The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 134 Personnel

Chapter 134 Personnel
"I have to ask that."

Liu Kai is now a part-time commander and does not participate in the tracking of personnel.

He immediately called and asked and responded quickly.

"He came from Nanjing, and the people below remember him very well."

Nanjing Zhou Qinghe nodded slightly. If he was from Nanjing, he was either from Nanjing or from Tianjin.

Tianjin has a Japanese concession and it belongs to North China. The Japanese influence there is not small.

This piece of news alone couldn't explain anything, so Zhou Qinghe said: "Send a telegram to Wang Yong and ask him if there has been any movement in Nanjing these days."

Mei Laizi was still hanging on the hook, but Wang Yong was teasing her now. He didn't catch her but insisted on catching a big fish.

Zhou Qinghe doesn't care, since the resources are reserved for him anyway, it's up to him to decide.

If we can really catch a big fish, with the hard work of Wang Yongqin and Wang Jiujia, plus the rank of major already in place, even if the Secret Service cannot solve the position of a section chief, the problem of a station chief and deputy station chief should be placed outside. Not big.

You have to practice it yourself.

Ask Wang Yong, it would be much easier if Meiraiko had contact.

"Yes." Liu Kai responded.

Wang Yong is his captain, so communication is naturally easy.

When a telegram was sent, Wang Yong replied that he had no information to provide.

"Continue to keep an eye on Mitsui and observe if there are any abnormalities in the concession."

The affairs of the Black Dragon Society were put aside for the time being and let the people below investigate. Zhou Qinghe also had to busy himself with his own affairs.

The idea of ​​​​installing entrepreneurial bosses in the public concession has been discussed with Boss Dai, and the personnel are also found by Boss Dai. These people do not meet with him, and he is only responsible for directing them.

But it is up to him to decide which industry these people will be assigned to.

Those who have skills are best, such as haircuts and cooking. These are easy to arrange, but most people who have just graduated from the police academy or training class can definitely work as security guards or youth gangs, but they can't expect much else. .

Industry selection is very important, as it involves access to information and contacts, and cannot be too casual.

Otherwise, it would be too troublesome to arrange to go to the dock as coolies to move bricks.

After returning to Shangxianfang, Xu Meifeng was a little happy to see him coming back.

"Doctor Zhou is back."

"Yes, there was a patient who was seriously injured and couldn't move. His friends came to the door, so I had no choice but to go over and help him perform surgery."

Ma Qingqing said the same reason, so Zhou Qinghe continued to improve.

"It's quite hard. You can't eat well or sleep outside. Have you eaten yet? Do you want me to cook something for you?"

"Let's eat together tonight. I'm not hungry now."

"Okay, then I'll go buy some groceries. I didn't even buy any groceries when you weren't here."

"Thanks for your hard work."


Xu Meifeng packed up a basket and went out.

Zhou Qinghe returned to his room and began to think about choosing an industry.

The trained people do not have any skills, and they will definitely not be competent in some industries.

The easiest industry to enter is the hard work industry, such as being a rickshaw driver, but manpower is limited, and it is too wasteful to spend money on this industry.

There must be channels for obtaining information, it must be able to cooperate with actions, and it must be easy to use.

The rickshaw company needs to arrange for someone to go in, and the job is to be an accountant or assistant. It shouldn't be difficult to find someone among the police academy students who can settle accounts, and women are the best.

Zhou Qinghe took out a piece of paper and wrote down his occupation and gender.

The second one beat workers on patrol.

The security of the concession needs to be maintained by patrols. This position will definitely play a role in cleaning up after the operation, and some things require someone from the police station to check.

There should be a threshold for patrol officers to enter. Physical fitness is not a problem. You may need to spend money or find someone. You can definitely arrange it with the Youth Gang, but after all, if there are more people who know, it is more straightforward to spend money.

This money cannot be saved.

There are two for each of the French Concession and the Public Concession. Zhou Qinghe wrote that there are four patrols.

Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment about the Household Registration Department. This department must arrange for individuals to go in. It will definitely be useful for forging identities and searching for identities in the future. One for each of the two concessions, that is, two.

It will definitely be very difficult to enter this department. It is far more difficult to be assigned to a department than to be an ordinary police officer.

