Chapter 90 Tang Ritian’s Past
Immediately afterwards, Rongrong controlled more soul power to gather on the soles of his feet.

Finally she began to be repelled by the water and slowly rose to the surface.

Like a hibiscus emerging from water, or like a beauty emerging from a bath, Rong Rong's delicate body is slowly revealed in the girls' field of vision, and the girls feel a special flavor when they see it.

"I succeeded?!!"

Ning Rongrong flicked her soaked hair, unable to hide her happiness.

How she came here these days, only she and these sisters know.

Only she and her sisters knew the joy of success at this moment.

Xiao Wu and Cheng Rou walked to Rongrong and celebrated the joy of this moment together.

One person took one of Rong Rong's hands, and the three of them began a three-person strolling waltz with Rong Rong as the center...

Zhuqing smiled, "Finally, it all worked."

Zhuqing's figure disappeared from the spot, came to the surface of the pool, tapped the water, and joined their dance without any violation.

On the Tan surface, it is the sublimation of the four-person waltz...

After a period of commotion, Ning Rongrong performed a one-stroke spin, marking a perfect ending to her cultivation journey.

Back on the shore, the four girls jumped through the woods and returned to their base camp.

Ning Rongrong stood upside down on the tree like an owl, crossing her hands, "I, Ning Rongrong, also have the appearance of an emperor, haha."

Obviously, she has learned a lot in the past month and a half.

"Rongrong, don't be complacent. My next training will make you unable to get out of bed for several days." Xiao Wu began her critical attack.

"Xiao Wu, don't scare me. Is it that scary?" Ning Rongrong almost fell off the tree and hurried down to ask Xiao Wu.

"That's not true, otherwise Xiao Wu's fists wouldn't be so easy to master."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking proudly, she clenched her fists.

With one punch, the tree as big as the basin was easily penetrated by Xiao Wu.

Who would have thought that a little girl's fist show could have such terrifying power.

The power of the fist becomes more powerful and more penetrating.

In addition to condensing the strength of the whole body in the fist, Xiao Wu can also condensate the soul power.Xiao Wu vaguely felt that she could master a powerful self-created soul skill.

Rongrong's eyes widened with fear on his face.

Xiao Wu's fists are indeed not vegetarian.This big tree actually exploded under Xiao Wu's fist, and it wasn't just this one tree.

Isn't this better than soul skills?Xiaowuduomi, I just want a fist.

"Xiao Wu, please don't point your fist at me in the future, otherwise I will be very angry." Rongrong said seriously. She would not suffer if the fist touched her small body.

"Don't worry, Rongrong, why would my Xiao Wu's fist be pointed at my sister?" Xiao Wu looked serious, but her fist turned into a slap unknowingly and reached towards Rongrong.

"Xiao Wu, you pervert bunny." Rongrong hurriedly stayed away from Xiao Wu and returned to the tent.

"This Xiao Wu's level is getting higher and higher, and her technique is getting better and better."

Rongrong pinched himself quickly, wondering what the hell he was thinking.

After Rongrong left, Xiao Wu's face was indeed filled with sadness.

She looked up at the sky and couldn't help but sigh. Even so, there was still no possibility of escape in front of Sun and Sky Douluo, let alone revenge.

Sun and Sky Douluo, don’t come back so soon.


At this moment, Suntian Douluo was in a valley with beautiful scenery.

Sun-Tian Douluo opened his eyes after finishing his training. He took the Haotian Hammer in his hand and used the Haotian Hammer as a guide to dwell in the waterfall.

There is actually a dark and humid cave in the waterfall, but there is no algae in this environment, which is enough to show that the environment inside is harsh.Suntian Douluo didn't care about the darkness and walked inside with ease.

In the innermost part of the cave, there was actually a little light, and under that light there was a small blue-silver grass, which was extremely weak and lifeless.

Ritian looked at this blue silver grass and thought of his wife, named Ayin.

That incredibly beautiful body and that stunning face flashed through Tang Ritian's mind.

But the mistake is that Ah Yin is not a normal human being, she is the incarnation of a 10-year-old soul beast.

Back then, when Ah Yin revealed that he was a 10-year-old soul beast, Ritian's love for Ah Yin began to deteriorate.

Naturally, he would not dislike Ah Yin's beautiful body. After all, he liked the little girl in the family very much, and he often harassed the little girl in the family. The transformation of the soul beast was even more wonderful in his opinion.

But all this is nothing in front of a 10-year soul ring! !What a mere woman! !

Not to mention Kui Bao's 10-year-old soul bone. With these, wouldn't it be possible to become the strongest in the continent?

Tang Ritian had planned everything back then, starting from the first night with A Yin.

When Ah Yin was pregnant, she took her for a walk and even secretly revealed the news to Wuhun Palace.

Tang Ritian would naturally not feel guilty for marrying his wife in this way.

He believed that anyone in Douluo Continent would make the same choice as him.

Of course, he didn't dare to actually kill Qian Xunji, and he couldn't kill Qian Xunji.

Because both of them represented top forces, Qian Xunji naturally did not dare to kill him.

What they both want is Ah Yin, he just wants to act in a show.

I just didn’t expect that trash Qian Xunji to actually die?
Even if Qianxunji died, he actually blamed him for this matter, making him unable to return home, and his father was even more angry to death.

He is a unique genius in his family, and he is the most talented person in the younger generation.

He originally wanted to lead the Haotian Sect to become the strongest and unify the continent, but how could he accept such a gap?

He cares about the Haotian Sect, but there are not many people in the sect who support him. In order to prevent the sect from being surrounded and suppressed by Wuhun Palace, he can only choose to leave the Haotian Sect.

As for the seeds left behind after Ah Yin's sacrifice, he didn't have much thought.

Do we still need to plant this seed in a place with fertile soil and abundant sunshine?
In Ritian's view, that was impossible. Even if Ah Yin was resurrected after an unknown number of years, Ritian had no idea how long he had been dead.

So I put the seeds left by Ah Yin here. This place is also a geomantic treasure, and let her fend for herself.

As for Tang San, the son born to A Yin, Ritian didn't care at all at first. Life and death had nothing to do with him. He couldn't even return home.

But what surprised Ritian was that his son was so weird that he didn't die. Instead, he was sensible since he was a child and could be self-reliant at a young age, doing laundry and cooking.

Ritian thought that this might be the power of the half-animal, half-human bloodline. It has a tough life.

What shocked Tang Ritian even more was that his son was actually born with full soul power and twin martial arts souls. When he grows up with such a talent, he will definitely become the strongest person in the mainland.

This also rekindled his good wish to return to the Haotian Sect and recognize him as the master.

After all, for Tang Ritian, Haotian Sect has his best memories and love, and it is the place he will protect and love throughout his life.

Ritian's father is the previous sect leader, and his brother is the current sect leader. If he can't recognize his ancestors and return to the sect, then what's the point of his life.

Although Tang Ritian was curious, Wuhun Palace seemed to have placed a wanted order on him.

But he was never careless.

His son Tang San has also settled down now.

After all, Soto City is not a small city. There is a risk of being discovered if he stays in Soto City, and his son may be traced.

He had also observed Shrek Academy and found that they were all people who could not deal with Wuhun Palace. It was better to let Flanders protect his son.

Tang Ritian left and chose to practice here, which was safer for his son.

(End of this chapter)

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