Chapter 92 Teacher Xiaowu’s teaching

Looking at Yu Xiaogang's leaving figure, Ma Hongjun's heart skipped a beat.

Master, you won’t burn bridges by crossing rivers, right? ! !
Dai Yubai also had the same idea, and Yu Xiaogang was already unhappy with him.

If it weren't for the fact that Yu Xiaogang's training was indeed effective, and he still needed to stay at Shrek to get the support and protection of the dean.

Otherwise, with his arrogance and character, Yu Xiaogang would have been beaten to pieces.

"Xiao San went to see his teacher again. It couldn't be that the two of them were training secretly. Every day Tang San would get up early and sit on the roof, not knowing what he was doing." Oscar's peach blossom eyes were full of suspicion.

"If Xiao Ao is gone, what can he do if he wants to hide it?" Dai Yubai was disdainful and took Oscar and Ma Hongjun back to the dormitory to continue practicing...


In an open space surrounded by dense forests, Zhuqing, Cheng Rou and Rongrong were sitting cross-legged and watching.

They looked at Teacher Xiao Wu in front of them with confusion and strange movements.

"This is called the form of one." Xiao Wu raised her right hand, supporting her left hand with her right arm, her toes independent, and her other foot placed on her independent thigh.

Xiao Wu was wearing a small hot jacket and small hot pants, with most of her thighs and arms exposed to the air, giving her a slender girlish look.

Rongrong and the others also felt that Xiao Wu's tender body was very attractive to the eyes.

"You should carefully remember every key point of my movements." Xiao Wu looked at the three girls and became serious again.

After saying that, he squatted and crossed his legs again...

Set after set of difficult moves were performed perfectly by Xiao Wu.

"There are a total of 9 sets of movements. Do you remember them? These are postures that Xiao Wu has studied day and night to feel the flow of body power and exercise." Xiao Wu put his hands on his hips and was very proud.

After Rongrong watched Xiao Wu's teaching moves, he placed his slender hands on Ying Tao's little mouth, his eyes full of disbelief.

Zhuqing's face turned red with embarrassment, while Cheng Rou looked thoughtful.

"Rongrong, please keep your expression natural. You look like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world. There is nothing to be shocked about." Xiao Wu despised.

"How did you come up with all this?" Rongrong said each word mechanically.

"Haha, do you admire Sister Xiaowu so much?" Xiaowu said proudly.

"No, I just feel shameless." Rongrong shook his head.

"What, Rongrong, later you will be the first person to ask me to check if the movements are correct." Xiao Wu said in retaliation.

The girls were back in trouble, so naturally they wouldn't think that Xiao Wu wanted to use these actions to humiliate them.

The three of them also began to recall the key points of Xiao Wu's movements in their minds, and their bodies slowly practiced various forms.

In the process of doing these actions, Zhuqing did discover the mystery.

Her own physical fitness and strength are not low. When she performs Xiao Wu's teaching movements, she can more truly feel that her strength is particularly concentrated at a certain point.

Cheng Rou and Rongrong also had this unreal feeling.

Under Xiao Wu's request, they kept repeating...

"That's enough, Teacher Xiao Wu is here to correct your mistakes in your movements." Xiao Wu watched the three girls become more and more proficient, and stood up for the next step of her teaching.

"Rongrong, come first, Izhikata." Teacher Xiaowu said sternly.

Rongrong looked at Xiao Wu without flinching and began to skillfully perform the pose.

"Well, Rongrong, it's very good, but the waist needs to be a little more inclined, the buttocks are a little higher, and the legs are not natural enough." Xiao Wu analyzed it carefully and corrected Rongrong's mistakes personally.

"Don't move, remember your current posture carefully." Xiao Wu noticed that Rongrong wanted to resist, and warned her sternly again.

Rongrong always felt that Xiao Wu had taken advantage of him.If I just tell you the mistake and correct it myself, why should I use your hands to help?
But what made Rongrong even more angry was that Xiao Wu once again unabashedly put his hand on her toes and began to slide them up.

