Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 84: Initial results, Rongrong breaks through

Chapter 84: Initial results, Rongrong breaks through

In the forest behind Shrek Academy.

With the improvement of Zhuqing's teaching quality, Xiao Wu and Cheng Rou can already walk on trees.

It's just that they seem to be struggling a bit and cannot be as relaxed and comfortable as Zhuqing.

But to achieve this in just a few days is enough to prove their talent.

Rongrong was left alone and still couldn't figure it out, but even though she fell countless times during practice, she never flinched.

Although the injuries suffered from the fall were minor, it was enough to show her unwillingness to admit defeat and the attitude that the most talented person in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect should have.

In the end, with the novice experience shared by Xiao Wu and Cheng Rou and Zhu Qing's guidance, Rongrong was finally able to successfully walk on the tree.

She uses different vertical perspectives to experience the surrounding scenery, looking up at the sky and overlooking the earth.It turns out that the world has different scenery from different angles...

At this moment, Rongrong's heart became clear and his brain was as agile as ever.

Recalling the scenery from different perspectives in his mind, Rongrong discovered that the distraction control method had actually made a breakthrough at this moment, reaching the state of three-aperture control heart.

This made Rongrong extremely happy. He had only stayed in the mountains and forests for a few days, and his state of mind also improved along with it.

Even the soul power level bottleneck of level 26 is beginning to loosen.

Rongrong also felt at this moment that all the sacrifices and efforts were worth it. In the past, he found it troublesome and had no control over distraction.

After Zhuqing and others learned about Rongrong's breakthrough, they also congratulated Rongrong.

Xiao Wu said proudly: "Rong Rong, Sister Xiao Wu is right about you, you are very capable, ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~"

"Hehe, it's obvious that Xiao Wu is more capable and teaches well |ω)" Rongrong said modestly.

"Haha, we are all very capable. Shouldn't we go do the cooking at such an important moment?" Xiao Wu said with a smile, very cute and naughty.

In the end, the four girls unanimously decided to go to Soto City to have a big meal, liberate their primitive cultivation, and release their inner joy.


The four girls walked out of the forest happily, and happened to see four Shrek boys running with bamboo baskets on their backs.

The bamboo basket was also filled with stones.

It's just that they ran a little awkwardly.

Tang San and others also discovered four girls who had disappeared for several days.

Dai Yubai looked at Zhuqing, who was still so dazzling, and felt even more unwillingness under the fire in his heart.

He wanted to get closer to Zhuqing, but he didn't know what to do, so he simply stopped and turned away from looking at her.

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong's face that made people feel like a spring breeze, and was very unwilling to do so, but he couldn't help but keep his lewd eyes on Ning Rongrong.

Ma Hongjun was weak, but his eyes could not hide the fiery intensity.

He looked at the four girls and didn't know what he was thinking. The heat in his belly was aroused, and he felt like he was resurrected with blood.

When Tang San saw Xiao Wu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, his heart was touched, tenderness arose, and he stopped.

"Young mistress, how long are you going to run carrying rocks on your back?" Xiao Wu looked at the embarrassed expressions of these boys and felt curious.

"Running back and forth between Shrek Academy and Soto City 12 times, about eighty kilometers a day." Tang San answered unabashedly, and then said confidently:
"Xiao Wu, our current training is very good. The teacher arranges battle training of different intensities for us every day and points out our shortcomings. Although we are in a sorry state now, after running, we will take a bath with expensive herbal medicine, Peiben It is solid and does no harm to the body.”

"Yes, I, Ma Hongjun, will soon lose weight and become a handsome guy." Ma Hongjun said hehey.

He is still dissatisfied with his appearance and hopes that this kind of exercise can change him and become a heartthrob who can easily pick up girls.

"Although I am very tired, I, Oscar, will definitely become a more powerful food-type soul master after being trained by the master." Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong and straightened his back, becoming more confident.

