Chapter 210 Angry

"Major Fujita, I am Hisao Hirata, the assistant to Commander Matsui."

Hisao Hirata, who was following the car, got out of the car and saw Zhou Qinghe and asked, "Have the hospital affairs been arranged?"

"It's arranged, come with me."

Zhou Qinghe took him to the parking lot, which was originally a place where ambulances were parked, but now it has been cleared out.

"Let them come here on their own and all lie down here to rest."

"Is this the place you were looking for?"

Hisao Hirata was shocked when he looked at the empty space and said dissatisfied: "Major Fujita, your people from the Military Police Headquarters said that you are capable, but you just let our wounded lie in this open space? Why don't you go to the hospital?"

"Colonel Hirata, this is the public hospital, the public hospital of the British and Americans. I have tried my best to let you in. This is an infectious disease!

If you let people infected with cholera go upstairs, I won't tell you whether there is room for them. What if the seriously injured soldiers inside are infected? "

"Then you can't even have a bed, right? Just let them lie on the open ground? Is this what you are capable of?"

Behind him stood many wounded people who had just come off the car. Under the cholera, these people were very weak. They were also a little dissatisfied when they saw the venue. However, Colonel Hirata's actions were very just in their eyes. This was for They work for welfare.

And Zhou Qing and Dr. Fujita knew they were not good people as soon as they saw the treatment they received.

They were already sick and uncomfortable, but this time they were actually left lying on the ground, and a group of wounded people began to curse in dissatisfaction.

"Major Fujita, you heard me, is this how our empire's soldiers are treated when they are injured? Do you have any intentions in doing things?"

Zhou Qinghe frowned. Where did he come from? He knew immediately that he was an idiot who didn't touch the grassroots.

Zhou Qinghe would not be used to him. If he is used to him, he would think that he can be manipulated at will. It is the tradition of the Japanese army to suppress the superiors. At that time, Tojo Akio just wanted to step on him to get the upper hand. Now Zhou Qinghe.

If you can't step on it, you are a commander.

So he waved to the patient.

"come here."

The person pointed out by Zhou Qinghe came over and looked dissatisfied with Zhou Qinghe.

Zhou Qinghe asked the nurse to push a hospital bed over.

"Okay, the bed is here, you can go up."

The wounded man glanced at Hisao Hirata, who didn't say anything, so he bent his body and began to climb up weakly. As soon as he raised his legs, the hospital bed began to roll.

He walked closer, raised his legs, and the bed started rolling again.

He walked closer and tried to lift his legs. Now he knew how difficult it was to get into bed. It was very troublesome to use the bed, but he couldn't admit defeat at this moment.

So I struggled to get on the bed, sucked hard, and finally turned over on the bed.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Hisao Hirata also breathed a sigh of relief and finally went to bed.

"Major Fujita, I know what you mean, but this matter can be solved as long as you find some nurses to help. It's not a big problem. I can help you report to the headquarters and ask for a fund for you to recruit people to serve in the public concession. Our Army"

Before he finished speaking, the wounded man on the bed had a growl in his stomach, his expression changed and he began to flutter. He wanted to get down, but he couldn't get down even with all his strength.

"Help me," he shouted at the top of his lungs.

Hisao Hirata strode forward to help, but it was already too late.

With a pop, the wounded man transformed into a Splatoon.



The scene was a little awkward, and there was a special smell in the air.

Not to mention the bed, it was all contaminated and completely useless. Hisao Hirata's palms were also stained with feces. This was not ordinary feces, but feces carrying cholera bacteria.

Hisao Hirata's expression immediately changed. At this moment, his hand was still holding the patient, either walking or not walking.

"Leave professional matters to professional people, Mr. Hirata, believe me, this is the best way."

Zhou Qinghe stepped forward to help him out, called to the caregivers, and asked them to take action, and the matter passed smoothly.

Hisao Hirata was a little embarrassed, but he still nodded: "Yes, yes, where is the toilet?"

"Take Colonel Hirata to wash up." Zhou Qinghe said to the nurse.

The nurse responded and left with Hisao Hirata.

Zhou Qinghe walked up to the patients and said: "The arrangement I give you is the best we can do at the moment. Don't be dissatisfied. You are the first batch and you have this treatment.

