Chapter 71 The disdain of the four women

The three boys were hesitant, calmed down, and stopped making noises. Maybe the master really had other abilities.

"Master, forget it, it turns out that's what it is. What a pity, I thought there was any secret to not breaking through level 30." Ning Rongrong looked frustrated.

"You still have a lot to learn." Yu Xiaogang did not lose control of his expression because of a few words from a girl.

Just a little girl.

Yu Xiaogang believed how much these people would worship him after receiving his training and improving their strength.

Some girls might even take the initiative to warm the bed, just like that bitch Liu Erlong who fell in love with him after casually giving her some advice on her practice.

Just kidding, as the young master of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, he naturally knows some of the training methods of dragon martial arts.

Yu Xiaogang's deep and cunning eyes swept over many girls.

He didn't panic. As long as they accepted the formulated training plan, it was easy to deal with several little girls.

"Zhu Zhuqing, now you and Tang San are fighting. Xiao San, you can't use hidden weapons. Let me see the strength gap and flaws between you." Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San and nodded slightly.

"Yes." Tang San stood up, waiting for his opponent Zhu Zhuqing.

"I refuse a meaningless battle?" Zhuqing said coldly.

"Are you afraid? I'm afraid that the mistress is already prepared to deal with you, and you need to be strong-willed to attack you?"

"It doesn't matter. Even if you lose, I will list your shortcomings to make you stronger."

The master turned away from Zhuqing and said calmly with a clear look on his face.

"He is too weak, and there is no need to take action against his defeated generals."

Zhuqing was still cold, and that seemed to be the way it seemed to her.

When Tang San heard this, his eyes turned cold.

He was underestimated, which was a mental insult that hurt more than being defeated by strength.

"Hahaha, Zhu Zhuqing, I knew you had a certain level of strength, but I didn't expect you to be an arrogant person. If you win, I will kowtow to you."

It was also the first time for Yu Xiaogang to hear such a joke. The excellence and talent of his disciple Tang San made him full of confidence.

"No, you don't need to kowtow."

Zhuqing looked at Yu Xiaogang and felt disgusted.

What you can get by letting such people kowtow to you is nothing but disgust.

"Then you're admitting defeat, are you afraid?" Yu Xiaogang joked, he had never seen someone so good at pretending.

"No, if I win, you kneel from here to the door of Shrek Academy." Zhuqing said coldly.

"Okay, what if you lose?" Yu Xiaogang suddenly became cold and sharp.

"I'll leave Shrek immediately if I lose. I've seen you walking around since then." Zhuqing was still cold.

"Xiao San, did you hear that? Someone is provoking us. Use your strongest strength to defeat her and tell her the fate of being defiant." Yu Xiaogang said seriously to Tang San.

"I understand, teacher." Tang San's whole body became fierce, and his eyes became purple.

"Please, I won't show mercy." Tang San urged, his eyes full of ruthlessness.

Dai Yubai thought for a while, and at this point, he couldn't say anything, as long as he was alive, he didn't mind.

A slight sneer came from the corner of Tang San's mouth, and he had already thought about the battle plan.

Let the blue silver grass spread around first, and the tiny seeds are scattered on Zhu Zhuqing's body. Then he uses the second soul ring, parasitism, to explode her clothes directly, and then uses spider webs to restrain her to turn her into a ketone body that can only be watched. Play with her aloofness in the palm of your hand.
Tang San's gaze once again looked at Zhu Qing's graceful and concave figure, his eyes became fiery, and his whole body was adjusted to its optimal condition, ready to face the enemy.

Zhuqing looked at Tang San casually and walked up indifferently.

"Come on Zhuqing!" Xiaowu Rongrong shouted.

The battle began, and Tang San, who was very calculating, had already started to control the walking Blue Silver Grass, forming a battlefield of Blue Silver Grass around him.

However, before Tang San could grow a few blue silver grass roots, Zhu Qing did not follow the routine and directly moved at super high speed and came to Tang San's side. Five sharp claws had already grabbed his neck.

"How is it possible? It's faster than last time." Tang San was speechless. Was he killed instantly?At a speed that even the Purple Demon Eyes can't see clearly...

"Mistress, you don't have to give me face." Dai Yubai thought for a while and shouted.Tang San: Mmp, I’ll give you a little face.

Although Yu Xiaogang didn't understand what was going on, he naturally didn't believe that his disciple had lost. "Xiao San, defeat her quickly."

Feeling Zhuqing's cold claws, Tang San was speechless, don't I want to?If I make any move, my head will fall to the ground.


Everyone saw drops of blood dripping from Zhuqing's sharp claws, and their hearts tightened.

"I lost." Tang San said unwillingly. With his neck being grabbed, there was no point in persisting.

Hearing Tang San admit defeat, Zhuqing retracted his claws and kicked Tang San in the waist, sending him flying away.

"Little San." Several boys ran over and helped Tang San up.

"Xiaosan, why are you letting go?" Yu Xiaogang was dissatisfied.

Wasn't this meant to embarrass him?

Disciple Tang San's strength is not only invincible at the same level, but there are even fewer people who can defeat him at the same level.

How is it possible to be defeated so easily?
"Teacher, I didn't, she was too fast." Tang San felt aggrieved, with a trace of red liquid still at the corner of his mouth.

"No, you don't want to win. You have a deep love for classmates. You don't want Zhu Zhuqing to leave the academy, right?" Yu Xiaogang's eyes flickered.

Tang San:……

"You don't have to act anymore. Tang San actually lost. Master, don't break your promise." Rongrong couldn't stand Yu Xiaozhu's acting skills and urged.

"Hmph, it was just a joke, and Xiao San also lost on purpose. But student Zhu Zhuqing was a bit more aggressive. What do you students look like? You haven't completed the rest of the training."

Yu Xiaogang ignored Tang San, whose mouth was full of sausages, and pretended as if nothing had happened.

"Xiao Wu, this Da Shi is indeed a master." Rongrong said without caring.

"Hee hee, Rongrong, this is called a master, even City Wall is not as thick-skinned as him." Xiao Wu looked disdainful.


The girls all laughed.

Even some of the boys looked at the master with doubts in their eyes. This was so shameless.

"Teacher, this disciple is willing to accept the punishment on your behalf." Tang San looked at the questioning eyes around him and said.

The master adjusted his voice and said: "There's no need, Xiaosan. Your loss was too strange. This time it doesn't count. We will continue to strengthen training from now on."

"Da Shi, your character has let us down. We won't accompany you anymore. Come on, you guys." Xiao Wu said disdainfully.

"Don't you want to become stronger?

If you leave today, they will far surpass you. "Yu Xiaogang guided him step by step.

"Not interested." Cheng Rou replied disdainfully.

Yu Xiaogang's face changed slightly, and he looked at the four girls, as if he was not joking, and really wanted to leave.

He knew that these girls were very talented, and it would be a shame if they were not trained under him.

"Aren't you afraid of being expelled from Shrek Academy if you don't obey the training?" Yu Xiaogang saw that temptation was useless, so he resorted to threats instead, and his expression became disgusting.

"I'm so scared. I'm so scared that Shrek will expel me. I'm so scared that I'm going to the Five Elements Academy, the Imperial Academy."

Rongrong covered his mouth with his hands and looked dumbfounded, his eyes widened and he said.

Anyone who saw this expression would know it was mocking.

"You" Yu Xiaogang didn't expect that Ning Rongrong's mouth would be so twitchy.

Jade Xiaozhu suppressed her anger and controlled her emotions.

He naturally knows how to deal with the young prodigy, he is just competitive.

(End of this chapter)

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