Chapter 85: Involution together

Xiao Wu felt warm in her heart. She came to the human world and had no one to rely on except her brother.

But I haven’t seen my brother for a long time since we parted ways at Notting College, and I don’t know if I recognize Xiao Wu or not.

The source of income has always been the Wuhun Palace subsidy and some previous scholarships at Notting College.

Little Tu Zhi is also very helpless and hopes to have a mother (┯_┯)
"Thank you, Sister Rourou, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Xiao Wu smiled, liking the gift from Cheng Rou very much.

Cheng Rou gently touched Xiao Wu's cute head, just like Sister Nana touched her head gently.

"What! Xiao Wu, are you saying we are not good-looking?" Rongrong became unhappy after hearing Xiao Wu's comment. He crossed his arms and raised his mouth.

"Sister Rongrong, be careful what you say, Sister Xiaowu's fists are no joke."

Xiao Wu raised her fist and moved her arms with fierce eyes, but in the eyes of everyone, she was too cute.

Rongrong pursed her lips: "Sister Xiao Wu, sister Rongrong is wrong. See if you want to give me some clothes as well."

Naturally, Xiao Wu would not be willing to spend money because of Rongrong's instigation.

"No way, Sister Xiao Wu doesn't have much in her treasury." Xiao Wu refused, holding the rabbit wallet around her waist with both hands.

"Xiao Wu, then next time I ask your brother to buy it for me, hum. →_→"

Rongrong remembered that Xiao Wu had only mentioned that she had a brother, but Xiao Wu had never mentioned her other relatives.

"No, I won't let brother buy it for you." Xiao Wu refused again because Su Chen hadn't bought it for her yet, so how could she buy it for Rongrong first.

"I don't care, your brother is my brother." Rongrong said nonchalantly.

"Humph, Rongrong, you will suffer sometimes." Xiao Wu wanted to defend, but after thinking about it, it was not necessary.Because what Brother Su Chen does is beyond Xiao Tuzhi’s control.

"Why are there so many good-looking styles? How do you choose?"


The girls selected for a long time and finally chose their favorite clothes.

Xiao Wu, in particular, has never been reluctant to spend money on clothes.

The four of them walked out of the store satisfied...


"Cheers[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*." The girls had already started their first celebration in the best hotel in Soto City.

"Xiao Wu, this glass of luxurious and noble papaya milk is specially ordered for you, so you don't need to thank me. |ω`)"

Rongrong was proud and thought that he had done something very right.

"Thank you, but why did you order such a terrible drink for me?" Xiao Wu was puzzled and somewhat suspected that Rongrong was playing a prank.

"Well, isn't it delicious? Look at me frowning when I drink it."

After Rongrong finished speaking, he drank the papaya milk in a demonstrative manner, showing an expression of enjoyment.

Rongrong ordered two cups of papaya milk. As for why she didn't order four cups, it was because she felt that it was unjust for Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou to drink this.

Cheng Rou was very satisfied looking at these two living treasures.Except for her mother, teacher, and sister Nana, this was the first time she had felt this way when getting along with others. This was one of the reasons why she did not leave Shrek early.

"Xiao Wu, this is a popular breast enlargement method." Cheng Rou pointed out the hidden terrifying function of this glass of milk.

Rongrong looked proud.

"What, breast enlargement! I don't want it.ヾ(^.^*)"

But after Xiao Wu finished speaking, she drank the entire cup in one go...

"Actually, it tastes good. I'm not a picky eater. Can Rongrong order me another drink?"

Xiao Wu licked her lips greedily.

Rongrong: ...


After a satisfying meal, the girls walked out of the hotel at night.Xiao Wu proposed the idea of ​​participating in a soul battle, and also teamed up with Rongrong to participate in a soul battle to earn a few more gold coins.

The Great Soul Fighting Arena already has a fairly rigorous soul fighting system, including ordinary sparring games and life-and-death battles with visual effects.

These two categories are divided into three methods: one-on-one, two-on-two and team battle, each of which can only be performed once per person per day.

Naturally, the three girls had no objections, but Zhuqing and Cheng Rou did not intend to participate, but only accompanied them.

They no longer have any interest in this kind of soul fighting without masters, and they don't want to expose their existence too much to avoid being noticed by some forces.

Soon, Xiao Wu easily ended the battle, won the solo soul battle, and earned ten gold coins.

I happily put the gold coins into my rabbit paper wallet, and felt fulfilled again, so happy (ε)
Then Xiao Wu and Rongrong formed the Seven Treasures Charming Rabbit Team again to participate in a two-on-two soul battle.

This is Rongrong's second time participating in this type of soul fighting competition. There are not many spectators around, but there are still some people who are willing to watch the battle in the soul fighting arena.

The cheers from the audience made Rongrong feel a little excited.

Rongrong looked at the two scarred men opposite him, but he didn't feel any timidity in his heart. Instead, he was full of confidence.

"You two little girls, be good. My brother won't hurt you. Please surrender voluntarily." One of the Xiong Zhuang men said jokingly.

"Uncle, I advise you to show your martial arts spirit quickly and don't underestimate us." Xiao Wu reminded enthusiastically.

But the two people opposite couldn't help but laugh. Xiao Wu was so cute, it was hard to imagine how effective such a girl would be in fighting with her fists.

Another Xiong Zhuang man said: "Oh, brother, I can't bear the old age anymore. I'm already called uncle."

"Little girl, let's do this trick for fun, let's be gentle."

"Xiao Wu, Zhu Qing Rourou is still waiting for us, let's finish it quickly." Rongrong looked at the two chattering opposite him and became a little impatient.

"Okay, I'll go then." Xiao Wu didn't delay, after all, the competition had already begun.

"The seven treasures are called speed."

Xiao Wu's figure moved quickly and came to the two strong men. Under Bang Bang's two punches, the two strong men flew out of the ring before they could react.

The two of them were confused, who am I, where am I...

These two poor men didn't let the audience see their martial arts, let the young ladies watching see their heroic figures, and the battle ended very quickly.

The audience was also shocked. The host reacted and shouted excitedly: "The winner is the newcomer group Qibao Charming Rabbit..."

This result was not surprising to Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou who were watching the game.The two of them smiled slightly and waited for Xiao Wu Rongrong's return.

The audience's shouts gave Rong Rong a huge impact. They were shouting for himself and Xiao Wu.

Although Rongrong understood that in such a two-on-two battle, Xiao Wu could defeat his opponent even without his own assistance, he still felt the joy of victory and the recognition he needed...


On the path outside Soto City, there were four girls walking happily side by side.

Even the dark night cannot hide their stunning beauty.

Back in the forest again, Rongrong thought he could have a good rest tonight, but in reality, he felt like he was sitting on acupuncture, restless.

It's just that these sisters are too introverted.

They were talking and laughing before, but once they returned to the camp, Zhuqing began to meditate and cultivate her soul power, while Xiaowu Chengrou continued to practice Zhuqing's skills, and their footprints appeared on the tree trunks.

Rongrong thought for a while, everyone with more talent than him was already working hard, so why did he have the right to sit down and rest, and also joined the involution...


ps: Rejecting involution starts with you and me.

Thank you Boss Refuse and Saber Goat for your monthly ticket support.

Thank you book friend 262 Mr. Zhang Li refused the reward of a happy fish.

Thank you bosses for the rewards and showing your kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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