The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 29 Promotion

Chapter 29 Promotion
Two conference rooms 10 minutes later.

When Gu Zhiyan and Zhou Qinghe entered.

Section chief-level figures, secretaries in the secretarial office, deputy directors, and directors are all present.

If it is normal, the little people will naturally arrive first, and the big people will always appear last.

But today, even the most stupid person knows that the heroes are the two at the door, and they should be the last to appear.

For no other reason than to give these two a hard slap in the face of the military, letting the people in the military know that the existence of the Secret Service is valuable and must exist.

This is especially important!
"Director." The two of them stood still.

"Come in." Dai Yunong raised his hand with a satisfied look on his face and said, "Welcome to the heroes of our Secret Service."

Bang bang bang, applause rang out, and everyone was smiling. After all, slapping the army is an honor for everyone in the Secret Service.

Dai Yunong pressed his hands: "Okay, this incident has also given us a warning. The situation is difficult, so you must not slack off."

"Yes." Everyone sat upright.

"Promotion order!"

Dai Yunong glanced at everyone, picked up the appointment letter on the table, and shouted: "Hereby, Major Gu Zhiyan is promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel, effective immediately!"

Gu Zhiyan took a step forward, and Dai Yunong picked up the rank box and personally changed the collar badge for him.

Bang bang bang, warm applause sounded.

Dai Yunong gave a few words of encouragement, returned to the table, and picked up another serving.

"Hereby, Lieutenant Zhou Qinghe is promoted to the rank of captain, effective immediately!"

Zhou Qinghezhen didn't expect that he would be promoted so easily. For a moment, he couldn't believe it.

But looking at Dai Yunong's smiling eyes, he immediately stood up straight.

Bang bang bang, more enthusiastic applause sounded.

If people present thought that Gu Zhiyan's promotion was an old scalper-style promotion with sufficient qualifications and new skills, they would understand and think it was very normal.

He was fully aware of Zhou Qinghe's promotion.

Although the credit this time is not big, after seeing a doctor for a distinguished person, Boss Dai must have benefited from it. The number of visits to the department is increasing day by day. Isn't it normal to give an exceptional reward?

Let's talk about a civil service. It is relatively easy to get promoted. The key point is that Zhou Qinghe is still a doctor. Who can avoid getting sick?

Maybe one day I'll ask for it.

No one opened their eyes.

At that moment, the applause was very enthusiastic, and there was a smile on the lips, full of sincerity.

"Keep up the good work." Dai Yunong put on the captain's collar badge for Zhou Qinghe.

"Thank you Director!"

Zhou Qinghe stood at attention and performed military salutes.

"Chief Zhou is a very talented person."

After the serious time passed, someone began to smile and praise. Zhou Qinghe smiled back and nodded. Judging from the order of the seats, he should be a deputy director-level figure.

Next, he attended the meeting as a non-voting delegate. The content of the meeting was nothing more than conveying the principal's emphasis on military affairs and his praise for the work of the Secret Service, and then moved on to everyone's praise of Boss Dai for his insight into heroes.

Zhou Qing and his buttocks who were sitting below felt pain when they heard this. They had heard it too much in their previous lives, and they had to listen to it again in this life.

Hey, there is no way.

At the end of the meeting, Boss Dai said that six new departments would be added, and personnel would be recruited from different places. It is expected that the increase would be 700 people, and 120 people would be transferred from the Hangzhou Police Academy alone to the Special Agents Department. This shocked him. related to him.

"New Intelligence Section, Operations Section, number three, 120 people per section, additional new sections"

After the six departments finished speaking, Boss Dai said:

"In addition, the functions of the medical unit remain unchanged, and the establishment will be increased by ten people. Ten people will be selected by Hangzhou Police Academy personnel to enter." Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this. What did Boss Dai mean?Why does the medical unit need people from the police academy?

Zhou Qinghe didn't understand either, but Boss Dai had no intention of explaining. Instead, he directly started arranging the department heads and personnel.

Everyone ignored this episode. There were only ten people. How important were the six new departments? There were six to seven hundred people. Then the big bosses began to compete for power in the new departments.

After the meeting, Secretary Mao said with a smile: "Congratulations, you have become a captain so quickly. Brother, when I was your age, I was just a lieutenant."

"The Director is just caring."

Zhou Qinghe said modestly, and Secretary Mao also talked about the real reason for calling him: "The director asked me to tell you that those ten people will be used in the future. You can arrange something casually now to let them get familiar with the medical treatment." Just stocks, no need to specially manage them

When he needs it, he will tell you personally. "


Zhou Qinghe nodded. Since it was Dai Yunong's plan for the future, he couldn't think of a reason now. Maybe he just took advantage of the current large-scale entrance to make arrangements.

Anyway, Dai Yunong arranged these ten people to join the medical unit, and it was impossible to restrain him. This was for sure.

Moreover, what’s the constraint?
Supervise him to work hard and not sneak away for training without pay?
In the afternoon, the celebration began.

The promotions of Zhou Qing and lieutenants were common, but every promotion of school officers was particularly important.

As the protagonist, Gu Zhiyan booked a banquet hall and invited leaders above the captain level to have dinner and dance to celebrate.

This is also the practice for promotion within the military.

People feel refreshed during happy events. Even though renting a banquet hall is expensive, it’s worth it.

Zhou Qinghe, just take it easy and save some money.

I have been training these past few days, and today is a rare day off to relax, so that I can fight again later and become more courageous as I fight.

You can see improvements almost every day in your workouts, and this feeling of getting stronger is truly addictive.

In the banquet hall, Zhou Qinghe acted like a transparent person.

All the school officers are bright-eyed characters. Although the protagonist is Gu Zhiyan, they will not neglect him, the popular person of the division chief. It is always necessary to have a drink and say a few words.

When another lieutenant takes the initiative to raise a wine glass, it is already a matter of honor. If it were done to other lieutenants, they would laugh out loud in their dreams, and they could brag about it at the wine table for several years.

Zhou Qinghe could only drink with them one by one. He had no choice but to recognize his military rank.

After finishing the round, find a sofa to sit on.

As a result, Section Chief Zeng came over with a smile and sat down on the sofa. Most of the sofa collapsed.

"I'm looking for you. I'm hiding here. You became a captain within a month of joining the Secret Service. You are ruining the history of the Secret Service."

"Lieutenants are worthless. I didn't realize there were all school officers in front of me."

For Zeng Haifeng, Zhou Qinghe was much more casual. He raised his chin and gestured towards the crowd, sipping the red wine glass.

"You've got a bargain but you're still good." Zeng Haifeng chuckled, took a sip of wine, approached Zhou Qinghe and said, "Hey, let's get down to business. That's what you get for eating two fish."

"Is it?"

Zhou Qinghe immediately became energetic.

A long time has passed since Ono, who had his teeth knocked out, revealed the location.

If the suspect didn't show up, he would doubt whether Zeng Haifeng had been discovered.

Because according to Ono's confession, the fat man came to him once a week to get a secret report.

This proves that this person is in Nanjing. Even if he is not in Nanjing, at least he is in and out of Nanjing very frequently.

Not to mention the half of the fish in the newspaper office, this half of the fat-headed fish should be found.

Having a fat head and big ears is also a characteristic that distinguishes him from ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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