The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 288 Medicine

Chapter 288 Medicine
Ministry of Health and Welfare, Office of Kuhiko Koizumi.

Koizumi Kuhiko sat expressionlessly on his office chair, holding a samurai sword in one hand and wiping it carefully with a rag in the other.

In fact, after he was transferred to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, when he calmed down, he discovered that the power behind this conspiracy probably did not come from Fujita Kazuki, but from His Majesty the Emperor.

Without the tacit consent of His Majesty the Emperor, Fujita Kazuki would never be able to hold the position of a minister.

It's just that it's too late to wake up now. I have been holding on to a fluke mentality for the past two days, and now it's time to throw away the last fluke.

If you are caught and put on trial, your reputation will be ruined. If you commit suicide, you can still save some face.

"Long live the Emperor."

He put the knife on his abdomen and shouted "Long live the Emperor" as a last act of dignity.

But he stopped moving.

He was still extremely angry.

"It's almost time. What can I do if I don't agree?"

The lion opens its mouth or the military is more awesome.

If it weren't for his family, he would have taken Fujita and Qing away together, feeling aggrieved.


The new military medical director was quickly appointed, and the Minister of Health and Welfare transferred people from the military hospital to serve as mascots.

He doesn't agree!
After working hard all his life to reach the highest level of a military doctor, why should he be forced to commit suicide by caesarean section here by a junior?
"Ah!" a low voice shouted.

In the Ministry of Health and Welfare, they have also reserved a place for the Yasuda family. From today on, the Minister of Health and Welfare and the Yasuda family have formed an alliance. In the field of medicine, everyone will advance and retreat together.

Kenichi Yasuda shook his head and smiled slowly: "The plan is a plan, and the expenditure is an expenditure. Last year, more than 30 billion was the budget. In fact, it is estimated that it will cost 50 billion this year. Now there are millions of troops, and there will definitely be more next year, so the military department once Asking for sex costs 60 billion.”

Wait a few days to let him calm down the turmoil in the medical bureau and go through the work process first.

But Fujita Kazuki is not the case. At this age, he can still work for several decades. In the future, what force in the medical field can withstand the impact and efforts of the first person in surgery for decades?

Therefore, you must give way when you should.

If there is less production, there will be less things on the market, the foreign exchange has been exhausted, and there will be even less things that can be imported.

Therefore, the war cannot stop. No matter how difficult it is for the Tibetan Minister and the new Prime Minister, they must raise military expenditures without losing a penny.

At least it is impossible to shake the power accumulated by the Minister of Health and Welfare over the years.

Fujita and Kiyoshi are too young. They are not afraid of their opponents being high-ranking, but they are afraid that their opponents are still young because of their skills.

However, the domestic labor force was drawn to the front line by a large number of conscripts. The output value of various domestic industries, except for the military industry, can be said to have shrunk on a large scale, and the production volume of daily necessities has dropped sharply.

Koizumi Kuhiko was considered a heinous criminal. If he died, then the bacterial force he supported in the Northeast, led by military doctor Shiro Ishii, would have to find a way to deal with it.

The main reason for a deeper exchange is that the Minister of Health and Welfare is optimistic about Fujita Kazuki's future development.

If Fujita Kazuyoshi is 50 years old this year, no matter how superb his medical skills are as a surgeon, no matter how he claims to be the best in heart disease, if he reaches his age, his medical skills will have come to an end, and his power will not develop.

The consequence is that money is still money, and the prices of things on the market keep rising.

Once the power is purged, the exchange of interests with the Konoe clan and the Minister of Health and Welfare will begin.

Money is worthless and people's livelihood is in decline.

Of course, in the medical bureau, they are only responsible for eating meat and drinking soup, handing over all the right to speak, and unconditionally support all decisions made by Fujita Kazuki. This is also the basis for everyone's cooperation.

"Can the Ministry of Finance take it out?"

"So much? Wasn't it more than 30 billion last year?" Zhou Qinghe was shocked, it doubled.

The war against the Soviet Union is hopeless in a short time. The Chinese army must be wiped out and all the land and resources occupied. This is the key to Japan's take-off and solving all domestic problems.

Even if we live near the sea, the price of fish that we once fed to pigs has increased several times.

In the evening, Yasuda Kenichi asked Zhou Qinghe to go back for dinner.

With a hiss, Koizumi Kuhiko realized the true meaning of caesarean section.

"Today the cabinet met to discuss next year's military expenditures. The military department asked for 60 billion."

As long as you eat meat, it's okay. If you try to grab the right to speak, you're short-sighted.

While Zhou Qinghe was rectifying the internal affairs of the Military Medical Bureau, the promotion of policies promulgated by the new prime minister from outside also entered a climax period.

As the war expanded and the war against the Soviet Union failed, equipment losses were heavy, which increased military expenditures.

