Chapter 72 Da Shi is cheating again

"You are so talented, how could the academy be willing to expel you? Let's do this. Next, you will send one person to fight. If you win, you can leave. If you lose, you can accept my training."

"We won, but you still have to fulfill Zhuqing's bet." Cheng Rou said with disgust, not understanding why the more she looked at him, the more disgusted she felt.

Yu Xiaogang appreciated: "Haha, yes, how can I, Yu Xiaogang, be a person who breaks my word?"

"Yes, the teacher is not this kind of person."Tang San also echoed loudly from the side.

Really not?
The three boys started to murmur...

"Then come and sign." Cheng Rou took out paper and pen, and her extraordinary temperament radiated from her body.

As soon as he picked up the pen, dragons and phoenixes danced and shouted, and a piece of writing filled with more than a hundred words was completed.

"Look carefully and sign it if you have no problem." Cheng Rou finished speaking and placed it in front of everyone.

Xiao Wu and others didn't know that Cheng Rou was so cruel and refused to give Yu Xiaogang a way out, but they believed in Cheng Rou.

If Yu Xiaogang fails to fulfill the agreement, he has the right to decide his life or death.

"This is too cruel." Several men were frightened. They didn't expect girls to be such cruel creatures.

"Hahaha, I'm really not that kind of person. There's no need to sign and pledge at all." Yu Xiaogang laughed. In his opinion, this woman is too stupid. The rules haven't been stated yet. Isn't it his final say in the competition? ?
"However, if you are worried, then I will sign it." After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he took out a pen from his arms and wrote his name with great confidence...

After signing his name, Yu Xiaogang joked to the girls: "Which one of you will challenge?"

"I'll do it." Cheng Rou stood up.

"Sister Rourou, come on." The three girls supported Cheng Rou. They were not dissatisfied with her decision, but were full of enthusiasm.

Instead, Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed and he showed a successful smile.

"Haha, okay, Dai Yubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun will line up. You fight three."

"What, Master, you are really shameless." Rongrong Xiaowu said angrily.

Yu Xiaogang was strategizing, with a proud look on his face: "I only said that you sent one person, not how many people to fight. Now you want to regret it but you have lost."

Tang San's eyes lit up and he praised: "Teacher is really smart, everything is planned clearly."

"This master is really powerful. He can fool these girls around. If I, Ma Hongjun, were as good as the master, wow." Ma Hongjun said to himself with a look of admiration.

Oscar looked at Ma Hongjun, sizing up Yu Xiaogang, and shook his head. The fat man is not thin-skinned.

"Master, why do you have to fight three against one? I can do it alone." Dai Yubai said proudly.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Dai Yubai, showing disdain, are you the only one?

"Dai Mubai, I am the teacher, you just need to obey." Yu Xiaogang spoke bluntly without explaining.

A few minutes later, both sides were ready.

"The first soul skill, the Emperor's Sword Body," Cheng Rou started to get serious as she looked at the three people across from her.

In the state of the emperor's sword, Cheng Rou's whole body was covered by the emperor's golden light, and she looked quite noble and majestic.

In this state, Cheng Rou ignores any negative status for five seconds, increases her physical defense and speed to a certain extent, and the power of her external soul skills is increased by 100%.

"Is this Sister Rourou's first soul skill? Why does she look so powerful?" Rongrong said in surprise.

Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun, who was opposite Cheng Rou, was shocked, "Is this the number one soul skill? So powerful?"

They have already felt the terrifying deterrent from Cheng Rou's serious state.

Oscar, who was behind Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun, also noticed something was wrong, "Boss Dai, Fatty, take the mushroom sausage first."

The two took the sausage, and without saying a word, Ma Hongjun made a loud crowing sound and performed his first soul skill.

Facing the oncoming Phoenix line of fire and Ma Hongjun following closely behind, Cheng Rou looked calmly and swung out her sword, cutting the flames.

Seeing this scene, Ma Hongjun's eyes became shocked, "Why is my flame so vulnerable?"

