Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 79 Liu Erlong decides to fight a protracted war

Chapter 79 Liu Erlong decides to fight a protracted war

Xiao Wu also came back from her thoughts, looked at the exquisite and bright bracelet in her hand, and said seriously:
"My brother gave it to me. It's priceless."

Brother Su Chen, will you be in Tianshui City?Do you really not like Xiao Wu?

"Xiao Wu's brother must like Xiao Wu very much." Zhu Qing said enviously.

"Really? Zhuqing, do you think so too?" Xiao Wu was pleasantly surprised for a moment, and then became sad again, "My brother hasn't appeared for a long time. I always thought he didn't want me. Otherwise, he would have come to find me long ago. ."

Zhuqing comforted: "Xiao Wu, you are the liveliest and smartest girl I have ever seen. No one dislikes Xiao Wu, let alone Xiao Wu's brother."

When Xiao Wu was told this by Zhu Qing, she felt unusually shy, but she nodded repeatedly.

"What are you talking about? It's time to change shifts. Go and have a rest." At this time, Rongrong and Cheng Rou appeared in the tent, their beautiful faces smiling slightly.

In fact, they were all hiding in their respective tents just now and eavesdropping...


Shrek Academy.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai returned from Soto City and sneaked back to the dormitory.

"Boss Dai, this damn master. How long are we going to train like this? Today I went to visit the brothel, and the sister inside said no, and I was so angry." Ma Hongjun was angry, guessing that it must be because he was too tired from training.

Dai Yubai also said helplessly: "This master training is indeed very tiring, but our strength seems to have been slightly improved. We can become stronger, and it is nothing to suffer a little."

After speaking, Dai Yubai's eyes became sad again, as if he remembered some sad past events.

Ma Hongjun guessed that Boss Dai must be too tired, so he said flatteringly:
"Boss Dai, you have so many girlfriends that I can't count them on both hands. If you're tired of playing around, introduce some to your brothers!"

"Let's talk about this later when we have a chance. Go to bed, you have to get up early for training tomorrow."

Dai Yubai didn't seem to mind Ma Hongjun's words and closed his eyes absentmindedly to fall asleep...

Ma Hongjun thought that this matter had great potential and was excited.

He had been staring at the twins for a long time, and they made him feel extremely uncomfortable every time.

Ma Hongjun was already thinking about the scene of one person fighting two stunning beauties, and he fell asleep thinking about it...

As for Tang San, Oscar and the others, they did not forget to work hard and were already using meditation instead of sleeping to practice...

The next day,

In the small courtyard at the back of Lanba College.

Erlong, who was lying on the bed in a charming posture, opened his eyes.

She looked around, quickly confirming her surroundings, and then lifted her skirt to check her physical condition.

After the inspection was correct, Erlong sighed and took a deep breath, "Fortunately, everything is a dream, but this time the dream is in this room."

Erlong was not as eager to burn his clothes as before, and instead hugged his knees and meditated.

"Will you be pulled into a dream even if you don't sleep? Isn't there any limit on the number of times?"

Erlong was confused. The weirder the soul skill, the greater the restriction.

However, because his innocence was still there, Erlong let go of his worries.

No matter what comes in the dream, I am still me, I am still complete.

But at this moment, Erlong's fists were clenched, and a smile showed on his lips that he refused to admit defeat and hated someone.

"Make sure you don't let me know who you are!!!!"

Erlong stood up, took off his clothes, and wiped his body carefully.

But this time she didn't burn the clothes and sheets.

Erlong smiled crookedly, "These cost money, just clean them. They are all your own marks anyway."

Erlong put on a simple new dress, sat in front of the dressing table, and stared at himself in the mirror.

She has fair skin, delicate facial features, picturesque eyebrows, and charming and charming eyes.Erlong looked down at his body and surprisingly couldn't see his thighs.

Erlong tried to hold back his smile, but in the end he couldn't help but laugh...

After pouring a glass of hot water for such a beautiful self, Erlong crossed his legs, pursed his lips and drank the water slowly.
She looks like a cynical little girl.

She decided to fight a protracted war! ! !
After all, this kind of thing is not humane, and it is not good to ask anyone for help.

"Damn it, my appearance has been completely seen by that person, even if it's just a dream."

Erlong became a little angry and ashamed again, feeling that he had suffered a huge loss.

But Erlong looked at himself in the mirror again and became bold, dancing gracefully in the room.

Finally, Erlong thought about it and decided to find a way to get that person's information in the future fantasy world...

"Anyone who dares to provoke me, Liu Erlong, is either my man or me... Bah."

Erlong squirted out boiling water...


The time has come to afternoon.

In Tianshui City, at Su Chen's house, only Bing'er and Su Chen were left in the huge house.

Su Chen asked curiously: "Bing'er, aren't you going back to the academy with them?"

Bing'er lowered her head and said softly: "Go back tomorrow. Now they go back to the academy to practice on their own."

"Oh." Su Chen understood.

"Oh what." Bing'er was angry in her heart, and looked at Su Chen with dissatisfied eyes, a little resentful.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't respond, Bing'er stamped her feet at Su Chen and said angrily: "Let's go to the city for a walk."

"Yeah." Su Chen looked at the angry Bing'er and felt an inexplicable warmth.
Although Tianshui City is not as prosperous as Tiandou Imperial City, the streets are still busy with traffic and there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

Although Su Chen and Bing'er were not very old, they still became the most eye-catching couple on the street when they walked together.

Bing'er held Su Chen's arm, as if she wanted to blend in with him, and they were like glue.

From the sweet and cheerful smile that Bing'er showed from time to time, it could be seen that she enjoyed shopping with Su Chen.

"Su Chen, let's go to that store and have a look." Bing'er pointed at a girls' underwear and clothing store and spoke softly.

"Hmm." Su Chen looked at the shop with a hint of elegance.

When the two walked into the store, they could see that the waitresses inside were all wearing female-like Jiuxianxian costumes.

This store seems to be extremely popular, with customers from time to time choosing carefully in front of various exquisite clothes racks.

A waitress saw two customers, Su Chen and Bing'er, who came in. They were both talented and handsome, especially the young man, who was actually wearing the costume of a wine swordsman. He was not one of her own.

"Sir, Madam, what kind of style do you need? I can help you recommend it." The woman's voice was clear and smooth. From the caring smile on her lips, it can be seen that she is an excellent shopping guide.

This is an important industry of their Jiujianxian sect, which solves the life problems of some civilian believers in the Jiujianxian sect.

Those civilians were so skillful that they could easily weave such gauze clothes.

And this kind of purely handmade products is actually deeply loved and sought after by women of all ages.

Even male compatriots often come to buy it, whether it is for their own use or for others.
Bing'er's face turned slightly red. She looked at Su Chen and saw that she was not Madam. "No, let's see for ourselves."

Bing'er unabashedly took Su Chen's hand and walked forward.

"Okay." The service lady didn't bother and left obediently.

ps, yesterday’s wish was too difficult and could not be fulfilled. Do you have five good comments about today’s wish?

First hit two kings to suppress the shock
(End of this chapter)

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