The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 289 Acquisition

Chapter 289 Acquisition
Drawing a big pie is something that once a person reaches the right position, it will be easy for him to do it.

The pie that Zhou Qinghe painted for Hirohito was fragrant and sweet.

The pharmaceutical industry and the organ transplant industry are a blue ocean with wonderful prospects.

Although Hirohito doesn't understand medicine, he still understands simple things like selling organs for money. He can make money, and he can make a lot of money.

Of course, the most critical reason is that the person who said this is Fujita Kazuki. With the endorsement of this number one person in surgery, this matter is worth trying no matter how you think about it.

If it was anyone else, Hirohito wouldn't be interested at all.

If you can succeed, why didn't you succeed earlier?
Fujita is different from Kiyoshi. He has always been successful. He didn't do it before just because he didn't have time and only focused on studying the heart. Now he takes the time to study the hand and the hand is cured. If he takes the time to study the back, the back is cured.

As a person who had personally experienced both events, Hirohito had great trust in Fujita Kazuki in terms of medicine.

If medicine can really achieve something, it will be an absolute weapon for improving the country's image.

So the Japanese people can only suffer a little longer.

Although the base camp is far away from here, he still knows the news about Koizumi Jiuhiko's accident.

The round mechanism of soil and fertilizer.

After a long night of tossing.

I wanted to contact the former high-ranking officials of the Military Medical Bureau to find connections, and found out that what it means to be an emperor and a courtier, the high-ranking officials actually went to prison to enjoy their lives.

They were traveling in a limousine equipped with armor plates driven by a dedicated driver, and they were staying in a large mansion in HEB City that had been taken over from the Soviets.

"Baga." Shiro Ishii cursed angrily, thought for a moment, and then went to find Lieutenant General Doi Madoka.

He wanted to go to the military medical school to find connections, but everyone avoided him, and no one dared to help him, Koizumi Kuhiko's confidant.

Shiro Ishii was sent to Japan with a dark face as he kept cursing in his heart.

If you're not greedy, that doesn't make sense.
If you ask him to return to the headquarters to report on his work, isn't that asking him to die?
Ishii Shiro felt that he could not sit still and wait for death, and he had to take action on this matter.

Along his journey, Koizumi Jiuhiko can be said to be the most important noble person in his life and his most important supporter.

Bamboo Machine is very busy, just get on your way quickly.

"It's over."

My heart felt cold. I couldn't even see the director's face, even though he was such a dignified commander.

When he arrived in Japan, no one was monitoring him anymore. He could move freely and he continued to move.

The Military Medical Bureau was cleaned very thoroughly.

"The Dongxiang Army's research on bacteria is at a critical stage and is about to make a big breakthrough. Due to confidentiality reasons, each squadron focuses on its own affairs and needs him as the general person in charge to be responsible for integration negotiations, so we cannot do without it for the time being. I hope this matter will be postponed. "

Military Medical Bureau.

Moreover, he is indeed low on energy. At present, he needs to redeem his defeat. As for the agents, the war is actually so destructive that there is no chance to perform at all.

I really can't think of any reason to help.

But now that the Military Medical Bureau is in the hands of Zhou Qinghe, the time of Shiro Ishii's death is just a matter of whether the process is straighter or more curved.

The base camp replied: "You should directly communicate with the Military Medical Bureau for this kind of matter. It's too professional and we don't understand."

Madoka Doi felt deeply that the feces on his butt had not been wiped clean yet. Fujita Kazuki was reorganizing the military medical bureau, and he had no business meddling in such nosy matters at this time.

On the contrary, it is the stalemate stage that better reflects the importance of intelligence.

Pingfang District, HEB City, is the headquarters of the Kwantung Army’s epidemic prevention squad, which is publicly known as the Dongxiang Army.

The germ force in Northeast China cannot be said to be useless. At least poison gas bombs are indeed useful. As a Japanese, Fujita Kazuki has no reason to rashly destroy this force.

After Zhou Qinghe returned, he directly sent a telegram to the Kwantung Army headquarters: "All research in the water supply unit is suspended, and Colonel Shiro Ishii is ordered to return to the headquarters as soon as possible to report on his duties."

Externally, it is claimed to be confidential. After all, human organ transplantation is a matter of shady nature.

With the money printing press turned on and the budget increased by 100 million, Fujita and Kiyoshi wanted to build large-scale research institutions to overcome various medical difficulties.

People should be careful about their backhand. If the provincial Shiro Ishii went to join the Soviet Union, then the whole thing would be serious.

In the war against the Soviet Union, his poison gas bombs and bacterial bombs also caused certain casualties to the Soviet frontline troops. For this, he was awarded a medal. For the sake of His Majesty the Emperor, the headquarters should protect him. One guarantee him.

