Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 94 Tang Yuehua comes to listen to music

Chapter 94 Tang Yuehua comes to listen to music

"Su Chen, do you still think I'm a piece of grass and don't want me?"

Ah Yin felt uncomfortable. After being together for so long, she was used to a lot of intimacy and was even taking the initiative, but Su Chen was shrinking.

As soon as Ah Yin said this, it aroused Su Chen's pain point. What should we dislike about such a beauty? It's a pity that we are gentlemen.

He also thought, but the average strength level of Douluo Continent was too weak, and he accidentally practiced too much.

In the current state, a drop of blood can destroy the world, let alone the natural dual cultivation, and A Yin will be gone if he is not careful.

Su Chen is already looking for a solution, and he believes it won't be long.

Su Chen looked sad, "I'm sorry, it's not this problem, it's my problem. Give me some time."

Ah Yin looked at Su Chen's apologetic and sad face, and forgave Su Chen in her heart.

But Ah Yin was thinking about the reason.

Ah Yin's beautiful eyes looked down at Su Chen. Anyway, Ah Yin believed that it was definitely not a man's problem...

"Su Chen, please accompany me back to the Star Forest in a while. I want to stay in the Star Forest for a while and then transform into a human again." Ah Yin stared at Su Chen with a look of anticipation.


"Love you." Ah Yin kissed...


It was three days later when Su Chen returned to Tiandou City again.

Under the bright moon, Su Chen drank in front of the moon, feeling a little lonely, but also a little contented.

Suddenly, Su Chen took out his jade flute and played sweet and charming music.

The lingering sound lingers in the silent night. It is not abrupt at all, but complements each other...


A beautiful lady in palace dress who looks about 25 or [-] years old.

As soon as she got home, she heard the music flowing in the night.

Slowly, her whole body began to relax, and she couldn't help but enter the artistic conception, as if her soul was being massaged by a top technician.

After listening to the song, the woman's face was filled with a smile of enjoyment, and she was still thinking about it.

This kind of music that made her not only pregnant with ears, she hadn't heard it for an unknown amount of time. Even she herself found it difficult to play such musical notes.

The woman found a certain direction, and belatedly realized that it was the location next to her.

"The house next door has not been occupied for a long time, but unexpectedly a new neighbor came."

The woman's heart was throbbing. For someone who could play such a note, he must be an elegant, easy-going or unrestrained and talented person.

She wanted to get to know and make friends.

The woman opened the door of the house, exuding her noble and aristocratic etiquette with every step she took.

After walking dozens of steps, she arrived at the door of Su Chen's house, stretched out her noble jade hand, and knocked the knocker lightly.

Su Chen was curious as to who came to him, but he didn't think it was Qian Renxue.

Could it be a down-and-out young lady delivering food?This thought flashed through Su Chen's mind seriously.

When he opened the door, what appeared in Su Chen's eyes was a woman with outstanding beauty and temperament. She exuded the charm of a lady that attracted the hearts of men.

Su Chen knew that such an aristocratic woman who was full of the aura of a superior could not be a food delivery person, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

And Su Chen could tell from the woman's eyes that this woman was definitely not a vase, but a proud person full of wisdom, talent and stories.

The woman looked at the graceful boy in front of her and felt a little shocked.

She teaches court etiquette to many noble children every year.It can be said that she has met all the nobles and royal children in Tiandou City.

But I have never seen a boy with such a unique temperament and appearance.

And he was still wearing the clothes of a Jiujianxian.Such people are basically civilians. How can ordinary civilians afford a house here? Every inch of land in Tiandou City is precious.The woman became more interested in the new neighbor.

"Young Master, I am your neighbor and I also have some opinions on music. I just heard the Divine Comedy and I would like to meet someone who plays the music. I wonder if I can come into the house and introduce him." The woman was polite, but she had the aura of a noble and superior person. But it spreads unconsciously.

"It's me, there's no one else in the room." Su Chen said directly.

There were waves in Tang Yuehua's supercilious eyes. She couldn't see through this boy, and she even felt that she had been seen through by this boy.

In Tang Yuehua's opinion, someone who can play music with that kind of artistic conception should be an adult or even an old man. Although he didn't believe it, he still said:

"The young master is truly unparalleled. I wonder if you can let me come in and sit down and play a piece of music again."

"Come in." After Su Chen said this, he made a gesture of invitation.

After all, we are neighbors, and we may not see each other without looking up, but the relationship between neighbors still needs to be handled well.

It cannot get worse without closeness.

The woman walked into the yard and looked around. There were some common potted flowers planted in the yard, but nothing could be seen.

At Su Chen's signal, the woman sat down on a stone chair in the courtyard.

The woman saw that the boy had taken out the flute, and she was almost certain that it was this boy who was playing it.

But she was a little dissatisfied with the boy's vigorous and resolute behavior. She actually wanted the boy to take the initiative to ask her where her name came from.

Soon, the flute sounded. Compared with what I heard before, this time the flute sounded a sad and meaningless moaning of depression and loneliness.

The woman also had to immerse herself in it. She thought of those nights when she silently encouraged herself to be extraordinary and not to surrender to fate...

But those nights she was alone and sad...

After the song, the woman broke away from her artistic conception and looked at the boy with some resentment.

She went home today and listened to the first song. She could have had a comfortable sleep tonight, but now she felt so comfortable after listening to this performance (_)

However, the woman also understood that the boy must have noticed that she was doubting him, which aroused his dissatisfaction.

After all, what talented person doesn't have a bad temper?

"Do you still want to listen?" Su Chen chuckled.

The woman's eyelids twitched and she said calmly:

“It’s a dream to listen to a piece of music with such artistic conception, so I don’t dare to be presumptuous.”

"It's a pity. I thought I met a close friend, and I still have a few songs I want to play. If nothing happens, go back to sleep." After Su Chen finished speaking, he stretched his body, and his intention to see off his guests was obvious.

The woman was speechless. Some people didn't like her so much. Even a young man wouldn't turn a blind eye to her beauty.

The thought in his heart of exploring his apprenticeship was not asked out loud.

"Young Master, I am the master of Yuexuan Pavilion. You can call me Mrs. Yue. We will discuss music next time we have the opportunity. This is Yuexuan's token. If you have time, you can come to Yuexuan Pavilion to experience the atmosphere of music and etiquette together." Tang Yuehua did not Knowing what he was thinking of, his tone became gentler.

Seeing that Su Chen was obviously young and looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, Tang Yuehua naturally wanted to win over Aicai.

After saying that, Tang Yuehua reached out and touched Su Chen's head, showing a sister-next-door smile and kindness.

However, for a beautiful and mature woman like her, she is fine when she is not smiling, but when she smiles at a man, it is so lethal...

Tang Yuehua closed the door with a smile and left gracefully, but when she returned home, Tang Yuehua felt undecided.

She found that even though she was close to the boy like that, he still showed no shyness or reaction, which shocked her heart deeply...

Su Chen looked at the token on the table, picked it up and looked at it. It was still warm in his hand, and had a rich aristocratic fragrance.

ps: I want to write a different Douluo, different from the popular system-pretentious and slap-in-the-face flow written by the public. To be honest, after watching too much, I have no interest in writing this kind of system flow, and I don’t like watching this genre anymore.

My regret is just the ending of the Douluo girls. I followed my heart and wrote a different Douluo.

Thanks to the boss Mr. Zhang, book friends...262 for the reward, the bosses are generous.

Some brothers think that the writing of this book is okay, so I would like to give it a good review. I will inevitably feel happy when I see the good reviews.

(End of this chapter)

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