The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 135 Cunning

Chapter 135 Cunning
"This bitch moves so fast. How many days have you said he has been here? He actually found two companies?"

Zeng Haifeng hung up the phone angrily, and then said with a sullen face: "Qinghe, brother, I'm sorry for you. The loss this time is not small. The money in these two people's pockets must be more than 20. I will make up for you with more money later. That's all." mine."

Excluding the profits turned over and the necessary expenses to maintain the Shanghai District, half of the remaining accounts are clean money, which is always a few tens of thousands.

"Let's not talk about this." Zhou Qinghe waved his hand and asked, "How many companies do we have left?"

"We have gone to two of the four houses. Since there are no calls from these two houses, it must be safe and nothing happened. I have sent people to guard them."

Zeng Haifeng sat down, raised his eyes and asked: "I asked Jiang Wen if there was any news. Do you have any clues?"

Zhou Qinghe shook his head: "No, this guy is very cautious. When Mitsui went to pick him up at the train station, he didn't even show up. I inferred that he got off the train and left early. He must have realized that Mitsui had been targeted by us and was afraid of being implicated." Bar."

It's not that Mitsui himself didn't know, it's just that all Mitsui's people were targeted and used as a counter-reconnaissance method. The people behind it looked like clowns, which made no sense.

A pair of looks from the few people Jiang Wen was following could make it impossible for Mitsui's people to get rid of them. There was no way, there were too many people, and Jiang Wen had hundreds of people under her command.

Keeping an eye on Mitsui was just for fun. There might be ten pairs of eyes on one road, and no amount of counter-reconnaissance would be of any use.

Unless you fly, the Secret Service may not have the money to follow, otherwise Mitsui will be absolutely useless and staying behind closed doors is the best option.

If you dare to frequent the rental industry, you will be sacked sooner or later.

After Zhou Qinghe finished speaking, he added: "Now your people and mine have not noticed anything strange about Mitsui in the concession, but I have an idea.

It is possible that Inoue Noaki has not been in contact with Mitsui until now. He may not have even called Mitsui. Mitsui does not know where he is, and it is not certain whether Inoue Noaki and his men are in the concession. "

The probability of absence is high.

"There's a lot to be careful about."

Zeng Haifeng agreed with Zhou Qinghe's judgment and murmured to himself: "If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

Now he is hiding it and we are exposing it. If he goes on to attack people in our company, we may catch him by the tail, but if he doesn't take action, we can only wait. "

"It's a bit tricky." Zhou Qinghe nodded slightly.

As the founder of the Black Dragon Society, Inoue Noaki is definitely not stupid, and there is no reason why he cannot realize the consequences of the incident.

Now that it has been a day since yesterday's incident, even if Mitsui found the remaining two companies, there is a high probability that there will be people from the Secret Service ambushing the next company managers.

Therefore, although people have been sent to protect the remaining two families, it is unlikely that Inoue will take action again in the short term.

"You can ask people from the Qinggang to inquire and see if any Japanese have appeared in Shanghai recently or come from other places. They always have to rent a house to live in, right? Pay attention to the people who rent houses."

Zhou Qinghe made suggestions, and then added: "For men, they look like well-fed and well-clothed people. Their living conditions are somewhat different from those of the poor. Check the hotels."


Zeng Haifeng responded, he could only find a needle in a haystack for now.

The incident happened suddenly, and the company on the surface was beaten up. There is no way to investigate this matter. The merchants have too many contacts, and there are so many trades going on. The source of the information may have been leaked anywhere, and there is no way to investigate it.

The person who leaked it certainly won’t tell.

"Inoue took the initiative and made a calculated calculation. He won the first round. Sooner or later, this bitch will pay back his capital with interest. How dare he take our money?" Zeng Haifeng still obsessed with money, and he couldn't help but think about it. Get angry.

Zhou Qinghe sneered and said seriously: "The remaining properties are protected and watched in secret. We must seize the next opportunity. He cannot stop."

"I'll make arrangements."

As long as Inoue takes action again, it will not be so easy to get rid of Shanghai District's attention.

