Chapter 133
Ouch, what's going on?
Introduce someone?

Zhou Qinghe was also convinced, how could he still think of this at this time.

The lady made a phone call, and the room began to talk about the terms of the peace negotiation. While Zhou Qinghe waited outside for a while, a man carrying a major's collar badge came in.

"Zhou Qinghe?"

"Yes, it's me."

The major raised his hand and said, "Young Marshal, please come."

Zhou Qinghe was taken to a private room in a restaurant.He was the only one in the box, and then the flowing table was placed.

At this time, the major said: "Chief Zhou, I'm sorry, the young marshal has something to discuss, and I can't come over. Please have a meal alone."

Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows, nodded and smiled: "Okay."

Major: "Young Marshal said, Section Chief Zhou is a friend of the Northeast Army. You can go wherever you want in this city, eat whatever you want, and play whatever you want. He will pay for all the bills."

Is there such a good thing?

Zhou Qinghe smiled: "It's already very rich. You're so polite. I don't need anything else for the time being."

The major nodded: "Please have a meal and call me if you need anything. After dinner, I will take you to where you want to go."

"it is good."

After Zhou Qinghe finished speaking, the major went out, leaving Zhou Qinghe alone in the room.

Zhou Qinghe looked at the dishes on the table and clicked his tongue, "Eighteen dishes for one person."

A table full of Northeastern dishes.

Pot-roasted pork, braised pork slices, sauce skeleton, ground three delicacies, white meat blood sausage, chicken stewed with hazel mushrooms and two rare birds and animals that Zhang San would not dare to eat.

As for the middle, it is of course the iconic hard dish, pork braised vermicelli.

Then let’s eat.

After eating, I still have to see the patient, but there is no time to waste.

Zhou Qinghe ate the food with great pleasure. The side dishes in Shanghai were so exquisite. This Northeastern food was so satisfying to eat, and it tasted great when eaten alone.

A bowl of rice was finished quickly.

"More rice." Zhou Qinghe shouted, and then the guard from outside the door came in and handed over another bowl of rice.

Zhou Qinghe continued to eat, finishing two bowls of rice in a row and feeling completely full.

"Is the food to your liking?"

"It's delicious. I don't think I can eat such delicious Northeastern food anywhere else. Thank you young marshal for your hospitality."

"As long as Section Chief Zhou is satisfied."

After the meal, the major took him by car to the camp where the 17th Route Army was stationed.

The military and political leaders who were detained were not treated as well as the principal.

In the building in the camp, there is one person per room, and each room is of average size, and there are two soldiers standing guard outside each room.

When Zhou Qinghe arrived, they were serving dinner.

The food is okay, one lunch box contains rice, and the other half contains two vegetables, pork stewed with vermicelli, and vermicelli stewed with pork.

"How many days have I been eating pork stewed with vermicelli all day long? Can you change the dish?" A shout came from a certain room: "At least put two more pieces of meat in it. There are only two pieces of meat in a box of vegetables. Give it to the children. ah?"

So few?Zhou Qinghe savored the taste of meat in his mouth and knew he would have packed some improved food for them.

Regardless of this, start checking your body.

The people living in the building indicate that the conditions are fine, and basically the injuries are not serious.

More than a dozen people checked it out, and there was only a little bit of bumping into each other.

Then I went to the hospital, where the situation of the six people in the hospital was much more serious.

Two had broken bones, one had been shot in the leg, and the other had been beaten up and suffered serious external contusions.

The remaining two most serious ones were shot in the abdomen, but the surgery had already been performed. Zhou Qinghe just looked at the diagnosis and treatment sheet, and there was nothing to interfere with.

On this trip, I matched the photos of senior generals in the secret service files with real people.

Chief Wei, Chief Chen, celebrities are indeed celebrities, but senior generals have little to do with Zhou Qinghe's counterintelligence mission.

If you look familiar, I believe you can say a few words if needed in the future.

After seeing the patients, Zhou Qinghe returned to the principal's residence to report the situation.

Everyone else had gone to negotiate, and he and the principal were the only two people left in the room.

After talking about his condition, Zhou Qinghe also started to talk about things in Shanghai to relieve the principal's boredom and take credit for it.

The principal has nothing to do here, slowly savoring Zhou Qinghe's ups and downs.

When talking about how hundreds of Japanese people were eliminated by Zhou Qinghe, the principal laughed happily.

The atmosphere is very happy.

On the other side, the two sides negotiated the terms of the peace talks.

Nanjing has Nanjing’s bottom line, and the Red Party has the persistence of the Red Party.

The matter has entered a tug-of-war, but in the face of such a high-pitched national united front, the principal, even though he hates the Red Party in every possible way, has to lose face and choose to cooperate.

