Chapter 89 The four girls show initial results
As Qian Renxue's absorption progressed, she began to be enveloped in a gentle and sacred light.

From her stretched out beautiful face, it can be seen that she is enjoying the huge benefits.



After a long time, Qian Renxue opened her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, the calmness in her eyes before was now shocked by the magic of the fairy grass, and she felt helpless.

I hope she doesn’t have a lot of this kind of fairy grass, otherwise I
I can only be suppressed by her for the rest of my life.
Qian Renxue prayed in her heart. She had already deeply realized the powerful effect of fairy grass on soul masters.

This is a treasure that can create a large number of strong men! ! !
Because Qian Renxue spent most of her time playing Xue Qinghe in the Tiandou Empire, she didn't have enough time to practice. Before taking the fairy grass, she was just a Soul Emperor.

Now after taking the fairy grass, his level has increased by three levels, and he is already a quasi-soul saint of level [-].

If it was just like this, then forget it. What worried Qian Renxue was that she could feel that her cultivation speed was faster than before.

This means that the talent has been improved again, and Qian Renxue vaguely feels that there seems to be a change in the martial soul.

While hesitating, Qian Renxue decided to leave here and go to a distant place to see what changes the martial soul had.

She didn't want Su Chen to know what her martial spirit was.

Qian Renxue opened the door and moved quickly in a certain direction...



After Qian Renxue confirmed the changes in her martial soul, her face was filled with joy.

But Qian Renxue was also worried about how many of these fairy grasses Bibi Dong had and how many strong men she had created...

It was already late at night, Qian Renxue quietly came to the big tree, and found that Su Chen under the tree had no cover, and fell asleep without any precautions.

Qian Renxue was speechless. She was afraid that the person she was interested in might not be an idiot!

Even if you don’t put up a tent, you don’t even need to cover yourself with a quilt!
He fell asleep in a daze.

"But it's quite pleasant to look at him." Qian Renxue showed a soft expression, attracted by Su Chen's invisible aura of ease.

A set of quilts appeared in Qian Renxue's hands, but the movements of her hands were not very gentle.

After the quilt appeared, Qian Renxue scattered the quilt directly and condescendingly, as if to express her dissatisfaction.

Qian Renxue turned around and left, leaving behind Su Chen who was whispering in her heart.

This woman is so domineering. There is an irresistible tenderness in her domination, and she looks like...

But what made Su Chen suspicious was that this quilt could not be used by Qian Renxue herself. There was a refreshing fragrance on the quilt...

The next day, Qian Renxue immediately took back her quilt.

On this day, the two did not communicate much, but Qian Renxue got more information about Su Chen.

Occasionally, Qian Renxue would share some food with Su Chen. Su Chen's slowness and calmness were just stupid in Qian Renxue's eyes.

Some of Su Chen's boyish behaviors made Qian Renxue scold him for being childish.

The relationship between the two seems to be a lot closer, but they still seem to be strangers.

Before dusk, Qian Renxue had left. Su Chen stood under the big tree and looked at the direction in which Qian Renxue left, thoughtfully.

Then Su Chen had a certificate in his hand and looked in a certain direction with interest.

Su Chen picked up the thing in his hand, and it turned out to be a real estate certificate with three big characters (ε)
Really good(°з°)-

Su Chen thought of Bing'er. It would be impossible not to leave Tianshui City, as it would affect Bing'er's cultivation.

Tianshui City is not far from Tianshui College. If Su Chen is at home, Binger, as an excellent girlfriend, will definitely go home to see Su Chen no matter how opposed the college is.

If she didn't go back to see Su Chen occasionally, even if she could hold back her longing, she would feel sorry for Su Chen at home.

Su Chen smiled casually and looked at the location of the real estate certificate, Tiandou City xxxxxxx.



In the forest behind Shrek, after half a month of training, the four girls Xiao Wu have already mastered Zhu Qing's teachings. It's just a question of whether they are proficient or not.At this moment, the three girls, Cheng Rou, Xiao Wu and Rong Rong, were wearing waterproof clothing like gymnastics suits, showing off their figures to the fullest.

But naturally there will be contrasts.

Xiao Wu has the slenderest legs and the slimmest figure among the three, and some of her features are also the least obvious.

Among the three of them, Rong Rong has an average figure, but her appearance is the most lovable.The springy smile that appears from time to time is like the sister next door who doesn't know the dangers of the world.

Cheng Rou is the most prominent and attractive of the three, with straight and slender legs and an eye-catching S-shaped figure.

Xiaolongbao, big buns, and super double big buns.

This is the most obvious difference.

At this time, Xiao Wu moved.

Twisting her small waist, she was so lively flipping at 720°C in the air, and finally landed lightly in the pool.

However, the strange thing is that she did not sink into the pool, but stepped on the lake with her feet.

Xiao Wu cutely made a scissors gesture to the three people on the other side.

Cheng Rou smiled, tapped her toes on the ground, and jumped into the lake gracefully.

Like Xiao Wu, she did not sink into the lake, and her feet sank into the lake less than Xiao Wu.

"Ning Rongrong, come on, you can definitely do it." Rongrong directly encouraged himself.

Rongrong did not enter Tanzhong as gorgeously as Xiaowu Chengrou, but took steps, one step at a time.

She came to Tanbian and took the first step, the second step...

She successfully walked on the water, but instead of relaxing, she became more serious.

Because she was going to the deep water, to where Xiao Wu Chengrou was.

Rongrong slowly approached the deep water area, but her body sank a lot. She felt resistance and difficulty, and her body felt a little tight.

"Rongrong, it doesn't matter. You don't know how many times you have turned into a drowned rat anyway."

Xiao Wu didn't know whether she was cheering for Rong Rong or joking, but Xiao Wu admired Rong Rong. She had been working harder than them during this period.

"I don't want to become a drowned rat again." Maybe she was stimulated by Xiao Wu, or maybe she was encouraged, but Rongrong actually exploded into her small universe.

She actually floated up and stepped on the water again, and her soul power also broke through. She reached level 27! !
Rongrong was so happy that he began to walk more boldly and quickly on the water.

"I, Ning Rongrong, am not a drowned rat." Rongrong tried his best to pretend to be proud, as if he wanted to tell someone.

"Rongrong, come on." Xiao Wu cheered up Rongrong again.

"Rongrong, you can definitely do it." Cheng Rou also followed closely to cheer up Rongrong.

Zhuqing, who was practicing on the shore, opened her bright eyes. She has been cultivating her soul power these days, and her level has reached level 28.

"Rongrong has made great progress." Zhuqing admired it very much.

Rongrong looked straight ahead at Xiao Wu and Cheng Rou, and at the bottomless pool beneath their feet.

She understood that this was the depth that she, Ning Rongrong, was going to challenge today.

Rongrong was a little afraid that he would fail again, but what was more important was the determination in his eyes.

Anyway, she lost count of how many times she failed.

Rongrong took one step again, two steps, three steps...

She was sinking slowly, as if she was about to enter the abyss of fear.

But she didn't panic, instead she looked calm. Having failed many times, she already knew that the more panicked she was at this time, the easier it would be for her to make mistakes, make a fool of herself, and lose her body balance.

When the water was about to cross the jade neck, Rongrong's eyes flashed with green light, and he concentrated all his energy on controlling the soul power of his body to maintain the best balance...


Thanks to the boss, a mortal cultivator, for the reward, and to Xiong Yong for his monthly ticket support.Bosses are generous

(End of this chapter)

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