Chapter 97 Liu Erlong has fallen?

In a separate large room, Qian Renxue took off her disguise and restored her peerless appearance.

She gently took off her clothes, revealing Shengxue's skin.

Qian Renxue scattered flower petals in the tub, tapped her toes, and entered the tub. An extremely relaxed smile appeared on her beautiful face.

When I think about everything that happened today, it seems ordinary but so happy...


The next day, when he saw the handwriting of the note left on the table, Su Chen smiled slightly and said, "Have you left yet? I still want to prepare breakfast."

In the forest at the back of Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong was washing clothes and sheets with an expressionless face, but her pretty face was slightly rosy.

How this month has passed, only she knows.

If a student asks her, what should she do if she catches a cold?What should I do if I have a stomachache?What should I do if my soul power level increases slowly?What to do when that one comes?
How to do how to do……

Liu Erlong would only answer in four words calmly and seriously: drink more hot water.

This is how she, Liu Erlong, came here. She drank several buckets of hot water every day and realized the benefits of drinking hot water.

Good health and good mood, eyes watering.

Illusions are fake and will not happen in reality.

But Liu Erlong was a little worried that the illusion would make her grow old, ugly and a bitch.

But in fact, it made her become younger and her mental outlook was more charming.

If someone mentioned Yu Xiaogang to her now, Liu Erlong might just reply lightly: "Well, Yu Xiaogang? What does it have to do with me, Liu Erlong?"

Although this month was short, it was enough to happen to Liu Erlong.

Just like Yu Xiaogang has slowly faded away in her heart, mind, and life.

During this month, Liu Erlong carefully re-examined Yu Xiaogang's behavior rationally, and came to the conclusion that what kind of man is he? It was my mother who was blind in the first place (_)
In the past, this quiet courtyard in the forest was a place where she suppressed her inner demons, sang songs written by Yu Xiaogang, and missed Yu Xiaogang.

Many times in the past, because of Yu Xiaogang's incident, she, who had a bad temper, would get angry, and her heart would feel distressed and uncomfortable to the point of horror.

In order to relieve the heartbreaking pain, she would choose to torture herself in strange ways, and even cried bitterly in the middle of the night.

But now everything has changed for Liu Erlong.

She just wanted to enter the fantasy world in this small courtyard in the forest, meet him, compete with him, and fill the void in her inner life.

Liu Erlong also felt that he was so stupid before.

For a man who paid wrongly, the soul beast washed a forest with blood to vent his anger, tortured his delicate body to suppress the heartache, and left ugly traces.

More than 7000 nights, spent every day in painful memories, thinking about the man who left without saying goodbye on his wedding day.

Just like this, living in memories, getting deeper and deeper, but still unable to discover my own stupidity and ridiculousness.

Why let yourself live so cheaply and unhappy? ?

How many beautiful things in the world have been missed in so many days and nights, and how many seven thousand nights are there in life...

Liu Erlong finished washing his clothes and took off his laundry apron.

Her plump figure was finally exposed. The clothes she wore could no longer cover her proud figure, and a large area of ​​white jade was exposed.

She used to dress very hot. The reason for being hot was not that she was coquettish, but that her figure was too prominent and the clothes couldn't cover her.

It's just that in the past, it was a dress, a relatively thick style.

She is now wearing a narrow slit skirt with a noble yellow color in the white.

Narrow skirts became her favorite clothing.

She felt that she was very relaxed physically and mentally, as if her body had no restrictions, and it didn't matter if there were any abnormalities.

Moreover, this area belongs to her alone, and few people come here.

Well, wearing it like this is very cool and suits her current mood.

Liu Erlong gently rubbed his clothes and squeezed out the moisture. It was very green and sweet.

Showing clothes, smiling charmingly, full of charm.

She thought about what had happened this month and the beginning of her willingness to fall.

Liu Erlong thought about resisting the illusion, but everything in the situation was beyond her control.The more you resist, the more humiliation you will get.

The man told her that he liked the angry dragon best.

Liu Erlong also tried to pull and probe his mouth, and even used various methods for this.

Sometimes she would pretend to be fascinated, and sometimes she would be very cooperative but she still didn't get any information from the man, and in the end she lost herself.

Slowly she found that she was really addicted to it and couldn't extricate herself.

In it, she forgot about Yu Xiaogang, the romance of the young girl's first love meeting her husband, and the fact that the husband left at the end and the girl wasted her youth, waiting nearly 20 years just to meet him again. That sadness and bitterness.

Everything seems to be back to square one.

Liu Erlong has no regrets. She just hopes that the man can see her with his true face and not pretend to be a mosaic every time (°3°)
I also hope that man takes good care of his health and doesn't die.

I will always stay with her (▽`)ノ until one day I come to find her in reality.

() Liu Erlong is looking forward to it
Liu Erlong looked up at the setting sun. The sunset in the sky was infinitely beautiful. The blue sky and the clouds dyed red by the sunset complemented each other, and the clouds overlapped one another.

"It's a strawberry-flavored sky, so beautiful."

Liu Erlong's innocent smile like a girl appears under the strawberry-flavored sky, just as her heart is as sweet as strawberry-flavored now, and she is looking forward to the night...

She had no expectations for life in the past. She lived alone in the courtyard with few people to disturb her, and she cared less about the affairs of the college.

I just eat some simple meals every day to simply fill my stomach.

But now, she has demands in life, and Liu Erlong personally cooked tonight's dinner.

It was two steaks and a plump steamed fish.

Liu Erlong also began to learn how to take care of his appearance. Only by supplementing nutrients in food can he be more beautiful and younger. It is also better for the skin, because the body can absorb the essence of food, which is collagen.

"But when it comes to maintenance, those women from Tianshui College are amazing. They are obviously much older than me, but they look younger than me."

Liu Erlong was a little envious. She had been so bad to him over the years, and she didn't focus on women's skin care issues.

“But fortunately, I met him and he made me beautiful again. (><)☆”

"How much time was wasted in the past, not trying so many delicious foods, and torturing yourself because of someone who is not a man. How stupid." Liu Erlong laughed at himself.

Although he was laughing at himself, he was enjoying the chewiness of the steak in his mouth.

"Food, I, Liu Erlong, am sorry for you." Liu Erlong, who has a tough and irritable personality, also showed his cute side.

Liu Erlong looked at the other set of tableware on the table.
"Why do you have to put two sets of tableware every time? Really." He muttered to himself, but smiled.

she is looking forward to...

Expectations for a better future.

"Do I want to thank you? Although your appearance caused me trouble and inconvenience at first, it is nothing worth mentioning now.

Thank you for letting me not care so much about the past and have a new beginning.Is it because of the change in my mood that my soul power has been improved? The next level is Contra..."

Liu Erlong muttered to himself to the empty seat opposite.

After eating, Liu Erlong did a set of gymnastics to help the body digest and absorb.

After she finished the gymnastics, she looked at the soft and bright moonlight and felt inspired. She hoped that he would be gentle tonight...

The next day, Liu Erlong was awake, but his eyes were a little depressed.

I checked my body again and found that nothing had changed. It was as clean as ever.

Liu Erlong got up and sat down in front of the newly bought dressing mirror.

"Well, it doesn't matter. He occasionally didn't come here before." Liu Erlong explained to the peach in the mirror.

"My body must be weak, let's go replenish the life essence." Liu Erlong showed a proud and victorious look again, and Kazilan's big black eyes admired the delicate body in the mirror.


ps: Thank you to me, Mengde, for your monthly ticket support.
Thanks to Xiaohai, a happy fish reward.

The bosses are generous.

(End of this chapter)

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