Chapter 75 Ling Ling’s tenderness

Su Chen smiled slightly and picked up Lingling: "Let's go, I will take you to get the soul ring."

"Ah, now? It's too dangerous, and it's still far away. Just ask the college teacher to take me there." Lingling decisively refused.

Su Chen gently rubbed Lingling's waist and said again: "Am I not the unparalleled hero you said? How can this problem trouble me? Close your eyes."

"Oh." Lingling closed her eyes obediently, and soon she felt warmth on her lips.

But after a while, Su Chen's voice appeared in Lingling's mind again.

"Bad guy, he obviously wants to take advantage of me." Lingling opened her eyes and said angrily.

But when Lingling looked around, she was already in a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees, and low-priced soul beasts could be seen everywhere.

This rich natural atmosphere and scene, Lingling knew, could only be found in the Star Dou Forest.

"How is that possible!?! We arrived at the Star Dou Forest with just one kiss. Tell me, did you kiss me for many days?" Lingling said this assumption as if she was stupid.

"How long have we been kissing and you don't feel anything?" Su Chen looked at Lingling curiously.

Lingling's face turned red again, because every time she wanted to live forever...

In the Tiandou Empire, with Su Chen's departure, the red light in the sky has disappeared...

Beside a pool of water, the bright moonlight fell on two boys and girls holding hands.

The girl suddenly hugged the boy, "Su Chen, I thought I could understand you by getting along with you, but I found that the more I get to know you, the more mysterious and strange you feel. We are like people from two worlds. Please don't leave me, okay. "

Su Chen comforted the beautiful girl in his arms and said gently: "Fool, the rest of your life is very long. We will gradually understand."

"Yeah (○^^)." Lingling smiled sweetly, very happy, and she was deeply in love in her heart.

"Then why do you like me?" Lingling asked curiously.

"I don't have anyone I particularly like. I've seen you a lot, so I have one."

"Then I'd also like to thank myself for coming to see you often." Lingling didn't know why and gently clasped Su Chen's waist.

Su Chen pointed at the soul beast in the center of the pool and said interestingly, "Is that lotus calling you?"

Lingling nodded, "Yes, I felt some strange calling just now, I thought it was an illusion.

This is the Weeping Blood Jade Lotus, but it’s very old and I can’t absorb it. "

Su Chen said calmly: "Fool, go over and see what it wants you to do."

"How am I going to get there?" Lingling glanced at the bottomless pool and looked confused.

As soon as Lingling finished speaking, she was pulled by Su Chen and walked towards the pool.

Lingling blushed and closed her eyes, thinking that Su Chen wanted to bathe in the pool with her.

However, the feeling of soaking did not come from the soles of her feet. Lingling opened her eyes and looked curiously at the bottomless pool beneath her feet.

A golden lotus blooms every time you take a step, which is quite mysterious in such a night story.

Don't be too shocked.

Lingling put away her surprise, held Su Chen's arm with her other hand, and walked forward with him.
At Su Chen's signal, Lingling approached the Weeping Blood Jade Lotus and placed her hands on the Jade Lotus. A strange message was transmitted into Lingling's consciousness.

In consciousness, this jade lotus told Lingling about its life. It started from a weak lotus seed and grew in this pool. Slowly it became stronger and stronger, but it also suffered more and more injuries. Both soul beasts and humans want to devour it.

It fought against enemies, soul beasts, and heaven again and again...

Lingling opened her beautiful eyes: "Su Chen, it's tired. It said it wanted to sacrifice it and become my soul ring."

"Well, this is the choice it made." Su Chen was not surprised.

Ling Ling's eyes showed sympathy, and he touched its petals and texture again...

Finally, the red light continued to intertwine and blend, and the figure of the Weeping Blood Jade Lotus disappeared, leaving only a lotus seed.The light continued to converge on the body, and a black soul ring floated towards Lingling with a faint red light...

"Thank you, I will be with you and I will definitely revive you." After finishing speaking, Lingling closed her eyes and began to absorb it seriously...

An hour later, Lingling opened her eyes and put away a lotus seed properly.

When she becomes a titled Douluo, she can decompose the spiritual red light on the soul ring, inject it with her own strength, and let the lotus seed be resurrected in another place.

Lingling restrained her mind and stopped immersed in Yulian's tragic fate.

After all, you should be happy after absorbing the soul ring.

Lingling hugged Su Chen and said confidently: "Brother Su Chen, my sister will protect you from now on."

Lingling was now full of confidence. She found that after absorbing the fourth soul ring, her strength unexpectedly reached level 45.

One night did not pass, from level 35 to level 45. Who would believe it, and who would dare to believe it, but Lingling could only believe it.

Su Chen wondered: "How to protect me."

Lingling said with pride and expectation: "I have been by your side. If you are injured, I can treat you immediately. As long as I am here, you will not die at all."

Who dares to believe Lingling's personality has changed like this?

The girlish essence is clearly expressed in her face.

Su Chen thought for a while, then picked up Lingling and kissed her. When Lingling opened her eyes again, she had already appeared on the cliff bank.

Su Chen put down Lingling and said softly: "I'll take you back."

Lingling hurriedly hugged Su Chen: "No, I won't go back tonight. Where will I find you in the future?"

"I'm in the Shui family in Tianshui City. Shui Bing'er is my girlfriend. Please don't reveal my existence to anyone tonight, including Bing'er, okay?" Su Chen said with a serious tone.

"Yeah." Lingling replied, but in her heart she was thinking about why Shui Bing'er could let Su Chen stay by her side.

However, Lingling still took the initiative to drag Su Chen into the tent.
The next day, Lingling reluctantly left Su Chen's arms and gently squeezed Su Chen's arm, as if asking Su Chen if it hurt and if all this was a dream.

But Su Chen only responded to her with love, and Lingling also understood from the numbness that all this was true.


Lingling said a sweet goodbye and turned back to the Royal Academy.

She still has to practice hard and become even better
Only in this way can he be worthy of his current terrifying talent, and can he and Su Chen be better together.

Lingling looked firmly at the road ahead, taking every step extremely seriously...

Lingling returned to the gate of Tiandou Royal Academy, and happened to encounter Xue Beng, who also brought several followers with him.

"Hey, isn't this a mute girl? Why, she stayed up all night, looking for a man outside?" Xue Beng's eyes lit up, as if he had seen an incredible prey.

In Xue Beng's eyes, although Ling Ling was still the mute girl, her eyes had a different kind of brilliance, and her whole person had an extravagant look of wealth and beauty.

This made Xue Beng feel itchy and wanted to explore the beauty.

"Don't come near me, or I'll tell Teacher Qin later."

Lingling looked at Xue Beng with evil eyes. He was one of the people she hated most in the academy. He was shameless in harassing female students every day for fun.


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(End of this chapter)

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