Chapter 81 Letter from the Pope
After Su Chen left Tianshui City, he leisurely came to a trail.

But there was already a man wearing a black shawl robe with skull decorations on his back waiting for him on the trail.

This majestic man saw Su Chen coming towards him, and after confirming that he was the person he was looking for, he bowed to Su Chen in an elegant and standard manner.

This person was none other than Ghost Douluo. He was assigned by the Pope to deliver a message to the young man, and also asked him to treat the young man with courtesy and treat him as if he were meeting the Pope.

As a confidant of the Pope, Ghost Douluo was shocked, but after all, no one had ever made the Pope so cautious.

He naturally knew the importance of it and didn't ask any more questions that he shouldn't have.But I was also secretly guessing about the identity of this young man, his illegitimate son, his appearance...

"I am Ghost Douluo, a subordinate of His Holiness the Pope. This is a token appointed by His Holiness the Pope." Ghost Douluo presented a token and an unopened envelope with both hands.

Su Chen said nothing and was not surprised. He silently picked up the token and looked at it, smelling it carefully. He didn't care about the appearance of the token at all, and couldn't help but express regret: "What is this."

"This is the Pope's exclusive papal order. With this order, Wuhun Palace personnel can be mobilized. Seeing this order is like seeing the Pope. So far, you are the first person to have this order."

Is it this one?Has she accepted me?Did you give me a gift in return?
Su Chen's expression improved and he opened the letter again.

The handwriting on the letter paper was dignified and elegant, and there was still a trace of fragrance left. Su Chen showed a satisfied smile at this.

Dear Bibi Dong:
Thank you for your gift to my disciple Nana. She is one of my favorite disciples.The pile of weeds given to me as a gift may have some effect, but it is still far from being able to marry me..."


After reading the letter, Su Chen was very happy.

Women will take the initiative to write me letters. Doesn’t that mean they are slowly opening their hearts to me?

Ghost Douluo looked surprised and looked at the young man carefully, keeping any changes in Su Chen's expression in his mind.

Although he is respectful on the surface, he is still a titled Douluo, a small group of people at the top of the Douluo Continent. He has his own arrogance and is naturally not afraid of it.

But the next scene shocked Ghost Douluo.

The young man waved his hand, and a page of golden paper appeared out of thin air.

Ghost Douluo found that he could not look directly at this page of gold foil. A kind of trembling from the depths of his soul and the fear and majesty that he had to surrender made Ghost Douluo kneel directly to this page of gold foil.

Su Chen faintly wrote a few words on the golden paper. The golden paper was wrapped in a ball of light, and finally became ordinary.

Su Chen looked at the kneeling Ghost Douluo and waved to him gently.

An invisible force made Ghost Douluo stand up, but Ghost Douluo was already feeling incredible changes in himself.

Ghost Douluo didn't react at all to how many things that had just happened that shocked his outlook.

"This is my reply." After Su Chen said, an ordinary round bead appeared in front of Ghost Douluo.

Ghost Douluo respectfully put away the token floating in front of him. Looking ahead, he saw that the young man had disappeared. However, Ghost Douluo still said respectfully: "Thank you, senior, for the gift."

Although Ghost Douluo didn't want to believe this fact, he had to believe it.

"He reached level 97 so easily. Who is he? No wonder His Majesty the Pope asked me to treat him with courtesy. Fortunately, I was not rash. I didn't expect His Majesty the Pope to be able to make such a being fall in love..." Ghost Douluo murmured to himself , look at the direction and move quickly.

Although Ghost Douluo has improved somewhat after taking the fairy grass, he is still far from level 97.

Titled Douluo is level 95 or above. It is unimaginably difficult to increase the level.

And every time you level up, your strength changes dramatically.

In the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong's bedroom.

She was looking at herself in the mirror in front of the dressing table, her face was stunning and she didn't even know it.

"Shui Bing'er? Tianshui Academy!" Bibi Dong muttered to herself in the mirror.

