Chapter 87 Qian Renxue’s sense of familiarity

After Su Chen opened his eyes, his eyes lazily looked up at the stars in the sky, but his gaze had quietly reached the Douluo God Realm.

Su Chen originally wanted to see if there were any interesting things happening in the God Realm, such as being caught repairing sewers, to kill the boring time.

But a female voice with cold determination and elegance reached Su Chen's ears.

"Who are you."

Su Chen stood up calmly and turned to look at the source of the sound.

What you can see is her long, dazzling golden hair, her skin as white as snow, her beautiful phoenix eyes, and her stunning face.

This is undoubtedly a stunning goddess who has grown up.

Elegant with determination, nobility with ice and snow calmness, majesty with surrendering charm.

The blonde woman has an absolute height of 1.8 meters and five centimeters of crystal high heels.

She was also looking down at the young man who appeared in her field of vision.

There is something strange about this strange man in the world, but there is no one who can match him.

This was the first impression the blonde gave.

"I am a traveler. I happened to pass by this beautiful scenery and stopped to admire it for a while." Su Chen said intently.

The blond woman naturally didn't believe what the boy said, because the road up the mountain had been strictly controlled since this morning.

"This is my place." The blond woman stated her ownership simply.

"Excuse me, I'm leaving now." Su Chen was very sensible, and after saying that, he was about to walk in one direction.

The blond woman looked at the young man who acted without any hesitation, and was not only shocked but also admired.

"Wait, you can't leave yet." The woman stopped her, her tone full of orders.

Because she hadn't remembered who this boy was, she thought she must have seen him somewhere.

But the boy was still moving forward and seemed not to take her seriously.

The blonde woman was a little unhappy, but she still said calmly: "It's very difficult for you to go down the mountain now. All roads down the mountain have been blocked."

Finally, under the gaze of Qian Renxue's beautiful eyes, the young man stopped.But he didn't say anything, didn't look back, he just stood there.

The blond woman was speechless. Is this person a piece of wood?How could this remind her of who it was? (_)

This woman is none other than Qian Renxue, who is called the number one goddess of Douluo.

When she played Xue Qinghe, she was an approachable and unassuming prince, and her conversation and behavior were even more majestic and calm, giving people a comfortable feeling.

He even recruited wise men and women and won the support of many good men.

It can be said that Emperor Yan is a younger brother in front of her.

But that's not her after all, not the real her.

When she is upset and can't find her direction, she will dress up as a woman and come to this secret base to stay for a while.

Then tell yourself that you must be perfect in everything you do, so that the blind woman can see her excellence.

Qian Renxue hated the Pope, but she was extremely looking forward to getting his approval, even just once...

But the reason she came here this time was because her grandfather brought her some magical fairy grass.

According to her grandfather, it was of great help to her cultivation. It seemed that the Pope had specially chosen it for her.

When Qian Renxue received these immortal herbs, she had mixed feelings in her heart, and she didn't understand what the Pope meant.

Since they are in opposing camps, shouldn't the Pope be suppressing himself?
So when she couldn't figure it out, Qian Renxue decided to come here to relax herself.

Qian Renxue thought for a while, took lotus steps and walked towards Su Chen.

The light golden classical gown envelops her graceful figure.

With her graceful and graceful appearance, her every movement is pleasing to the eye.

She came to Su Chen, who was motionless, probably because Su Chen's stupid behavior just now made Qian Renxue interesting and reduced the feeling of strangeness with him.

Qian Renxue didn't care about Su Chen's gaze, she kept looking at Su Chen, and then kept recalling the people she had met in her mind.

Qian Renxue felt that she must have seen him.

The two stared at each other like this for about ten minutes.

Finally, Qian Renxue recalled where she had seen Su Chen among the various people she had seen.
Qian Renxue walked up behind Su Chen and looked at each other for a long time. At this moment, her face finally turned slightly red. "You pitch a tent under this big tree tonight and leave after I leave tomorrow, otherwise you will be in danger."

Qian Renxue warned Su Chen without any doubt.

After all, there was a Titled Douluo and several Spirit Hall masters secretly observing at the intersection at the foot of the mountain. Su Chen would undoubtedly be added to the suspect list or death list when he went down the mountain.

"Thank you." Su Chen replied lightly, then walked under the big tree, found a comfortable position and lay down.

Qian Renxue looked at the young man who was already lying leisurely under the tree, and walked over.

Su Chen closed his eyes, but soon felt a breeze and a pure and noble fragrance drifting by.

Qian Renxue came to the other side of the tree and lay down too.

Even three adults might not be able to surround this tree. Qian Renxue was not worried that the boy could see her.

Su Chen, who closed his eyes, naturally knew who else could have such a woman besides Qian Renxue.

Su Chen thought about the plot about Qian Renxue in his mind. This was another character that made him extremely uncomfortable in his previous life.

How could such a noble goddess fall in love with that Tang San?
He even lusted after Tang San during the Angel God Test, and even more famous scenes occurred after he lusted after him.

Su Chen in his previous life would not believe that Qian Renxue was such a person even to death. Even Qian Renxue herself did not believe it at the time.

But after Tang San appeared in the Angel Divine Examination, she had no choice but to accept it and chose to believe what happened.

According to Su Chen in his previous life, there was no interference from the divine realm?Is there no Shura God or Poseidon doing anything secretly?

After all, would it be rare for these two gods to break the rules and help Tang San?
Isn't it inhumane to do something secretly that no one knows about?

The Angel God and Rakshasa God remained silent.

Even watching the inheritor being unfairly defeated, there was no response.

In his previous life, Su Chen seriously doubted whether the Angel God was dead, and there was almost no spiritual thought left in Douluo.

As for the Rakshasa God, Su Chen seriously doubted that the Rakshasa God really wanted Bibi Dong to replace her as the god?

These three words "Rakshasa God" make people feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

She didn't have to know that Shura God helped Tang San, but why didn't she know that Poseidon helped Tang San?

Or maybe there was some kind of deal between the gods, and they chose to sacrifice Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue...

Su Chen recovered from the confusion in his previous life and raised the corner of his mouth. After all, that was already his previous life.

In the current view of Su Chen, he is nothing more than a mere ant...

On the other side of the big tree, Qian Renxue was shocked.

Isn't this boy the same boy she once had unwanted thoughts about?
But that idea was quickly killed at that time.

How could she, Qian Renxue, fall in love with a man because of his looks?

She is a strong person.

In her opinion, her man must be recognized by her in terms of talent or strength before he can accept it.

As for Qian Renxue, she thought there was no such person.She has an innate soul power of level 20 and is a martial soul seraph. How could there be anyone with a better talent than her?

Qian Renxue has been disliked by Bibi Dong since she was born and has never felt maternal love.

Before she was nine years old, only her father took care of her, but her father never allowed her to make friends.

After her father died, her grandfather Qian Daoliu was the only one left to care about her.

After coming to the Tiandou Empire, after so many years of acting experience, putting profit first has become her first rule and habit.

"I didn't expect that he would actually be a soul master. He was clearly an ordinary soul master before."

Qian Renxue had just used a special method to determine Su Chen's cultivation level, and now she was wondering why Su Chen had such a terrifying improvement.


ps: Is she your goddess?

Today's wish has received rave reviews. Every one of the few good reviews counts.

Ahem, is there any boss who wants to reward me with a dollar? I just want to feel the feeling of being rewarded.

Thank you boss Yixinxin for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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