The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 192 Taking over the job

Chapter 192 Taking over the job

"What? Major Hirata is dead?"

In the military police headquarters, Tojo Akio's face changed instantly after receiving the news. He stood up and slapped the table with his hand, furious.

Hirata Akira was the proud disciple of Madoka Doi. He had finally come from Manchuria and had not seen any results yet. How could he die so easily?

How could he explain this matter to Manchuria!


Take the military police and rush to the scene.

Seeing with his own eyes the tragic body of Hirata Akihi who was shot in the head with his own eyes, Tojo Akio's eyes were about to burst and he was in a bad mood.

One step slower than him, Zhou Qinghe also arrived. As the captain of the military police, someone would naturally notify him of such a big thing as a major being beaten to death in the concession.

The three floors inside and outside the military police station were isolated from the spectators and reporters.

Zhou Qinghe glanced at it and frowned and asked Tojo Akio with a stinky face.

"what happened?"

"How do I know?!" Tojo Akio turned his head and glared, with a very angry temper.

"You don't even know how your people died?"

"do not know!"

"Captain Tojo, I'm asking you a question. Please have a nice attitude. Otherwise, how will you investigate this case?"

Zhou Qinghe shouted directly.

It was so outrageous that a captain dared to look down on him outside.

Tojo Akio took a deep breath when he was shouted at, and said with a sullen face: "Recently, there is news that she is the person behind the incident in Hongkou. She must have been retaliated by someone."

The matter sounded very complicated. Zhou Qinghe glanced at the outer circle and waved his hand: "Carry it back first and then go back to the military police headquarters. Leave a few people to guard the house."


Gendarmerie Headquarters, conference room.

The urgent meeting made all Japanese people look down upon their faces.

"This was either done by gang members or the British and Americans. This is a provocation to our military police headquarters! This is a provocation to our Empire of Japan! We must take revenge and go back!"

"It is absolutely impossible to stop our Hongkou purification plan. We must unify Hongkou!"

All Tojo Akio's anger was expressed in his roar, and he glared at the staff officers patrolling the conference room, as if he would eat anyone who opposed him.

"It's too much."

A group of staff members began to agree. Although they expected resistance in this matter, they did not expect that they would dare to directly kill people. If they had opinions, they could communicate with each other, so why not do it?


The leader, Taro Iwasa, couldn't sit still after listening to the report.

With raised eyebrows and raised eyes, he scolded with a stern expression:

"This matter must be dealt with! Not only because Major Hirata paid his life, but also because this behavior seriously provoked the authority of our Empire of Japan in the concession. This is shaking our dominance in Hongkou!

An infantry major was blatantly shot to death in the concession. If it is not dealt with, there will be a next time and there will be more resistance!

Must be dealt with!

Fujita. "

"Hi." Zhou Qinghe stood up and nodded to meet Taro Iwasa's gaze.

"Do you have any clues about the murderer?"

"I made preliminary inquiries to Shimo Tojo's ronin. They have been targeting British trading houses in the past two days, and yesterday it was revealed in the concession that Major Hirata was the instigator of this matter.

Then today, Major Hirata was shot, so I doubt that the instigator was British.

After the incident, I asked a member of the Youth Gang who had a good relationship with me, and he said that the British generally would not do this kind of thing themselves, but would leave it to the Chinese gang in the concession to perform it on their behalf.

Most of the gangs in the Hongkou area are operated by the Subei Gang, so I speculate that the specific perpetrators of this incident are from this gang. I have asked people from the Qing Gang to help me secretly find out who did this. thing. "

He acted quickly. It had only been half an hour since he came back. This answer could already satisfy everyone with Zhou Qinghe's work efficiency.

Iwasatarou didn't have much to say. He nodded and moved on to the next step. He said with a cold face:

"Things have developed like this. If we can't produce results, there will be no way to explain it to anyone. Hongkou integration must continue! I don't care what methods you use, this matter must be successful!"


A group of Japanese nodded in response, indicating that they accepted the order, but after receiving the order, Chief of Staff Shinozuka Maomi also had to say a few words.

"Now that the news has been leaked, the British and Americans can take a tough stance to fight against us. The resistance will be even stronger, and this matter will probably be very difficult.

Don't forget, everyone, the patrol room is arresting people all the time, right? "

After saying this, he looked at Tojo Akio, the only insider at present.

Tojo Akio said with a stinky face: "It's not bad. I've been arrested for more than thirty people, which is not too much. I have enough people to deal with."

"That was for the sake of our Military Police Headquarters."