"Rongrong, don't move. I'm feeling the flow of your power. You don't have much strength. Later, remember to do 10 squats and [-] sit-ups. Is there any problem with running [-] kilometers while wearing iron straps?" Xiao Wuyi Serious face. "No, no problem." Rongrong lowered his head. She felt that Xiao Wu was right. She was indeed the weakest among the four, even though she was only an auxiliary soul master.

"Okay, next move..."

After being examined by Xiao Wu, Rongrong was already [-]% serious. Although his face was blushing, he was studying and analyzing Xiao Wu's power aesthetics.

The next teaching subject is Zhuqing.

"Zhuqing, your breasts are too high. Tuck them in a little bit. Also your hips, a little bit. Your neck should be facing this direction." Xiao Wu said while correcting Zhu Qing's movements.

Feeling that his body was being touched, Zhuqing felt a little disgusted, always feeling that Xiao Wu was up to no good.

Xiao Wu was smiling in her heart, she could finally take advantage of Zhuqing openly, and she felt soft...

When Xiao Wu checked the flow of power for Zhu Qing, Xiao Wu was filled with shock and couldn't even believe it.

Xiao Wu sensed the power hidden in Zhu Qing's body, waiting to be released like a wild beast.

Zhuqing's power far exceeded her own, and Xiao Wu couldn't judge to what extent it was.

But Xiao Wu has already judged Zhu Qing's strength and is invincible. Especially after mastering his own special skills, he may become extremely powerful.

Although she was shocked, Xiao Wu was still carefully examining Zhu Qing and did not reveal the discovery.

Zhuqing carefully practiced Xiao Wu's corrected movements again.

Perhaps because of her own powerful strength, Zhuqing can clearly notice these movements and feel the gathering of power, as well as the fleeting moment of gathering...

Xiao Wu came to Sister Cheng Rou, but still didn't put away her claws.

"Sister Rourou, the arm axis should be a little further back, the body should be more natural, and the buttocks should be more prominent..."

Cheng Rou already understood that Xiao Wu was taking advantage of her, and was speechless.

But they were sisters after all, so she didn't care, she just looked at each other with Zhuqing Rongrong...

Xiao Wu felt the flow of Rourou's power, and was shocked again. This power was definitely not something that the Soul Master could possess, and she couldn't even compare with herself.

Xiao Wu was very excited. There was more than one such outstanding sister.

This made Xiao Wu think that in a few years, she could unite a few sisters to beat Suntian Douluo violently.


"Xiao Wu, you said that your power can be concentrated together. What will happen if you concentrate all your strength on one point?" Rongrong asked curiously.

Xiao Wu directly knocked Rongrong on the head, "It's very dangerous. I only concentrated on one place, and I only concentrated part of my strength. If your body is not strong enough, you will be injured, let alone the whole body. If you are not careful, , Huiqiu himself was seriously injured. Of course, this is under relative circumstances."

After saying that, Xiao Wu glanced at Zhu Qing casually.

"You feel the power flow line in each movement, and there are several points where power gathers. If you can master the gathering at that moment, the explosive power will be improved. If you can master all the power gathering points, the explosive power will be improved. It will be improved several times..."

After listening to Xiao Wu's explanation, Rongrong started her hard training again.

Because of her poor strength and weak foundation compared to Xiao Wu and others, she also had to do more training than others.

After each training session, Rongrong would be so satisfied that he fainted.

But what reassures Rongrong is that Xiao Wu will always appear at critical moments and throw himself into a bathtub in the wild.

The bathtub was filled with all kinds of precious herbs. Sometimes Rong Rong even felt that Xiao Wu was cooking herself as if she were food...

In the future practice, Xiao Wu showed them the terrifying effects of hemp ropes, sandbags, whips and other props...


ps, please support me.

(End of this chapter)

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