Chapter 93 Hu Liena’s little luck
After Hu Liena returned to the Wuhun Hall, she hurriedly went to the Pope's Hall to meet her teacher Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong looked at Nana hurriedly, looking happy to announce the good news. She already understood in her heart that Nana was very satisfied with the result of obtaining the Star Dou Forest Soul Ring.

Bibi Dong also smiled, but as Nana's teacher, Bibi Dong noticed a different change in her apprentice.

Although Bibi Dong was curious, she knew that Nana would tell her everything later.


"Teacher, look at me." Hu Liena was full of small blessings.

The next second, five soul rings appeared on her body, yellow, yellow, purple and black, especially the terrifying pressure radiating from the fifth soul ring.

Bibi Dong's eyes flashed with shock. The pressure exuded by Nana's fifth soul ring could only be possessed by a Soul Saint or even a Contra.

In other words, Nana's fifth soul ring is at least 3 years old, which is obviously beyond the number of years that the Soul King can absorb.

Hu Liena noticed the change in the teacher's face and laughed.

His whole body momentum changed again, and he summoned his martial spirit.

Not only that, a pair of eye-catching pink wings appeared on Hu Liena's back, spread out noblely, exuding a strange pink light.

Bibi Dong stood up, her joy covering up her shock.

The charming girl with pink hair and pink eyes and three pink furry tails on her hips appeared in her eyes. She was exuding terrifying charm ability at the moment. The wings on her back made her look endlessly enchanting and natural.

"Nana, you amazed me. In you, I once again see the hope for the future of Wuhun Palace." Bibi Dong expressed her unreserved appreciation.

"Hehe, teacher, I must be awesome." Hu Liena smiled harmlessly when she heard the teacher's praise.

"Well, Nana, come here." Bibi Dong's eyes were gentle and she opened her arms.

Hu Liena flapped her wings lightly and fell into Bibi Dong's arms.

"You have surpassed Rourou now. You don't have to worry about being surpassed by her and being unable to maintain your sister's dignity." Bibi Dong gently stroked the wings on Hu Liena's back.

Hu Liena felt shy. It turned out that the teacher had seen through everything.

Then Hu Liena told Bibi Dong what happened.

Bibi Dong compared the time told by Nana and felt Su Chen's feelings again.

Her intuition told her that she went to help Nana because she wrote a letter to Su Chen.

But what concerned Bibi Dong was that Nana told her very happily and sweetly that the attached soul bone was not a gift, but a gift to Nana alone.

This made Bibi Dong keenly aware that Su Chen was a person who was very good at making girls happy.

In this case, he should have more than just Shui Bing'er. Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes were staring at the ring in her hand...



In Tiandou City, a wealthy and peaceful place in the south of the city, in a three-story European-style residence, Su Chen was lying leisurely on a deck chair in the courtyard of the residence and basking in the sun.

It has been 12 years since I came to Douluo Continent, and with the help of the rich woman Qian Renxue, I finally got a big house in the city.

Thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help but laughed.

She must be too grand for such a big house.

It was nice, but he seemed a little lonely alone.

Su Chen thought for a while, and in the new era, he should find a well-behaved pet to keep.

The auspicious beast is not bad, it should be cute and cute.Next time, go talk to the soul beast clan.

The next second, Su Chen's figure had disappeared silently from the yard.

Su Chen came to the Eye of Ice and Fire again, wanting to see how Dugu Bo was doing with his training.

Since the Ice and Fire Eyes were harvested by Su Chen last time, the medicine garden is now just a few green shoots.

Dugu Bo is carefully tending these newly sprouted fairy grass.

After taking care of him, Dugu Bo would always give him a bloody swan kiss to help him improve his poison skills.

It is precisely because of the help of the Blood Swan that the mysterious poison source pill in Dugu Bo's body has been completely condensed.The power of this elixir greatly increased Dugu Bo's confidence and strength. He even suspected that his poison could directly rot any Clear Sky Hammer nowadays.

