The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 193 Peace of Mind

Chapter 193 Peace of Mind

These people run errands and of course they need to receive part of the reward, which is very reasonable.

Thirty thousand, for three families, should be enough.

Among the British and Americans, Zhou Qinghe did know a lot of people. Those who came to him for surgery were basically foreigners, and the main ones were those who were rich.

But it's too troublesome to find them one by one. It should be possible to find the leaders of the three companies.

The first one is Zhang Xiaolin.

It was not even noon. When Zhou Qinghe arrived, Zhang Xiaolin had just gotten up and was smoking in bed.

"Doctor Zhou, please sit down for a while, I'll call the master." Uncle Fu, the butler, served Zhou Qinghe some tea and apologized.

"No, prepare some food for me. I'll eat it first. After that, it's time for me to enjoy it."

Zhou Qinghe was rude.

The housekeeper also smiled enthusiastically: "Okay, I'll ask the cook to prepare it."

The housekeeper said so, but the notice was sent anyway.

Before, Zhang Xiaolin had to finish smoking before coming down. Now he is begging Zhou Qinghe to help him settle the affairs in the concession, and Zhou Qinghe, the military police captain, will be his backer to continue to make money in the concession in the future.

This identity is different, and this attitude must also be different.

Put down the big smoke and come down.

"Brother Zhou, why are you so early today?" When you open your mouth, you can smell the smell of longevity ointment.

"Brother Zhang's face is glowing." Zhou Qinghe teased.

"I can't quit." Zhang Xiaolin sat down with a smile.

"At this age, you have to enjoy yourself. It doesn't matter. It won't be good if you quit. Your body has adapted to it. There are still more problems after quitting." Zhou Qinghe encouraged hard.

Zhang Xiaolin approved with a look on his face: "That's right, if I don't spend the money I make, then why should I make so much money?"

The two laughed, and after they finished laughing, Zhang Xiaolin also took the initiative to ask: "But has the Military Police Headquarters responded to that matter?"

"Yes." Zhou Qinghe's expression was not very good: "The Military Police Headquarters is now determined to complete this matter, and this burden will be placed directly on me."

"Is this happening?" Zhang Xiaolin also frowned. This news is too bad.

When the mission reaches Zhou Qinghe, some methods will definitely not be used.

"Brother, what do you think?"

"I'm not hiding it either. Since I took over, I have to handle this matter, otherwise I won't be able to explain it to the military." Zhou Qinghe said bluntly.

"I understand, I understand, that's it." Zhang Xiaolin sighed with an embarrassed look on his face: "Brother, there are a lot of benefits, this money... oh."

"Brother, I understand." Zhou Qinghe smiled and said: "Don't worry, now that this matter has fallen into my hands, there is no way to think about it. For example, the bottom line of the Military Police Headquarters Just hold it in my hand, and I can give you the best conditions, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"First of all, the bottom line of the Military Police Headquarters is that the area around Hongkou is Japanese territory. This is the bottom line."


"Then for example, you have a good chamber of commerce in a good area of ​​Hongkou, and a Japanese businessman also has a good chamber of commerce in another area. You just replace it, and don't worry about the big Japanese businessman behind the chamber of commerce.

As long as it's Japanese, even if it's in the French Concession, if you want it, just report it and I'll ask the Military Police Headquarters to get it for you. As soon as he said this, Zhang Xiaolin became more energetic, his eyes were bright, he adjusted his sitting posture, and said thoughtfully: "What do you mean, I can change it if I want it?" Even if my Chamber of Commerce is worse than his? "

Zhou Qinghe gave a look that meant this and said with a smile: "If a Japanese businessman refuses, isn't he going against the Military Police Headquarters? This is a national policy.

Our main focus is to be submissive. If you cooperate with the Japanese and are willing to quit, but if they are unwilling to change, this matter will not go forward. Then it is not your fault, and you are not at a loss, right? "

Zhang Xiaolin smiled, nodded frequently, and counted with his fingers: "It's not impossible for me to let go of the Guanghongkou land. The Japanese do have a lot of good territory outside.

But there’s one thing, brother, you have to help me. I can’t withdraw them all. I have to leave one or two for me. There is no reason not to leave a backup force in doing business. Hongkou is really good. "

Zhang Xiaolin was still greedy, but it was just in line with Zhou Qing's wishes. He didn't leave anything behind, but it was too clean.

"Okay, I will discuss this matter with the Gendarmerie Headquarters and leave two families. However, the Chamber of Commerce can stay, but there must be restrictions, such as not being able to carry guns, and accepting the jurisdiction of the Gendarmerie Headquarters, that is, don't cause trouble, and personnel must be registered. "

"Okay, I accept your jurisdiction, brother."

The two laughed.

After laughing, Zhang Xiaolin frowned: "There is another troublesome thing. The Chamber of Commerce is easy to talk about. From what I mean, the idlers are waiting for help, but the Subei Gang is still there begging for food? With so many people, it cannot be stopped. Let them eat, right?

Although the Subei Gang is an affiliated gang of our Qinggang, in fact they only have to pay a membership fee and still make a living and make money on their own. Without the land in Hongkou, many people will be without food. "

"What do they usually do?"

"In the concession, the main thing is transportation and water transportation. There is a port and two rivers in Hongkou, where all the supplies and small boats have to go. They are responsible for the transportation in Hongkou. After receiving the goods, they go to various chambers of commerce."

"What a big deal."

Zhou Qinghe sneered: "Brother, after the Chamber of Commerce is cleared out, the people in Hongkou will not eat, or will they still need to be transported manually?

Let me tell you, this plan of the Military Police Headquarters has its own problems. The idea is very good. After the clearing out, they will all be Japanese. But when it comes to the implementation stage, they will know what the problem is. How can the Japanese stand this? Bitter?

Moving goods every day costs more than ten or twenty yuan a month, which is still the price of legal currency. What Japanese would like to do this?

Let me tell you, brother, tell them not to worry. In less than a month, the Japanese themselves will make trouble and actively ask the Chinese to do this. Otherwise, who can afford the food in Hongkou?

Besides, who cares about water transportation? Gendarmerie, who has the final say on whether this boat can leave the river? "

Zhou Qinghe pointed at himself: "I have the final say."


Zhang Xiaolin slapped his head and smiled immediately: "Look at my brain. I even smoked and forgot about this. OK, then I will listen to you. As long as you are willing to change, all my chambers of commerce will withdraw from Hongkou, and I will Make sure the Subei Gang doesn’t cause trouble."

"Move quickly. I still have to go talk to the British and Americans. This good place will be gone after we pick it up. I'll keep an eye on you first."

"I understand, haha, I'll have someone do it right away, Ah Fu, Ah Fu." Zhang Xiaolin shouted.

"Hey, Master." Uncle Fu ran up, and Zhang Xiaolin immediately ordered to open.

Zhou Qinghe drank tea with a smile. He originally prepared 10,000 yuan for the Subei Gang as compensation for relocation. It turned out that they were doing transportation work, so there was no need to pay the 10,000 yuan.

Earn an extra ten thousand.

Next game, the British.

After Zhou Qinghe finished eating here, he asked Liu Qi to take him to the British Consulate.

(End of this chapter)

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