Chapter 70 Yu Xiaogang is actually a waste
"It's definitely not a Titled Douluo." Rongrong said with certainty, "At most, he can only be a Soul Saint. He can't be any stronger."

Xiao Wu gave Rongrong a roll of his eyes, praised Zhu Qing and said:
"Zhuqing, you are so accurate. He is indeed very weak, and he is still a level 29 great soul master. Are you surprised?"

The three women stopped and looked at each other, their beautiful eyes full of doubts, and finally all six beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Wu.

They obviously believed Xiao Wu's words and didn't think Xiao Wu was making such an international joke.

"You're letting trash train us. Shrek is crazy." Rongrong spoke first and said angrily.

A man who looks to be between 60 and [-] years old is still a great soul master. This is nothing but trash.

"I agree." Xiao Wu kicked the air, looking very naughty.

"Yes, I agree. How can such a person be called a master? He can't even defeat a soul beast that has been around for hundreds of years, let alone study the theory of soul masters. How could he have the ability to collect that data and steal it? Right. And can you teach Tang San? Unless Tang San himself is very talented." Cheng Rou analyzed it and said.

"Don't he just accept students with high talents? The knowledge he taught Tang Xiaosan is all in the books. And the theory he published has no credibility at all. But there is one theory that I think is very suitable for him. It should be from his I got the theory from myself."

Xiao Wu turned her waist slightly and responded to Cheng Rou's statement, which was very clever.

"What theory? It's mysterious." Rongrong pushed Xiao Wu's slender waist with both hands.

Xiao Wu put one hand on her hips, then raised her chest, and pointed the other hand in the direction of Yu Xiaogang who was leaving, and said: "There are no useless martial spirits, only useless soul masters."


The three women couldn't help but laugh.

"That's right, he happens to be."

"Then do we still need to accept his training?" Rongrong asked tentatively.

"Let's see. If it's also running training, forget it. Let's start our own training." Cheng Rou said.



In a wooden house, Yu Xiaogang was looking through information.

"Cheng Rou is younger than Xiao San, and her martial spirit has never heard of the Purple Emperor Sword. But her level has indeed reached level 33, and she even easily defeated the careless Dai Yubai. Such talent is unique.

Zhu Zhuqing, with level 27 strength, easily defeated Xiao San. Even I find it unbelievable. There must be a lot of coincidence.

But now, Xiao San is no longer what he used to be. It's time for Xiao San to take revenge and regain his confidence. "

Analyzing the information proudly, Yu Xiaozhu thought about how to get the most beneficial growth for his disciple Tang San.
But Yu Xiaogang and Shrek's nightmare also started because of this decision.

Even going forward, they have been living in these girls' nightmares.
At night, Su Chen came to Zhuqing's room, looked at the sleeping Qingling girl, gently pressed her lips on her cherry, and turned to leave.

"Don't leave." Zhuqing opened his eyes and shouted.

Cheng Rou was awakened and hurried to Zhu Qing's side, "Zhu Qing, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just had a dream." Zhuqing was stunned for a few seconds and said guiltily.

"Well, then go to bed quickly." Cheng Rou smiled slightly and returned to her bed.

The next morning, the girls came to the cafeteria.

"Wow, has Dean Flanders noticed it? This is the food that one hundred gold coins should have." Rongrong said while looking at the broth and drooling.

Oscar looked admiring: "Then I have to thank the master."

Dai Yubai came to Zhuqing with a bowl of broth, "Zhuqing, I'll help you fill a bowl of broth."

"Is it necessary? It's impossible for us. You were as romantic as you were when you were a child." Zhuqing didn't have any emotion, only coldness.

Dai Yubai was still unwilling and said: "Can't we have a good talk?" "Since you have given up, why are you still persistent? Isn't the life you want now? Don't bother me again." Zhuqing said coldly again.

If it weren't for Dai Yubai's departure that allowed him to meet Su Chen, Zhuqing wouldn't want to talk to Dai Yubai.

Dai Yubai watched Zhuqing leave and learned to hide his sorrow with a sneer.

Maybe this is retribution, but you are my fiancée after all. If I can’t get your heart, your body is still mine, Zhu Zhuqing. This is the identity and destiny that you can’t escape.

Thinking of this, Dai Yubai thought of the battle at the Rose Hotel yesterday.

Indeed, this kind of life is what I want, and resources should be enjoyed and utilized, hahaha.

"Boss Dai, you won't hit a wall and go crazy after being hit." Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Yubai with shining eyes and said doubtfully.

"Go away, can you understand my taste?"

Ma Hongjun could only walk away weakly, Boss Dai couldn't afford to offend him.

In Shrek Square, Yu Xiaogang was already waiting for the students to gather.

"Great, you all were prompt."

"You girls are very talented. I hope you will look at me with respect. You must know that no matter how talented you are, if you don't meet a famous teacher, you will still be incompetent."

Yu Xiaogang felt the questioning eyes of the four girls and Wei Ling said.

Seeing that the four girls didn't say anything, Yu Xiaogang thought they recognized him, and then said: "Zhu Zhuqing, you happened to defeat my disciple Tang San before, but that was before, and now because of my arrival, my disciple's strength It has improved by leaps and bounds and can even defeat you easily.

Cheng Rou, you defeated Dai Yubai before because Dai Yubai underestimated the enemy without knowing your strength. I believe that with my training, Dai Yubai can easily defeat you in a short time.

Xiao Wu, I also hope you won't keep playing tricks, otherwise you won't be at level 29 now, and my disciple Tang San has already broken through level 30.And Ning Rongrong, don’t avoid training just because you are an auxiliary soul master. Only if you follow my training can you not be surpassed by these boys."

I have to say that Yu Xiaogang has already started pua, but it's a pity that these four girls can't be ordinary four girls.

The boys watched the master reprimanding a few girls, and they couldn't help but admire him in their hearts. He was indeed a master.

"That, great master." Rongrong's weak and soft voice came out, which stood out.

"Well, I'm here."

Yu Xiaogang felt relieved for a while. It turned out that adding the word "great" sounded so magical.

It would be so comfortable if a large group of people called me Emperor Xiaogang in the future.

"I want to know why I am still at level 50 at the age of 29. I am now 12 years old and level 26. I am in a hurry. I am afraid that I will reach level 30 accidentally." Rongrong stared at Yu Xiaogang with a look on his face asking for advice. Said seriously.

"Master is only level 29?" Several boys looked confused, and their image of a strong backer collapsed in their minds.

Isn't this master a waste, a waste teaching monster?

The three boys all looked at Yu Xiaogang with dissatisfaction. How could the monsters be willing to be taught by a loser?

Doesn’t that demean themselves?

Dai Yubai and the others had not asked Tang San about Yu Xiaogang's strength before.

When they thought about it, Yu Xiaogang, who could be a brother to Dean Flanders, would be a Soul Emperor at the very least.

But who would have thought that the so-called master is a level 29 great soul master.

At this time, Tang San came out to defend: "My teacher's strength cannot be improved due to the mutation of his martial spirit, but his theory is invincible. Please believe in my teacher."


(End of this chapter)

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