The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 211 Release

Chapter 211 Release

Zhou Qing and Bing didn't even bother to see him, and went home directly to Yasuda Chiba to tell him about the matter.

Yasuda Chiba was furious.

"How could they use your reputation to do bad things like this?"

Yesterday we talked about human rights, but today I discovered that the people who care least about human rights are the Japanese themselves. Isn’t this a slap in Mr. Fujita’s face?

Moreover, getting the British and American upper-level officials to agree to allow the hospitals in the public concessions to accept patients required the help of the Yasuda Foundation.

Is this the result?

All face is gone!

Yasuda Chiba couldn't bear it anymore, so she immediately called and asked the Shanghai department to send a report to the local Yasuda family, and asked her father to communicate with the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs to get an explanation for Mr. Fujita.

Zhou Qinghe angrily enjoyed Yasuda Chiba's finger massage and comfort.

Two hours later, his phone number came through.

After urgent discussions at the Shanghai Dispatch Army Headquarters, a decision has been made on the evacuation.

All the patients were evacuated to the other side of the Suzhou River and resettled on site across the bridge, because the field hospital did not have the space to receive such a large number of patients.

The war has been going on so far, with so many seriously injured people, and the cholera outbreak is still happening, it is expected that there will be thousands of people, and no hospital can accommodate them, so they can only deal with them on the spot.

The resettlement matters will be completed by the personnel of the Military Police Command in the rear area, and the treatment will be led by Zhou Qinghe. The headquarters will allocate some medical assistance from the field hospital.

"Fujita, please leave them alone, they still have the nerve to let you preside over the treatment?" Yasuda Chiba said angrily.

Zhou Qinghe was no longer angry now and comforted him: "As a soldier, you can make trouble in personal matters but not in major matters, otherwise the military will never let me go."

"Fujita is really responsible."

"Of course, I'll get busy first."

As subsequent transport vehicles arrived, evacuation began, and truckloads of injured people were transported out of the safe area. Once they crossed the Suzhou River, it was no longer safe.

This caused many seriously injured people to complain constantly.

With their injuries, if they get sick here, they will be waiting to die.

Not to be alarmist.

The road in Hongkou after the artillery bombing was uneven.

A slightly bigger bump, and a seriously injured person lying in the back seat of a large truck died of heavy bleeding.

The carriage was filled with blood, which was very scary.

There are no hospitals in the rear area of ​​HK District, not even many better houses, and medical staff are even rarer. Currently, there are only Captain Fujita and a few military doctors from the Military Police Headquarters. One can imagine how difficult the future will be.

Zhou Qinghe didn't care whether it was difficult or not. His task was to complete the resettlement anyway, so he started to arrange things.

The houses were requisitioned, and the seriously injured were inside, while those infected with cholera sat on the floor against the walls.

Then ask people to find wood, sticks, bamboo, anything that can stand.

The treatment itself is very simple. Put a stick or bamboo next to each person, and then hang salt water on it. If you hang it, you will not die.

As for critically ill patients, especially those who have just undergone thoracic and abdominal surgery, they were still under careful observation by medical staff at Gongji Hospital. Now if their condition fluctuates, there is nothing they can do and they should wait to die.

It’s not that Zhou Qinghe didn’t want to save her, it was easy to build a simple operating room. The problem was that Zhou Qinghe only had one pair of hands, so he really couldn’t save her.

As a result, many Japanese died during this transshipment trip alone.

The Japanese have a lot of emotions in their hearts.

The people in the safe zone of the concession were very happy, waving their vehicles to cross the bridge and cheering.

As soon as the Japanese left, the concession was immediately purified and became several levels cleaner.

For example, the hospital began a general cleaning, trying to wash away the poisonous gas left by the Japanese.

The Japanese businessmen in the concession had a hard time, and nothing happened after the soldiers left, but they were responsible for things done by the same country.

The Japanese in the concession began to be isolated.

