Chapter 88 Qian Renxue's Decision
Could it be that he is actually a unique genius who has reached the Soul Master level in just a few years?

Various thoughts flashed through Qian Renxue's mind, and the last immature thought emerged in her mind.

If you give me one of the fairy grasses my grandpa gave me, I will give it to Su Chen.Then his talent should be improving. Grandpa described that the lower the level, the better the effect of taking the grass jelly.

Qian Renxue thought of the Pope, always with an expression as if everyone owed her.

She, Qian Renxue, doesn’t want to be this kind of person in the future.

Moreover, the combination of the always stalwart father and the ruthless Bibi Dong may also be a relationship of interest in Qian Renxue's opinion.

If you train this young man, make him stronger, and then test him to make him an excellent man, then he will indeed be worthy of you.

Because Qian Renxue thinks about it, that woman will still target her in the future.

For example, one day, that woman used her status as an elder to intimidate Qian Renxue, decided to marry Qian Renxue at will, married someone she didn't like, and deliberately disgusted her. Wouldn't that be bad?

After all, she is almost 22 years old.

If she takes the initiative to cultivate a good man who is only slightly worse than herself, then what can the Pope do to her.

This, in turn, would disgust the pope, giving him the best of both worlds.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue rarely smiled.

If you don’t treat me as your daughter, then you don’t want to decide anything about me...

"Who are you and what force are you from?" Qian Renxue's voice that could not be ignored reached Su Chen's ears on the other side.

Su Chen did not ignore Qian Renxue, he still had to be polite in other people's territory.

"Su Chen, an ordinary commoner, a wine and swordsman."

Su Chen's answer came back to Qian Renxue's ears, and Qian Renxue analyzed it carefully.

Ordinary civilians?Or maybe, anyway, I have never heard of any big family with the surname Su.

As for the Jiu Jian Xian?Qian Renxue naturally understood that those who wore Jiujianxian's costumes were basically followers of Jiujianxian.

And what Su Chen meant was that he was probably a member of the Jiujianxian sect. After all, he looked young and his level was that of a soul master.

Qian Renxue was quite satisfied with Su Chen's answer.

In Qian Renxue's opinion, except for the fact that the name may be fake, everything else should be about the same.

As long as it's not from a big family, it's fine. After all, a big family has a lot of things to do and involves a lot of things, so it's not easy to control.

Besides, no matter how powerful a family is, can it be as powerful as her Spirit Hall?

After thinking about it clearly, Qian Renxue did not hesitate and stood up gracefully, with six soul rings appearing behind her.

With elegant and noble steps, he came to where Su Chen was lying down and looked at him condescendingly.

Qian Renxue said straightforwardly: "You are very lucky, I want to train you."

Qian Renxue's strength and appearance were excellent, so she naturally didn't believe that the boy in front of her would refuse, and she had no right to refuse.

Su Chen looked at Qian Renxue carefully and said weakly, "How do you plan to train me."

Qian Renxue looked at the sensible Su Chen and smiled. The ring in her hand flashed, and a jade box appeared in Qian Renxueyu's hand.

Qian Renxue opened it, and a refreshing smell wafted out.

"This is a fairy grass that can strengthen your roots and cultivate your vitality, and can be washed and cut easily. It is powerful enough to increase your soul power by several levels in a short period of time, and it can last you a lifetime."

Qian Renxue introduced calmly, not forgetting to observe every change in Su Chen's expression.

Su Chen stared at the fairy grass and pursed his lips in silence.

"You don't believe it?" Qian Renxue said nonchalantly.Indeed, she didn't believe it herself at first.

If someone other than her grandfather had told her that there was such a strange thing, she would not believe it.

"I believe it. Why do you want to cultivate me? Can't you take this kind of fairy grass yourself?" Su Chen looked away from the fairy grass and looked at Qian Renxue seriously.

"I have a lot of grass like this. It's nothing in my eyes. As for cultivating you, I have my own plans. If you have to know the reason, I think you are good. I hope that one day you can become a person who I think is worthy of me. man."

Qian Renxue said these words without any shyness, as if everything was normal to her.

"I have a girlfriend." Su Chen replied with a fan.

Qian Renxue's slender phoenix eyes wrinkled slightly, but quickly returned to normal.

"It doesn't matter, I don't approve of you now. If I still don't approve of you in the future, then just think of it as my free training resources for you."

However, Qian Renxue added in her heart, if I approve of you in the future, then I will control everything about you.

If he disagreed now, Su Chen understood that Qian Renxue would not let him go easily.

But what makes Su Chen most interesting is that when he sent Bibi Dong some straw, Bibi Dongju gave him two women in return. This was not enough, and now he had to give back another Qian Renxue.

Su Chen had to thank Bibi Dong for her generosity in her heart. Bibi Dong was indeed a treasured woman.

At this moment, far away in Wuhun City, Bibi Dong was still handling official business in the Pope's Palace, her eyelids were twitching...

Wasn't this fairy grass given to Bibi Dong by him?
As for Qian Renxue's claim that she had many, Su Chen naturally didn't believe it. It was probably just a few.

Qian Renxue was very good at pretending in front of him and wanted to show her wealth and power in front of him to make Su Chen surrender.

Seeing that Su Chen was just looking at her and had no intention of taking the fairy grass, Qian Renxue was a little dissatisfied and said majestically: "You have no right to refuse. I also have a great say in the Jiujianxian sect. If Even if I reject you, I won’t be able to stay in the Jiu Sword Sect (ー_ー)!!.”

Su Chen complained in his heart, he thought you were the Lady of the Wine and Sword Fairy for those who didn't know!

Far away on a high mountain, in a simple palace, there is a bed woven with blue and silver grass,
"Haqiuo( ̄▽ ̄)o."

Ah Yin opened her eyes and said, "Su Chen must be thinking about me, that bad guy..."

"What is your identity?" Su Chen asked curiously.

"My name is Qian Renxue. I can't tell you my identity for the time being." Qian Renxue answered seriously.

"If I accept your training, will my freedom be restricted or what will I do?" Su Chen asked again.

Qian Renxue felt a little happy in her heart. Isn't the condition the beginning of acceptance? ()
"No, you don't get to see me usually. If you come here to see me at this time of year, I will test your strength. If you have any questions, you can ask me."Qian Renxue's golden eyes revealed sincerity.

Su Chen took the fairy grass without hesitation, which made Su Chen feel that she was an interesting girl and an interesting development.

Qian Renxue looked at Su Chen and admired his choice. She showed a sweet and proud smile that a girl should have, but it quickly disappeared.

"You will be proud of the choice you made today. Now you can absorb the fairy grass." After saying that, Qian Renxue turned and walked towards the hut.

The soft and bright moonlight reflects on her palace dress made of gold silk. Her beautiful back view will make many people feel ashamed...

Su Chen sat down cross-legged and thought for a while, let's act more realistically.

Su Chen began to absorb the fairy grass in his hand...

Qian Renxue, who returned to the house, also took out a fairy grass.

"This may be the only thing she ever gave me."

Qian Renxue thought of Bibi Dong again, with various emotions flashing through her eyes.

"Let me see if it really has that magical effect."

Qian Renxue also began to absorb the fairy grass with bright properties - Jiuwanyue Chenxi
(End of this chapter)

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