In the mirror, she was admiring the ring on her left hand, with a soft look in her eyes.

During these times, when Su Chen came and went in Tianshui City, the people in Wuhun Palace were naturally paying attention, and Bibi Dong also learned some information about Su Chen.

"Forget it, it's just profit. If he really knew me, he wouldn't like me." Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's soft face returned to the dignity of the Pope.

Bibi Dong thought that he was already a wife and his daughter was older than him.What qualifications can restrict him from falling in love?

What Bibi Dong doesn't know is that maybe the more you care about something in a relationship, the more you think about it, the humbler you feel.

Su Chen was in a good mood, and after giving Ghost Douluo a small chance, he came to the Star Dou Forest again.

Because after reading the letter, I also understood that Bibi Dong really liked Hu Liena and Cheng Rou.

Su Chen felt that he had already helped Hu Liena once, so there was no harm in helping her again.

It hadn't been long since she sent the grass to Wuhun Palace. Hu Liena should have obtained the soul ring in the Star Dou Forest at this time.

Bibi Dong should be very happy like this. It doesn't hurt that trivial things can make her smile.

But I didn’t expect that two of her disciples would also marry me!
It's outrageous that such a good thing can happen...

Su Chen recalled in his mind the appearance and figure of Hu Liena and Cheng Rou. When they grow up, they will definitely be the most powerful in the world.

Who would think that he has two more wives...

"They are all very good, and I have made a lot of money. Although I have no feelings for them, feelings can be cultivated. As the saying goes, love grows with time. After getting along for a long time, you will definitely like them."

Suddenly Su Chen stopped and said, "Wouldn't this be too fussy? But I always feel that it's a pity not to accept it. They are all good."

After thinking about it, Su Chen took out the wine bottle and drank heavily, "It's not four or five or six, I will give them a home..."

Su Chen realized that this was the legendary intertwining of fireworks and love and hate in the world.

It was a feeling that he had never experienced again for countless Henggu years, and he took the initiative to fall into it...

There is a green lake somewhere in the Star Forest, and a beautiful woman with green hair is sitting by the lake in a daze.

Wearing a simple green skirt with slits, she sat in a comfortable posture, revealing her slender and plump figure.

"So he is Ah Yin's lover?" This stunning beauty is none other than Brigitte.

A Yin came back to visit her some time ago and brought her many gifts from the human world. The various novel clothes and food also made Brigitte yearn for the human world.

Moreover, Ah Yin also said that he had met Mr. Right! ! !
The right son that Ah Yin was talking about was the young man who could break the shackles of the soul beast as mentioned before.

Brigitte's green eyes were flowing, as tender as water, as she looked at Su Chen who suddenly appeared on the lake and walked towards her.

Brigitte felt joy or expectation in her heart.

She didn't understand what kind of emotion this was, but she knew that this emotion was fatal, at least to her as a soul beast.

Brigitte regained her composure and spoke with interest: "Brother-in-law, you are welcome."

Su Chen's expression didn't change when he heard Brigitte's name. He just looked at Brigitte for a while, and it was still very pleasing to the eye.

"Arrange a soul beast that is about 5 years old and suitable for female control or spirituality." Su Chen explained his purpose.

Biji's eyes lit up, and the cultivation of those soul beasts that Su Chen had broken had already advanced by leaps and bounds.

It is full of spirituality and wisdom.

Brigitte saluted respectfully but said playfully: "As you command."

Su Chen watched Brigitte turn around, twisting her round and round hips, her hips reaching her waist, in a posture of ecstasy.

"This is probably to seduce me on purpose." Su Chen said, but his eyes were willing to fall into the trap.

Brigitte was the overlord of the soul beasts, and most of her soul beasts were female. She soon picked out a soul beast from her subordinates and brought it to Su Chen.

ps: xdm, if you have any recommendation votes, throw them at me, throw them to death.

(End of this chapter)

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