Not long after, the confirmation call came back.

"It has been confirmed, it is exactly the same as the previous one."

Zeng Haifeng put down the phone without any temper. After all, the result was already guessed.

"Then let's leave it like this for now. I'll leave first. Be careful and communicate in time if anything happens. Also, pay more attention to the people around you and don't get involved without knowing it." Zhou Qinghe looked at Zeng Haifeng and stressed.

Zeng Haifeng joked: "Brother, I won't go to work. I will go directly to the safe house to hide, okay?"

"Of course, you are the biggest in Shanghai anyway, so let's go."

There was no point in staying, so Zhou Qinghe patted his butt and left.

Back in the concession, Zhou Qinghe went to the clinic for a tour, then went to Zhang Xiaolin's place to talk about the progress of the factory, and then went home to rest.

Late at night, the concession began to become quiet and Zhabei became lively.

One of the two remaining company managers was living in a three-story villa. Four agile men in black climbed over the wall and entered.

They touched the villa in the middle, took out the flying claws from their waists, and with a clang, the claws hooked onto the balcony. The man in black grabbed the rope and climbed up quickly.

As soon as he landed on the ground and opened the door, the lights in the back room suddenly turned on, illuminating the empty bedroom, and the sound of the Secret Service's ambush personnel came out.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The man in black retreated decisively, grabbed the rope to use his strength, jumped out of the balcony, and landed on the first floor in an instant.

Bang bang, the small light in the courtyard on the first floor was turned on, dispelling some of the gloom.

Secret Service personnel showed that people were still buried on the first floor.

Swish, ten people surrounded him in a semi-surrounding manner, each with a gun in their hand.

"Put down your weapons and don't make me shoot!"

Under the intimidation of the Secret Service personnel, the Japanese on the opposite side hesitated for a moment, raised their hands, and signaled surrender.

It would be best if he could be captured alive. After all, what the Secret Service wanted was the position of Inoue, the mastermind behind the scenes, and a few Japanese corpses were not that valuable.

They walked towards the Japanese.

But right now!
At the door, two machine guns were mounted directly on the fence of the large iron gate.

Without any greeting, the two people hid behind the outer wall and stood on each side to form a crossfire, and the flames burst out instantly!

Click, click, two fire dragons sprang out.

The battle is imminent!
The operational team members of the Secret Service were hiding, taking out their guns, looking for bunkers and seizing every opportunity to fight back.

The four Japanese who surrendered in the yard were very aggressive. They stood there with their hands raised without moving, ignoring the bullets from both sides, with a mocking smile on their faces.

"Damn it, captain, I want to kill them!" Some team members noticed the Japanese's expressions, and the voice of resentment immediately burst out.

The captain of the action team is quite prudent and knows that it is best to keep him alive.

But this smile was unbearable.

"Kill two of them and keep two more for interrogation!"


The team members risked machine gun bullets and had to turn their guns.

The four Japanese couldn't hold it anymore. When they saw the muzzle of the gun moving, they screamed and turned around to break into the darkness beside the wall behind.

But instead of running toward the door, they dropped to the ground and fought back.

The gunfire became more intense.

The members of the Secret Service occupied a favorable terrain, and the entire building was on their side, so safety was greatly guaranteed. The action members on the first floor used pillar doors and windows to fire cold guns under the suppression of machine guns, while on the second floor, A team member fired a gun from the balcony.

The Japanese, on the other hand, were not afraid of death and continued to use their two machine gun muzzles to suppress fire.

The sprayed bullets emerged from the gun holes on both sides, passing through the air.

The battle was extremely fierce and heated up from the beginning.

The machine gun is so powerful, has a long range, and has a fast rate of fire. It is simply crushing. People from the Secret Service who can be suppressed by two people rarely dare to show their faces.

However, the Japanese also knew that they were fighting on the away field. Once the machine gun bullets were fired, the people inside would rush out. After a while, they began to retreat.