He wanted to go to the Army Ministry to find connections. There have been many changes in the Army Ministry in recent years, and he also had connections with Mao.

Now that Koizumi Kuhiko is gone, he has been wondering these days whether the liquidation of the headquarters will happen to him. After all, Koizumi Kuhiko's crime is corruption.

When Shiro Ishii received the call from the Kwantung Army headquarters, his whole body was as stiff as if he was electrified.

In the section chief's office, Zhou Qinghe met with Shiro Ishii.

He immediately drove to the Kwantung Army headquarters and personally submitted a letter to the General Staff Headquarters.

The two of them have been in Manchuria for so long, and they still have some friendship. The head of the agency, Doi Yuan, has many connections, and I hope he can help me put in some good words to the headquarters.

"Ishii-kun, I just asked you to go back and report on your duties. Why are you so worried? Just go back and it will be fine."

The next day, I went to see the Director of the Military Medical Bureau and was told to go directly to the Medical Department and find Section Chief Fujita.

And he himself receives more than 10 million yen in annual funding. The funding of a great sauna is higher than that of a general-level division commander.

He raises a wife and seven children. After work, he drinks, eats meat and goes to geisha houses. He lives a more luxurious life than he does.
This is the headquarters of the Bamboo Organization. Madoka Doi knows this information clearly, and Madoka Doi can also predict what will happen to Shiro Ishii after he returns.

After sending the telegram, Ishii Shiro was still a little confident. Although the backer of the Military Medical Bureau was gone, he was a hero. In various critical battles, the poison gas bomb he invented played a big role.

"Are you Shiro Ishii? When did you arrive?"

"Yesterday." Ishii Shiro didn't dare to sit down.

Zhou Qinghe nodded slightly, crossed his legs and leaned back, "I heard that you met a lot of people yesterday."

Shiro Ishii's mouth twitched slightly in embarrassment, "I met some friends."

"How much money were you greedy for?"


"Let me ask you how much money you have embezzled in Manchuria over the years?" Zhou Qinghe crossed his fingers on his lap and said in a calm tone, "Let me check it or you can tell it yourself."

The aura made Ishii Shiro uncomfortable, and the question became even more difficult to answer. He was very entangled in his heart before spitting out: "50."

"Two million!" Zhou Qinghe raised his voice and interrupted: "Don't waste time with me. You can borrow or rob me for a month. Give me the money and I will help you suppress this matter.

Let me tell you clearly. There are many people in the medical bureau who know about your affairs, and I also have a lot of information in my hand. Considering that you can still contribute to the country, as long as in the next mission, you If results are achieved, the account will be written off.

Even 200 million, I can use it as a bonus and reward you openly. "

Ishii Shiro closed his eyes and felt completely relieved. Although 200 million was a bit more, he didn't even know if there was 200 million. After all, everything that could be reimbursed was reimbursed through the public account.

But as long as you don't go to jail, even if you don't have 200 million, you can give it to me. It's an opportunity anyway.

"Chief Fujita, please tell me clearly, what is the mission?"


Zhou Qinghe raised his body, picked up a file on the table and handed it over: "The senior management has decided that the Military Medical Bureau should undertake the research and development of some drugs and some follow-up research on organ transplantation. You are an expert in this field, and this is also The reason why I protect you.”

"Drug research and development?" Ishii Shiro frowned and took the file and looked through it in confusion.

This is obviously beyond his expectation. It is boring to develop these things. How much help gas bombs and bacterial bombs have in war? Films and films of people die, depriving people of the joy of life is like the hand of God coming. This should be vigorous research. things.

But he chose to shut up, looked at the file, and saw the first item, "Tuberculosis?"

Zhou Qinghe hummed: "You people know how to waste military expenditures in Manchuria. Why haven't you even developed a drug to treat tuberculosis in so many years?"

The corner of Shiro Ishii's mouth twitched. How could drug research and development be so easy?

Fujita Kazuki is a doctor, how could he not understand such a simple truth?
"It's because we didn't work hard enough." Shiro Ishii lowered his head.

Zhou Qinghe sighed: "I read the information. Koizumi Jiuyan left a large area in the back hill of the Military Medical University for you to do bacterial experiments. The place should still be that place. You call the people from Manchuria back. Three months Within, I want to see results.”

"Three months?" Ishii Shiro shouted with his eyes widened, and he immediately became anxious: "Director Fujita, drug research and development is not that easy. How can it be done in three months?"

"That's your business." Zhou Qinghe nodded on the table and looked at him intently: "Either you can produce results in the military hospital for three months and come and go freely, or you can go to prison and study slowly for the rest of your life. You can do it yourself." select."