In the evening, Zhou Qinghe went home and Yasuda Chiba took out a telegram.

"Dad's reply is here. He said that the most important thing is to get benefits, and leave it to him to handle the military affairs. This time, he will definitely complete your promotion to lieutenant colonel.

Our branch in Shanghai needs to communicate with some newspapers and media, and we must not let Fujita suffer any loss in reputation. "

An important part of the marriage between the Yasuda family and Zhou Qinghe was China's interests. The opening of the hospital relied on Zhou Qinghe's reputation. The Yasuda family would never accept that Zhou Qinghe's reputation was tainted by cholera.

What he was doing was obviously a good thing to save people, but this time it was just an unintentional disaster.

Therefore, Zhou Qinghe’s name must be rectified.

Fortunately, Zhou Qinghe had always had a good reputation in the concession, and then he used money to clear the way, bribed newspapers to say good things, and separated a doctor from the military headquarters. It should not be difficult to deal with this problem.

Lieutenant Colonel, it is still very difficult to be promoted in the Japanese army. Let alone generals, colonels are all princes of the same party, and lieutenant colonel is only one step away from colonel.

If he can be promoted successfully, then after Zhou Qinghe, defeating the previous colonel will not be considered overestimating one's abilities.

At least the difference is not that big.

Zhou Qinghe has some expectations, father-in-law, you have to work hard.

The next day, the second newspaper arranged by Boss Dai appeared.

A large number of soldiers are infected with the disease and medicines are in short supply. We hope that all sectors of society can provide some help.

For a time, patriots in the concession began to vigorously seek medical aid and financial support. From time to time, you could see people holding donation boxes on the street to raise supplies for Chinese soldiers.

All sectors of society have contributed.

They may not dare to ask them to join the army and fight, but many people are willing to donate some money and find some medicine.

As a result, all the medicines in the Anglo-American and French Concessions, except those held by big speculators, began to flow to the Chinese army.

After all, you are not selling to anyone. Selling to the Chinese will have a better reputation than selling to the Japanese.

The big speculators simply feel that the time has not come yet, and it is impossible for these speculators to make money without making money.

Along with Boss Dai's newspaper, there are also Japanese newspapers. It is impossible for Japan to admit the cholera incident and completely deny the evidence presented by the Chinese newspapers.

I don’t know, they are not our people, these Japanese are fake, and the evidence is also forged.

But it is no longer important. First, the Japanese ran around, causing three-quarters of the British and American concessions to be caught in the flames of war. The British and Americans were already angry, and now that this happened, they were even more angry. gas.

The fact that the Japanese were isolated could not be changed.

But the Japanese must not just let this matter go!

To the right of the HK area, at the easternmost edge of the public settlement, there is a factory called the Open University Cotton Factory at the edge.

The Gongda Cotton Mill is a Japanese-owned factory with a complete and tall factory building.

Just two days after the Battle of Songhu started, this place withstood the fierce attack of the 88th German Arms Division for two full days. Even after paying a huge price in casualties, it was still not captured.

Because this cotton mill was a fortification designed in a war pattern from the beginning of its construction, and as soon as the war began, it became a military base for the Marine Corps.

An excellent location that is easy to defend but difficult to attack, it is now both a storage warehouse for the Marine Corps and the office location of the Marine Corps Logistics Department.

The Marine Corps Intelligence Section now has its offices here.

At this moment, the door to the office of the head of the Intelligence Section was violently pushed open, and Commander Matsui's assistant, Hirata Colonel, walked in with a sullen face.

Takeda Kojiro, the head of the Intelligence Section, saw the person coming and immediately stood up to greet him with a smile.

"Why are you here, Mr. Hirata?"

Takeda Kojiro has been living a good life recently. Although the Intelligence Department's originally developed moles lost their value due to the assassination of the previous section chief, after he took over, especially with the massive money offensive before the war, some new valuable moles were captured.