With a shout in Japanese, the four Japanese in the yard retreated towards the door in an orderly manner, successfully evacuating from the yard, and the six of them ran towards the darkness together.

At this moment, Zeng Haifeng also raised his back hand.

All the people who were ambushing at the surveillance point in a nearby residential building sprang out, and a full 30 people attacked the Japanese at the door. They had been waiting, just waiting for the machine gun bullets to run out and for the people to escape. After all, they had the weapons in their hands. It's just a short gun. If it's against a machine gun, it will cause too many casualties.

But now that there is no suppression by machine guns, it will be much easier to deal with these Japanese.

Seeing that the Japanese were about to become a turtle in the urn, however, at this moment, the cunningness of Inoue's wild tactics was revealed. The machine guns were prepared in advance. How could they not guard against the presence of more people in the Secret Service?

The four Japanese who were supposed to be responding emerged from the street corner, turned around and aimed at the rushing troops of the Secret Service. They took out the grenades in their arms, pulled off the bracelets and threw them immediately, followed by single-point pistols.

Heavy gunfire erupted again, and the roar of grenade explosions resounded through the streets.

Ten Japanese people gathered together and were not afraid of death.

In the eyes of the Japanese, the Chinese soldiers were completely incompetent in fighting. They did not run away at all, but relied on the cover of darkness to launch an attack on the secret service of nearly 50 people.

Even if the Secret Service has a large number of people, it will not be able to deal with this group of people in a short time.

Gradually, casualties occurred on both sides, and the gunfire lasted for 20 minutes before stopping.


Zhou Qinghe saw the signal posted by Liu Kai and went to find Zeng Haifeng.

"what's the situation?"

"Too unscrupulous!" Zeng Haifeng scolded.

"I arranged for 50 people last night, but I didn't expect that these Japanese people came to the door with machine guns! Don't let me find out which bastard sold them the machine guns. If I find out, I will skin him."

Zeng Haifeng is really angry. Forget about short guns. There is a lot of black market. How dare anyone sell machine guns?
How much trouble did this cause him?
Otherwise, his people could have surrounded the Japanese at the entrance of the courtyard immediately. If both sides attacked, they could easily win. How could the Japanese escape from the encirclement?

Zhou Qinghe was furious after hearing what Zeng Haifeng said. The Japanese were really willing to give up.

“Machine guns aren’t cheap nowadays, are they?”

Zeng Haifeng snorted coldly, "It's very expensive. You can buy a Czech gun for 1000 oceans, and it has to be old. Eat Chinese rice, earn Chinese money, and sell weapons to the Japanese. Wait for me When I'm free, I'll plow through Shanghai's black market, and I'll make sure to find this bastard for him! Bastard!"

"Are there many casualties?"

"Not small." Zeng Haifeng restrained his anger and said in a deep tone: "Ten Japanese came, we killed six, but the other side killed eighteen of us.

The casualty ratio is really not small, Zhou Qinghe sighed.

"Originally there would not have been so many deaths." Zeng Haifeng added: "After injuring and killing several Japanese, the Japanese began to retreat. Two injured people were left on the ground. There was no time to take them away, and there was no way. take away.

It was dark and we couldn't see our people clearly, so they thought he was dead. However, when we were tracking him, the two Japanese took out grenades and blew themselves up.

Two for seven, they not only took away seven of us, but also made it impossible for our people to follow us, and many of us were scratched and injured by shrapnel. "

Zhou Qinghe patted Zeng Haifeng on the shoulder. No wonder Zeng Haifeng was so angry. How long had the Japanese been here?Be it machine guns or grenades, so much equipment can be purchased by them, all provided by black market merchants.

It is really eating the Chinese people's rice and causing harm to the Chinese people.

"No one left alive?"

"I didn't stay. The Japanese were also cruel to me. According to my subordinates, at that time, the two men shouted "Long live the Emperor" and immediately pulled the ring."

Zeng Haifeng took a deep breath and said with a solemn expression: "Qinghe, these Japanese are different, 10 against 50, to achieve such a result, they are too brave and not afraid of death.

An ordinary underworld would never be able to do this.

