Chapter 78 If it’s cold, you can hug me


The seven girls and Su Chen raised their hands to touch the juice and drank happily.

The laughter and laughter of many girls collided together, like notes of happiness, and Su Chen couldn't help but feel that such a life was not bad.

Hot pot always makes the atmosphere more warm, and because Su Chen is the only boy present, he naturally becomes the group favorite.

The girls would pick up food for Su Chen from time to time, which made Su Chen feel embarrassed.
But as a boy, you should be more generous and accept it naturally.

Bing'er was also a broad-minded girl. She wasn't angry because of this. Instead, she was very happy that Su Chen could be liked by her sisters.

Scenes of girls teasing Su Chen often happen.

"Su Chen, come and play at my house. I have all kinds of seafood dinners." Shen Liuyu invited him.

"Su Chen, come to my house. It's best to come at night. My house has all kinds of delicacies that only the royal family can taste." Xue Wu followed, not to be outdone.

"Brother-in-law won't go." Yue'er retorted to the sisters in anger.

He used to be her brother, but now he is her brother-in-law, and Yue'er felt helpless.

Bing'er was thoughtful. Some of her sisters also had wild thoughts about Su Chen, but luckily they acted quickly...

After the girls finished eating the hot pot and chatted for a while, they each went back to their rooms to practice.

Bing'er stayed and sat with Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Bing'er next to him and said casually: "Aren't you going to consolidate your cultivation? It doesn't matter to me."

Bing'er slowly fell into Su Chen's arms and said with guilt: "We won't be able to come back often in the future. The dean has high expectations for us. Especially me, I will have new training after returning to the academy this time. I'm sorry."

Su Chen said nonchalantly, "Fool, I'm going to travel far away to practice, so practice hard."

Bing'er naturally understood the meaning of Su Chen's words and didn't want to make her feel guilty.

Bing'er stood up gracefully, the moonlight fell on her well-proportioned figure, she smiled charmingly, pulled Su Chen and said, "Let's go for a walk."


In Tianshui City, there were only two decent figures on a quiet and deserted road.

Bing'er gently let go of Su Chen's hand and stepped forward, then suddenly turned her beautiful face around and said softly to Su Chen who was standing there: "If it's cold, you can hug me."

After saying that, a pair of beautiful wings appeared from Bing'er's back, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

The wings reflected the moonlight like ice crystals, shining all around and reflecting on Su Chen's face.

The smart and calm Bing'er's body seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, making her look even more impressive, with the Queen's aura showing through.

However, she showed a boy the most sincere smile without any impurity.

The night cannot hide her dazzling beauty, but she sets off the beauty of the night.

Beautiful and beautiful.

Bing'er, who was floating about 20 centimeters above the ground, slowly approached Su Chen, who was looking at her blankly.

The distance slowly closed.

10 cm, 5 cm, 2 cm...

Finally, the two looked at each other and could feel each other's breathing.

Bing'er smiled slightly and said, "Does it look good?"

"Well, I've always looked good." Su Chen nodded and answered seriously.

Bing'er couldn't help but smile sweetly, "I haven't given it a name yet, how about calling it Chen Bing Phoenix Wings from now on."

"Yeah, it's a nice name." Su Chen also smiled.Bing'er closed her eyes and slowly pressed onto it, wrapping her wings around Su Chen.

Su Chen hugged the floating and beautiful Bing'er.

Su Chen and Bing'er were enjoying a romantic and tender night.

But Shrek Academy.

In the dean's office, Yu Xiaogang was scolding Flanders.

Yu Xiaogang blamed Flanders for being incompetent, complaining that Flanders couldn't even control the students and didn't catch the four girls who stayed out all night.

Flanders felt helpless, and he thought so too.

But the four girls had explained the situation to him before leaving. If they were required to do some strange training, they would drop out of school and have their tuition fees refunded.

Flanders could tell from the tone of their words that they were not joking.If these students really leave, it will be difficult to swallow their gold coins.

A few hundred gold coins is not much, but to Flanders, it is a heroic man who would be stumped by even a penny.

Moreover, the four girls have already said that they will not accept training from the academy and will train on their own.

At the time, Flanders thought it was great. These girls were in Shrek in name only, but training and the like had nothing to do with Shrek. The most important thing was that they could still afford the tuition fees, so he readily agreed at that time.
Flanders was also very angry when he saw Yu Xiaogang.

She always looks old-fashioned in front of him.All the training at Shrek Academy was arranged for Yu Xiaogang. Yu Xiaogang was not satisfied yet and wanted to sit on his head and shit.

For a moment, Flanders thought of Erlong 20 years ago.

She was so heartbroken when she was abandoned by Yu Xiaogang. She looked like she was hurting herself, and Flanders would have the unbearable thought of killing Yu Xiaogang.

If he didn't love Erlong too deeply, how could Flanders give up his pursuit of her, and even support Erlong and let Erlong pursue the happiness he wanted.

Flanders didn't want to continue arguing about the four girls leaving Shrek, so he said, "Okay, Xiaogang, let them go. Just train the four boys well. They are also very good."

Yu Xiaogang also heard that it was impossible for the four girls to return to the academy for training, and he was angry.

"If it weren't for my disciple Tang San, I wouldn't be able to train the other three."

After saying that, Yu Xiaogang slammed the door and left.

Flender shook his head, didn't you come to me specifically because you are incapable of obtaining a soul ring for your disciple?Do you think I am stupid?
In Shrek's mountain forest, Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing were keeping vigil outside the tent.

Although animal repellent powder has been scattered around the tent, and there are basically no threats to them in such a mountain forest, they are still as vigilant as they should be.

In the tent, Cheng Rou and Rongrong were thinking about today's gains and losses.

Zhuqing told them all the key points and methods, but Douluo Dalu has never had this concept, and it is not that simple to learn.
"I really want to earn gold coins." Xiao Wu said with a smile. This was one of the reasons why she was unwilling to show her level 30 soul power.

A level 29 novice iron soul fighter, she is the king among the great soul masters. After all, Xiao Wu can get 150 gold coins for free, and after winning five games in a row, there will be a lot of gold soul coin subsidies for each game.

But Xiao Wu is also planning how to get a third soul ring without being suspected.

Although they are sisters, Xiao Wu knows how powerful the temptation of 10-year-old soul rings and soul bones is to humans.

Even though the sister may not be moved, she doesn't want to reveal her identity.

Xiao Wu looked at Zhuqing and said enviously: "Zhuqing, your aristocratic family has a lot of money, right? You can buy a lot of nice clothes and bags with it."

"That should be the case. I only brought tens of thousands of gold soul coins with me when I came here, which is relatively small compared to other nobles." Zhuqing thought for a while and said.

Xiao Wu's eyes widened and she couldn't believe it. [-] gold soul coins, wouldn't it be enough to fill my room with small clothes and socks?

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you? This bracelet of yours seems quite valuable. The price shouldn't be less than 1 gold coins."

Zhuqing looked at Xiao Wu who was fascinated, and was a little confused. Xiao Wu should not be short of money for wearing such a beautiful bracelet.

ps, today’s wish, ten positive comments ()
(End of this chapter)

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