Spending money is not a good idea. You can spend money to be a police officer. No matter how you think about it, spending money to be a household registration police officer is a bit too naked, and the purpose is obviously evil.

It's a fat job, it costs a lot of money, and there's no one behind it, so it's easy to take the blame.

We really need to find someone to do this, and we can definitely do it by looking for Zhang Xiaolin, but we have to find a reasonable excuse. Zhou Qinghe thought about it for a little longer, so this matter is indeed quite difficult.

Have it.

Zhou Qinghe wrote on the paper, household registration department, female, average appearance or above.

This woman will be his secret lover from now on. For this reason, Zhang Xiaolin will definitely help her with a "I understand" look on her face and will not raise any suspicion.

The household registration department is safe and there will be no dangerous actions. It is not impossible for this woman to know his identity.

The appearance must be good-looking, otherwise it will lose your identity.

Those in the French Concession should make arrangements first, and those in the Public Concession should figure it out later. You can't have two lovers at the same time.
Then there are intermediaries.

In the future, people will come and go in the concession, and there will be many people renting and buying houses, so intermediaries will definitely be useful.

Moreover, intermediaries have the convenience of being able to go out at any time and wander around the concession every day without arousing suspicion.

Zhou Qinghe wrote, intermediary, needs good eloquence, the number of people is uncertain.

There is a reporter. Taking photos is not a problem for agents, as long as they have certain writing skills.

There are two traders. The traders come in contact with a lot of people. The Japanese like it, and the Chinese also like it. As for the difficulty of being a businessman, it is not difficult. How difficult can it be to do business without capital, with the information channel of the Secret Service?
It can also earn him some activity funds.

The identity of these two people must be arranged well. It is best for one to have this kind of business atmosphere at home, so that he can be persuasive when going out to make friends with others.

A self-made man needs to be smart.

In this way, two people can make friends with different business groups and obtain a wider range of information.

Here comes another skilled thug. If this person is thrown into the Qinggang, he will definitely be effective.

Zhou Qinghe counted and found that the minimum guarantee was thirteen, and this did not include the talents who would have their own skills to open a store and start a business.

That's almost it. If there are at least 20 of them together, they still need to be allocated online. For a group of three people, seven or eight people will be required to go online.

This group of people must be isolated from Liu Kai's group and operate independently. Information isolation must not be forgotten at any time.

He's in his early thirties.

To manage these seven or eight people, it is necessary to arrange two groups of four people to avoid meeting with the people in front. Two people will send and receive newspapers, two people will run errands, and then the information will be summarized to him.

That's almost it. Let's start with this. There are about 35 people, and everyone has requirements. The boss will feel pressure if we wear more.

Attached to the letter was another sentence: Find this pretty woman and ask her to come over first so that we can live together.

Zhou Qinghe took the paper and went out, bought an envelope and glue, went back and sealed it, and handed it to Liu Kai.

"You will send someone back to Nanjing and hand it over to Boss Dai in person."

This matter is not suitable for sending telegrams, otherwise the configuration will be known to the person who sends and receives the telegrams.

The next step is to wait for the personnel to arrive.

Once the personnel arrive, the vision of the concession will be fully opened. Now Liu Kai alone can't keep an eye on the Black Dragon Society, and the information they can access is too narrow.

Zhou Qinghe, a person from Shanghai District, didn't want to use him. After all, he was not his subordinate, and training him would be in vain. Moreover, if he could not guarantee that he would have a closer superior, it would be better to train new people.

There is enough time for them to adapt.

In addition, there are still some preparations that need to be done ahead.

Just the house.As soon as the personnel arrive, they will definitely open a store or go to work at first. They usually mix in the social circle around them and open up contacts. As long as they can still open a store under the eyes of the Japanese and survive after the war begins.

But once you have to wake up one day to do something, there will inevitably be a risk of exposure, or you may have done something dangerous and need to evacuate urgently, which requires a safe house.

It will be up to these people to find the houses where the business owners will live, but the safe houses must be in their hands.

The houses in the concession are too expensive. If there are thirty or forty subordinates here, how can they afford thirty or forty safe houses?

Although it is not impossible given his financial resources.

But how can we spend our own money to do things for the party and state?

