Chapter 66 Bibi Dong’s luxurious enjoyment

As a brother and roommate for many years, how could Dai Yubai not understand what Ma Hongjun was thinking.

"Let's go, I'm treating you." Dai Yubai said cheerfully, the sadness on his face had disappeared without a trace for some reason.

"Okay, long live Boss Dai." Ma Hongjun was very happy. Boss Dai will always understand me best (ε).

"Xiao Ao, do you want to go together?" Dai Yubai said to Oscar.

"Yes, let's go together. This is the best way to solve a broken love." Ma Hongjun looked mature.

"You go ahead, I haven't thought it through yet, and I don't want to tell you the first time here." Oscar waved his hand and refused.

"Xiao Ao, you will never be happy like this." Dai Yubai shook his head and walked out of the hotel with Ma Hongjun.

As soon as the two walked out of the hotel, they began to scan the town, looking for special codes.

The two of them found the right direction and rushed to a brightly lit place.

As soon as they arrived at the door, the two happened to see Zhao Wuji walking out of it.

Zao Wuji was in a relaxed mood, with a cheerful smile on his face, as if he was particularly nostalgic for this place.

Zhao Wuji also discovered Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai. The teacher and student seemed not to be embarrassed when they met. They lowered their heads and did not look at each other, pretending not to know each other...

"Zhuqing, let's go shopping together. I saw a snack bar opened by Jiujianxian believers. It seems that many people go there." Rongrong's soft voice came from outside Zhuqing's door.

"Okay." Zhuqing responded.

Opening the door, Zhuqing saw not only Rongrong, but also Xiaowu Chengrou waiting at the door. Their faces were full of anticipation and there was a slight smile on their lips.

For some reason, Zhuqing felt a kind of happiness and warmth in her heart that she had never experienced before.

Zhuqing wondered, is this the so-called relationship between sisters or besties?




In the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong had a perceptible joy on her face.

But who could appreciate this scenery in the Pope's Palace where she was the only one...

In the past few days, the terrifying effects of fairy grass have been obvious to all. With the help of fairy grass, the strength of the golden generation has undergone qualitative changes.

There is no doubt that this will be the strongest generation in the history of Wuhun Palace.

The effect of the fairy grass gave Bibi Dong a huge surprise, and even made Bibi Dong feel that he had now unified the Douluo Continent.

Bibi Dong stood up from the splendid papal chair, and her long, straight and slender legs occasionally revealed a piece of skin like gelatin from between the hem of her skirt.

She wore high heels and took a noble and elegant step.

With every step you take, you can hear the symphony of heels and carpet.

Bibi Dong left the Pope's Palace, turned her face slightly, and walked away in the direction of the kitchen.

The people in the kitchen were shocked to see the Pope in person, thinking they were experiencing a collective hallucination.

How could the high-ranking Pope come to a place like the kitchen that smells of oil smoke?
However, after the first person in the kitchen knelt down, everyone also knelt down quickly. They were all worried that the Pope was dissatisfied with the recent dishes and came to the kitchen to ask questions in person.

Bibi Dong was used to this and signaled them to retreat.

The kitchen staff breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were curious about the Pope's purpose, they didn't dare to ask the Pope such a question, as long as it was not to condemn them.

One by one, the kitchen staff exited the kitchen in an orderly manner, and after a while, only Bibi Dong was left in the kitchen.

Bibi Dong looked around with a slight smile. Seeing that no one was around, Bibi Dong walked to the kitchen closet, raised her slender hands, took out a purple apron from the closet, and tied it around her slender waist.

Wearing an apron, Bibi Dong had an indescribable charm. She came to a big pot and nodded with satisfaction.

Bibi Dong then took out many fairy grasses that exuded different auras.Every time she took out a piece of fairy grass, she would put it in front of her exquisite and dignified nose and smell it.

After tasting the scent of the grass jelly, Bibi Dong showed a solemn and satisfied sweet smile on her lips, and then threw it into the pot without hesitation.

Seeing the grass jelly being wasted in the pot, Bibi Dong Qingguo's face showed enjoyment and luxury, and even her eyes showed a proud look.

This is a divine item that countless people in Douluo Continent cannot obtain. It is enough to change a soul master's cultivation talent and create the birth of a strong man.

But in Bibi Dong's eyes, it seemed that it was not worth mentioning at all. She just wanted to waste these fairy grass to express her mood at the moment.

She never thought that such a lucky dream would happen to her.

Isn’t what happened to me always unfortunate?



I don’t know how many jelly grasses Bibi Dong threw into the cauldron, but the many jelly grasses in the cauldron seemed to have strange reactions because they were stewed together.
The kitchen was filled with visible soul power and infinite vitality. Bibi Dong did not expect this scene.

However, Bibi Dong smiled, still not satisfied, and still threw more jelly grass into the pot.

She had a girlish smile and sweetness on her face, but two lines of tears slipped from her perfect cheeks...

Even she herself didn't understand why she wanted to do this, why she felt sweet in her heart, and why she felt regretful and shed tears.

Is it because being regarded by a boy is so important that even this kind of magical thing is given by the pound, which creates a sweet, precious and happy feeling?
Is it because I gave birth to you before I gave birth to you, and you regret that I am old and no longer worthy of love?

Bibi Dong hasn't found the answer she wants yet
in Notting City.

In Su Yuntao's house, Su Yuntao was flirting with his lover Sisi.

"Taotao, what are you doing?" A charming woman on the bed wondered.

"Sisi, a big shot from Wuhun Palace is here to see me. I'll leave first. I love you Tao."

Su Yuntao did not indulge in the beauty's fragrance. He tightened his belt and turned around to leave.

Leaving the messy silk threads on the bed, she looked at the leaving man with an expression of admiration.

Her man is becoming more and more powerful, and he is being taken more seriously. She really likes this feeling.
Su Yuntao was also very high-spirited at the moment. Since he discovered Cheng Rou's peerless genius last time, he had received many rewards from Wuhun Palace.

Her power status and even her cultivation resources have been greatly improved, and Sisi actively threw herself into his arms.

Su Yuntao is grateful to himself on that day every day. Because of an idea, he got the opportunity to change his life.

He has been spotted by the Papal Court and has become a secret member of the Papal faction.

"Are you Elder Ju?" Su Yuntao knelt down respectfully. He did not expect that the dignified Ju Douluo would come to him in person.

"Well, you're very good. This is a divine artifact given to you by the Pope. Now that you're absorbing it, you can't mention this to anyone, you know?"

Ju Douluo said coldly with a chill, obviously this was a confidential matter.

"I obey." Su Yuntao also understood the importance of this matter and did not dare to ask more about what it was. Anyway, it could not be harming me. I am just a small person.

"You start absorbing"

Ju Douluo felt a little sorry for this fairy grass, and felt that it was a waste to give this piece of Sirius Demonic Cloud Grass to Su Yuntao, a piece of trash. However, this was an order from the Pope, and he did not dare to disobey it.

Ju Douluo could only feel envious that the Pope actually loved Cheng Rou's little girl to such an extent that even the little deacon who discovered her wanted to reward her again.
In the Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong dropped more and more fairy grass.

At this moment, the kitchen was filled with nine-colored rays of light.



Thanks to Rose for your monthly ticket support

(End of this chapter)

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