The war showed the value of these moles. Whether it was on the front battlefield or in the sabotage operations behind the scenes, they had some effect.

It was as if the intelligence on paper had actual results in the war, which earned him several commendations.

Come to think of it, he will be promoted to lieutenant colonel soon.

Now that the Sino-Japanese War has entered a tug-of-war period, there is no need to develop moles. We only need to form some plainclothes teams to carry out sabotage operations and spy on the flow of supplies.

The work is really not difficult, and you don’t have to fight on the front line personally. There is no danger to your life. You only need to wait for your subordinates to make achievements. Life is very comfortable and the future is promising.

Therefore, Takeda Kojiro's mood is getting better and better recently.

Hisao Hirata was in a very bad mood.

The Chinese said in newspapers that the cholera was caused by the Japanese, and revealed the names of the troops and the orders of the military department.

As soon as he saw the newspaper, he recognized that the four people were indeed those from the Kamo army.

He was shocked at that time, because the staff of the headquarters knew the people he was contacting, but at that time these people only said that they wanted to sell water purifiers to the military. He did not expect that after refusing, these people actually poisoned him directly. .

It’s hard to explain this matter now, because many Japanese soldiers were affected by cholera. The impact was so bad that even the headquarters couldn’t suppress it. The division commanders who led the team came to ask the headquarters for an explanation. .

He was pushed to the forefront.

After all, who knows if it was the advice he gave in private, otherwise why would these civil servants be so bold?

Send a report asking Ishii Shiro of the Kamo troops, did he authorize his subordinates to do this?

Shiro Ishii denied it directly.

"How could I authorize such a big thing? It must be a Chinese conspiracy."

"The Chinese had cholera themselves, and then they got the cholera bacteria, and then they poisoned our army. This is a fact!"

When Shiro Ishii said this, Hisao Hirata could only follow suit. At least he could blame it on the Chinese, although he did not believe that the Chinese had this ability at all.

After fooling the division commander below, he at least gave a reasonable reason. The staff department was not that easy to fool.

The cholera incident caused Japan to be isolated among the countries in the concession. Even the seriously injured people in the Gongji Hospital were kicked out, resulting in the death of many injured people, and the relief channels in this safe zone were completely cut off.

Whether it is in public opinion in the concession or in terms of international reputation, it has dealt a huge blow to Japan's image.

The situation is extremely bad!

Afterwards, people in the concessions helped the Chinese army raise supplies, which had a real impact.

Many staff members of the General Staff subsequently attacked him, because the General Staff Headquarters had reprimanded him, and a scapegoat had to be found internally for this matter. Whether it was Hisao Hirata's idea or not, Hisao Hirata was the most suitable person.

If he hadn't thought of a quick idea and asked Commander Matsui to save him, he would have committed seppuku.

That was the idea he came up with in the staff department.

"Now that things are like this, let's expand the impact, collect the excrement of cholera patients, poison the Chinese army, and let the cholera outbreak continue."

"At the same time, cut off the medicine supply line of the Chinese army. Everyone, you have also seen the newspapers. The Chinese army is in urgent need of medicine. They are seeking assistance in the concession. We cannot stop this, but we can rob and destroy it. We will follow They compete with each other to see who can resist!”

"The Chinese army has a large number of people and consumes a lot of money. Once a cholera outbreak breaks out, medicines will definitely not be supplied. This will cause a huge blow to their morale and their combat effectiveness will be rapidly reduced."

"And by occupying the coastline, we can quickly transport medicines from China. This plus or minus will increase the combat effectiveness of our army exponentially."

As soon as the suggestion came out, the staff of the staff department immediately agreed. It was indeed a good idea.

Hisao Hirata saved his life, so he came this time to let Takeda Kojiro do something.

"Chief Takeda, your recent work performance has been very poor." Hisao Hirata came up and scolded him with a straight face, and started playing with his work.

Takeda Kojiro's good mood turned into confusion: "Your Excellency Hirata, why did you say this?"