It's not because he feels bad, but because the debt must be settled, otherwise Boss Dai would suspect that he is going to rebel, because he has enough money to raise private soldiers.

It makes sense to buy some houses, rent them to the Secret Service, and let the Secret Service pay the rent on time.

After all, he represents the Secret Service. When funds come in, he pays the rent for his own house, which is very convenient.

As for the number of houses.

According to the full utilization of resources, it is impossible for people to be in dangerous situations at the same time. After the structure of the intelligence team is properly arranged, the resources can be allocated by him, and three or five sets are enough.

The house needs to be solved, but there is a prerequisite problem that needs to be solved before the house.

That is identity.

A safer house must be purchased with a new identity, and Zhou Qing and his own identity cannot be used to avoid implicating him if something happens.

You have to wait for a pretty woman to arrive and enter the household registration department. This will be easy to do. It is just a matter of making a fake identity for him.

Three days later, at night.

Zhou Qinghe passed by Shangxianfang and saw the white underwear hanging on the balcony. He thought it was Boss Dai who found this beautiful woman so quickly, and went to see Liu Kai excitedly, but who knew it was not the case.

As soon as he walked in and asked, Liu Kai shook his head and said seriously.

"Chief, it's not news from Nanjing. It's Section Chief Zeng who asked you to meet, saying it's an emergency."

Zhou Qinghe immediately went to Zeng Haifeng's home.

When he arrived, Zeng Haifeng was already waiting at home.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Qinghe walked in.

"Go in and talk." Zeng Haifeng closed the door and hurriedly walked.

Zhou Qinghe entered the room and sat down. Zeng Haifeng sat down and said, "Something strange happened. Didn't I open several trading companies to handle the stolen goods?"


“This morning, people from the company found that the manager didn’t come to work, and he didn’t show up in the afternoon. People from the company called his home, but no one answered, so they went to his house and knocked on the door.

I found that no one opened the door and no one knew where the manager had gone. My informant in the company reported the matter and suspected that the manager had run away.

As soon as I heard about it, I immediately asked someone to break down the door of the manager's house. Who knew that when I entered, I found that this guy's house was in a mess, all valuables were gone, and no one was anywhere.

I then asked someone to check the manager's office, and the safe in the manager's office was completely empty, and all valuables in the office were gone. "

"Really ran away?"

Zhou Qinghe was surprised, "This guy dares to take money from the Secret Service?"

If someone else had said this, Zhou Qinghe would have thought more about whether someone was trying to make up lies to cover up his money, but since Zeng Haifeng said this, that would definitely not be the case.

How much does this cost?Zeng Haifeng is not so poor that he has such short-sightedness.

"Just run away."

Zeng Haifeng said with a face: "At that time, I thought this guy took the money and ran away, but I thought wrong. Before the payment was due, there were still so many goods in the warehouse, why did he run away?

If I want to run away, do I have to wait until the items are sold out and then run away when it’s almost time to pay? "

This is the truth. "Where is that person?" Zhou Qinghe asked.

"I don't know." Zeng Haifeng frowned and said, "This thing is too strange. My intuition is wrong. I suspect that he was either kidnapped and gave out the password to unlock the door, or something else happened. Anyway, There’s no way he ran away.”

If he dares to run away, it’s okay if he doesn’t bring any money. But if he does, can he be let go if he does?
If you run away to be cool, do you still want the face of the Secret Service?

Spending double the money will kill him!

"Let me think about it." Zhou Qinghe raised his hand with a thoughtful expression, "You told me about kidnapping, but I remembered something. The Black Dragon Society is best at kidnapping. Could they have done this?"

"I called Jiang Wen and asked. She said that everyone in the Black Dragon Society is being watched by her, and no one has the time to take action, unless it is a newly recruited ronin, which may not be under her control."

As soon as Zeng Haifeng finished speaking, Zhou Qinghe snapped his fingers, looked at Zeng Haifeng with bright eyes and said: "It's not the newly recruited ronin, it's the person on the train. The president of the Black Dragon Society, Inoue Noaki, is very likely to be the real one." Coming to Shanghai."

When the two things are combined, it is better to suspect Inoue Noaki than Mitsui's new ronin.