Even for the domestic elites of the Black Dragon Society, I don’t think it’s possible.

People who join the underworld are all there to make a fortune. No matter how serious the militarism is, there is no reason to sacrifice one's life, right?

And according to your statement, these people have just returned from Japan and should not have such fighting power. "

"Then what do you mean?" Zhou Qinghe looked at him and asked.

Zeng Haifeng thought deeply and said, "I suspect these people have been on the battlefield."


Zhou Qinghe nodded thoughtfully: "If they have been on the battlefield, then it is most likely that this group of people came from the northeast.

Since the Black Dragon Society has established its presence in the country, they must have caused trouble in the Northeast battlefield back then.

It would be reasonable if veterans from the Northeast battlefield had such abilities. "

"It must be!" Zeng Haifeng said: "If even their domestic schools could develop gangsters like this, there would be no need to fight this war."


Ding, ding, ding, the phone in the house rang. Zeng Haifeng walked over quickly and picked up the phone.
"Hello? What?"

Zeng Haifeng's voice was full of anger, and then his face became darker.

He hung up the phone and looked at Zhou Qinghe and said bitterly: "Just 10 minutes ago, six of our strongholds in Shanghai were bombed."

Zhou Qinghe frowned after hearing this. This matter is much more important and dangerous than the battle last night.

"How did they find it?"

After Zhou Qinghe asked, he immediately answered: "Those of your team members? It must be that these people were followed by the Japanese after the battle last night. They are so brave."

After the battle, the normal situation is to run. After all, this is the home field of the Secret Service, but this Inoue Noaki did the opposite. The more he continued to track when others thought it was impossible.

"Yesterday we thought he would be quiet for a while, but he came to rob people overnight. Not only did he rob people, but he started to do it on the spot. After he did it, that was not his real purpose. His real purpose in designing this place should be In order to find your real base in Shanghai!"

Link by link, I have to say that Inoue Noaki is very cunning and cunning.

Zeng Haifeng also understood, but it was useless.

I am in the light, the enemy is in the dark.

Although moving slowly is a way to find them, the speed of action is too slow. If this continues, it will be difficult to find Inoue Noaki's location in a short time.

Mainly because no one was left alive, so there was really no way to counter-track them.

"Six people died, so six of my strongholds were blown up. He should also have information about our different strongholds in Shanghai." Zeng Haifeng stood up, picked up the phone and ordered: "Inform everyone that all those who participated in the operation yesterday None of the personnel can have any contact with the headquarters! No one is allowed to contact them!"

Make arrangements.Zeng Haifeng looked at Zhou Qinghe: "Qinghe, let's think about it together and see if there is any faster way to find this person. If this continues, it's too cowardly. Boss Dai's reprimand is coming."

Zhou Qinghe hummed, his fingers twitching on the handle of the chair, silently thinking about a solution.

He now knows almost nothing about Inoue Noaki, except that he currently has some understanding of his character, which is inferred from his methods.Beyond that, what does Inoue Noaki want to do next?how many people?Know nothing about any of this.

Start with character, character
Ways of doing things.

A thought flashed through Zhou Qinghe's mind. He turned to look at Zeng Haifeng and said, "It's broken. Something may happen. Call Jiang Wen immediately."

"What's wrong?" Zeng Haifeng was shocked.

"Stop asking questions now and call Jiang Wen quickly. They may be being targeted."

How could they?Zeng Haifeng was astonished and immediately made a call. He was obedient and did not suffer any loss: "Check yourself there quickly. You may be targeted by the Japanese."

"Where did the news come from?"

Jiang Wen was obviously a little confused. Zeng Haifeng told him directly that this was what Section Chief Zhou said, and Jiang Wen didn't ask any more questions.

Then, to be on the safe side, Zhou Qinghe asked Zeng Haifeng to call Liu Kai, asking him to pay close attention to whether anyone around him was being targeted, and Liu Kai himself should never come into contact with the team members.

Liu Kai naturally followed suit.

"What do you think?" After the notification, Zeng Haifeng asked.

