Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 67 The Decisions of the Four Shrek Girls

Chapter 67 The Decisions of the Four Shrek Girls
The guards in the Wuhun Palace also felt the visible soul power floating in the air.

There is even a rich life energy that makes people want to stop.

You can feel your practice improving even when you take a deep breath.

What’s even more incredible is that the hidden injuries and diseases that remain on some of the guards are slowly fading away...

These people all cheered inwardly. I don’t know who took the lead. Most of them began to sit down, meditate and practice...

"It's the Pope's method." Secretly, Ghost Douluo, who was guarding the Pope's Palace, admired and worshiped in his heart.


Bibi Dong felt the glow and smiled charmingly.

She had not expected this situation, but she felt that her body, soul, and martial spirit were eager to possess this energy.

With a thought in Bibi Dong's mind, these rich energies began to gather towards her.

If anyone were in the kitchen at this moment, they would be shocked and kneel down, mistakenly thinking that a goddess from nine heavens had descended to earth.

Bibi Dong was wrapped in nine colors of energy, as if she was wearing a divine garment woven from nine colors. She began to be nourished and improved by these energies...

In the deepest part of the worship hall, an old man was kneeling devoutly under the angel statue, shock flashed across his face.

"Bibi Dong, you are becoming more and more difficult for me to understand. What should Xueer do?"

There was undoubtedly a huge change in Wuhun Hall that night.
The next day, Zhao Wuji still informed Shrek that everyone was renovating for the day, so the four girls naturally had no objections.

After all, they have no sense of belonging to Shrek, so they can go back next year.

The girls gathered in Zhuqing's room to discuss it and decided not to practice today.

Just play.

Feel again the kind of shareable joy that one cannot feel alone.

"It's been a long time coming here. Xiaobaicao is still so charming and charming, and millet pepper is also good. Let's look for millet pepper tonight." Zhao Wuji felt happy in his heart.

And Tang San had just finished practicing the Xuantian Technique, and when he saw Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun coming back, they looked so happy, and they were not as disappointed as yesterday.

Tang Sannuo thought about it, could it be that a man's happiness is so simple?
Tang San thought that he was also an old bachelor in his previous life, the kind who had been bachelor for 29 years.

Although he used his purple devil eyes to peek at the female disciples of the outer sect taking a bath, he never experienced that kind of pleasure.

Several boys also began to discuss how to be happy today
Under a big tree, four girls sat together with many delicious snacks.

They decided to have a dinner outdoors, leisurely feeling the natural and free atmosphere around them. Even the smile of the cold girl Zhuqing can often be seen.

"Actually, I have already thought about leaving during this period, but I am very happy to get to know you. I have decided to leave after a while." Zhuqing suddenly said.

"That's great, Zhuqing." Xiao Wu cast an appreciative look at him.

"Zhuqing also has feelings for us. I thought Zhuqing only had feelings for that boy named Jiujianxian." Rongrong also joked.

Cheng Rou also said domineeringly: "If you don't tell me the secret to such a good growth, you can't leave me."

All the girls looked at Zhuqing's chest, full of envy. They didn't understand how a girl could have such great achievements.

"Yes, Zhuqing, you must tell us the secret." Rongrong did not miss this opportunity to joke.

"I don't want to become so big. Maybe the person I like likes flat chests?" Xiao Wu said with envy in her eyes, but she still said her strength.

Anyway, Xiao Wu believed that Brother Su Chen wouldn't care about this.

"Xiao Wu, what are you thinking? Are we getting bigger just to show men?" Rongrong directly criticized Xiao Wu's improper thoughts.

Xiao Wu bit her lower lip, obviously she still cared about this matter in her heart.

"Ah, what's that for?" Xiao Wu was confused and stared at Rongrong, "What else is there for? For example???"

Cheng Rou looked at Xiao Wu who looked so cute and cute, and said gently: "Rong Rong, don't talk nonsense, Xiao Wu, it depends on your own preference." "But the person I like really wants to like him very much." Zhu Qing suddenly said something shocking. .

As the four of them got along more and more harmoniously, Zhuqing, who had not made friends for a long time, slowly opened up to Xiaowu and the others and shared some of his secrets.

The girls listened to Zhuqing's words in disbelief and savored them carefully.

Is this a secret between best friends, so terrifying? ? ! !

Xiao Wu, who was silent for a long time, looking up at the clear blue sky, crossed her legs and couldn't help but say:

"Zhuqing, the purpose of your coming to Shrek Academy is to become stronger. But we are not satisfied with Shrek's teaching, and we may not be able to make you stronger. You want to accompany me. I'm really sorry."

Similarly, Zhuqing, who was lying on the grass, thoughtfully replied:
"Xiao Wu, it doesn't matter. Teaching in other colleges may not be able to make me stronger."

Xiao Wu naturally didn't believe this, so Xiao Wu said seriously:

"Well, Zhuqing, I'll share with you my ability to control my body precisely and the secret of concentrating my power on one point. This should make you stronger."

"Xiao Wu, I can't accept it. Your secret is very unusual." Zhuqing refused.

She naturally understands the extraordinary power of this exquisite control of the whole body, and the terrifying and powerful explosion of concentrated power.

This is definitely a powerful secret method that can enhance your strength.

This is one of the reasons why Xiao Wu is so powerful.

Although Zhuqing is physically as powerful as a Titled Douluo, she cannot control her power as delicately as Xiao Wu and concentrate her power into a single burst.

But this is exactly what Zhuqing needs, and Zhuqing is sure that this can make her stronger.

"It's okay, Zhuqing, aren't we sisters? The best things should be given to sisters, and I will also share them with Sister Rourou and Rongrong."Xiao Wu said generously.

"Then I will share my exquisite use and control methods of soul power." Zhuqing thought for a while and nodded.

Rongrong heard it inexplicably. Is this the special secret of Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing?

Xiao Wu couldn't help but think about it, and the picture of her learning how to use and control Zhuqing's soul power appeared in her mind.

She can easily walk on walls and trees, which is so cool for her.

"Zhuqing, after I learn how to do it, will I be able to walk smoothly in various environments like you?" Xiao Wu inquired curiously.

"Well, I will teach you how to walk on water."

Zhuqing Yingying's little mouth raised slightly. This was the result of her high soul power and her constant efforts.

"Ah, that's great." Xiao Wu was very happy.

"If this is the case, I will teach you the techniques and keys to releasing soul power." Cheng Rou also said,
If she really learns Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing's special secret skills, Cheng Rou also feels that she can become much stronger.

"Can you also teach the soul power releasing technique? I thought it was a talent." Zhuqing was shocked.

If she can release her soul power at this stage, her strength will be greatly improved.

"Yes, it can be taught. I thought it was talent at first, but I discovered the key to externalizing it. I have experimented and others can learn it," Cheng Rou said without hesitation.

And who else could Cheng Rou's experimental subject be besides her sister Nana?

When Cheng Rou thought of Sister Nana, she smiled slightly again.

Ning Rongrong lowered her head in embarrassment. Each of the sisters actually had unique skills.

After learning the skills of the sisters, the auxiliary soul master will definitely have actual combat capabilities.

But she has no secrets to share.

The three Zhuqing girls also discovered Rongrong's depression.

(End of this chapter)

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