"Aki Inoue came to Shanghai?" Zeng Haifeng was shocked: "Isn't this guy a principal in Japan? It's strange, everyone wants to be a principal."

Don't mock the principal in front of me. I am the principal's good student. Zhou Qinghe looked at Zeng Haifeng and said:

"This is very likely. If it is Inoue Noaki. In fact, I am not sure. No one has seen him, and Mitsui has not seen anyone on the train. Anyway, let's assume that this person is Inoue Noaki. So here’s a question, how did he find your person?”

Zeng Haifeng squinted his eyes after hearing this and guessed: "If the people in the Black Dragon Club can know what was lost in the Pudong warehouse at that time, and we have so many goods in hand, even though we are divided into several companies, there will always be some goods. If you look for the right one carefully and work backwards from the flow of items, you can still push it to our company. If you look for it, you can indeed find it."

Everyone in the Black Dragon Society was under surveillance, so there was nothing to worry about. If their original troops tried to find them, they would definitely be discovered.

But now the new arrivals are like an external force. If they are searching in secret, they will indeed be unable to guard against it.

If you want to make money, you will always leave traces.

"What do they want to do? Kidnapping to make money, or..."

Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment and suddenly asked: "Don't tell me that this manager can find you?"

If this manager can find Zeng Haifeng, it will be a big deal. Zeng Haifeng's place is so dangerous that even he has to be targeted.

"That's definitely not possible." Zeng Haifeng chuckled: "I am more afraid of death than anyone else now. People from the Black Dragon Society have probably hidden [-] photos of me. How can I dare to show my face? The manager was recruited from outside. Not even people from the Secret Service, I just know that this company belongs to us, and I sent two people as ordinary employees in this company just to keep an eye on him, and that guy doesn’t know."

"That's good."

Zeng Haifeng's work can still make people feel at ease. Zhou Qinghe Song quickly said, "I was caught by the clue. He probably couldn't withstand the interrogation and directly recruited him. Are you sure there are no clues that can be traced to the Shanghai area?"

"let me see."

Zeng Haifeng did not dare to be careless and thought about the whole thing carefully: "Unless they touch the two chess pieces I buried and follow them to find one of our strongholds, they will definitely not be able to find it. Nothing happened to those two people." , even if something happens, you can’t touch my head, so you can rest assured.”

"As long as you don't get touched."

This is the importance of information isolation. Zhou Qinghe flicked the handle of the chair with his fingers and said: "Inoue Noaki has given you a gift as soon as he came."

"Wait a minute." Zeng Haifeng interrupted the conversation, stood up and picked up the phone and said, "I need to tell you about this matter. If there is a first family, there may be a second family. I have to notify them and strengthen their vigilance."

"Well, it should be."

Zhou Qinghe sat waiting for him to call and reminded him casually: "You can arrange some people on the periphery to protect your manager secretly. If something happens, arrest them directly."

Zhengchou doesn't know the whereabouts of Inoue Noaki. If he takes the initiative, he will be found out sooner or later.

If you don't do it, you won't go wrong. If you do it, it will be easy for others to catch you.

"Well, hello" Zeng Haifeng called and asked the remaining managers to be more alert through an intermediary.

After giving the instructions, he sat down and said, "What did you just say? Keep talking."

"I mean Inoue Noaki gave you a gift as soon as he came."

"Find out and see how I can deal with him. He even dares to steal our money." Zeng Haifeng frowned after finishing speaking: "But judging from this, he didn't come to Shanghai alone. The Black Dragon Society in the concession is under control. , he kidnapped and took the money alone, it was too late."

Zhou Qinghe hummed, "He has a school in Japan, and the manpower may have been brought from the school."

Now that Inoue Noaki is in the dark, it may not be easy to find him.

While the two were talking, the phone rang.

"Hello" Zeng Haifeng answered the phone and quickly shouted: "What? Manager Liu is also missing? Are you sure? The call cannot be reached, please verify quickly."

That's what he said, but Zeng Haifeng hung up the phone and looked at Zhou Qinghe with a determined tone.

"Another one was caught. Nine times out of ten, the company's money was also robbed."

 My eyelids are fighting, there is still one chapter left, I will write it when I wake up
(End of this chapter)

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