Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 69 Liu Erlong appears for the first time

Chapter 69 Liu Erlong appears for the first time

"Damn it." Dai Yubai looked at the leaving girls and threw the flowers on the ground angrily, his face full of coldness.

He only found confidence in a woman's bed last night, and that's why he acted so boldly today.

Unexpectedly, it would end like this, and he began to feel hatred in his heart...

Along the way, the Shrek boys and girls had no communication.

When Shrek and everyone returned to the academy, it was already night.

Compared with the happiness and contentment of the four women, the four Shrek men only felt tired and disappointed.

After the eight Shrek students entered the village, they quietly returned to their dormitories to rest.
Zhao Wuji told Flender about the situation of the Star Dou Forest and his party.

Flanders heard this inexplicably, and his expression changed many times.

Oscar's third soul ring soul skill was actually a flying soul skill, and Tang San actually became a soul master.

There are also some unusual things about a few female students.

Flender understood that Shrek Academy had really found a treasure, and it was just around the corner to soar into the sky.

"You are the master."

Zhao Wuji also understood from Flanders' introduction that the person sitting next to Flanders was Yu Xiaogang, who was also Tang San's teacher.

"You're so polite, King Fudo, can you tell me more about what happened when my disciple Tang San absorbed the spirit ring? I didn't expect that you Shrek actually has such a talented food-type spirit master." Yu Xiaogang said with a leisurely smile, He was obviously happy about something.

"My Shrek Academy has always only admitted monsters. Do you know it now? These eight children will make the word Shrek shake up the soul master world. Next, we brothers will work together to cut off the gold." Flanders was very happy. .

Yu Xiaogang was silent and looked at Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji also began to seriously describe the situation when Tang San absorbed the spirit ring...


Finally, Yu Xiaogang couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I didn't expect that my disciple Tang San would actually surpass the limit and absorb a spirit ring that was more than 2000 years old. He might even have received a great fortune."

Flanders was also secretly shocked, but everything would have to be confirmed after seeing Tang San tomorrow.


Early the next morning,

In Shrek Academy, master Tang Sanyu and Xiaogang met again and staged an affectionate drama.

The more Yu Xiaogang saw his disciple, the more satisfied he became, especially when he knew that his disciple had absorbed the third soul ring beyond his years, and also obtained the external soul bone that a soul master dreams of.

Apart from the 10-year-old soul bone, this is the most desired treasure among soul masters.

In a sense, soul bones determine the strength of a soul master.

Because soul skills come with the soul ring, due to age restrictions, the power of the soul skills is still limited as the level increases.

However, soul bones will become stronger as the strength of the soul master increases. This is also the biggest reason why soul bones are competed for by soul masters.

Yu Xiaogang began to explain the knowledge of soul bones to Tang San tirelessly. Tang San's eyes lit up when he saw the teacher. The teacher was really great and knowledgeable, he knew everything...

Yu Xiaogang even tested the power of the soul ring that exceeded the limit of absorption for Tang San. The third soul skill, the spider web, was bound by the spider web. Soul masters below the soul sect were basically unable to break free.

After listening to Yu Xiaogang's explanation, Tang San was filled with confidence and was so frightened——
Moreover, he had just tested the external soul bone and shot it through the big tree. He felt that the external soul bone not only rotted the tree, but also absorbed a burst of energy...

Yu Xiaogang also gave the reason why Tang San could absorb soul rings beyond the limit. Because he failed too many times, his heart was stimulated and his inner desire to win was aroused.

The next thing Yu Xiaogang did should be the only thing that was not wrong in the eyes of many Douluo readers.In Shrek's cafeteria, Yu Xiaogang severely criticized Shrek's food, "Steamed buns, eggs and a bowl of salty porridge, isn't this nonsense?"

"Ah, teacher, you're in charge, it's not bad." Tang San said with a smile.

Yu Xiaogang said seriously again: "It doesn't matter at the age of Flanders and the others, but you can't. The body is the capital of all strength improvements, not to mention that you are still in the critical period of growing your body. How can you persist in all kinds of training with such a diet. "

Then Yu Xiaogang and Flender, who happened to arrive at the cafeteria, started beeping and arguing...

This may also be one of the reasons for the low graduation rate of Shrek Academy in the past. Strict and cruel training without corresponding physical conditioning would damage the physical fitness of those students, wouldn't it?
In a small courtyard in the forest behind Lanba College,

Liu Erlong woke up in a daze. At this moment, she seemed a little weak and a little scared.

When she opened her eyes and saw this familiar room, she felt relieved.

"It turns out that everything was just a dream, a real and terrifying nightmare. Fortunately, my innocence is still there, Xiaogang."

After thinking about it, Liu Erlong got up from the bed.
"Tick, tick,"

When Liu Erlong saw it, his face turned red, but his face was full of anger, "How could you have such a terrible nightmare?"

Liu Erlong tore off all the clothes on his body and grabbed them in his hands.

Soon, the water vapor began to evaporate, and slowly even the clothes turned into ashes.

Liu Erlong looked at the bed and started to deal with the sheets...

If someone saw Liu Erlong's body at this moment, they would definitely not be appreciating her beauty, but angry.

Why are there all kinds of irreparable scars on her perfect figure wrapped in a dress?

It's like a perfect piece of art that suddenly has various cracks, which makes people feel uncomfortable.
Everyone gathered in Shrek Square.

Dean Flender introduced the teachers of the college to the students one by one.

The four girls naturally agreed with the strength of the teacher introduced by Flanders earlier. After all, they were either Soul Emperors or Soul Saints.

Flender began to introduce the last teacher Yu Xiaogang loudly.

"This is a legendary figure that I specifically requested to stay. Let me introduce it carefully to everyone. He is the one who developed the ten core theories of Wuhun by himself. He is called theoretically invincible by countless people on the mainland. He is full of The wise spirit master Yu Xiaogang is so! He is also Tang San’s teacher. Maybe you don’t know this name very well, but you must have heard of the title of master. From now on, you can just call him master. From today on, all of you will The training course is entirely handed over to this master. Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ma Hongjun, you are the only ones who have not reached Soul Master yet. Come on, let the master say a few words."

The master straightened his body and looked sharply, "I heard that you students had conflicts before, and there was a pretentious girl who was very arrogant. But, I'm here, and I don't want to hear any disunity. The eight of you The students are a whole, and I treat your training equally. We will disband today and gather together for training tomorrow..."

Several boys watched the master leave with great admiration.

After all, they think that if they are worthy of the title of master, how can their strength be low?

Oscar said: "Xiaosan, your teacher is so amazing, I feel better than Dean Flanders."

Tang San smiled and said, "My teacher is very strict, but as long as you follow his instructions, there will be absolutely no problem."

While several boys were admiring Jade Xiaozhu, the girls seemed dissatisfied.

"Xiao Wu, is there something wrong with this person? Why does he feel like he is targeting me and Zhuqing?" Rongrong said unhappily.

"There must be something wrong with him. When he was in junior college, I don't know why, he didn't have to do anything, but he still had a good life in school, with a salary and a house. But I didn't expect that he would actually come to Shrek He has become a teacher, and he has such a close relationship with Dean Flender." Xiao Wu said nonchalantly.

Cheng Rou thought for a while and said, "He must be very strong, right? I have never heard of such a character. His disciple Tang San is indeed much stronger than ordinary people."

After all, some people look weak on the outside, but their strength is hidden.

"His strength, if I tell you, you will definitely be surprised." Xiao Wu's eyes swept over the faces of the three girls, mysteriously.

"Is it Contra? I feel that he is very weak." Zhuqing said.

(End of this chapter)

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