Dai Yubai also turned to look at the women, especially Cheng Rou and Zhuqing, and said coldly: "I, Dai Mubai, will definitely defeat you and find my own place."

"How about we come back and train together?" Tang San was looking forward to seeing the effect achieved.Xiao Wu is the girl he has liked since he was 6 years old, and he still doesn't want to give up this white moonlight.

"Little Sanzi, although you look like a dog, congratulations. Come on, classmates, you have all found your own training methods." Xiao Wu encouraged them and made a cheering gesture.

After all, Xiao Wu will not despise those who work hard, but although she will not despise them, Xiao Wu still hates Ma Hongjun and Oscar's staring and disrespectful eyes, as well as Dai Yubai's behavior of belittling women.

"Xiao Wu, let's go. If they use this energy to move bricks, they can make a lot of money in a day." Rongrong said.

Xiao Wu nodded, nothing wrong, they were still a little stupid.

After saying this, the four girls who made people's hearts beat four times stopped looking at the boys and walked happily towards Soto City.

"What they said makes sense. If I move bricks, I can exercise and earn money." Ma Hongjun agreed again.

Dai Yubai punched Ma Hongjun on the shoulder with his backhand and said angrily: "Fat man, don't you know they are despising us?"

Ma Hongjun came back to his senses and saw Oscar next to him clenching his fists. He embarrassedly spared his head with his hands and smiled.

Tang San put his hand on Oscar's shoulder and said, "Xiao Ao, under the teacher's training, you will definitely become the most powerful food-type soul master."

"Well, third child, thank you. We run dozens of kilometers every day and carry heavy loads. We are getting stronger every day, but they are standing still." Oscar said passionately, as if a bright future was waving to him.

"Yes, our strength will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes in a few months." Dai Yubai also became excited, and his future powerful self seemed to be waiting for him.

"I'm not used to that one, Lao San, Xiao San, so you might as well call me Xiao San." Tang San said awkwardly.

Under the stimulation of the girls, the four boys cheered up even more.
Zhuqing and the others entered Soto City again, and Rongrong had decided to invite Xiaowu and the others to have a feast at the best restaurant in Soto City.

But before that, the girls walked to the clothing store again.

Looking at the dazzling array of beautiful clothes, the girls smiled and began to choose suitable training clothes and skirts.

"Zhuqing, this dark dress suits your coldness so well, and only you can hold it up." Rongrong stared straight at her, full of envy.

Zhuqing looked at the clothes in Rongrong's hands, thought about it, and said, "Thank you Rongrong, I want this."

Zhuqing took the dress from Rongrong and looked at it carefully. It was indeed very suitable, and this dress could also be worn in battle.

"Zhuqing, where is your boyfriend? Can we introduce him to him and have dinner together later?" Rongrong inquired.

Boyfriend?Zhuqing was very satisfied when he heard this title.

Yes, he is my Zhu Zhuqing’s boyfriend.

Zhuqing said with a smile: "He should not be in Soto City now."

Rongrong didn't know what to say. How much did Zhuqing like that boy? When he mentioned him, he became a different person.

Rongrong said again in a soft voice: "Next time, you must introduce him to us."

"Well, he should be willing to make friends with you." Zhuqing nodded.

"Xiao Wu, this white hot jacket and shorts are very suitable for your slender legs." Cheng Rou picked out a set of clothes and said to Xiao Wu.

"Ah, thank you, Sister Rourou, she does look good." Xiao Wu compared her figure with the clothes. This style is indeed very suitable. It is close to the body and should be able to show off her figure when worn.

Of course, Xiao Wu's figure refers to her long legs and small waist. Now Xiao Wu is already the tallest among the four girls.

"Then I'll give this to Xiao Wu as a gift." Cheng Rou said warmly.


ps: Thanks to Mu Yuchenchen for the reward.

I have a special wish today. Is there a reward of one dollar from the boss? We don’t want this dollar, we just want to feel the feeling of being rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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