Shinozuka Masaomi refuted: "In the past, the British and Americans thought it was just ronin causing trouble, and few were arrested, but now they know it is our plan, so they insist on arresting them? How about ten or twenty people in one cell? Your bursting cell Can your plan still be implemented?"

Tojo Akio stiffened his neck and said, "Then catch him and let him raise him! If he has 3000 mouths to eat, I don't believe he doesn't feel sorry for him!"

"Shut up, our purpose is to do things, not to conflict with the British and Americans!"

Taro Iwasa suddenly threatened and emphasized: "Everyone, remember, you can't conflict with the top leaders of Britain, America and France. Everything must be controlled in a controllable situation. This is the order of the headquarters!"


"Fujita, you go take care of this matter." Iwasa Taro glanced at him and his words came out of the blue.

"Huh? Hmm"

Zhou Qinghe didn't expect that this matter would fall on him, so he smiled bitterly and said, "General Iwasa, I don't want to be killed."

Zhou Qinghe was not willing to accept it, and Tojo Akio was not willing to give it.

"Sir Iwasa, this is my mission."

This thing was accomplished, but it was a great achievement, and it was possible to claim credit from the local people!

That was his chance to be promoted to Major!

As soon as he finished speaking, Taro Iwasa turned his head, glared, and shouted loudly: "Are you doing well?"

"Why can't I do it?" Tojo Akio was unconvinced.

Iwasataro was too lazy to tell him and did not look at him.

Many staff officers were also suspicious. Hirata was shattered. Did Tojo really think he could do it?

"What do you mean?"

"say something."

Tojo Akio was ignored, and he felt extremely ashamed and angry all of a sudden!

He pointed at Zhou Qinghe and cursed: "I can't do it, but he can do it?"

"Tojo, this matter is very dangerous. Don't get involved. This is for your own good." Shinozuka Maomi comforted him.

"Then why don't you do it for his own good!"

"." Forget it, Shinozuka Maomi breathed a sigh of relief. It's really useless to be a good person.

All the staff members were speechless. They couldn't understand what they were talking about. Do you have to say that you are stupid?

"Think of a way. If you need anything, you can ask the Military Police Headquarters, Chief of Staff Shinozuka, or me. This matter must be completed, even if you pay some price." Iwasa Taro stared at Zhou Qinghe and said: "Fujita, Your father's death is one, and Hirata's death is another. The situation in Hongkou is so complicated, this is absolutely not possible, and purification must be completed."


At this point, Zhou Qinghe could only accept the task with a look of helplessness.

After the meeting, Shinozuka Maomi also took the initiative to keep Zhou Qinghe.

"This matter is offensive, but you have a wide network of contacts. The British and Americans may sell you face, and the Green Gang people may sell you face. General Iwasa asked you to do it, and he also had this intention. Let Tojo go, then We will only mess up things, and forget it if we mess up. If others die, we will still be in trouble, Commander Tojo."

With a good father, life is more valuable.

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "Chief of Staff, I will work hard."

"Well, come to me if you need anything." Shinozuka Maomi smiled, patted Zhou Qinghe's shoulder and left.

Zhou Qinghe stayed there and thought for a moment, then walked to the office.

When the task falls into his hands, at least he has the final say as to who can stay and who can go.

If something needs to be done, the benefits must also be sufficient.

Zhou Qinghe went to see Tojo Akio, who was the first to leave after the meeting, obviously very unhappy.

Seeing Zhou Qinghe coming, he snorted and shook his face.

Zhou Qinghe would not spoil him and scolded him directly: "Captain Tojo, pay attention to your attitude. You dare to sit down in front of the commander. Stand still!"

"Hey." Tojo Akio couldn't help but sneered, and he swaggered his legs up on the table to show off his power unscrupulously.

Then he knew the price of this smile.

Zhou Qinghe walked over with narrowed eyes and kicked him on the butt, knocking him off his back with a chair.


Before the matter was over, Tojo Akio stood up angrily, but Zhou Qinghe grabbed his collar and pulled him over. He waved his hand and slapped him to let him know his superiority and inferiority.

Pa, the sound of the slap is clear and sweet.

"Bagaya! How dare you hit me!" Tojo Akio was furious and wanted to resist.

"Isn't this a good standing position?" Zhou Qinghe grabbed his collar with one hand and looked into his eyes sharply: "I'm wiping your butt! If you hadn't done such a stupid thing, I would have needed Risking being beaten to death by others to accept this mission?

Stand still! "

Zhou Qinghe pushed him away with an angry expression.

