Chapter 74 Lingling’s terrifying changes

The reason why all of this happened turned out to be a red Nine-Hearted Begonia that appeared in front of Lingling.

Su Chen, who was closest to Lingling, naturally saw this red light shining on the world. Even Su Chen, who was the closest, felt a burst of life energy.

This fairy grass not only improves Lingling's soul power level but also cultivates her talent.

It is crazily and gently improving Lingling's physique, and it seems to be particularly compatible with Lingling's Nine-Hearted Begonia.

"Is this the King of Ten Thousand Flowers in Douluo Continent? Don't let me down." Su Chen looked at the increasingly alluring fragrance exuding from Lingling's body with a look of anticipation.

Then, when Su Chen looked at the sky, there seemed to be mysterious fluctuations in the space, and the sky around the entire Tiandou City area turned red.

In this way, no one will doubt or disturb Su Chen's position.

Su Chen could naturally seal off the world so that outsiders could not see the changes here, but he wanted Lingling to see the strange vision in the sky caused by her.

But the red light has caused waves in the Douluo Continent.

A delicate concubine in the arms of Emperor Xueye said excitedly: "Your Majesty, heaven has sent a vision to Tiandou. God bless Tiandou, and the Tiandou Empire will definitely be able to unify the continent."

Emperor Xueye also excitedly pushed away the beauty beside him, stood up and looked at the sky outside the window.
In the prince's residence, a man in black appeared in front of Xue Qinghe: "Red light envelopes the entire Tiandou Empire. Nothing unusual is happening at the moment, it's just that the red light appears."

Xue Qinghe said seriously: "If there is a treasure dropped from the sky or a heaven-defying martial spirit awakens, we must first find it and win over..."

At Dugu Bo's house, the energetic Dugu Bo felt the gentle red light and murmured: "Could it be him? I must let him be my master. This technique is too powerful... …”

The top powerhouses on the continent are also looking in the direction of the Tiandou Empire, feeling strange feelings in their hearts.

Wuhun City, Wuhun Palace, and the Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong looked in the direction of Tiandou. Because she had absorbed a lot of fairy grass, her heart jumped and she had a guess, "This is the breath of the fairy grass. Is it his fault?"

In the deepest part of the enshrinement hall, the old man knelt down under the angel statue and murmured to himself: "What is it that resonates with heaven and earth? Is it the birth of a heaven-defying martial spirit? Or is it the birth of a treasure from heaven and earth?"

In the city of killing, a middle-aged man sitting on a high blood-red throne and wearing a blood-red robe looked in the direction of the Tiandou Empire and said in a low and sharp voice: "What is it? What is it? Why does it feel like it is helping me against the heavens?" , I want to get it.”

The sea, Poseidon Island, and the beings in the far north all looked in the direction of Tiandou.


Lingling opened her eyes and said angrily: "Su Chen, what did you give me? Why didn't you absorb it yourself, well..."

Lips for a long time.

Su Chen looked at Ling Ling, who was still dazed across from him, and said with a wicked smile: "Everything has become sweeter."

"Ah, what has become sweeter, tell me quickly, what did you give me, why didn't you keep it, um..."

Lips for a long time.

Lingling said angrily, "You bad guy, why are you talking to me when I'm talking, um..."

Lips for a long time.

"I don't dare anymore, I won't say anything." Lingling's face became increasingly red with embarrassment, but her heart grew sweeter and sweeter.

Is this the kind of overbearing yet tender love?Lingling couldn't resist in her heart.

Shy Lingling found that she was picked up by Su Chen and brought outside the tent.

The red light shone on Lingling, and Lingling found that everything around her was so beautiful. It seemed that this sky, this forest, and... Su Chen all existed because of her.
"What a beautiful sky, what a beautiful world." Lingling's eyes were moist and she took the initiative to print it.

After some exchanges, Su Chen was no longer with her, and Lingling also told Su Chen about her changes.The soul power directly reaching level 40 is the most obvious change.

Wuhun Jiuxin Begonia changed from pink to red.Its healing effect has been strengthened, becoming so incredible that it can even heal wounds on the soul.

And Lingling found that she had an affinity for flowers, plants and animals.

What's even more terrifying is that Lingling can feel that her body has a terrifying ability to heal itself.

Any wound can be recovered quickly in a short period of time.If you want to kill her, you have to make her disappear into ashes all at once.

Lingling felt that everything that happened was so dreamy that she wondered if she was dreaming.

Even to verify, Lingling took out a dagger and made a deep cut on her palm. Only when she saw the wound healing automatically and felt the pain did she dare to believe it.

Lingling looked at Su Chen and said affectionately: "Su Chen, this grass is very, very important to you. You gave me such an important thing, I don't know how to repay you, and my martial soul defect is gone. "

"Don't say such things, you are my woman." Su Chen said gently.

Lingling's face turned red again: "Then I want to become a woman later."

Su Chen touched Lingling's little head and said, "Do you know you are in danger now?"

Lingling was dissatisfied. She took the initiative like this and wanted to give him everything she had. Su Chen still went off topic. Lingling said sadly in a low voice: "What's the danger? Do you dislike me?"

Su Chen smiled slightly: "You are now a walking humanoid holy medicine. Your flesh and blood can not only heal injuries, but also allow the strong men of Douluo Continent to break through to a higher realm."

Lingling didn't doubt Su Chen's words, but became a little scared.

If this is really the case, it is indeed very dangerous. "I don't want it. I'm just staying with you. I don't want to experience such a life-or-death separation."

Lingling clenched her fists and tears appeared in her eyes.

Su Chen comforted, "Fool, sit down, understand your own changes, restrain your own fragrance, and it'll be okay if you control it well."

Lingling was very obedient and sat down cross-legged, and said happily: "Is it really okay? Su Chen."

Lingling stared at Su Chen's eyes that had never changed, and said with admiration: "You are not a soul master, right? You are actually a very strong unparalleled hero, right? You are the best gift God has given me~( ̄ ▽ ̄~)~”

Lingling didn't know Su Chen's strength, but in Lingling's view, Su Chen was very mysterious, and he was already an unparalleled hero in her heart...

Su Chen looked at Ling Ling who was seriously comprehending and shook his head helplessly.

You obviously don’t know me at all, but you jump into the abyss of love under such circumstances. Fool, what if I lied to you?

In the Royal Academy, Dugu Yan was in the dormitory and looked at the Lingling bed that had been vacant, and a strange vision happened to come from the sky. Dugu Yan was filled with worry.

"What if Ling Ling encounters a bad guy? No, we have to tell Teacher Qin Ming and ask him to help us find him..."

Dugu Yan quickly stood up, opened the door and left...

Two hours later, Lingling opened her eyes in surprise. This time she felt the terror in her body.

It turns out that Su Chen really didn't lie to me. He cared about me very much. Even though I was so tempting, Su Chen could still hold back and not hurt me.

Thinking of this, Lingling looked at Su Chen tenderly again, with little stars in her eyes, and said with an innocent face: "I feel the changes in my body, but I still can't completely restrain myself. I may have to obtain a soul ring before I can be completely no different from ordinary people."

ps: Thanks to the boss Yaya for the reward, and thanks to WYH for the monthly ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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