Chapter 83 Hu Liena’s changes in strength

After saying that, Hu Liena hugged Su Chen, and an electric and warm feeling of happiness spread into Hu Liena's heart.

This was the feeling she wanted. Hu Liena raised her head and stared at the face she had been longing for, wanting to kiss his face and lips.

Xie Yue saw this scene in the distance, then looked at Yan who was absorbing the soul ring, shook her head, and said to herself: Fortunately, Yan is absorbing the soul ring, otherwise, after seeing this scene, I would have drank so much and spent so many sad nights. I still want my brother to accompany me...

"You are more beautiful and more sensible."

Su Chen's honey-like voice stimulated Hu Liena's heart.

This is the first time he complimented me.
Hu Liena let go of her hands, left Su Chen's arms, closed her beautiful eyes, and showed the smile of an intellectual girl, "I will be more sensible and excellent."

After saying that, Hu Liena smiled gratefully at the pink charm elf, without any ink, she sat cross-legged with a pair of charming long legs, absorbing the black soul ring in front of her.

A strangely charming demon fox appeared behind Hu Liena.

Drawn by the pink light emanating from her body, the black soul ring of the Pink Charming Elf slowly flew to Hu Liena's head.

Hu Liena is dedicated to guarding her martial soul and enjoying a different experience of absorbing soul rings.
The absorption process is extremely smooth and it is a kind of enjoyment...

What shocked Hu Liena was that in her opinion, this soul ring was definitely over 3 years old.

Hu Liena opened her eyes, a flash of pink appeared in her eyes, and the charming aura on her body reached a kind of natural perfection.

"The soul power level has reached level 54, and the martial soul has changed again."

Hu Liena looked at Wuhun and was pleasantly surprised.

Wuhun's eyes turned a delicate pink color, which was very cute.The tail is also more agile and seems to have an extra layer of protection. Does it have a special ability?
It is already difficult to increase the level of soul power in the soul sect stage, let alone the soul king.

Now that we have directly reached level 54, the distance from the Soul Emperor has become closer again.

Hu Liena was overjoyed. Could it be that such good luck saved Douluo Star in her previous life?

After taking the fairy grass and sky fox flower, the martial soul's tail has two more tails. Now that I have this special soul ring, it is even different.

Hu Liena wanted to try some changes, but what was more important now was obviously not this, but Su Chen who made it all happen.
Hu Liena came to Su Chen and looked at him lovingly.

Hu Liena didn't know when she started to have feelings for Su Chen. Maybe it was when they first met, maybe because of the fourth soul ring and soul bone, maybe because he liked the teacher, maybe it was the first time he dreamed of Su Chen. See you, maybe.
Hu Liena didn't know what to say now. After thinking about it, she still didn't know Su Chen's name.

"Can I know your name?" Hu Liena's voice was filled with natural charm, and her girlish attitude was fully displayed.

Get to know you from your name (°з°)-

Su Chen gently hugged Hu Liena and said softly in her ear: "Su Chen."

Hu Liena was shocked. This was the second time he took the initiative to hug her, and he was so shy.

Hu Liena's legs were weak and she took the initiative to get closer.

Just when she was about to make a move, Hu Liena found something on her back trying to come out of her clothes.

Hu Liena quickly suppressed it. She didn't want to make a fool of herself again in front of the person she liked.

However, this time Su Chen said: "Don't suppress it, let it come out."

Hu Liena heard the opinion of her beloved and chose to believe it instead of suppressing it.

Soon, a pair of pink spiritual intertwined wings appeared on Hu Liena's back. Hu Liena was shocked again, "It's an external soul bone!"

Are attached soul bones everywhere?

Hu Liena flapped her wings uncontrollably, and a pink storm formed, but Su Chen blew it gently and it disappeared.

The pink charm elf's eyes were full of envy, it would be great if this human being was so gentle to him.Su Chen hugged Hu Liena who was about to take off. At this moment, Hu Liena's beautiful hair turned into a girlish and youthful pink.

