Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 86 Bibi Dong received the chapter letter

Chapter 86 Bibi Dong received a reply

The ghost flew all the way, shuttled through the mountains and forests, and finally rushed back to the Spirit Hall as quickly as possible.

As his soul power level increased, his speed also leapt forward again.

It was already late at night when Ghost Douluo returned to Wuhun Hall.

Ghost Douluo thought to himself: Even the Pope should have fallen asleep in the palace by now.

However, Ghost Douluo still walked towards the Pope's Palace by accident. What if the Pope was still dealing with official business?
The Pope has been conscientious and dedicated since he took office, and various policies have been proposed by the Pope.

Ghost Douluo has always seen it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.

Moreover, the Pope has recently been dealing with corruption and domineering behavior in various martial arts branches.

Most of the high-ranking positions in these martial soul branch halls are dedicated to the relatives or direct disciples of the titled Douluo in the hall.

It used to be very difficult to deal with these people and these phenomena, but now some of them are busy.

I don’t know what kind of determination the Pope has, and he is willing to take the risk of being attacked by the enshrinement hall and make these decisions that have never been made before.

Maybe it’s because the Pope controls the magical fairy grass, or maybe it’s because the Pope’s strength has been greatly improved, so the old monsters in the enshrinement hall didn’t stop them.
Ghost Douluo is the elder who handles punishments in the Wuhun Palace. He naturally knows the intrigues of those in the branch hall and how many people will be punished by his own hands.
Thinking about the recent events in his mind, he pondered the Pope's intentions. Unknowingly, Ghost Douluo had arrived at the Pope's Palace.

Sure enough, Ghost Douluo entered the majestic Pope's Palace, which was brightly lit.

Go forward, turn left, and in the side hall, the noble and holy Pope is sitting on the office chair, with a little fatigue in his calm eyes.

The table in front of her was filled with various letters complaining about the Wuhun branch.

At this moment, the Pope looked at these letters, and his expression was obviously not very good.

When Bibi Dong saw Ghost Douluo returning, he also stopped what he was doing and said, "Has the stuff been delivered?"

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope." Ghost Douluo replied respectfully. He could not see through the Pope before, let alone the Pope who suddenly had the jelly grass now.

Ghost Douluo respectfully handed Su Chen's reply to Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong took the ball, watched it carefully, and said casually: "Tell me all the details."

It seemed that she wanted to know some details.

Ghost Douluo described all the details in his mind to the Pope.

Bibi Dong returned to the bedroom. She admired herself in the mirror and thought carefully about the details described by Ghost Douluo.

Bibi Dong thought of Ghost Douluo saying that Su Chen picked up the papal order and just smelled it in front of his nose. He was not surprised or liked the papal order.

Bibi Dong's face was full of disdain, but there was something strange in her heart. The disdainful face slowly revealed a hint of pride and ridicule.

Then Bibi Dong thought of Ghost Douluo's story about Su Chen sniffing the letter carefully, and he smiled and was satisfied.

Bibi Dong's face began to show a trace of rare blush and complaint against herself.

Because when she was writing the letter, she thought for a long time about the tone she should use to express her thoughts, and finally she actually put her face against the paper and fell asleep...

I didn’t expect that person to be so perverted that he wouldn’t even let the paper go (◣д◢)

Bibi Dong looked at herself in the mirror, stunned, and realized that she still had this expression. It was a bit cute, but cuteness doesn't suit me...
Then he thought about Ghost Douluo saying that Su Chen didn't know what method he had used to easily raise him to level 97 without any warning, Bibi Dong in the mirror was full of doubts.

The soul power level has reached above level 95. It is not that easy to improve the soul power. Bibi Dong once again realized Su Chen's strength.

He is not a simple person, nor is he a fool. Bibi Dong even suspected that Su Chen was a god who secretly took the next class.

Thinking of God, Bibi Dong punched herself in the mirror and shattered the lens. As many lenses as were shattered, Bibi Dong appeared in the broken mirror.In Bibi Dong's view, gods are just some dirty existences. Otherwise, how could those god tests be so full of bad taste? Aren't they just to satisfy the selfish desires of gods?
But the unclean self can only complete the divine test, accept the rewards of the dirty god, and join in the dirty deeds.

It's like everything is already priced.

If God is truly full of justice, how could he suffer such pain?

Thinking of the past, Bibi Dong's face was full of pain, unwillingness and anger.

In anger, Bibi Dong's martial soul shadow appeared behind her.

"Don't let me know that you think I'm not pitiful enough to play with my remaining feelings."

After Bibi Dong said these words in an extremely cold voice, she waved her hand and the room, which was originally cold and filled with resentment and evil thoughts, returned to normal.

Bibi Dong took out the token that Ghost Douluo was so confused about, it was an ordinary small ball made of gold paper filled with a sense of trembling.

Bibi Dong took it out from her arms and looked at it carefully, but couldn't figure out the point.

Bibi Dong suspected that this was just a joke, and with a thought in her mind, she squeezed the ball in her hand hard, making a sound like an egg breaking.

The ball turned into golden light from Bibi Dong's hand, and finally condensed into a piece of golden paper.

Bibi Dong, who was illuminated by the golden light, did not feel any trembling or fear. Instead, because she was immersed in the golden light, the countless tiny pores on her body were automatically cheering, and her face looked comfortable.

Bibi Dong looked at the words above: Can I call you Dong'er when we meet?

Bibi Dong's heart was in a state of confusion, as if a man had said these words in front of her.

How warm and euphemistic, like a spring breeze.

Soon, these words disappeared from the golden paper, and a terrifying pressure that was both admirable and terrifying appeared on the golden paper.

Bibi Dong resisted the urge to kneel down. She was not disrespectful. Instead, she bent down unusually calmly and spread her hands, as if to welcome a sacred object.

Sure enough, the golden paper turned into a book and slowly fell onto Bibi Dong's hands.

Bibi Dong didn't understand what this strange book was, and even the words on it were not from Douluo Continent.

But with the terrifying majesty and the stunning majestic back that appeared in her mind, Bibi Dong knew that this was no ordinary thing.

After Bibi Dong carefully put it away, displeasure appeared on her face: "Are you deliberately embarrassing my great Pope?"

After saying that, Bibi Dong retrieved the ring she had just thrown out of anger from a pile of broken mirrors, and put it on the middle finger of her left hand.
But Su Chen didn't pay attention to what happened to Bibi Dong in the Wuhun Palace. He was already admiring the scenery on a mountain with unique scenery and an imposing view of the mountains.

Su Chen looked at the surrounding environment. The ground was covered with neat flowers and grass, and there was a unique towering tree. There was a small house not far from the big tree.

"Suitable for sleeping." After saying this, Su Chen fell down under the tree and fell asleep.

Occasionally, leaves fell, but strangely, the falling leaves did not fall on Su Chen, but passed through his body and fell under him. He was like a phantom, not in this world...

This trip lasted three days. Su Chen slowly opened his eyes, as if 3000 years had passed, either long or short...


ps: Ahem, guess the new female character who will appear in the next chapter.

Today's wish: rave reviews ('ω')
Ahem, also, give me a dollar reward and kill me.

(End of this chapter)

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