"You have to take it even if you can't take it out. The military department said, 'It is necessary to increase military expenditures! This must not change! Otherwise, if the war is lost, Japan will be in dire straits!', you see, what they say makes sense."

As the Minister of Health and Welfare, who controls the country's medical resources, even if he wants to arrange for his own person to take over, he has to consider whether the position under his buttocks can be securely sat.

Essentially, it can't be beaten.

"Suicide? Okay, I understand."

In the Office of the Military Medical Bureau, Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows when he received the call. He put down the phone and stood up and walked to the wine cabinet. He had to open a bottle of wine to celebrate.

In fact, it is to give two good positions to their people inside, so that they can drink soup with Zhou Qing and Youkou in the Military Medical Bureau.

The annual excess military expenditure is a hard expenditure, and the source of the military expenditure must be found. The money printing machine cannot be stopped for a moment, and it keeps running and smoking.

If you can't beat him, join in. Get on the bus early so that you don't have to drink soup later. Everyone cooperates for a win-win situation. If you invest in both sides, he will definitely make money without losing money.

"Is that a debt issuance?"


"Heh." Zhou Qinghe sighed with a laugh.

Without precious metal anchors and foreign exchange reserves, the previous issuance of war bonds has caused the domestic economy to enter a major inflationary cycle.

If we continue to print so much money, Japan will probably experience hyperinflation.

"Your medical bureau should have a lot of money. Have you thought about how to spend the money?" Kenichi Yasuda reminded with a smile.

"Then I have to think about it carefully." Zhou Qinghe smiled.

It's so easy to get money, 60 billion. As a member of the Army Ministry, Zhou Qinghe really had to think hard about how to spend the money.

The military expenditures of any department can be reduced, but the military expenditures of the Military Medical Bureau can only be increased but not reduced.

How can I reduce the cost of medicines if I can save two rounds of artillery shells?
Therefore, the Military Medical Bureau has received a lot of military expenditures over the years.

After thinking for a while, he said: "After the cabinet deliberations are completed, it will be the imperial meeting, right?"

The final plan must be approved by the Emperor.

"Yes." Yasuda Kenichi looked at Zhou Qinghe with interest after hearing this, "What's wrong? What do you think?"

"Of course I have an idea, I'll think about it."

This is an opportunity. Zhou Qinghe needs to think about it carefully.

Now that the first step of controlling the medical situation has been completed, the next work plan will be divided into two steps. The first step is to let the medicines carefully produced by Japanese people eventually flow to the anti-war areas, so as to achieve the purpose of one and the other. .

This is much more reliable than simply sabotaging, such as producing counterfeit and shoddy products, causing the Japanese troops to be poisoned and sick on the front lines.

The key is that he has no responsibility. With so many departments involved in the material transportation process, and being robbed in China, it has nothing to do with him.

This job is long-term and easy to do. For example, you only need to tell Boss Dai the route information. Under a single line of contact, even if the military commander is caught by mistake, there will be no information that can be pinned back to him. Source It could only be the mysterious military commander Boss Dai.

The second step is to make meritorious deeds.

After winning the Military Medical Bureau, Fujita Kazuki's journey of meritorious service will continue, and it must be dazzling. He must not be reduced to mediocrity just because of his position in the Medical Bureau.

To make great contributions to the Japanese, more military expenditures must be spent, and money must be made. Military expenditures must be spent on the handle and back of the sword. In the end, the Japanese must not feel that Fujita and Kiyoshi spent the wrong money. Feathers must not be dirty. of.

This structure of doing things that both want and want is quite difficult.

After thinking about what happened recently, Zhou Qinghe felt that this matter should be started in the Northeast. It just so happened that he shut down Ishii Shiro's Bacteriology Research Institute in the Northeast first.

Public opinion is a good thing, especially the rhetoric of Britain and the United States. It should be picked up and used when it is useful.

Send news to the British and American consulates that the Japanese army was conducting human experiments on bacteria in the Northeast. Due to improper preservation, the tuberculosis bacteria leaked, which directly led to the outbreak of tuberculosis in the Kwantung Army and Fengtian City.

The British and American consulates take it very seriously.

Although everyone has conducted research in this area, from an international perspective, this is an absolutely devilish act and must be punished!
What if one day this thing is used on them?
The news was sent to the international media, causing a global uproar. This matter was easy to verify, because many countries had consulates in Manchuria. The tuberculosis outbreak, combined with the movements and tense atmosphere of the Japanese army in the city, was a sure thing.

When the news came back to Japan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately refuted it, saying that the Japanese army would not conduct any human experiments. This was completely malicious slander by some people, and it was simply a crazy and shameless slander.

This time there were no photos or evidence, so it was just a war of words, and the final result would definitely be nothing.

But Zhou Qinghe's goal was achieved.

