Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 98 Liu Erlong: Just treat it as a dream

Chapter 98 Liu Erlong: Just treat it as a dream

Liu Erlong put on a simple sarong and walked out of the house.

Of course, welcoming a new day starts with admiring the flower buds you planted.

The flowers in the morning are the most crystal clear. The dew on the flowers shines unusually under the sunlight.

"How do you sing the song that Yu Xiaogang wrote for me?? Damn, I can't remember a single word. Didn't you also find it annoying before? What a bad song. I still sing it every day like it's a treasure." Liu Erlong apologized to the flowers he planted.


Liu Erlong strolled into the college. When the teachers in the college saw Dean Erlong appear, their eyes were full of respect and admiration.

Not to mention anything else, Dean Erlong's recruitment philosophy, which only accepts civilian soul masters, is enough to make them respect him.

"Dean, why are you here?" A teacher said respectfully.

After all, the dean likes peace and quiet.They usually live in the forest, and they handle the affairs of the college. Only when something big happens, they will ask the dean to come out and make the decision.

"It's okay, let's go out for a walk and see if you are tired from work." Liu Erlong said gently, with a smile from the bottom of his mouth.

Many teachers were stunned. They couldn't believe that Dean Erlong would have such a smile.

In the past, even if Dean Erlong smiled, it would be an unnatural smile.

Under this smile, they also discovered that Dean Erlong was actually younger and more charming.

In the past, when the dean looked at people in their 30s, although they looked pretty good, they always felt sad.

But now the dean actually looks like an intellectual woman around 27 or eight years old.

The invisible charm exuded by mature women made them lower their heads in shame.

"Dean, our work is nothing, you are the backbone of our college." A teacher said respectfully.

"Yes, Dean, we will do our best for Lanba Academy."

A group of teachers also echoed.


Liu Erlong was strolling on the streets of Tiandou City. It turned out that Tiandou City was so prosperous.

Liu Erlong looked at the various food stalls on the street and couldn't bear it anymore...

Time finally came at night, Liu Erlong looked forward to closing his eyes and falling asleep...


The next morning, Liu Erlong woke up.

"He didn't come, he didn't come." A disappointed voice came from Liu Erlong's mouth.

"Maybe he suffered a serious loss this time and needs to make up for it." Liu Erlong bitterly gave an explanation to convince himself.

Time flickers.

Three days later, Liu Erlong woke up from her deep sleep again. She curled up and hugged her knees with her hands, looking very delicate and fragile.

It is unimaginable that she would have such a side in private.

Liu Erlong already understood that he...had left. It was absolutely impossible for him to die because of all his essence. No one so stupid would not be able to control the brainworm to do this!

Although Liu Erlong had long been mentally prepared that he would leave, it was only at this moment that she discovered the reluctance to leave the empty part in her heart.

"Just treat it like a dream. After you wake up, you still have to live a good life.

But am I, Liu Erlong, a woman who is constantly abandoned by others..."

Hot tears couldn't be held back and flowed out of Liu Erlong's beautiful eyes.

Liu Erlong kept curling up. The small room was very quiet, but if someone listened carefully, they could hear the sound of unstoppable sobbing...

After curling up until night, Liu Erlong found that she was actually on a lonely reef.

The reef is not big, but it is flat, with an area of ​​about 20 square meters.

Beyond the reef is a boundless blue sea, and she is tied to the reef with her indecent shape.

Liu Erlong woke up, he didn't leave...,
Liu Erlong didn't know how to express his feelings now.

Looking at the man coming out of the sea, he was dressed in black and exuded a unique aura.

But I can't see the face clearly, damn mosaic.

Liu Erlong was a little dissatisfied, wondering why this special man didn't answer her questions every time.

Thinking of the situation in the past few days, Liu Erlong's eyes became firm.Soon, Liu Erlong showed his womanly nature.

She began to cry like rain, and her pitiful appearance made people unable to help but love her.

She said softly and with a request: "Don't leave me, okay..."

She kept repeating, hoping that the man could understand her thoughts...

Who dares to believe Liu Erlong, who is originally wild, tough and violent?

But the man in front of her is already the sustenance of her soul, the place where tenderness is stored...

Su Chen felt a little tired looking at Liu Erlong like this. In his previous life, he didn't like women like Liu Erlong.

She was even disgusted and thought she was pitiful and funny, with a bad temper. In the end, she ended up getting together with Yu Xiaogang, who hated her and plotted against her.

When he played this kind of game with Liu Erlong, he also felt that how could someone like Yu Xiaogang deserve to have a woman who loved him so deeply?
Or a female soul master who not only has a hot figure, but also has an outstanding appearance?
At Shrek Academy, Yu Xiaogang told Flanders that he did not want Liu Erlong, indicating that he had given up on Liu Erlong and wanted to help Flanders and Liu Erlong.

But Yu Xiaogang's nature is that he will probably start to use Liu Erlong again when he comes to Lanba Academy for his disciple Tang San and his own plans.

How could this satisfy a pig like Yu Xiaogang?

Isn’t this a pity to those netizens who complained about Bibi Dong in previous lives?

Their slogan is to defeat the evil Tang San, overthrow Yu Xiaogang, the Wuhun Palace is righteous, and the Wuhun Palace will win.

Although Su Chen had no interest in taking the initiative to teach people like Yu Xiaogang and Tang San.

Because in his opinion, they are nothing more than ants.

But I don't mind tripping things up just for fun.

However, Su Chen had been observing Liu Erlong and had some changes in her opinion.

She is actually a good girl, but it is a pity that she met the high-ranking Yu Xiaogang at the age when she was most ignorant and lacked love...

Liu Erlong, who had repeated the sentence countless times and his voice was hoarse, got his answer in his mind.

Liu Erlong was really happy in his heart, everything was worth it. Liu Erlong looked at the man in front of him, his face was charming and tender.

This was the first time this man answered her question, but Liu Erlong didn't want to let this man go yet.

"Is your waist broken? You haven't come to see me for a few days. Give me your home address and I will send you some big treasures to replenish your health."

But this time Liu Erlong didn't get an answer, only...


"Tick, tick."

Tiandou City began to thunder and lightning,
The rain was getting heavier and it kept dripping on the roof.

Soon the rainwater turned into water flow on the roof, flowing continuously from the roof, collecting on the ground and turning into stagnant water.

The thunder and lightning measured the momentum of the rain and were not to be outdone, the rumble was deafening.

Nights like this also irritated Tang Yuehua. She didn't like this weather very much.

The sight of lightning suddenly lighting up the room kept her from sleeping.

She couldn't help but think of the same scene that night when her father was angry to death. Lightning illuminated his grieving face and shouted...

It was late at night, Tang Yuehua got up, and came to the window wearing a luxurious silk robe and pajamas.

Through the window, she saw the continuous water column flowing down from the roof, and also saw the neighbor's house.

However, when Tang Yuehua looked at her neighbor's house, her face showed some dissatisfaction. She found that this neighbor seemed to dislike her very much.

Tang Yuehua would knock on the neighbor's door from time to time during this period, which was a great honor for anyone.

After all, her status is very noble.

But the neighbor boy didn't like her very much. He always ate one of the aristocratic pastries and delicacies she sent and asked her to take them back.



Ahem, I always feel like something is missing. Is it music?Is it a scene?Oh, it turned out to be good reviews.

I always feel that the writing is a bit awkward, so don’t mind if you don’t like it.

(End of this chapter)

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