But you have also seen that the place is so big, and you may not be able to accommodate it in the first batch.

You can lie in the parking lot of the hospital, and if you get sick or have problems, you can always have a doctor to help you, but the people who come after you can't stay in the parking lot even if they want to!

If you want to be comfortable, go to a house outside the concession. There are plenty of beds for you to lie on. It is three kilometers away from the hospital. "

"I won't go, I won't go." The Japanese shook his head repeatedly.

Seeing that you are a fool if you don’t understand now, you are just lying in the open space. Compared with being sick and not being treated by a doctor, what does that mean?

So they cooperated very much and grabbed the position. Everyone saw what happened just now. It would save effort to lie down early.

There was no room for 900 people in the parking lot of a hospital. After Hisao Hirata came back from washing, he looked at the people piling up at the door and frowned: "Fujita-kun, what will happen to the more than people next?"

These soldiers heard what Zhou Qinghe said just now. They didn't even lie down in the parking lot of the hospital. There were many people complaining. If you get sick and there is no doctor, it will kill people.

"Go to another hospital, I'll make arrangements."

In the first wave of people, Zhou Qinghe had to arrange it well, even at the expense of his own face. It was an opportunity to prove his ability.

As soon as the soldier heard that there was a hospital parking lot where he could lie down, he immediately became happy, and his previous unwillingness to lie down was forgotten in the blink of an eye.

This scene was seen by the people in the concession. There was no way for so many military vehicles to hide it from anyone.

Then the news that two hospitals in the concession admitted more than 900 cholera patients began to spread, and the rumors created an atmosphere of panic.

Who is not afraid of cholera?

For a time, many people went to the British and American consulates to protest. Seriously injured Japanese soldiers came to the hospital for treatment in the concession. This was already infringing on the rights of citizens in the concession.

This part was saved and saved.

But cholera patients were also admitted, which was so scary that they all asked the big shots in the concession to drive these people out of the concession.

The consulate was also under a lot of pressure. They contacted Zhou Qinghe directly, saying that they wanted to transport people out. They couldn't bear the criticism.

A reporter even came to interview Zhou Qinghe and asked how the soldiers who treated cholera in this way could ensure the safety of the original residents in the concession?

"Dr. Zhou, as far as I know, cholera is mainly spread through water and excrement. With so many cholera patients, their daily excretion volume is very large. If one person has 10 liters a day, more than people will excrete nearly ten tons. things.

With so much excrement circulating in the concession, this is extremely irresponsible to the concession residents. You have no way to ensure the safety of the concession residents.

And this is an irresponsible harm to the patients in the hospital itself. "Dr. Fujita, according to what you said, their nursing staff are specially recruited by the Japanese military, but these people are still residents of the concession. How can you guarantee that they will not bring bacteria out of the hospital during nursing? It's just a bunch of people who don't accept it." How do you ensure the professionalism of ordinary people who train? "

The reporter's questions were pointed.

So Zhou Qinghe spoke eloquently about human rights.

"British and American law cannot discriminate against a soldier who puts down his gun. They are soldiers, but that was before, and now they are patients. As long as they don't hold a gun, they should receive treatment."

"I am a doctor. No matter who is in front of me, as long as they enter the hospital, I will treat them. As for your questions, I can only say that I have the most contact with them. If someone will be infected, I will be the one The first person to be infected."

Some people were moved by the impassioned speech, some felt that what Zhou Qinghe said was right, and some felt that what Zhou Qinghe said was wrong, but it was not important anyway.

Because the next day, a shocking news appeared in newspapers throughout the concession.

The Chinese army was infected because the Japanese army used cholera bombs, and the Japanese were completely self-inflicted.

There are pictures and the truth, and the confessions of the four arrested Japanese have come out.

As soon as the news came out, there were still human rights defenders in the concession who had sympathy for the Japanese wounded and thought they should be treated, but at this moment, they became angry!

Compassion is consumed.

"These demons!"

"Get out of the rental area!"


I'm so angry. This vicious method is simply inhumane.

The angry crowd, led by the Chinese, protested loudly at the gates of the British and American consulates.

At the entrance of the hospital, the nerves of the British Marines were tense. If they did not guard them, the crowd demonstrating at the entrance would probably rush into the hospital and kill the Japanese.