Just an introduction.

Two days later, Zhou Qinghe went to the hospital to visit Hirohito.

"Your Majesty, how are you feeling today?" Zhou Qinghe asked while checking. "With you helping me recover, of course I am getting better day by day." Hirohito recovered well and was in a good mood. He puffed out his chest and showed off his giant height of 1.63 meters.

As for the news about human experiments in newspapers, of course he had seen it, but this matter was a matter for the military department, and for war, it was also necessary to study weapons of mass destruction.

He didn't think there was any problem. At most, he was briefly angry about the leak of the news and scolded the Kwantung Army a few times for being idiots. This kind of location could be known to others and then forgotten.

Not something important.

Zhou Qinghe didn't mention this matter, so he just chatted casually and accompanied Hirohito to do recovery exercises.

After a while, his subordinates came to report.

"Your Majesty, the ministers are waiting outside. Do you think the meeting will be held now or later?"

The imperial meeting used to be held in the palace, but now that Hirohito stays in the ward for a long time, the imperial meeting has to be moved here.

"Let them come in and talk." Hirohito now likes to stand and talk to others.

In the past, I really didn’t like to show my back, and I never took photos from the side. But now it’s different. I can rotate 360 ​​degrees without any blind spots.

"Your Majesty." A group of ministers from the cabinet came in. After saying hello and greetings, they talked about recent major events, mainly the military expenditure bill.

"We have preliminary communication with the two houses of parliament. They agree with this military expenditure bill. Now we will submit it to His Majesty for his approval. If Your Majesty agrees, we will submit it to the whole parliament for a vote."

"So much." Hirohito frowned after hearing the number 60 billion. The good mood of the day really started to disappear when he saw these old guys.

"The current situation in the country is very bad. You don't know, so why can't you cut some money where it is not necessary? How much money does the national finance have? 220 billion. You want to take away so much in one go. What will the country do?"

“Part of it is raised from the private sector through the issuance of government bonds.”

"Your Majesty, this is necessary."

The Military Ministry and the Ministry of Finance have now agreed that the war must continue and there is no other way.

Hirohito actually wants both structure and structure. He wants to win but doesn't want to spend money. It would be best if he could still make some money.

But now I only care about spending money, and it makes me feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

The result would not change, Hirohito pinched his nose and admitted it.

"The country is now kidnapped by the military!"

"These people in the military department really don't know how to save their money!"

"How could those idiots in the military put the country in a dilemma if they didn't insist on attacking Wuhan?"

As soon as they left, Hirohito began to curse in front of Zhou Qinghe.

This saves Zhou Qinghe the step of taking the initiative to stir up trouble, he can just climb up the ladder.

Even when Hirohito was angry, he still kept exercising. After all, this was the most comforting thing for him now.

Zhou Qinghe said while commanding, "Your Majesty, increase revenue and reduce expenditure. I think if the military expenditure continues to exceed expenditures, we still have to find ways to make some money."

"How to make money?" Hirohito squinted. Everyone knows how to make money, but the problem now is that there is nowhere to make money.

"Have you read the newspapers from the past two days? It's about the Manchurian bacterial force."

"I know, what's wrong? That's not your responsibility. It's already there. The Kwantung Army people didn't do a good job of keeping it secret. It has nothing to do with you. Just tell them to do a good job of keeping it secret."

Hirohito thought that Fujita Kazuki was afraid of taking responsibility, so he took the initiative to comfort his beloved minister.

"This incident gave me some inspiration at the time. The germ army incident was fermented in the international media, which led to a bad reputation in Japan. Although they could not find any evidence, word-of-mouth does not need evidence.

I was just thinking, what exactly did this bacterial army bring to us? Does he need to exist? "

"Shouldn't it exist?" Hirohito asked.

"It should exist. Studying bacteria is definitely a good thing, but I think this army is going in the wrong direction." Zhou Qinghe raised his hand towards the bed, "Your Majesty, sit down and I'll tell you."

Zhou Qinghe took out his diagnosis and treatment notebook and started drawing pictures on it.

"You see, this is this bacterial army. Its main job is to study some of the damage caused by bacteria to the human body and to provide some treatment options.

It cost money and gave us a bad reputation, but what was the effect? Judging from the effect of the battle report, it can only be said to be very average.

Let me give you an example of two things. When I was in Shanghai, I saw the effect of this bacterial force. You should have the impression that cholera broke out among the Shanghai Expeditionary Force, causing heavy losses to our people. In fact, it was their problem. "

Hirohito nodded. This incident caused a great sensation at the time. It was also the first time that the germ force was exposed to the world.

"The Battle of Shanghai proved that these people were not only useless, but also caused harm to ourselves. The reason? Bacteria are uncontrollable. They can injure the enemy a thousand times and injure themselves eight hundred. It may even be the other way around, injuring the enemy eight hundred themselves. Losing a thousand, Shanghai is such an example.”