"I will definitely work hard."

"Very well, go ahead and hurry up. If you need anything, write a list to me. Also, if you have medical talents and medical talents, I will get it done for you."

Shiro Ishii felt a sense of urgency. He paused and prepared to exit. He took two steps and then turned back: "Will the research on Manchuria continue?"

"It's none of your business, I'll send someone to take over."


"By the way, how many more people are you imprisoned there?"

"More than two hundred and seventy."

"Well, wait a minute."

Zhou Qinghe picked up the phone and called in a military medical disciple transferred from Shanghai.

People detained by the germ force cannot be released. The Japanese army can only massacre and silence them all even if the force is disbanded. But good luck to them.

"Teacher." The disciple paused.

"There is a task for you. There is a Dongxiang unit over in Manchuria. They used to be responsible for germ warfare. They still have more than 270 Chinese people."

"There are also Russians, British, and Americans." Shiro Ishii added.

Zhou Qinghe glanced at him sideways. He was very courageous. He turned back and continued: "You heard it, nationality is quite complicated. I only ask you to do one thing. Next we will have research on organ transplantation, and they are the first." Batch test subjects.

You are responsible for taking good care of them. Let the nutritionist customize the daily diet. The body must be well nourished. I must eat polished rice and grains. I must keep up with vegetables and meat, and the nutrition must be balanced.

In addition, don’t just eat without working. Reasonable exercise is good for the body. Open up a piece of land and let them work for three or four hours a day, such as growing grains, turning over the soil, etc. If the weather is bad, go for indoor exercise. Look at the arrangements. "

"Hi." The disciple paused.

At this time, Shiro Ishii suggested, "Chief Fujita, this is quite troublesome. In fact, just kill these people directly. Can't we just arrest them when needed?"

"Do you understand? Do you know why I raise them?" Zhou Qinghe looked at him: "I heard that you have performed organ transplantation, was it successful?"


"Have you ever thought about the reason for failure?"

"I don't know yet, I doubt it."

"Then don't speak much from now on. You have little knowledge of medical knowledge. You think the same organs can be spliced ​​together. I have seen your previous experimental reports. They are no different from the lucky orangutans. Your technical level is even better than that of the carpenters in Shanghai." No, at least they still have mortise-and-tenon structure in their work, and you just have to rely on luck. "

Shiro Ishii looked very ugly. After all, he was a doctor and a military doctor, but he was said to be ignorant and worse than a carpenter.

The disciple glanced sideways at this idiot and curled up his mouth. What kind of idiot dared to question the teacher's opinion on medical skills? It was really an eye-opener.

"Everyone is numbered. From the day you arrive, everyone must keep detailed physical records, work and rest records, food and drink records, including illness records. These are precious samples. You have to keep them for me."


"You and Colonel Ishii hand over the matter and then set off."

Zhou Qinghe waved his hand, indicating that they could go out.

Rescue this group of people, this is the maximum that can be done at present.

Apart from going to jail and having blood drawn regularly, life is actually pretty okay.

As for Shiro Ishii, he is a scapegoat. If he is arrested for corruption, the result will be nothing more than jailing. As the war progresses and Japan goes crazy, this person may even be released for meritorious service, which cannot reach the level of Zhou Qinghe. Require.

If you take the blame and let the Japanese Emperor's iron fist kill you, you will die a happier death.

As for the reason, of course it had to do with money. His Majesty the Emperor spent so much money and just when he was about to get results, he actually defected. Zhou Qinghe couldn't imagine how angry His Majesty the Emperor would be when he knew about this.

As for now, Zhou Qinghe has to start wiping his ass for something that hasn't happened yet.

Fujita Kazuki's feathers cannot be dirty, and the results must be obtained.

Coming home from get off work, Yasuda Manor.

Kenichi Yasuda took out a stack of information: "Well, this is the information on domestic pharmaceutical companies that the Ministry of Health and Welfare asked for. According to your request, the company is all Japanese and there is no foreign investment."

"After all, pharmaceutical secrets are involved, so you should be careful." Zhou Qinghe took it with a smile and began to read through it.

Pharmacy is not his strong point, but any medical student who has studied for a few years and has read some drug instructions will know that the molecular structure of the drug instructions is the core secret for the development of a drug.

As a surgeon, Zhou Qinghe didn't remember many chemical formulas of medicines. He basically remembered the chemical formulas and structures of common medicines.

For example, the molecular formula of morphine is C17H19NO3.

It is as skillful as ordinary people remembering that H2O is water.

But knowing the molecular structure is one thing, making edible medicines is another thing, and knowing what this C17H19NO3 thing called morphine is used for is a third thing.

