Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 77 Liu Erlong’s first doubt about feelings

Chapter 77 Liu Erlong’s first doubt about feelings

Seeing the three of them carefully walking on the tree, Zhuqing couldn't help but think of that time when she was alone in the wild. In order to become stronger and to use her own advantages more effectively, she did a lot of training to improve her strength.

The idea of ​​sleeping in a tree came from the fact that she remembered Su Chen sleeping in a tree, and she could only look at it with envy from below.

If you learn to sleep on a tree, you can sleep with Su Chen^-^.

During that time, Zhuqing had been researching and trying the secret of sleeping in a tree. As expected, she found the idea after many attempts, and also learned the ingenious and flexible method of using soul power by drawing inferences from one example.

This gave Zhuqing another reason to love Su Chen to death. He could imitate him and become stronger while sleeping.

Zhuqing came to his senses when he saw Rongrong swaying on the tree crown, almost unable to hold on.

Sure enough, Rongrong was the first to fall.

Rongrong knew that the talents of Xiao Wu and others far exceeded his own, but he still mustered up the courage to face them.

She refused to admit defeat and had strong confidence in Zhuqing. Zhuqing would definitely hug her when she fell.

Rongrong fell into Zhuqing's arms, "Zhuqing, you scared me to death, hehe."

Rongrong quickly got up from Zhuqing's arms, sat aside and thought, and then climbed up the tree again.

Try to explore again and again.

In this highly dangerous environment that requires extreme control, the three women's mentality and control of their soul power are improving...


Yue'er looked at the three big characters of Tianshui City and couldn't help but say: "I'm finally back."

The seven girls stopped, looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile. There was a sense of gratuitous pride in their hearts.

They believe that in the near future, their names will definitely be heard in Douluo Continent.

Bing'er, Xue Wu, and Yu Hairou are already the strength of the Soul Sect.

The other four daughters Yue'er, Qiu Ruoshui, Gu Qingbo, and Shen Liuyu also have strong self-confidence. Within half a year, they believe that they will be able to break through the Soul Sect.

Because the medicinal power of the fairy grass is still flowing in their bodies, improving them, and their soul power is improving all the time.
When the girls walked into Tianshui City, they naturally went to buy high-quality ingredients first.

The seven beauties walked together, talking and laughing, attracting the attention of countless men and women around them. They were undoubtedly the highlights that made people have to move their eyes.

"It's a fresh big cucumber, this is the best." One of the women said happily with bright eyes.

"You just like to eat cucumbers the most." A woman next to her joked.

"Don't worry, sister, buy some more." After saying that, she had already gone to buy fresh cucumbers.

"I don't want it. I like eating meat. I want to eat meat." The girl cast her greedy eyes at all kinds of fresh meat (><)☆,
"Ah, fresh beef and fat lamb."

"I like to eat seafood. The taste of the sea combined with the heat of hot pot is delicious." The woman looked at all kinds of seafood and couldn't help but stretch out her tongue to draw circles on her lips. She seemed to have thought of eating hot pot. screen.

The girls came to Bing'er's home after buying ingredients in Tianshui City.

Bing'er opened the door, her eyes full of tenderness, and even her heart started to feel soft and sweet.

Home is still so clean and warm.And he is still waiting for him to come back.

Bing'er saw Su Chen looking at her and smiled tenderly.

But the girls were all there, so she was too embarrassed to show off, so she just ran over and held Su Chen's hand with both hands, looking at him seriously.

Looking at each other sweetly, the two of them couldn't help but laugh...

The six girls watched with amusement.

"It seems like we want a sweet love." Xue Wu said with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, when will it be my turn to have sweet love." Shen Liuyu was also envious.

"Sister, you go to your room and reminisce about old times." Yue'er said sourly.

Bing'er had the right idea and pulled Su Chen towards her boudoir.
In the room, Bing'er, who was showing the temperament of a queen for the first time, already looked like a little woman. She leaned gently on Su Chen's shoulder.

After Bing'er felt Su Chen's aura for a long time, she pinched Su Chen's waist and said, "Have you provoked other girls in the past few days?"

Su Chen was shocked, how did he discover this.But Su Chen knew that it was certainly not the right time to answer now.

He counterattacked with his hands, caressing Bing'er's newly beautiful face, "You have become even more beautiful. This change is too big."

Su Chen looked at Bing'er's exquisite and delicate face carefully, his eyes full of admiration.

Bing'er smiled: "Your woman is no ordinary girl, you have to treat me well."

After saying that, Bing'er's show fist had already hit Su Chen.

Then Bing'er stood up, and the soul rings under her body appeared one after another. The fourth soul ring was a dazzling black ten thousand year soul ring.

Su Chen's eyes widened, "With a ten-thousand-year soul ring, Bing'er is indeed a unique genius."

When Bing'er heard this, she became proud again: "I don't know where you got the blessing to win my heart."

After saying this, Bing'er fell forward and fell into Su Chen's arms.

"Let me tell you a strange thing..."

Then Bing'er told Su Chen how to obtain and absorb the ten thousand year soul ring and the experience of obtaining the attached soul bone.

Bing'er stared at Su Chen's expression of seeing a ghost, Su Chen's eyes were full of disbelief.

Bing'er said dissatisfied: "Do you think I'm making up a story? Don't believe me, hehe (˙ー˙)"

Su Chen said seriously: "No, I don't think it's strange that all the good things in the world happen to you."

When Bing'er heard this, the sweetness in her heart almost exploded.
"Hmph, that's pretty much it," Bing'er leaned close to Su Chen's ear and whispered softly, "Next time, I'll show you what I look like with my soul bone attached to my body."

After saying that, Bing'er broke away from her passionate love and was no longer a girl who only knew love.

She regained her intelligent gaze, took Su Chen's hand, and said, "Let's go help together."


In the kitchen, the girls are busy working on their own.

Qingbo is washing vegetables.

Hairou is washing cucumbers.

Xuewu Ruoshui and the others were cutting meat, Liuyu was arranging the tableware, and Yue'er was boiling water.

After Bing'er came to the kitchen, she started squeezing juice. Su Chen looked at the crowd and started preparing the secret hot pot base...
In Tiandou Emperor City, an angry and helpless Liu Erlong came to the market.

She went into a clothing store and bought underwear and bedding.

And they are all purchased in large quantities of more than a dozen pieces.

This made the clothing store owner very happy.

Liu Erlong was angry inside.

For the past few days, I have had that kind of horrible dream every night when I go to bed, and every time I wake up in the morning, it is unsightly.

She was wondering if she was being plotted, or if some bastard used some kind of soul skill on her.

Liu Erlong was sure that it was not a simple dream.

Although the body has not been touched in reality, the abnormalities in the dream will be reflected in reality, although not as exaggerated as in the dream, such as fountains, beaches, and waves that appear in the dream.

There were also various scenes in the dream that made her fall into dreams again and again...

Thinking of this, Liu Erlong became angry.

I am so unsatisfied, even if I am conquered, it should still be Xiaogang.
Do you really want Xiaogang?
The man who ran away without saying a word on his wedding night?It’s been almost 20 years and there’s still no news.
Liu Erlong couldn't help but question his past self and the self that he had persisted in until now.

Liu Erlong was stunned for a while, then returned to the small courtyard in the forest with the purchased items.

"I need to calm down. I can't be so ashamed. I won't be able to dream if I don't sleep..."


(End of this chapter)

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