The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 209 Outbreak

Chapter 209 Outbreak

This makes the motivation reasonable.

There is no need for Zhou Qinghe to participate in the extra interrogation. This group of people has no value in making confessions. The personnel should be left to Boss Dai to handle.

"You contact Liu Kai and ask him to contact Boss Dai. Boss Dai wants these people." Zhou Qinghe walked out of the door and ordered.

"Yes." Although Jiang Wen agreed, she was still surprised: "Section Chief, do you believe what the Japanese say? The reason for selling water purifiers sounds too strange."

Jiang Wen really couldn't understand that the Japanese took the risk of offending the military and caused such a big disease, just to sell some water purifiers?

"Nothing difficult to understand."

Zhou Qinghe glanced at her and smiled. Jiang Wen was still not greedy for money, so it was difficult to understand this kind of thing.

So he explained to her: "You have to look at the problem from the perspective of the desire of the person in charge of this team, that is, Shiro Ishii.

The main position of the Kamo Army is in the Northeast, which has fallen into the hands of the Japanese. Therefore, the Kamo Army, which was formed based on epidemic prevention, has no future in the Northeast.

As the person in charge, Ishii Shiro was definitely not willing to be just a lieutenant. Therefore, when the Japanese military opened a new battlefield, his eyes became gleaming. Showing his value in Shanghai was not just about money, but mainly to tell the military that they it works.

All I can say is that everything is done for profit. "

Jiang Wen understood a little, so she sneered and shook her head: "A bunch of lunatics."

Zhou Qinghe smiled: "Let's go, be careful."

After returning home, Zhou Qinghe slept at Zhuang Hui's place at night, so that he could run around all the time and was told by his Japanese subordinates that he was overworked.

The personnel were given to them, and the information from the HK area was also given to them. Boss Dai's place was uneventful for several days.

Both sides of the Suzhou River still maintain the wartime state, that is, Suzhou and Hexi are singing and dancing, and playing music every night.

After crossing the bridge over the Suzhou River, artillery fire roared all night long.

On this day, Boss Dai suddenly got news, and Zhou Qinghe met him at Zhuang Hui's villa.

"The operation was successful. We will adapt to the next steps immediately and strive to deal the maximum blow to the Japanese."

"You went to Hongkou?" Zhou Qinghe was surprised.



Sending people to sneak into Hongkou is nothing. The success of the operation means that the cholera outbreak of the Japanese army is about to happen. But successfully poisoning the center of the Japanese army is not an easy task.

"Whose man is so brave?"

"Zhang Junshuo."

"He also came to Shanghai?" Zhou Qinghe suddenly heard the news about an old man from Nanjing.

"I have to lead ten thousand people. If he, a master of operations, doesn't come to Shanghai to help, what's the use of his nest in Nanjing?"

Then Boss Dai also told about the recruitment. This matter is going smoothly. The Shanghai District of the Secret Service has 1800 people. This was a gold-swallowing beast in the past, but now the benefits of having more people come out. The number of 1800 people is The team, these people are the foundation.

Then Boss Dai transferred nearly a thousand people from his base camp, Hangzhou Police Academy.

1500 people were transferred from the Nanjing Secret Service.

2000 students were selected from schools in Shanghai, Nanjing and Suzhou.

The rest directly recruited refugees from Shanghai and the lower levels of the Youth Gang.

These people started the war and had nothing to eat. When they heard that they were rich and could fuck the Japanese, they rushed forward one by one and asked to join the team.

This is no longer 10,000 people. In just a few days, the number of people has soared to 12,000.

Boss Dai smiled from ear to ear when he said this and told Zhou Qinghe.

"You may not think that the marksmanship of these refugees is any different from that of the lower-level members of the Youth Gang, but they are familiar with Shanghai, cheating, abducting, and stealing. As long as they can deal with the Japanese, they are all loyal and brave people."

Zhou Qinghe said: "The director is wise."

