Chapter 73 Meeting Lingling again
Rongrong said with a smile: "Da Shi, it's time to fulfill your promise, who are you showing your sadness to?"

Yu Xiaogang said: "Stop dreaming, I don't, what can you do. Flender is my brother, I can call him out now and tear up that note."

"Teacher, I will help you snatch that piece of paper right now," the eight spider spears appeared behind Tang San, the eight spider legs were ferocious and exposed with cold light.

"Xiao San, no need, let's go, you go and chase Dai Mubai and the others back."

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he turned around and left without taking this seriously at all.

After all, this happened on the first day of training with students. If Flanders knew about it, he might look at him differently and have a bad impact.

"Master, if you are late to fulfill your promise one day, you will have to kneel and walk an extra meter." After Cheng Rou finished speaking, she walked out of Shrek Academy with Zhu Qing and the other three with a smile.

Obviously, they were not in a hurry and did not waste their energy on this matter.

Xiao Wu and others walked to the door of Shrek Academy and found that there were more things at the door than usual.

Rongrong was curious: "What are these baskets and the stones inside used for? We didn't have this before."

Xiao Wu thought for a moment and said, "It's not for carrying carrots anyway."

Cheng Rou glanced at them and said, "There are exactly eight of them. They should be for us to carry on our backs."

Rongrong looked disdainful, "As expected, training in this school is inseparable from running."

"Let's go, it has nothing to do with us. Buy tents and outdoor supplies. We will live in the forest for a long time. I hope you can be mentally prepared. It will be very difficult." Zhuqing said seriously.

"Well, we're ready..."

When the four girls came back from Soto City after shopping, I don't know what method Tang San used to persuade Dai Yubai and the others to come back.

Several boys from Shrek were already running with bamboo baskets on their backs.

The four boys looked at the cheerful four girls, their eyes full of fighting spirit, as if they were unwilling to do so and wanted to defeat them.

"Why are they running with bamboo baskets and rocks on their backs? Can't you still make money by moving bricks?" Xiao Wu was puzzled.

"It makes sense, Xiao Wu." Rongrong agreed.

Dai Yubai, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar fell to the ground in response, being crushed by bamboo baskets and stones, but they were not angry to death.

In the Tiandou Empire, somewhere on the high bank outside the Royal Academy, there was a lonely girl curled up and hugging her legs.

She stared at the scenery in the distance, but she was not admiring the scenery. Her eyes were so empty and gray, without any life.

Such a girl is Ye Lingling. On this cliff, there was once a boy who could fill the vacancy in her heart and make her life full of color and expectation.

But after that farewell, when Lingling came back here again, he could no longer be seen.

When she thought she had let go, she realized that deep love had begun.
She began to hate herself for being so incompetent and weak, why she was unwilling to try, why she was afraid of her family, and why she didn't dare to fight against fate.

If his family wants to harm him, he can obviously protect him with his life.

Lingling stood up, and two drops of hot tears fell down the high cliff, "There is no chance anymore, how can we meet again in the vast sea of ​​​​people? He must hate me very much, or he has already forgotten me in the sea of ​​​​people."

Suddenly, Lingling found that she was being hugged from behind silently, an extremely gentle embrace, and an extremely familiar aura.

Lingling turned around in disbelief and saw the person she had been missing in her heart.

he's changed.

No, it’s because he has grown up, taller, and more dreamy, emitting a soft and gentle light like the bright moonlight, wrapping me
Lingling kept looking at him, her eyes slowly becoming gentle, "I miss you."

Lingling only thought of these two sentences in her heart.When Su Chen heard this, he no longer had any scruples.

They hugged Lingling even more tightly, and the two kissed each other, enjoying each other's tenderness.
In the tent, Lingling leaned in Su Chen's arms and said softly, "Isn't this my tent? It's very well preserved. Are you a genius? Why are you a soul master now?"

Lingling did not doubt the three soul ring levels that Su Chen showed her.

For some reason, Su Chen's sudden appearance made Lingling start to trust Su Chen and feel extremely warm in her heart.

Su Chen did not answer Ling Ling's question, but carefully stroked Ling Ling's waterfall-like long blue hair, lifted it lightly, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, revealing his greed.

"Actually, I have another woman, will you leave?" After Su Chen finished speaking, he hugged Lingling tighter.

Lingling's body trembled, but she still said: "Do I still have a choice?
You won't leave me behind, right? "


"I want to give myself to you now and become your woman." Ling Lingyu said shockingly.

Su Chen was embarrassed. Who would have thought that girls could be so proactive.

He is in a special situation. He is still unable to control 100% of his life energy, and Lingling simply cannot bear his huge energy.

Su Chen said: "Fool, I will not leave you."

"No, that's not what I meant. I just want to give myself to you." Lingling shook her head with the innocence of a girl. Who would have thought that the mute girl Lingling would say such a thing, and no one knew that Lingling would always be on this high cliff. Lovesick mood.

Su Chen continued: "I brought you a special gift. It's a heartbroken red. Drop blood on it, thinking about the person you like, so that it can recognize its owner."

Lingling looked at the little red flower that glowed red and made people unable to take their eyes away, and she felt fond of it.

At this moment, Lingling felt that her whole life was lit up by red light.

"It's a nice name, Lovesickness Red. But how could there be such a magical flower and be able to recognize its owner?" Ling Ling's colorful beautiful eyes stared at Su Chen seriously, "Are you not good enough to use this flower to deceive me on purpose? Me, it’s okay, I should be able to treat it.”

Su Chen hit Linling on the head with a bang and gritted his teeth and said, "If you want it, I'll take it back."

"How dare you," Lingling heard this, regardless of whether it was true or not. Lingling's mind kept recalling her encounter with Su Chen.
He bit the flesh and blood on his hand hard, and a line of blood flowed down, staining his heartbroken red with blood.

Lingling looked at the lovesickness in her hand and said in disbelief: "Su Chen, is this real? How come there is such a magical flower? I can feel a slight connection with it."

After saying that, Lingling put it on her hair again, her face flushed, "Does it look good? Su Chen."

"It looks good, but I'll swallow it right now." Su Chen didn't want to tell Lingling that he could keep the Acacia heartbroken red forever. If Lingling knew about it, he wouldn't be willing to accept it.

"Ah, why." Lingling was puzzled.

Then Su Chen told Lingling the secret of the little red flower, and Lingling realized that it was actually a magical object that could enhance her strength and talent, but she still didn't believe that such a flower existed.

The 15-year-old Lingling is now at level 35, which is already considered an excellent talent. After all, she is an auxiliary soul master.

Finally, after some tender persuasion from Su Chen, Lingling reluctantly accepted the first gift Su Chen gave her.

Su Chen smiled helplessly when he saw that Lingling was absorbing the red color of lovesickness in great distress.

In the tent, as Lingling swallowed and absorbed, strange phenomena began to occur in the sky, and a burst of bright red light dyed the entire sky red.

ps: I don’t know if you like the character Ye Lingling. Anyway, I want to write about her and I think she’s pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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