“Then the second example was our battle against the Soviet Union in Mongolia.

I read the battle report of the Military Medical Bureau. When the Kwantung Army went up, the gas bombs and bacterial bombs of this army also went up. As you can see, their presence was very weak. They may have caused some casualties, but the outcome of the battle could only be Said it had no impact.

This is something that cannot be won on a frontal battlefield. It is impossible to rely on them to win. "

Hirohito nodded slightly and frowned slightly when looking at Zhou Qinghe's drawing paper.

Zhou Qinghe continued: "The other way around, which is what I mean by making money, bacteria have two sides, one is damage and the other is elimination.

Tuberculosis broke out in Manchuria, and the gang was helpless.

What if the research direction of these people is treatment, not harm?

Your Majesty, this is the point of making money I want to tell you. "

"In terms of international relations, since the second Shanghai Incident, our country has been de facto isolated by other countries in the world, and has been de facto sanctioned by some countries. International relations are not good, and things like this have a bad reputation.

As the war progresses to this day, foreign exchange has been exhausted and military expenditures have been expanding. We have even less money. It seems that the only option in the country is to follow the military to fight all the way.

But I don't think so.

We should upgrade the industry and create a new path. "

"Industrial upgrade?" The turn was so fast that Hirohito was a little confused.

"Yes." Zhou Qinghe nodded: "Our current domestic dilemma is that as a large industrialized country, we have no raw materials, so that the domestic economy cannot rise and has fallen into a bottleneck period. This has triggered turmoil in the domestic situation.

The purpose of attacking China is also to obtain resources.

Then let’s open another path, medicine.

At present, the bacterial troops in Manchuria are studying how to make people die, how to make people die faster and in greater numbers, so we, in turn, change the direction and study how to make people live longer and healthier.

For example, if Prime Minister Lu's lungs are not good, we can work out a way to replace him with young and healthy lungs. If a person's liver is not good, we can give him a young and healthy liver.

We can develop a replacement plan for all organs in the body that can be replaced.

In the field of medicine, as long as we can be the best in the world, rich and powerful people all over the world will have needs in this area.

Comparing it to the infamy of the Bacteriological Corps in Manchuria, what we will gain is a steady stream of foreign exchange. Foreigners come to us for medical treatment, and doctors make money based on their skills. Foreigners want our experience, and we export equipment to make money.

The Bacteria Army is a bad name now, but it will be a good name in the future.

As for the Chinese battlefield, we continue to fight. This is one way. In medicine, we open another way. This is the retreat.

They spend money and we make money. Even if they fail, we still have a way out.

And we have a convenience that other countries don’t have, that is, organ sources, colonies. Aren’t these all free organs?

A liver costs 10,000 US dollars, an arm costs 5,000 US dollars, and a heart costs 100,000 US dollars. Once the industrial upgrade is successful, rich people all over the world will have to beg Japan and the Emperor to give them a chance to live.

What sanctions? Some people will speak for us.

Let me give you an analogy. If I were a doctor in the United States and could treat your spine, I would charge you one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand. Would that be expensive?
Are you willing to pay one million?
By then, even if the industrial production capacity is not enough, the industrial chain of photomedicine will be enough for us to eat.

Just say that tuberculosis has hundreds of millions of patients around the world, with hundreds of thousands or millions more patients every year. If the bacterial army is to develop medicines, one medicine will cost 10 yen, and 20 medicines will last a course of treatment. This is two billion in revenue.

If it is not cured, it will not die just by taking medicine. If we control the pace of recovery, it will become an income of 2 billion every year.

The research and development of five drugs, worth 10 billion, and the research and development of ten drugs, worth 20 billion, equal our national fiscal revenue. This is the real harvest of the world.

A bunch of top chemistry students and top medicine students are spending time in Manchuria. Do you think it is a waste?
And speaking of benefits, His Majesty the Emperor, everyone will get sick. I think this is the most direct benefit to you. You are the first beneficiary of all the medical advances that have been researched. All organs can be replaced. Long live the Emperor. "

There is no emperor in the world who refuses longevity. Since Hirohito and his family all marry incest to retain power, Zhou Qinghe is sure that this can definitely be done.

The principle of a sycophant is that what you do at the moment will benefit your majesty without any harm. You must be loyal and share your majesty's worries.

I have to say that Hirohito was very happy to hear it, especially the sentence "People in Britain and the United States have to come and beg you to give them a chance to live."

And the words "long live the emperor" made this matter reach an imperative level.

This is definitely a good thing. They exchanged a useless top student from the bacteriology unit for a group of top medical students who are proficient in human bacteriology.

Under the leadership of Fujita Kazuki, Hirohito felt that this matter had great potential.

"Industrial upgrading, what exactly do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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