The situation continued to escalate.

More and more people demonstrated, the British and American consulates were slightly attacked, and the hospitals were attacked extensively.

Foreigners joined the demonstrations, and the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in the safe zone suffered disaster, and everyone shouted for beatings.

Even Zhou Qinghe was scolded.

Jingle bell, jingle bell.

Zhou Qinghe, who was hiding in the office and drinking tea leisurely, received a call from the British Consulate.

"Dr. Fujita, I need an explanation."

"Mr. Consul, I'm sorry, I didn't know about this."

“I believe that with your character, Mr. Fujita, it is impossible to do these things.

But someone in your army did it, and I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry, but what I promised you needs to be changed. The hospital can no longer admit your soldiers, and everyone needs to be moved out as soon as possible. I mean immediately, it must be completed within today.

Not only the soldiers suffering from cholera, but all soldiers participating in the war, including those seriously injured who have undergone surgery and those who have not, need to be evacuated.

From today on, our British and American Concessions will not take in any more soldiers who have participated in the war. "

Thank you. "Mr. Consul, this is such a pity."

"Please do it as soon as possible."

"Okay, give me some time."

Zhou Qinghe put down the phone and drank some tea with a contented look on his face. Then he picked up the phone with a face and called the headquarters of the Expeditionary Forces.

"Get me Chief of Staff Shinozuka Maomi."

As soon as the call was connected, Zhou Qinghe's tone was extremely dissatisfied.

"Chief of Staff? I sold all my face and finally got the upper echelons of the British and American Concessions to agree to accommodate our patients. How could something like this happen? My face has been completely humiliated!"

Shinozuka Maomi was beaten by Zhou Qinghe for nothing, but he could understand Zhou Qinghe's emotions. After all, Zhou Qinghe was responsible for the concession.

And when he heard about this, he was as shocked as if he had been struck by lightning.

"I don't know either, Fujita, don't worry, the military department doesn't know about this at all, and we are also investigating."

"Check? It's been published in the newspapers! There must be some dirty hands in the military department!"

Zhou Qinghe continued to spray anger: "Chief of Staff, now the British and American Concession wants our soldiers to evacuate the hospital, the concession! And all the injured, including the seriously injured, will only be given time until 24 o'clock today!"


Shinozuka Maomi was also anxious. The medical technology in the concession was good, but how many seriously injured people would not be treated as a result of this evacuation?

This is equivalent to ruining the lives of many seriously injured people!

The impact of the situation is so bad that it is so great.


Even though Shinozuka Maomi was usually mild-tempered, he cursed angrily and helplessly at this moment.

"Fujita, can you think of another way? We can evacuate those suffering from cholera, but we must retain treatment channels for the seriously injured."

Shinozuka Maomi still wanted to struggle.

"Chief of Staff, please arrange a vehicle to pick up people. I have no choice but to explain in advance that I must explain this matter!

Originally, others only admitted the patients because of my reputation, but now the people in the concession think I knew it and didn't tell them! Yesterday I spoke righteously to the newspaper about human rights. Now how do I behave as a person? How to get out?

My reputation, Kazuki Fujita, cannot be slandered like this! "

Zhou Qinghe hung up the phone dissatisfied.


Shinozuka Masaomi was furious after being hung up on, so he went to the military police commander Iwasataro to file a complaint.

"Fujita is from our Military Police Department. If he is embarrassed, we will be embarrassed. The medical resources we have worked so hard to obtain have been turned into this by their military personnel. Mr. Iwasa, I think we must give an explanation.

Not only for Fujita, but also for ourselves!

You don’t need to notify our Military Police Headquarters when doing something? Or are they afraid that if we are notified, we will refuse, and they will lose a medical channel? "

The sullen Taro Iwasa also felt that this matter was too much. The key was that he knew that Fujita and Qing were in a relationship with the daughter of the Yasuda family and were about to get married.

Whether this matter is given to Fujita Kazuyoshi or the Yasuda family, they must have an explanation, otherwise the Yasuda family will never agree.

"Sending a report to the General Staff Headquarters, Fujita must be given an explanation. I will go to the headquarters to inquire about this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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