Boss Dai nodded with satisfaction, then frowned slightly and said: "There is just one thing that is more troublesome. Cholera has broken out in the army. There are quite a few people, thousands of them. The medicines can still hold up for now, so I'm not worried about it for the time being." of.

But I found that I thought less about this matter. You see, the people who are currently sick are gathered on the left wing of our army, which is the army of Chief Chen of the Civil Engineering Department.

But I have to guard against the Japanese side. Once cholera breaks out on the Japanese side, will it cause the cholera in our frontal legion to also be detonated? By then the medicines will not be enough. "

This is where the trouble lies with infectious diseases. It’s a double-edged sword. There are too many uncertainties.

"You want me to find some medicine, right?" Zhou Qinghe understood.

"Yes, but it's more than that." Boss Dai gave a meaningful look: "Our people can die, but the Japanese can't live."

Saving people is not important, killing is important.

Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows: "Cut off their medicine supplies when they break out?"

Boss Dai smiled and nodded.

"Let me think about it." Zhou Qinghe thought for a while and then raised his head and said: "I know roughly where their military supplies warehouse is, but I don't know what's in it. The main reason is that the Shanghai Expeditionary Army has its own military quartermaster. I don't know. Facilitate intervention.

But give me some time and I'll ask. "

Although there are no acquaintances in the warehouse, Zhou Qinghe has disciples in the hospital. If he inquires about the inventory from the military medical disciples in a roundabout way, he should be able to find out more about it.

"As for medicines, I have a channel."

Zhou Qinghe asked Liu Kai to follow Yasuda Tatsuki a few days ago, trying to get the location of sulfa.

But later there was no need to track it, because Yasuda Club’s warehouse in Shanghai became his own warehouse. What else did he need to track?

Just go shopping.

Later, during the investigation, I discovered that the sulfonamides invested by Yasuda Tatsuki were not mentioned at all. They had always been stored in the warehouse of the British, waiting to be resold for a large sum when the battle was at its most difficult and the army's medicines were exhausted.

During this process, Zhou Qinghe learned that there were not only sulfa drugs stored in the British warehouse, but also many other drugs. Zhou Qinghe told Boss Dai about this channel and asked him to find someone to rob the British drug warehouse in Pudong.

The warehouse is in Pudong.

"No." Boss Dai shook his head after hearing this: "This road is not feasible. We have an agreement with the British to ensure the safety of their goods. The only people guarding the warehouse in Pudong are a small number of British Marines and British people. We hired local people to look after us, and we also had our own soldiers. How could this be a robbery?

What's more, I will use the cholera incident to ask for assistance in the concession later. It would be unsightly to offend the British if something goes wrong. "

"It's easy, as long as we don't rob the British?"

Zhou Qinghe smiled and raised his head and hinted: "Boss, don't forget, when you solve the Japanese warehouse, the Japanese will also need to find medicines, won't the opportunity come?

The British are on the first hand, the Japanese are on the second hand, and if you feel aggrieved, the third hand is on. "

Zhou Qinghe blinked hard and chuckled.

"Good good."

Boss Dai understood as soon as he heard this. He pointed at Zhou Qinghe and scolded with a smile: "You are so bad. The Japanese are very unlucky to have you. Okay, I'll wait for news from you."

The next day, news suddenly spread in the concession that many soldiers in the national army were infected with the disease.

This news spread widely in the concession, shocking the hearts of the people in the concession. The impact of the epidemic on the Chinese army at this time was so bad. There were many people who felt distressed and looked down upon.

As the news spread, even the Japanese headquarters called Zhou Qinghe in the safety zone to ask if it was indeed true.

Zhou Qinghe asked questions enthusiastically and politely, and the Japanese were quite happy.

And two days later, the Japanese were not happy anymore, because the Japanese also started to get sick.

And it's explosive.

"Captain, phone."

