Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 80 Bing'er leaves and Lingling's martial spirit changes again

Chapter 80 Bing'er leaves and Lingling's martial spirit changes again
It was also the first time for Bing'er to visit this kind of new clothing store in Douluo Continent.

The dazzling array of various styles is dizzying.

There are all kinds of sexy and beautiful built-in clothing, as well as a variety of eye-catching gauze leg socks, and the leg socks have various patterns and styles.

Bing'er remembers that these white, black, sexy and tulle ones seemed to be called stockings.

Bing'er casually took one and rubbed it gently with her hands, "The texture is really good, no wonder it is very popular among women."

"Su Chen, how about I wear this tonight ('ω')" Bing'er picked up a blue ice stocking and looked at Su Chen with a smile.

How about it?It’s not like he’s sleeping with me, and I can’t see him.Su Chen was speechless.

However, Su Chen still smiled and replied, "It looks good."

Bing'er smiled and picked up another piece with her slender hands, "What about this one..."

"It's also pretty."


In this way, Su Chen and Bing'er selected in the store for more than an hour, and finally Bing'er selected several sets of close-fitting lace clothes and several different styles of stockings.

Bing'er secretly glanced at Su Chen's lustful look but suppressed a smile.
The two of them were still walking around the street, and occasionally saw delicious snacks. The two of them sat together and ordered only one serving, which was a very sweet meal.

Good time is a luxury, and before you know it, it’s evening.

"Time with you always speeds up." Bing'er said reluctantly.

Su Chen remained silent, holding Bing'er's little hand and walking along the deserted path.

"Will we be together for a long time? Will you leave me suddenly?" Suddenly, Bing'er stopped and asked the question that a girl in love cares most about.

"I won't leave you, we will always be together." Su Chen looked at the sky and answered seriously every word.

"Then can't lie to me. It doesn't matter if you like another girl outside. You can bring her back to get to know her. If I don't think it's okay, you can't be with her." Bing'er said seriously.

"is it okay?"

After all, from Bing'er's point of view, her father had her mother and Yue'er's mother, and she didn't mind if Su Chen fell in love with someone else.

It's better to point it out directly like this than Su Chen secretly picking flowers outside without knowing.

And if Su Chen hooked up with a girl with outstanding talents, Bing'er felt that he had made a lot of money.

After all, Su Chen’s home is her home, and he also came to her home after getting married~( ̄▽ ̄~)~
In Douluo Continent, the weak eat the strong, and having strong teammates as family members is also a great help to Su Chen.

"You will see me later." Su Chen nodded and replied.

"Huh?.Really?! Ha, I'm very angry now."

Bing'er stamped her feet, feeling very unhappy.

Su Chen thought for a while, then picked up Bing'er and said, "Go home."

"Well go home."

Bing'er, who was in Su Chen's arms, didn't look angry at all. Instead, she looked happy.

"You can't find that kind of bad girl, or I will be very angry." Bing'er said softly.

"Well, no."

Tonight is destined to be an unforgettable night.

Su Chen didn't expect that after returning home, Bing'er would come to his room after taking a shower.

Bing'er was wearing a hot jacket and hot pants, exuding every trace of innocent temptation.

The most eye-catching thing is that Bing'er is wearing ice blue textured stockings on one foot, while the other foot is exposed in the air. The sharp contrast is beautiful and strangely charming.

It makes me and other mortals unable to help but want to sit down and study the differences carefully...

Before Su Chen could appreciate it for a few seconds, Bing'er quickly got into Su Chen's bed.

Su Chen looked at Bing'er in his arms and leaned against him tightly. This was the first time they slept together. "Hold me, don't move your hands." Bing'er said very normally.

Su Chen stopped his movements. It turned out that every girl's skin in Douluo Continent felt different.

Su Chen thought thoughtfully, he had only met A Yin and Ling Ling like this, and now there was Bing'er.

Su Chen was very obedient and hugged Bing'er tenderly.

The two fell asleep very sweetly.

Early in the morning, Bing'er broke away from Su Chen's arms and said resentfully: "Idiot, I'm leaving."

Su Chen watched Bing'er leave without holding back. He turned sideways and sniffed Bing'er's remaining fragrance...

In Tiandou City, in the Royal Academy, Ling Ling's changes shocked Dugu Yan for two days.

Dugu Yan didn't expect that Ling Ling was so lucky. He ate a piece of grass at a friend's house and became a Soul Sect at a young age! ! !
This made Duguyan inexplicably doubt whether her friend was the Jiujianxian(°з°)-

Moreover, Dugu Yan discovered that Ling Ling's fourth soul ring was actually black! ! ! ! !
This makes Dugu Yan even more envious.

After Dugu Yan took the fairy grass last time, she was originally at level 37 and reached level 40.

The soul ring that her grandfather took her to obtain was only a 5000-year-old soul ring that exceeded the optimal configuration.

The ability to absorb a 5000-year-old soul ring is also due to the powerful effects of the fairy grass and techniques.

After getting the soul ring, the medicinal effect accumulated by the fairy grass brought her directly to level 43.

Dugu Yan feels that he can be regarded as a monster-like genius.

Dugu Yan was very grateful to Lingling for telling her this, and therefore thought of a way for Lingling to hide her strength.

After all, after suddenly rising so many levels, Lingling didn't have a strong background to protect her, so it was inevitable that others would have bad thoughts.

Finally, Lingling and Duguyan asked the teacher for leave together.

Lingling was taken home by Duguyan to practice, and it happened that Duguyan also wanted to study the exercises at home.

In this way, when the time comes to return to the academy, even if everyone knows that Ling Ling is a soul sect, they will not pay any bad attention to Ling Ling.

Just leave all this on the grandfather who has become stronger. How many forces dare to offend the titled Douluo.

After Lingling arrived at Duguyan's home, she was also very grateful to her best friend for her help.

"Yanzi, thank you. I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you who has always been tolerant of me." Lingling said softly.

Dugu Yan didn't care: "What are you talking about, Ling Ling, we are all monsters now, and I will be stronger in the near future. When the time comes, we form a group that will definitely be famous in Douluo Continent."

"Then what name should we choose?" Lingling said expectantly.

Dugu Yan's eyes were filled with joy. She had been roommates with Lingling for a long time. How could she not know how much Lingling had changed.

"How about the stunning two beauties? Not only are we stunning in appearance, but we are definitely geniuses." Dugu Yan said confidently.

Lingling came to the yard arranged for her by Duguyan, walked into the training room, and summoned the Wuhun Jiuxin Begonia, which was bright in color and emitted the light of wealth and elegance.

With a thought in Lingling's mind, the red Nine-Hearted Begonia turned into black that exuded a mysterious aura.

"The dream is real. In addition to a single healing effect, my martial spirit can also have a single destructive power after changing its shape.

Did Su Chen do it?

But even so, I still envy Shui Bing'er for being able to stay with you all the time.

Fool Su Chen, you are a god, right? Because you can't accompany me, have you given me the ability to protect myself?
Big fool, I don’t want this, I just want to be with you and watch you... (~ˉ~)"


ps, can you fulfill your wish? xdm.

Two chapters have been updated today, and then the points are raised. I don’t believe I can’t win.

(End of this chapter)

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