Ma Hongjun's purple flame is no ordinary flame. Not only is it high in temperature and highly clinging, but it is also difficult to extinguish.

How could Ma Hongjun not be shocked when he was so easily defeated by Cheng Rou.Cheng Rou ignored Ma Hongjun's shock and quickly waved her palms. A burst of condensed soul power flew towards Ma Hongjun. The speed was so fast that the distance between the two was less than five meters. Ma Hongjun found that he could not escape.

Ma Hongjun could only protect his vital parts with both hands and endure the blow.

Ma Hongjun thought that this strange move should not be very powerful.

Ma Hongjun: Puff puff puff...

"Fat man," Dai Yubai shouted as he looked at Ma Hongjun who was knocked away.

Dai Yubai also understood that carelessness would only lead to defeat, so he directly used the two most powerful soul skills.

"White Tiger Vajra Transformation," Dai Yubai quickly approached Cheng Rou, "White Tiger Split Light Wave."

A burst of smoke and dust arose from where Cheng Rou was.

Dai Yubai took this opportunity and said hurriedly: "Xiao Ao, hurry up and treat the fat man, Xiao Ao..."

"Boss Dai, I... give up." Oscar said tremblingly, with a death sword already on his shoulder.

Cheng Rou used the sword as a palm and struck Oscar in the face with the sword.

Oscar was also knocked away and fell together with Ma Hongjun.

"How could it be possible to attack the rear in such a short time?" Dai Yubai couldn't believe what was happening.

Cheng Rou looked at Dai Yubai and said coldly: "You are the only one left."

Dai Yubai said unwillingly: "You are very strong, but I haven't lost yet."

Dai Yubai took out the Zhuge Divine Crossbow, which was the winning method they had discussed just a few minutes before the battle.

"This! Cheating." Rongrong looked at the Zhuge Divine Crossbow with worry in her eyes. She had seen the power of that weapon in the Star Dou Forest.

"Zhuqing, what should I do? That weapon is very powerful, and it's almost impossible for the Soul Lord to avoid it at close range." Xiao Wu also said worriedly.

Zhuqing also had worries in his eyes, but seeing the disdainful look in Cheng Rou's eyes, he still said, "I believe she already has a way to deal with it."

Sixteen tailless arrows and crossbows shot at Cheng Rou quickly. In order to ensure victory, Dai Yubai was not satisfied and released it again, blocking Cheng Rou's movement.

32 arrows and crossbows are approaching Cheng Rou's position! !

Cheng Rou saw the danger coming from the flying shot and said calmly: "Don't you understand? In the face of absolute strength, these insidious methods are not worth mentioning."

Cheng Rou swung her sword and released sword energy.

Under Cheng Rou's sword energy, the flying arrows and crossbows were actually affected and fell to the ground one after another. Dai Yubai was even knocked away...

"How is it possible? How can a soul master resist the power of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow..." Tang San looked puzzled. The hidden weapon he was proud of, the strongest hidden weapon that could be made at the moment, was easily cracked.

"Is that a self-created soul skill? How could the Soul Lord do it..." Yu Xiaogang frowned and thought in his mind.

Rongrong immediately ran over and said with admiration: "Sister Rourou, you are so powerful. Why are your battles so easy?"

Zhuqing also said in surprise: "I'm looking forward to getting your unique skills."

"Well," Cheng Rou turned her eyes, "Then, Dashi, it's time for you to fulfill your agreement."

"I'm sorry, Master, we tried our best." Dai Yubai and others woke up and said in a low voice.

Yu Xiaogang roared heartbreakingly: "Trash, they are all trash. My noble Yu Xiaogang was harmed by trash like you. Three people beat one, but they couldn't beat each other. They were all defeated by one person, and she was still a girl. Will you fight?"

"You! Damn it, let's go." Dai Yubai's eyes were cold and he left dissatisfied.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar were defeated easily, and they were already troubled and depressed. Now that they were scolded by Yu Xiaogang, they became angry.

The two of them glared at Yu Xiaogang and followed Dai Yubai out of Shrek.


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(End of this chapter)

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