Zhou Qinghe knew the former and the latter. What he needed now was to get the middle process done.

The first is the raw materials. Many of the raw materials for pharmaceuticals are controlled substances that can be made into poisons and explosives. They are not available to ordinary people. It is not a problem for Zhou Qinghe. It can be solved.

The second is related knowledge of instrumentation and synthesis. This aspect is why Zhou Qinghe needs a ready-made pharmaceutical company.

This requires a large number of top chemistry students to spend unlimited money on trial and error, convert raw materials into APIs, and then use equipment to analyze whether the APIs are the ones Zhou Qinghe needs.

Then the raw materials need to be made into tablets or capsules that humans can eat. Only then can the basic process be barely completed.

Then you have to test the drug, track and record the release curve of the drug in the human body, etc.
Developing a drug is very complicated, but in other words, as long as you know the first step, which is the molecular formula, and use the unlimited power, the drug will definitely be produced.

For Zhou Qinghe, that was enough.

So we need money, a lot of money, and Hirohito is a good donor.

It is also a good way out for Japan's top students to work as cows and horses for him.

It is actually not feasible to do this in China. It lacks front-line precision instruments and has insufficient experience in chemical pharmaceuticals. Of course, the main reason is the war.

With one bombardment, years of hard work were ruined.

Give back and use Japanese money to do your own things. In fact, it is the same. Southeast Asia can prosper together.

"This is it."

Zhou Qinghe picked out a company from a bunch of companies and handed it over.

It doesn't matter what the name is, it will be called Fujita Pharmaceutical in the end anyway.

"This company is very young, and looking at the age distribution of their employees, they seem to be relatively young. They just graduated from the school with a Ph.D., right?" Kenichi Yasuda wondered why Fujita and Kiyoshi chose such a company.

Zhou Qinghe smiled slightly: "I like those who graduated from college, they are cheap and easy to use."

Turning some top students into mechanical beasts and horses, does this count as curbing the creativity of Japan's next generation?

"Then their research and development capabilities are not strong?"

"It doesn't matter, just have me. If they are useful, what do they need me for?"

Kenichi Yasuda was amazed when he heard this. He really admired Kazuki Fujita's confidence. After all, pharmacy and surgery are extremely professional fields with a huge span.

However, his son-in-law is confident but never arrogant. He, the father-in-law, has no reason not to support him.

"I'll buy it right away."

Kenichi Yasuda took the lead in using his money-making ability to directly buy the company.

This company has to spend its own money, and then let the Medical Bureau's military expenditures buy part of the shares. In this way, Hirohito's money will also go to Fujita Kazuki's account.

It's not easy to make some money.

In three days, the negotiations were concluded, and Kazuo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was renamed Fujita Pharmaceutical.

The Japanese are actually very strong in chemical research and development. For example, the famous methamphetamine was synthesized by Japanese chemists.

This drug is currently being used secretly by the military for soldiers. During a tough battle, if they take a pill of methamphetamine and shout "Long Live the Emperor," the soldier will rush forward bravely, without fear of life or death.

Zhou Qinghe hoped that the workers in this new company would work harder and develop more medicines for him, just like taking medicine.

These will be his wealth from now on.

To this end, he is going to a new company to inject chicken blood into his college students.

Fujita Pharmaceutical is a young company with an ambitious boss who is trying to carve out a niche in the pharmaceutical industry.

So I recruited many top students in medical chemistry and prepared to give it a try.

Who would have known that wars had begun at home and abroad, the economy was in recession, and capital links were on the verge of breaking.

The security guards at the door have been summoned to the front line by the recruitment department. Who knows when the top students he has worked so hard to train for several years will follow suit and become consumables on the battlefield, never to return.

My heart aches.

So when a company comes forward and is willing to pay some money to acquire his company, the hard fight turns into a defensive wave.

At least I can still save some money.

I was very happy when I sold it, even if it was sold at a discount, it was finally sold.

But when he learned that the boss behind the takeover was Kazuki Fujita.
People are numb.

Crying and dying to buy back some shares, even a few points.

Sorry, it's sold out.

However, unlike the boss's special sadness, when the employees were still immersed in the hesitation of changing bosses and not knowing what the future would be like, they suddenly learned that the person who bought the company was actually the famous first surgeon, Fujita Kazuki.

The company is buzzing!
And when the front desk received a call saying that Fujita Kazuki was coming to the company to give a speech.

The noise in the company was so loud that people in the company next door thought that the company's laboratory was experiencing an explosion?

"How about moving?" The boss of the company next door always felt that living next to a chemical laboratory was not that safe.

(End of this chapter)

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