The Clear Sky Hammer is nothing more than that.

Dugu Bo looked at the bloody swan kiss with joy in his eyes. This is the fairy grass that is of greatest value to their Dugu family.

But when Dugubo comes back, tying the thighs is the most important thing now.

Such an important skill, that Jiujianxian would give it to him as soon as he asked.

He also learned how to improve his cultivation quickly. Now that he thinks about it, the Jiujianxian may not have taken these things seriously.

Dugu Bo is not stupid. It can be said that he has almost no friends.As a titled Douluo of the Tiandou Empire, while protecting the Tiandou Empire, the Tiandou Empire is not the gold medal behind him to avoid death.

If he was not a royal guest of the Tiandou Empire, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo would have gotten rid of him long ago, so why would they just teach him a lesson and let him leave every time they fight.

When Dugu Bo saw Su Chen suddenly appearing, he quickly knelt down and said, "My lord, you are finally here."

Su Chen was speechless. This man had obviously become stronger, so how could he become even more humble?

"No, I'm not." Su Chen refused.

"You are, you have given me such a great opportunity, and our Dugu family has nothing to repay. We can only accept your decision. My granddaughter Yanyan even calls out to see you every day."

At this moment, Dugu Bo's face was still as stiff as when they first met him. Now he was in tears, as pitiful as an unwanted child, and even more so, he was slapped in the face.

Seeing that Su Chen still had no reaction, Dugu Bo turned around and said:
"My lord, I have been taking good care of the medicine garden. I have also set up a brand new poison array at the entrance of the valley to ensure safety."

Su Chen was speechless. He must have thought that I could come in?I'm afraid it's not to guard against me.

Dugu Bo then continued to promote his granddaughter.

"My lord, my Yanyan is still practicing at home. I asked her and she said she has no feelings for Yu Tianheng, and her idol is you. Now I will go back to the home and bring my granddaughter to you to get to know her. She is definitely Chen Yuluoyan. The posture..."

Su Chen was speechless, do you really think I have never seen your granddaughter?Is it as exaggerated as you said?But the long tongue that was revealed inadvertently and the sexy waist that was pinched were really good.

"Next time, where's your home?" Su Chen replied seriously.

Dugu Bo was overjoyed, as a man really couldn't escape the barrier of beauty.

"My Lord, my home is at No. 77, Noble District, North of Tiandou City, Dugu Mansion. You are welcome to come."

Su Chen chatted with Dugu Bo for a long time and then left.

On an unknown high mountain, there was a stunningly beautiful woman, but her expression was a bit resentful at the moment. The wind blew gently, lifting the blue silk hair on her temples.

Occasionally, green canaries fly by, and when they see that beautiful woman, they always make a chirping sound, as if they are saying how beautiful they are...

She was Ah Yin, looking at the scenery in the distance boredly.

There is also a small red flower in her hand.

Ah Yin tore off the petals and opened her lips lightly, "He will come back today, he will not come today..."

Before Ah Yin could peel off the petals, she skillfully fell into the arms of the man next to her.

"You haven't come to see me for several days." Ah Yin's blue crystal eyes were shining with a look of aggrievedness.

Su Chen looked at Ah Yin who was missing her so much. Although the last time he came to see her was a few days ago, he naturally wouldn't blame Ah Yin for being unreasonable.

"Su Chen, what a beautiful scenery." Ah Yin said excitedly while lying in Su Chen's arms.

"Fool, don't you see these scenery every day?" Su Chen rubbed A Yin's head.

"Hmph, it's beautiful to be with you." Ah Yin was full of pride.

The two were affectionate, and for a long time, Su Chen hugged Ah Yin and appeared on the blue silver bed to examine Ah Yin.


ps: Thank you very much for your monthly ticket support from Hongbao, Nuan Liuliu, and Love Still Exists. Thank you to the bosses for being so generous.

I am also very grateful to xdm who has always insisted on voting for me. Thank you all for your continued support and praise. (°з°)-

(End of this chapter)

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