Losing face is definitely better than losing life.

The ultimatum is there. If you don't agree, no one knows whether there will be a second chance for negotiation in the future.

Negotiations are getting faster and faster, and the number of negotiations is increasing. They can be negotiated several times a day, with repeated negotiations and slaps on the table.

"I will deal with these rebellious officials and traitors sooner or later." The principal was furious and scolded him harshly.

And just after the scolding, the contract on the negotiation table was finally signed successfully.

A historic scene has arrived.

The Northeastern Army notified the whole country!

The leaders agreed to accept the proposition of "stopping the civil war and uniting with the Red Army to resist Japan", and the ten-year civil war ended.

When the news came out, the whole country rejoiced. This was something that all Chinese people who had a heart to resist Japan deeply expected.

It finally worked!
I can finally concentrate on dealing with the Japanese!
Some people are happy and some are worried. This scene is very similar to the environment when the principal was first detained. The only problem is that the mood of these two groups of people has to be changed.

Not only the Japanese, but also the young marshal.

As the main person who achieved all of this, there is one kind of mood when the soldiers are admonishing, and it is another mood after the soldiers are admonished.

The announcement has been made, but don’t go back on it. Also, don’t meet if you have nothing to do. At least the leaders will not meet with the Red Party in the near future, so as not to break the agreement if they turn around.

The young marshal was worried that he would have too many nights and dreams and would not be able to explain to his countrymen if something went wrong, so the day after he signed the agreement, he sent the principal directly to the plane and accompanied him in person.

Zhou Qinghe finally met the young marshal face to face on the plane.

They chatted briefly and didn't say much. After all, the principal definitely didn't like the person who detained him. What was the matter with Zhou Qinghe's lively chat with him?

On the 26th, the plane arrived in Nanjing.

Of course there is a welcome team at the airport.

But the principal is not interested in this scene now.

"Yunong, please give me an investigation report as soon as possible. Also, Shaanxi Station must be severely punished!"


"Qinghe, after I finish handling the matters at hand, I will help you find a good woman. Don't rush to Shanghai and stay a few more days."

Why haven't you forgotten yet?

Zhou Qinghe's mouth twitched, "Principal, national affairs are important, and the love between children is long. Qinghe really doesn't care." "How can you not care."

The principal got off the plane and returned in triumph amid the welcome of senior officials.

The two sides parted ways, and Zhou Qinghe went back in Boss Dai's car.

"Qinghe, thank you very much." Boss Dai patted Zhou Qinghe's thigh and breathed a sigh of relief.

If Zhou Qinghe hadn't put in some good words for him, the outcome of this matter would have been unpredictable.

And now the important responsibility of the principal is still given to him, which means that when the board is raised high, it will only fall gently, and everything will remain as usual.

Zhou Qinghe responded with a smile: "Director, I said that we can turn bad luck into good luck, and our lucky stars are shining brightly."

"You are the lucky star."

The two returned to the Secret Service and were greeted with flattery.

There was someone at the airport to greet the principal, and there was someone from the Secret Service to greet Boss Dai.

Boss Dai, like the principal, was not interested either.


Tasks have been laid out one by one, and things have been settled, so the reckoning will begin.

Anyone who wavers in this matter will be severely punished. This is another reshuffle of forces.

The focus of the work of the Secret Service will also change accordingly. The affairs of the Red Party can be put aside for the time being, and all efforts will be made to track and investigate the clues of the Japanese.

After the meeting, Zhou Qinghe went to Gu Zhiyan's place for coffee.

It's been a while since I drank coffee from Gu Zhiyan's place, and I really miss it.

Gu Zhiyan brewed coffee skillfully and said cheerfully: "Qinghe, you are really brave. I would never dare to go."

"It's not appropriate for you to go." Zhou Qinghe sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and smiled: "The principal has been imprisoned, section chief, what do you want to do as the chief of the interrogation section? Do you want to do your old job? ?”

"Ha ha ha ha."

The two chatted for a while, and Zhou Qinghe rushed to the director's office.

There was no way, time was tight, he had to return to Shanghai immediately.

One is to prevent the Japanese from looking for him if he disappears for too long.

Second, there is a blind date thing chasing you behind your back, so just run to Shanghai to hide.


"Well, come in, Lao Mao, make Qinghe a cup of tea."

"Yes." Secretary Mao made tea for Zhou Qinghe with a smile without any complaints.

"Thank you."

Zhou Qinghe took a sip of tea, waited until Secretary Mao left the door and said, "Director, I have some ideas about Shanghai and I want you to help me with it."

"You said."