"Four Japanese disappeared in the concession, and you didn't get any information.

Chinese businessmen collect pharmaceutical aid for the Chinese army. Do you monitor these people? Do you have any assassination plans for these Chinese businessmen who cannot be used by us?

Your intelligence department has been in Shanghai for so long. Have you tried to win over the Chinese businessmen in the concession? Why are they all doing things for the Chinese? Businessmen are greedy for profit, are they all so selfless?

Or are you not working hard at all? "

"My current focus is not on the concession."

Takeda Kojiro felt a little guilty when he was scolded, but he immediately became tough with the following tradition: "Your Excellency Hirata, the work of our Intelligence Section is responsible to the Naval Command and the war. As long as it is effective, I don't need to explain it to you. .”

"Now I will convey the order from the dispatch army headquarters."

Hisao Hirata finally discovered that the majors in Shanghai were very individual. Fujita and Kiyoshi dared to contradict him, and Takeda Kojiro also dared to contradict him.

Upon hearing that it was an order issued directly from the dispatched army headquarters, Takeda Kojiro stood up straight and nodded.


"The work of the Marine Corps Intelligence Section has fully shifted to destroying the Chinese military's medicines and logistics channels. If we can, we will rob them; if we can't, we will destroy them!"

As for the businessmen in the concession who help the Chinese army, regardless of whether they are Chinese or not, formulate an assassination strategy. Those who can be won over will be given priority, and those who cannot be won over will be assassinated decisively. This order will be implemented immediately! The headquarters wants to see your results immediately! "


As soon as Hisao Hirata left, Kojiro Takeda began to arrange new tasks.

Since the work has shifted from destroying facilities such as bridges and circuits to grabbing medicines and logistical supplies, the direction of the work is easily determined.

One is the port of Pudong. Pudong is in the hands of the Chinese, and medicinal supplies can come in from there, so elite plainclothes teams are sent there to plunder it by force.

The second is the circulation of materials in the concession. The concession has its own port. If the Chinese receive overseas aid, the route should be from the port warehouse through the public concession to the French Concession, and then from the Nanshi below the French Concession to the hands of the Shanghai army.

Because there is a war going on, it is unrealistic to transport supplies.

Therefore, as long as we monitor these two directions, we can monitor the Chinese military's aid channels.

The plainclothes teams required for both jobs require strong combat capabilities, while the work within the concession requires strong intelligence capabilities.

Collecting lists of people who dare to provide medicine to the Chinese army, and recruiting people to instigate rebellion and assassination are all very familiar tasks, and his men can complete them.

After analyzing it, he called the naval headquarters and dispatched ten elite troops with a total of 500 people to carry the radio to Pudong.

As for Nanshi, five troops with a total of 250 people were dispatched to take sampans and go ashore directly from the Nanshi coastline via the Huangpu River, waiting for information and waiting for opportunities to dispatch.

As for the concession, his intelligence section has nearly 300 intelligence personnel. Currently, people are engaged in sabotage operations in Zhabei, and there are still more than people who can be dispatched to collect information.

These are old intelligence officers who have lived in the concession for several years. I believe they will soon be able to help him find out the list of businessmen in the concession who help the Chinese army.

First win over, then assassinate. Businessmen are active figures, so it is easy to find them.

The job wasn't too difficult and he could still drink tea.

"You have to be careful and secretive. The people in the concession are currently very unfriendly to us Japanese. You must pay attention to your remarks. You cannot say that you are a soldier, but a civilian or a businessman."

Before setting off, Takeda Kojiro carefully gave instructions to his men.

"Hi." His subordinate nodded heavily.

Following the order, the hundreds of intelligence officers were divided into twenty-five groups, carrying radios and setting off from the Dagong Cotton Factory to the concession.

When passing by the Suzhou River, you have to ask Zhou Qinghe's gendarmerie to get a seal to let you pass.

So he had to call Zhou Qinghe.

(End of this chapter)

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