Hu Liena was also amazed at this change, but in her heart she was more ashamed of her mistake just now.

But what made Hu Liena's heart beat even more was being hugged by Su Chen, hugging the girl who was flapping her wings. It was a strangely romantic and intimate moment.

"This is a gift from me to you."

Su Chen's voice reached Hu Liena's ears again. Hu Liena couldn't believe it, her eyes were inexplicably moist, "Is it really for me? Isn't it a gift for my teacher?"

Su Chen didn't answer, but Hu Liena already knew the answer, and her face couldn't hide the sweetness (ε).

"I am leaving."

After saying that, Su Chen and the Pink Charming Elf had disappeared, leaving behind Hu Liena who was just about to ask her to stay.

However, Su Chen's sudden departure made her look dissatisfied.

But Hu Liena was extremely satisfied. She opened her arms and looked up at the sky at a 45° angle, feeling the reality of this moment.

Hu Liena put away her smile, the beautiful wings behind her disappeared, and her hair returned to its original color.

Xie Yue watched her sister's changes from a distance, sighing in her heart that it would be great if she was also a girl.

Xie Yue looked at Yan, knowing that he had no chance, so she couldn't help but shake her head.

Moreover, my sister’s happiness, tenderness and sweetness just now, as a brother, I need to protect her.
Ju Douluo also stared blankly at what was happening.He wanted to show up and stop Su Chen before, but was stopped silently and could only stare.

Ju Douluo found that he had regained his ability to move and no longer had any thoughts of chasing Su Chen, so he appeared in front of Hu Liena and the others.

Ju Douluo looked at Hu Liena carefully and frowned slightly. For a moment, Ju Douluo unexpectedly regarded Hu Liena as his beloved.

Ju Douluo was glad in his heart. Fortunately, I am a bender, otherwise I would be embarrassed in front of these juniors.

Hu Liena felt a little embarrassed when Ju Douluo stared at her, so she asked, "Elder Ju, what's wrong?"

"Nana, you have won this great fortune. The Pope will be so happy when he finds out." Ju Douluo said happily.

The teacher's beautiful appearance also appeared in Hu Liena's mind, and she couldn't help but smile proudly.

At this time, Yan finally opened his eyes after absorbing the soul ring, but the resentment of the soul beast on the soul ring was not so easy to defeat.

There was still traces of blood on his body, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and even his face still had the aftertaste of pain.

However, Yan was still excited and said loudly: "Nana, I succeeded. My fifth soul skill is a powerful skill with dual attributes. I feel that I can beat the me ten years ago. Hey, am I still in the illusion? Why is Nana already the Soul King? Moreover, she is even more beautiful."

Yan turned his fists into palms and rushed straight towards Hu Liena.
Xie Yue:! ! ! !

Hu Liena:? ? ? ?
Ghost Douluo:
Su Chen brought the Pink Charming Elf back to Brigitte's territory. Brigitte, who was waiting for Su Chen's return, had already set up a fountain of exotic fruits and was ready to entertain them.

Su Chen did not refuse and enjoyed himself very much. He also teased the stunning Brigitte from time to time, which made Brigitte feel lost and sweet.
After a long time, looking at the disappeared young man opposite, Brigitte raised the corner of her mouth, and the beautiful scenery became even more beautiful.

Brigitte looked at the lost and sad look of the pink elf next to her, and felt helpless.

For such a person with a special temperament and strong strength, it is normal to have admiration for him.

Brigitte caressed the pink charm elf's little head, "Practice hard and become stronger if you want to repay him."

The pink charm elf showed an expression that said I understand ('ω')

ps: I think the work is well written, so don’t be stingy with the praise.Whether it is QQ Browser or QQ Reading, I always read comments. I am very happy to be recognized by most people.

(End of this chapter)

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