Since the main focus now is on the Japanese, and Shanghai is particularly important, it is almost certain that once the war starts, Shanghai will be the first battlefield, and Boss Dai is also extremely attentive.

"That's right, I have an idea. I want you to help me recruit a group of people and place them in the HK area as soon as possible in the name of opening a store or working. This group of people don't know my existence, but I will directly control them."

Boss Dai nodded, this is just an ordinary placement job.

"I'll arrange it as soon as possible. How many do you need?"

"The more the merrier, the key is that if you don't know me or have seen me, it's best to have a skill and be able to make a living in the HK area, so that you won't arouse the suspicion of the Japanese and stay for a long time."

"It's easy to deal with. I'll go to the police academy to recruit students. When I'm done lurking, I'll send you a list. As for your skills, I'll pick them out then and make a form to evaluate them."

"Thank you Director."

After settling this matter, all the things Zhou Qinghe needed to complete in Nanjing were completed.

"Then I'll leave later."

"So urgent?" Boss Dai asked in surprise.

There is a woman behind you who will appear at any time. Can you not be anxious?

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "Although the Japanese probably won't come to me these days, the nights are long and the dreams are many, so it's safer to stay in the concession."

"You are indeed brave, even the Japanese military police headquarters entered." Boss Dai was pleasantly surprised.

He said with a smile: "Don't find a Japanese girl when you come back, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the principal, hahahaha."

Boss Dai also guessed that Zhou Qinghe must have wanted to hide when he ran away.

"Then I'll eat it in sugar coating and hit it back with cannonballs."

"Don't be afraid. If the principal is really interested in introducing you, I'll help you check your profile, get your name, and check your life, background, social circle, etc. If it's clean, long, and good-looking, I'll send you a telegram."

"Director, you are such a good person."

Zhou Qinghe smiled, stood at attention and said, "Director, I will go back first."

Boss Dai nodded: "Pay attention to safety on the road, come to me anytime if you need help, and exit immediately if there is a risk of exposure."


Zhou Qinghe went out to the airport and returned to Shanghai immediately.

Along the way, I heard inspiring words about cooperation in the War of Resistance. Shanghai is really bold. When I entered Shanghai, I saw a team of propaganda, which was just to raise money for the War of Resistance, and to advance young people. The identity exists openly.

I heard from Boss Dai that the leader of the Red Party organization in Shanghai has openly connected with the head of the upper-level CC department in Nanjing. It seems to be true.

The boss of the boss of the party's mediation office meets the boss of the red party. Things are changing in this world.
Zhou Qinghe called a rickshaw and arrived at the clinic.

"Has anyone been looking for me these days?" Zhou Qinghe asked the one who was most concerned first.

Ma Qingqing knew what Zhou Qinghe wanted to hear, and said bluntly: "The Japanese have never come here, but your landlord has come to ask. What I told her is that you have been visiting the clinic these days. The patient is very serious and needs to be carefully observed."

"Well, okay, that's a good answer."

Zhou Qinghe was quite satisfied that there was nothing to deal with here, so he turned to find Liu Kai.

"Has anything happened to the Japanese these days?"


Liu Kai frowned slightly and said, "I discovered an unusual scene, but I don't know what happened specifically."

"You said."

"The day before yesterday, Mitsui and three of his subordinates from the Black Dragon Society went to the train station. They seemed to be waiting for someone, and their expressions were quite excited. However, in the end they did not pick up anyone, and their expressions seemed to be very confusing when they left."

"Didn't pick up anyone?"

Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment and asked: "What happens after that? Is there anything unusual about Black Dragon in the past two days?"

Liu Kai shook his head: "As usual, I don't act alone. I am a lot more cautious. I even use less swear words. Especially this Mitsui, who basically doesn't show up. Except for that time at the train station, he is either in the hospital or the company. He usually doesn't show up at all." No going out and no entertainment.

If it hadn't been for the time when I picked him up, I couldn't figure out who Mitsui was targeting. If I wanted to find out more clearly, I might have taken the opportunity to kill Mitsui directly. "

"Picked someone up, but I didn't pick it up. Let's check again."

There is too little information so far to make a guess, there are too many possibilities.

Zhou Qinghe was thinking about who this person was, and suddenly thought of what Liu Kai said just now: "Did you just say that this person was a little excited?"


The excitement of the Black Dragon Society members, even if the head of the Japanese Military Police Headquarters received them, there was nothing exciting. Could it be that their president is here?
It can’t be the emperor who comes.

Zhou Qinghe thought of this possibility and immediately asked: "Which station is the starting point of the train they picked up passengers? How many stations did it stop before arriving in Shanghai?"

(End of this chapter)

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