Chapter 91: Spray bubbles, funny
The figure of his little sister Yuehua appeared in Tang Ritian's mind again. Her temperament and appearance were comparable to Ah Yin's.

It's just that my sister was still young at that time and her parents and grandfather were still alive. He didn't have much advantage, and he didn't dare to make it too obvious.

"I don't know what my little sister looks like now. It's a pity that I don't have the nerve to see her in this condition."


The four Shrek brothers, their training is still running with stones on their backs.

However, compared to the very strenuous task of running with stones on their backs at the beginning, now it has become just a strenuous task for them.

"It's so cool. I like running with rocks on my back the most. It's much more comfortable than visiting a brothel." Ma Hongjun was excited as he passed by Flanders who was monitoring the training of the students in front.

Flender's eyes were filled with relief when he saw Ma Hongjun like this.

Ma Hongjun is treated as a son by him. Now that his son has become so inspiring, diligent and positive, can the old father be unhappy?

But Flanders didn't notice that the eyes of Ma Hongjun and Yu Xiaogang, who was also monitoring the training of several people, met, and a conspiratorial smile appeared on the corners of their mouths...

The four teenagers ran and trained every day and shed countless sweats.The villagers also gave them a nickname, called Spray Bubble Bar, which is funny.

The reason is that these four teenagers carry bamboo baskets and stones on their backs for running every day. When they get tired, they stop and shout slogans, "Don't stop, we will do it."

"Run, brother."

"we are brothers"


But their panting voices were heard in the villagers' ears as, "Squirt, brother..."

In the evening, Ma Hongjun was very happy and quickly headed to Soto City with the gold coins secretly given to him by the master.

Tonight, he, Ma Hongjun, wants the hottest girl in Soto City.

Tremble, Soto City, your horse master is back again.



The next morning, Ma Hongjun looked depressed as he walked back to Shrek Academy.

Last night he did not conquer the fiercest girl, but he was conquered by the girl.

It's hard to say now.

Ma Hongjun thought about the reason. After all, this was no small matter.

"Is it because of training??!"

The more Ma Hongjun thought about it, the more frightened he became, and finally he fainted (=_=)
Dai Yubai also walked out of Soto City with a proud look on his face. The time increased by 5 minutes, reaching the terrifying time of one stick of incense.

How this made him unhappy and even considered himself the slowest man in the world.

Dai Yubai saw Fatty fainting on the road and hurried over to help him up, "Fatty, Fatty, what's wrong with you..."

Under Dai Yubai's shaking, Ma Hongjun woke up in a daze.

The two of them naturally understood what they had gone to do last night, and were not embarrassed. Ma Hongjun did not want to tell others about the man's troubles, otherwise he would not have the face to face his brother.

"Boss Dai, it's okay. I was too tired last night and am a little sleepy." Ma Hongjun rolled his head, looking frustrated.

Dai Yubai understood very well what Fatty Ma was talking about, "Haha, Fatty, don't fall down when you train later."

I will definitely not look for her next time.

Dai Yubai also wants to take some kidneys to replenish his body.

After Tang San finished cultivating the Purple Demon Eyes on the roof, he walked towards the restaurant.

It happened that Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai also came to the cafeteria after returning to the college.

The two of them acted like they had done nothing last night.

"Good morning, mistress, I'm the first one to come for breakfast today." Ma Hongjun chuckled.


After the four boys finished their breakfast, they started to practice fighting against each other, and then started spraying in the bar. It was so funny...


Xiao Wu and the others finished their training early in the morning and after consolidating what they had learned yesterday, under Xiao Wu's organization, the girls went to the city again to buy the training props Xiao Wu needed for teaching.

"Do you have a bath with herbal formula that can treat hidden body injuries? I'm afraid Rongrong's small body won't be able to withstand the training and will cause damage to Rongrong." Xiao Wu was worried that Rongrong was too weak.

As for Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou, she didn't have much to worry about. "Xiao Wu, my Qibao Glazed Sect doesn't have anything. You don't have to worry about this. I will buy herbs when I get to Soto City." Rongrong gave Xiao Wu a reassuring look |ω)
A few kilometers away, it didn't take the four girls long to arrive.

After Xiao Wu arrived in Soto City, she took the girls to buy clothes first...

The three girls looked at the bunch of strange things Xiao Wu bought and couldn't help but wonder, is Xiao Wu's training serious?

The girls bought a bunch of more food, and then Rongrong went to the herbal shop to buy expensive herbs.

Seeing Rongrong pay thousands of gold coins without blinking, Xiao Wu's eyes turned into ¥¥.

Is this the happiness of the little rich woman?

Xiao Wu was envious.

After the girls purchased what they needed, they returned to Shrek Mountain Forest.

"Hey, look, the more they train, the worse they get." Rongrong was confused.

Xiao Wu and the other three also looked in the direction Rongrong pointed.

The scumbag man Dai and the disgusting fat man in sight had their hands on their waists, looking weak and dying.

With two bangs, the two people fell to the ground at the same time.

"Are they exhausted from practice?" Xiao Wu wondered, they probably hadn't been running for long.

"It seems like their energy has been sucked away. Could it be..." Rongrong looked thoughtful.

Zhuqing naturally knew the reason and said directly, "Disgusting."

"Xiao Wu, you don't need to pay attention to Tang San from now on. He will be led astray sooner or later." Rongrong sounded like an elder caring.

But Xiao Wu didn't reply.

Tang San and Oscar hurriedly stopped walking. Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai looked like they were suffering from kidney failure. Naturally, they knew the reason.

Although I don't object to their behavior, it is too immoderate.

But now that the four of them are a team, it is naturally difficult to say anything to cause conflicts.

"Don't stop, you can do it." Oscar shouted passionately, and his words seemed to be transmitted into the souls of Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai.

"We are brothers, stand up and move forward together." Tang San also said loudly, his voice full of encouragement and passion.

A miracle reappeared. Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai, who had fallen to the ground, stood up as if they had gained some strength.

"We are brothers, we can do it."

"Squirt, bro."

The four people gathered around and bumped their fists.

But Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were embarrassed and pushed back half a step by the impact of fist collision.

"After training, please take some kidneys to replenish your body." Dai Yubai smiled awkwardly.

Ma Hongjun was excited, "Okay, long live Boss Dai."

"Charge." x4
The four boys were alone in the intense training, and they rushed forward in the sunshine.

"Not only is it disgusting, it's also weird." Cheng Rou was speechless.

The four people who were spraying bubbles had already focused on running and did not notice the four people in Xiaowu who were a few meters away.

The girls no longer paid attention to these boys, and their figures quickly disappeared.

The four boys finished training.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the weak Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai with disgust in his eyes.

Rubbish is rubbish. Just letting you go there for one night is only a little better than when I was young.

"Let's do this for today. Next time, you are not allowed to go out without my permission, otherwise our training will be doubled."

After saying that, Yu Xiaogang turned around and left proudly.


ps: Do not compare with humanities.

Brothers, please give me some good comments to support me.

Ahem, is there any boss who wants to reward you with a dollar? I just want the joy of being rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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