Zhou Qinghe took a deep breath and said: "According to his action pattern last night, this person is extremely good at planning, hiding the real purpose in seemingly stupid actions.

For example, they clearly knew that our people would have an ambush in the villa. It seemed stupid to go there, but the result was also stupid, six people died, but in fact they wanted to reach your stronghold in Shanghai.

And not afraid of death.

It can be said that he is full of courage and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

But something suddenly occurred to me just now.

When I came back, I asked Liu Kai. Liu Kai told me that Mitsui received the news and went to the train station to pick up someone. His expression was very excited, but he didn't pick up the person, and then he left disappointed.

You know what I was just thinking?I'm wondering if all of this is just a trap, deliberately pretending to be like this for us to see. "

"Then what does this have to do with our people being followed?" Zeng Haifeng didn't react for a while.

"The relationship is too great."

Zhou Qinghe reminded: "After Liu Kai told me, we all thought that Inoue Noaki took that train to Shanghai. It was just because we were afraid of being targeted by our people that we didn't get off the train and Mitsui didn't pick up. .

but. "

Zhou Qinghe squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Zeng Haifeng: "What if Inoue Noaki and his people had arrived in Shanghai the day before or even a few days ago?"

Zeng Haifeng's little eyes widened and he murmured to himself: "That means he called Mitsui out just to ask Mitsui to show up at the train station and make you think that someone big was coming.

But in fact, his people were hiding in secret, secretly observing who was staring at Mitsui? "

"Then follow the clues and find the people behind Mitsui. Follow these people to find their stronghold, and then push up step by step. In theory, you can find me here?"


Zeng Haifeng's eyes became brighter and brighter as he spoke, and his tone was certain: "Jiang Wen must have been targeted!"

Zhou Qinghe nodded slightly.

Although this matter cannot be said for sure so far, what is certain is that Jiang Wen's man responsible for tracking must have been exposed.

As for the people on Liu Kai's side, there is a certain possibility.

"This old fox is indeed the founder of the Black Dragon Society. He attacked at the same time and was almost deceived by him. Qinghe, if you hadn't warned me about this, I would have suffered a big loss."

Zeng Haifeng was also afraid. If he hadn't noticed this, judging from Inoue's wild move against Zhabei District and his attitude of not taking action against Jiang Wen, it is very likely that Jiang Wen would have been buried with a few people from the Black Dragon Society. .

Just like the old Shanghai district.

Then the work effect during this period will fall short, or even be worse than before.

After all, he was dealing with Mitsui, a disciple before, but now he is facing the more experienced Inoue Noaki.

"You call them again and ask them to check themselves. At the same time, they must pay attention to the way they do things. Even if they find problems, they must not scare the target. They should live their lives as they should." Zhou Qinghe reminded.

"Very important!"

Being followed is a bad thing, but it can also be a good thing.

Inoue Noaki can do the following things, and so can they.

I'm worried that I can't find the thread. Can't I just follow the thread?

Zeng Haifeng reacted quickly and understood what Zhou Qinghe meant in an instant. He immediately called and gave instructions, and then the two of them patiently waited for a reply.

Whether it's Liu Kai or Jiang Wen, they are both smart people. It shouldn't be a problem to check whether they are being followed.

Tracking this kind of thing, to put it bluntly, it is either not discovered. Once it is pointed out, if you search carefully, you will definitely be able to see some clues.

An hour later, Jiang Wen's call came back first, and she confirmed that she had been followed.

Followed by Liu Kai, Liu Kai replied that a safe point was exposed, which was the group of people who stared at Mitsui every day. He himself had no problem.

With the buffer of time, Zhou Qinghe and Zeng Haifeng have become quite calm.

Zhou Qinghe stood up and said: "The time for revenge has come. Whether bad things can turn into good things depends on this day. Let's see if the lines can converge."

"I'm in charge of Jiang Wen." Zeng Haifeng said with squinted eyes.

Zhou Qinghe nodded, "Liu Kai belongs to me."

(End of this chapter)

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