Tojo Akio glared at Zhou Qinghe angrily, but held back and did not speak.

Zhou Qinghe took a deep breath: "I'm talking to you now, you'd better listen carefully, stop your stupid troublemaking activities first, and call everyone back.

Second, give me 50,000 yen and I will help you settle this matter.


Before Zhou Qinghe could finish his words, Tojo Akio shouted in disbelief: "You take the credit and you still want me to pay?"

Forget the first thing, Tojo Akio will never accept the second thing!

Zhou Qinghe shook his head and said slowly:

"You are really short-sighted. Don't you think about it. I accomplished this thing and all the credit belongs to me. Now that you have paid for it, don't you have a share of the credit? In the report to the military department, Can you write something? Major Tojo?"

Tojo Akio was startled.

"You can do it yourself, can you? Do you know who the money should be given to? Do you think you can spend it if you have the money?"

Zhou Qinghe's words turned sharp and his tone was quick: "Hurry up, don't waste my time!

Also, third point, be more honest in front of me in the future, especially don’t interrupt me! In the Gendarmerie, I have the final say! "

Tojo Akio finally succumbed to Zhou Qinghe's power.

Mainly Zhou Qinghe threatened him. This was the order of the entire military police headquarters. If he continued to disobey, asking the commander to come and have a good chat with him in person was one of them. Reporting to the Army Headquarters Staff Headquarters would be a headache.

In the Accounting Department, Zhou Qinghe followed Tojo Akio here.

This amount of money was allocated by Hideji Tojo. Although it belonged to the military in name, it was actually used exclusively by Tojo Akio.

In particular, in order to prevent Zhou Qinghe from privately ordering the withdrawal in the name of the military police, Tojo Akio also specially informed the accounting department, saying that no one was allowed to move except him.

Okay, now I have personally brought Zhou Qinghe to break the precepts.

Maruyama Hide was shocked.

He is managing this special account for comparing money. He knows very well what Tojo Akio said, but now he takes the initiative to bring Mr. Zhou here with a dark face?

And it’s still 50,000 yen at a time!

That's a full half.

Hiss, at the moment when he got lost, Maruyama Hide gave Zhou Qinghe a look of admiration. His backer was too strong. There was no doubt about his ability. He actually completely suppressed Tojo Akio in a short period of time.

The key is to take the initiative to withdraw money. It is impossible to do it unless you completely suppress it.


Zhou Qinghe ignored Maruyama Hide's eyes indifferently and urged Tojo Akio to hurry up.

Tojo Akio urged Maruyama Hide to hurry up, and then took Iwasaki Nakao, who didn't know anything, to drink.

"Don't forget to ask your people to stop!" Zhou Qinghe emphasized.

When Tojo Akio was about to walk out of the door, he paused, turned around and used the office phone to call out. After saying a few words, he glared at Zhou Qinghe and said, 'Are you satisfied? ’ Then we went out to drink.

Zhou Qinghe didn't care about him, he already had the money, so this man was of little value for the time being.

"Sir, that's awesome." Maruyama Shu and Zhou Qinghe were the only two people left in the office, so Maruyama Shu smiled and praised in a low voice.

"The progress is good, we all have our own offices." Zhou Qinghe looked at Maruyama Shu's office and smiled.

Maruyama Hide was embarrassed and humble: "Iwasaki Nakao values ​​me. I live in the same room. It is convenient for him to talk to me if he has anything to do."

"Keep working hard and go to the bank to withdraw money first. I have to do some errands."

"I have a spare here. I'll give it to you first. I'll get it later and make up for it."

Hidema Maruyama quickly took out 50,000 yen from the office inventory and packed it in a box.

He knew how to handle things and saved Zhou Qinghe's time. Zhou Qinghe gave him a smile and patted him on the shoulder.

"Do you still have enough money?"

"That's enough. I haven't spent all the money Mr. arranged for me last time."

Hide Maruyama was used to being poor, and when he suddenly had a sum of money, he was reluctant to spend it, which made Nakao Iwasaki feel distressed.

"Don't be too poor. It's okay to have a better life. Just don't be ostentatious and don't be too rich. If you really need it, tell me."

"Thank you, sir."

"Well, this time we have known each other openly. If there is something urgent next time, it will be normal to say a few words occasionally."

"Okay." This was exciting news for Maruyama Shu.

"But don't be too familiar."

"I will."

Zhou Qinghe had to go find Zhang Xiaolin after taking the money.

Pass by the bank and deposit 20,000 into your account.

(End of this chapter)

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