the others once again came to the small town outside the Star Dou Forest. Zhao Wuji asked everyone to recuperate in the town, refresh themselves, and relax their tense state.

Everyone naturally agreed. The four clean-minded girls wanted to take a bath for a long time. They showed a rare liberated smile, looked at each other, and then moved quickly towards the hotel.

"This damn understanding,"

The steps of the four women were surprisingly consistent, and they did not try to hide it. They let out full laughter, sweet and melodious, which directly touched the hearts of passers-by.

Their laughter echoed in the streets, and the soul masters passing by couldn't help but take a few more glances at these four vivid girls. They even became the white moonlight in the hearts of some young soul masters. They believed in love at first sight.
The four boys could only watch their backs silently from a distance, and Zhao Wuji had already disappeared.
Tang San, Oscar and the two gained a lot from this trip to the Star Forest, and it also made the four Shrek boys understand each other better.

Correspondingly, the four Shrek girls became more consistent, and Shrek completely became two camps...

In the hotel in the small town, the four women were enjoying a hot bath comfortably. Everywhere was washed extremely carefully. They felt extremely comfortable with the feeling of cleanliness...

But while soaking their bodies, Zhuqing and Xiaowu were also thinking about where to go next and whether there was the answer they wanted there...

The four Shrek men, under Dai Yubai's generous invitation, began to drink and join in the fun.

"Boss Dai, these women are really disrespectful. They don't even dare to come to your treat.

They are so self-righteous, they are just women, why are they pretending!Why don't you pretend when you're in bed? "Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Yubai's depressed attitude and was already speaking ill of Xiaowu and the others with a face full of indignation.

Dai Yubai ignored Ma Hongjun, but looked at Oscar who was also depressed and said: "Xiao Ao, you and Ning Rongrong are not suitable. She is just a silly Baitian who has never suffered, and has the temper of a young lady."

Oscar recalled Ning Rongrong's sweet appearance, soft voice, and every moment of their relationship, and said with some sadness: "Boss Dai, I understand."

"Xiao San, your relationship is still the most stable." Oscar looked at Tang San with envy.

"Really?" Tang San looked at the frustrated boys and smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to reply.

"Boss Dai, why don't we go there? I heard that the goods here are not ordinary. They are all soul masters with soul power, but they are more expensive." Ma Hongjun said with a smile.

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(End of this chapter)

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