The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 28 Progress

Chapter 28 Progress
Phew, facing the evening breeze, Zhou Qinghe walked out of the door of the Secret Service, exhaled a long breath, and then stretched.

It suits him not to participate in military affairs. If he has time to fight with the big soldiers, he might as well rest and exercise.

He just waits to be rewarded based on his merits.

Wang Yong should come to work tomorrow, so we still have to hurry up in training, time is tight.

Time passed day by day, and Gu Zhiyan never showed up in the interrogation department. Even the director often went out.

Zhou Qinghe's life is very leisurely. He trains at the training ground from morning to night every day.

Of course, he had not forgotten the progress of his wife's recovery.

Before lunch every day, he went to the official residence to visit his wife. With the ID of the attendant's room, the heavily guarded official residence was unimpeded.

Go before the meal, come back before the meal, and never stay for the meal.

The wife often said she would stay for dinner, but he couldn't eat. People have to know the difference between politeness and a true invitation.

Madam is still lying in bed drinking porridge. Is it appropriate for him to eat big fish and meat?

After I recover, I can have a meal to celebrate, and we’ll talk about it then.

Now Wang Yong is completely convinced by Chief Zhou. Zhou Qinghe's physical fitness is excellent, and the most outstanding thing is his marksmanship.

The hand is steady, very steady.

The marksmanship training was only one day. Wang Yong taught Zhou Qinghe how to shoot and how to control the recoil, and then Zhou Qinghe showed him how to hit the target with the gun.

Is this hand too steady?
"Commander, I have been in the army for so many years and have seen many sharpshooters, but you are the first to have such a steady hand from the beginning that you will not be affected by the surrounding environment at all."

Target shooting on the spot is nothing. He can harass him with punches, let dogs bite him, throw grenades next to Zhou Qinghe, etc.

Except for the first grenade explosion that caused Zhou Qinghe to fluctuate, at other times, Zhou Qinghe was able to react and shoot steadily.

I really admire Wang Yong, he is steady and accurate, a natural shooter.

"It's nothing, maybe every qualified surgeon can do it."

Zhou Qinghe really didn't think it was a big deal. A steady hand is what a surgeon needs.

In addition, he is now in very good physical condition, with a steady mind and hands, so it is inevitable that he can shoot accurately.

The firearms course ended quickly and turned into daily training exercises, followed by fighting tutorials.

Wang Yong finally found the feeling of being an instructor.

Zhou Qinghe is really inexperienced in this aspect.

These are all life-saving skills, so Zhou Qinghe learned them very seriously and worked hard, and was beaten frequently.

With Wang Yong, a gold medal personal trainer, providing one-on-one sparring, my progress is not slow.

Time passed day by day until the eighth day, Zhou Qinghe went to the secret service office as usual and finally saw Gu Zhiyan coming to work.

Gu Zhiyan was cheerful and seemed to be in a good mood.

"I came back yesterday afternoon. I knew you must have gone to training, so I didn't bother you."

"People feel good when happy events happen, Section Chief, this is a big happy event." Zhou Qinghe joked.

"I can't do without you."

In the past few days, Gu Zhiyan had endured the pressure of the military camp and made a knife, finally putting an end to the trouble left by this moth.

"The munitions warehouse has become his back garden. He can move whatever he wants and sell whatever he wants. The school officer dealt with three of them, and a major general and division commander was also taken down. This time the Secret Service exposed him severely. Boss Dai showed his majesty with all his face!"

"Major General?" Huo, that's a really big shot, Zhou Qinghe was speechless beside him.

You must know that it is not yet the time when the war has fully broken out, and promotion of military ranks is not easy. Unlike after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, casualties increased and major generals and division commanders changed frequently.

The current major general and division commander is still a real and important figure, and he is the major general and division commander of the direct line unit, a real and powerful figure.

Let Boss Dai handle one, which really enhances the reputation of the Secret Service.

"When the matter is over, it's time to reward the merits. It's estimated that there will be action today. Don't go out today. It's convenient if you have something to do."

"So fast?" After reporting the summary of the trial, Zhou Qinghe thought that it would take another ten days and a half. This was already an extraordinary display of the agency's speed.

"Boss Dai is happy. Just wait. Come, come to my place for coffee."

Gu Zhiyan walked in first, then suddenly turned around and almost bumped into Zhou Qinghe who was about to follow.

He looked at the suit Zhou Qinghe was wearing and said, "Go and change into your military uniform first, so as not to waste time later."

"Changing into military uniforms? That's not a big deal, is it?"

Changing the military uniform meant that he might receive a rank, but Zhou Qinghe felt that he had just arrived, and in this case, he had played a role in breaking through the staff in the prison. The rest was a matter of ransacking the house, so You can bring your dog with you for anything.

It's not something he has to do.

It's impossible to upgrade him at all. It would be nice if he could be given a commendation and recorded in the record.

After all, I can accumulate merit for my next promotion.

"Impossible." Zhou Qinghe shook his head after thinking about it.

"Change it." Gu Zhiyan smiled.

He couldn't say whether he would be promoted or not, but seeing that the director was so happy, what if?Be prepared.


Zhou Qinghe didn't hesitate either.

Anyway, he is a civilian, not a field agent of the Secret Service who wears plainclothes to work every day. No one said anything about him wearing military uniform.

What if a person who usually wears plainclothes in a field unit suddenly changes into a military uniform and is full of confidence and ready to accept rewards. However, without him in the reward process, people will laugh to death for laughing. Do you still want your face?
After changing into a military uniform and letting Wang Yong work in the big office to familiarize himself with the department's affairs, Zhou Qinghe went to the section chief's place to drink coffee and chat.

The notification came faster than expected, and the secretary office informed him half an hour later.

"There will be a section chief-level summary meeting in the conference room at ten o'clock. Gu Zhiyan, the chief of the interrogation section, will attend the meeting, as will Zhou Qinghe, the section chief."

"I'm telling you, there's a show."

Gu Zhiyan gave Zhou Qinghe a "do you think so" look, then stood up and straightened out his clothes.

"It'll start in just 10 minutes. Get ready. We'll be there soon."

"it is good."

Zhou Qinghe also stood up and patted his military uniform to make it neater.

He glanced at Gu Zhiyan from the corner of his eye and found that Gu Zhiyan was really happy today. It seemed that there was good news.

Gu Zhiyan looked at Zhou Qinghe with a scrutinizing look, and then expressed satisfaction with the clothes.

"He is a talented person. He is a lieutenant at a young age. If he can add another star this time, it will be even more perfect."

Gu Zhiyan does have good news.

He successfully got the gun from the warehouse and handed it to Fang Mingqing of Nan'an Winery.

Fang Mingqing immediately put the gun in the dead mailbox and immediately telegraphed to his superiors.

After receiving it, the superior forwarded it to the NJ Municipal Committee, and the Municipal Committee notified the transfer station.

He Shouyi, the owner of Qiyuan Bookstore in charge of the transfer station, took the guns from the dead mailbox and handed them over to Special Correspondent No. 029.

All tasks at the Nanjing transfer station have been completed. The special correspondent has set off, carrying electronic equipment with his subordinates dispersedly, and transferred to Shanghai to rebuild Shanghai's underground intelligence network.

And last night.

He received a coded broadcast message on the radio.

The special commissioner has arrived in Shanghai safely and announced the award.

Gu Zhiyan felt that it was great to have Zhou Qinghe as his subordinate.

Being able to solve problems and make his work go smoothly is much better than the two idiots in the medical stock market.

(End of this chapter)

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