As soon as Zhou Qinghe walked out of the operating room, his military police officers hurriedly reported.

Zhou Qinghe nodded and went to the doctor's office to answer the phone: "Hello, this is Fujita."

"Teacher, it's me, Haruno."

Haruno Daisy is a military police doctor. Logically speaking, she doesn't need to go to the front line, but she couldn't stand up to the teacher's high level, so she upgraded her medical skills and was invited.

Zhou Qinghe also needed someone to be his eyes on the front line, so he agreed to help in the field hospital on the front line.

His voice was hoarse now.

"We have run out of medicines here, and there will be a large number of patients soon."

At this moment, a voice came from the other side of the phone: "Give it to me, let me speak. Fujita, I am Shinozuka Maomi."

"chief of staff."

"Cholera breaks out in the army and the medicine inventory is in short supply. Be prepared. A large number of sergeants will be sent to Suzhou and Hexi."

"Cholera? Did our people also break out?" Zhou Qinghe's voice was shocked.

The Japanese are really good at hiding it. According to time calculation, the first batch of people who broke out should have appeared long ago, and now I don’t know which batch it is.

There must have been too many people and it was completely unbearable, so I thought of transporting people out.

After all, this news is not exciting for the people in the concession.

"Yes, the most troublesome thing is that cholera patients need to be isolated. The military personnel are too dense. We don't have such conditions here. They all need to be sent to the rear. You can handle it. Thank you for your hard work."

Cholera has a huge destructive power in the army. People in the army are uncomfortable and have diarrhea. How can it be considered a disease?

It can't be considered a disease in normal times, let alone in wartime. When it is discovered that it is cholera, too many people will be infected.

Then comes the massive consumption of medicines.

Zhou Qinghe began to complain.

"Chief of Staff, I'm afraid it's not that easy. Now Gongji Hospital has been occupied by our wounded. The hospital is already at capacity, and the corridors are all our wounded beds. There are too many people in Suzhou and Hexi now, and ordinary people can no longer see a doctor. In fact, the British and Americans are already somewhat dissatisfied.

If more people with cholera are brought in, I'm afraid the British and Americans won't cooperate. "

"Think of a way to make use of your connections. Make sure to make arrangements. The personnel have already set off. They are also accompanied by Commander Matsui's assistant, Colonel Hirata. If you have any difficulties, tell him."

The headquarters obviously considered some issues, such as whether the British and Americans were willing to help. After all, it was a contagious disease. If this broke out in the safe zone in Hexi, Suzhou, the British and Americans would suffer a huge loss.

"Fujita, the Dispatch Army Headquarters is paying attention to this matter. You must do a good job. This is also good for you. Don't let others underestimate your ability." Shinozuka Maomi said from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, let me think of a way."

Zhou Qinghe hung up the phone. He must take over the task. This is his personal ability, but there must be obstacles. In the end, if some wounded people are unable to take care of themselves, this is the problem of the British and Americans. The problem of the situation cannot be blamed on him.

The next step was to investigate the hospital's inventory. All cholera-related drugs were required not to be touched and had to be dispatched by him.

The dean must give Zhou Qinghe this little face, and even promised Zhou Qinghe to place an order quickly.

However, the inventory of a hospital obviously does not have much. If it can meet the needs of a hundred cholera patients, it is not bad, but it is a drop in the bucket.

Two hours later, Zhou Qinghe received a special bus for Japanese cholera casualties from the front line.

These days, people in the concession saw so many Japanese military vehicles coming down the Suzhou River that they were not surprised.

But today, I was still shocked.

Large military trucks came one after another. Usually two trucks were considered a lot. After all, they were all seriously injured, but today a total of fifteen trucks came.

Oh my god, how many wounded are there?

The British lady on the roadside screamed in shock when she saw it.

The main focus is on people who have never seen the world, because as far as Zhou Qinghe knows, this is only the first batch of more than 900 people.

(End of this chapter)

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